Where would you rather live?

Where would you rather live?

Attached: EU-USA-8.jpg (849x566, 106.03K)

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I'd much rather live in Mississippi than in my disgusting dead shithole of a "country" with no future.

Does that flag imply EU countries or just Europe in general? Because if the latter I pick Switzerland


OP here. I am baiting and expect at least 50 replies to this thread

Swizterland or Luxenburg

new england or cascadia shits on anything europe has to offer

The only countries better than the USA in Europe (Switzerland, Norway) are not in the EU and will never be part of the EU because of you Eastern Europeans.

Literally all Western European countries are better for average guy than USA, unless you're an idiot who thinks just having a bit higher wage is the only thing that matters.
Some US states are obviously okay but we're talking about US as whole.


isle of man

Home. I'd be scared of spraining an ankle and going bankrupt or being shot by a police officer/thug/coursemate/political radical

>where would you rather live?
I don't want to live.

Honestly depends on the City/State/Country.
I'd rather live anywhere in the U.S. over say Romania (no offense Romanians) but Id rather live in Munich or Vienna than Gary Indiana.

You've confused average with poor. Which is true, being poor in Western Europe is better than being poor here (though they are probably still better off than Yas Forums thinks).

I did not.

US since I live here, im sure europe is nice but there is no reason for me to live

i dont fit on a flag smallbone

it can always be worse bro

>colonised by EU in 1994
>never be part of EU
pick one faggot

Attached: 1582410423241.jpg (660x330, 83.57K)

>Where would you rather live?
in Serbia

both are suck

Hey OP, I shall be one of your (at least) 50 replies.
I am fine where I am, I'll just stay here.

>question: do you want to get rid of universal healthcare and live in a more dangerous country.

1. Switzerland
2. USA
3. Germany
4. Netherlands
5. Italy

I wouldn't live anywhere else


Attached: Germany vs USA.jpg (534x488, 122.09K)

>Where would you rather live?
America obviously. Everyone should go to America. It's a great country. Europe and the EU are horrible. Don't come here.

Us if high income. Eu if not.

to move to? the us. but if you're asking which i'd rather be born in, i'd say a small european country

Ooo where's the template for that?



Then you are dumber than I thought.

Oh know people on a large country with larger houses use more electricity and oil. They must have horrible lives. Third world shitholes also use less electricity and oil, it's not a good indicator of equity of life.

And i guess the rest is just >lol niggers, right?

Literally none of those matters except free time and money.

America easily
At least for work, they have much less restrictions, here you can't do shit without being taxed to death, going through endless administrative processes, there's no social mobility, and the wages aren't even that good
also, the average american is low iq and ugly so for an average european it's very easy to succeed in the us

what are even the advantages of living here ?
>muh French healthcare
a completely unsustainable system (in large part due to mass immigration of people with no hygiene from countries full of diseases that completely clog up the hospitals, as well as a ton of boomers who want the "youth", in its already terrible state, to pay for millions of $$ of chemotherapies ...), that often refunds like ~60% of the bill anyways, that is often very inefficient with random underqualified romanian doctors
>muh French education
a fucking joke unless you're in the top 10% anyways, nobody wants to be a teacher, even outside of the ghetto nigger schools the level is trash and teachers are stupid
at least in america private education is more developped and easier to access
and let's not even talk about universities
>muh "quality of life"
like what ? smaller appartments ? more taxes ? one day out of two you can't use cars with odd number plates because of "the environment" ? music that is even more trash than american music ? no freedom of expression and no guns ?
no fuck you, of course life is better in usa

Never mind, I found it.

Let's see
>us advantages
high wages
everything else
Yeah no thanks

>one day out of two you can't use cars with odd number plates because of "the environment" ?

95% of the red is spics and spooks

Imagine living in a country without proper healthcare and no basic employee rights, yikes

If rich, the USA. If poor or middle-class, the EU. Being poor in the USA sounds like absolute suffering.

But if you are in the 1% who make very good money you get everything as well

they have trouble enforcing it and that's not implemented everywhere but yes, there's a system here where one day out of two you can only use cars with odd/even number plates, otherwise you get fined
i used not to care, or like ecology until i saw what it was like in action, it's just another way for the government to tax us even more and impose more restrictions like lower speed limits, put radars everywhere, tax the gasoline, right now they're wanting to tax flying as far as i know ?
next up they'll probably tax things like meat and dairy until it's affordable only for the rich hipster ecologist faggots who use a bike everywhere and eat vegan

If I wanted to work hard and raise a family USA, if I wanted to mooch off the gibs and have zero responsibilities europe

I like things here so I have no plan to immigrate to so far.

But if I should choose, this is what I think. Throughout history the direction of immigration has been Europe -> US and not US -> Europe.
There you go. The choice is more obvious for an asian person like myself.

*to anywhere

the best places in both could be nice for a year or two but i know i would eventually hate it pretty hard and i would need a better job than i have now. worst part would be the lack of nature close by and if there is something then its private land and you cant even take a causal walk across it

USA as I like the northeast, midwest, pnw, and some other states like virginia more than most of the EU. I think UK, ireland, and med countries would be comfy, but too foreign for me

Finland, Switzerland or Austria.
But I'll be honest, I'd love to fuck American girls from the Pacific states.

Rich > US
Low and middle class > EU


no longer...

EU any day.

>raising a family in a country where you have basically zero free time

Might aswell write cuck on your forehead because that is what is going to happen if you are never there for the family. Also higher wages arent worth the health risk if your entire family depends on you.

To name a few examples:
Bulgaria < Arkansas < Czechia < Massachusetts < Germany

In other words: it depends.

>raise a family

Attached: 1572362248771.png (1264x1662, 220.99K)

Holy shit, do they really?

Germany looks worse than it really is. Maternity leave is less of an issue since our tax Structure encourages women to stay home.

Not a problem if you work at a job better than McDonalds.

Your vacation time/paternity leave time is shit no matter where you look at it compared to us

still fucked up marriage/divorce laws. even having alimony as a thing today makes all american males cucked.

>be American
>raise a kid
>he gets shot at school
>you get shot at work

Attached: 1574015704114.png (364x322, 14.34K)

>your wife has to pay the $50000 hospital bill and all your leftover college debt of $100000

Attached: 1576814368550.jpg (1111x597, 379.29K)

>Legally mandated leave after child birth is what people actually have
>Leave after birth translates to ease in raising a child
>Large leave times isn't to encourage countries with low birthrates to have kids

Sure thing.

Spain all the way
America still has potential to have soul but they just love money too much

>even having alimony as a thing today makes all american males cucked.
Varies based on state and even then there are pre-nups and judge's discretion. Once again install U.S. states have the same laws.

come home bro

What point are you even trying to make? It's not helping obviously since many of those countries still have abysmal birth rates.

Good take your cousins and go. Theyll even give you citizenship unlike the other Latin Americans.

Many countries started mandating generous maternity/paternity leaves to encourage people to have kids (though it apparently didn't work). Many Americans do have a paid leave and laws vary based on states and municipalities. How easy it is to raise a kid in a place has little to do with paid leave so the better question was what was his point in posting that as a response to the leaf.

25 days of vacation and 12 holidays. And I probably make 5x more than you.

> be american
> have no vacation time
> if your employer does let you have vacation time, it's unpaid AND shared with sick leave
How do globos even live with this