What it’s like to live in Brazil?
What it’s like to live in Brazil?
If you are Jair Bolsonaro it's great, if not, it's awful
It sucks ass. It's full of loud, extroverted, dumbfuck, materialistic, *brazilians*.
Also, constant heat and mosquitos.
The weather is very good here in Rio de Janeiro - RJ, near the Maracanã stadium. There are a lot of good looking women. It's not pretty safe, so it's like and adventure. If you're poor, you're fucked. Because or you'll have to pay to Bolsonaro's militias or you'll have to pay to drug dealers.
Jesus fucking christ! I watch beheading videos and shit worse than this… but holy fuck that is some fucking sick shit. Just twisting and ripping apart that guy’s heart with his bare hands. Fucking brutality level 100… Like some real life Mortal Kombat shit.
If there was a Hell, I’d imagine it’d be something like this… Demons carving into your torso, reaching their filthy hands in twisting up your internal organs and ripping them out.
This one definitely turned my stomach a little bit.
I just stay home all day shitposting and editing videos for a living, thankfully I don't live in the negro and hot parts.
How much do you make user?
Nothing works, no one is trustworthy, weather sucks, jobs are hard to get and pay like shit, everything is expensive, crime everywhere and when there's less crime in the street it's because one crime syndicate eradicated the competition, everyone is ugly, everyone is dumb, culture is so shallow it might as well not exist, music sounds awful, cities are terribly planned, public services are of the lowest possible quality, corruption is so widespread that bribes are a normal expected thing in many businesses, most places are unsightly because of tasteless architecture, essentially there is no past, present or future.
Oh but pão de queijo is pretty good.
I love editing, the idea of creating your own content from somebody else's footage is exactly what I think the internet was invented for
>I'm a virgin in Brazil: the post
>I'm a virgin in Brazil complaining about virgins in Brazil in a Xavante mudhouse engineering discussion forum: the post
what a cuck lmfaoo
quite comfy because I live in the SOVTH
I'm paid per video, it's about R$15+ per hour of work depending on how fast I edit it, I just work from home and send files through emails so no commute times and boring workplace politics, it's freelance work though so no benefits.
I have no formal education, I just got the job from contatinhos.
redpill me on Sao Paolo - underrated spot for visitors?
just don't
I want to go to brazil and taste the macaco soup
então onde vc recomanda pra um estrangeiro?
why not?
Jurerê Internacional.
It's a horrible city, horrible people, violent. Come to south 1000x better
a dimension of pure chaos, pure terror
It's a shithole. More than 90% of murdering videos are from Brazil
You are probably confusing us with mexico.
how's the weather in Mexico?
Seems kinda hot but I'm not familiar with mexico weather.
Seething s*listas
If you are poor you know everything is shit, but you don't care. You just want to party whenever you can and enjoy the small things.
If you have money you can pay to avoid most of the trouble and appreciate what is good in Brazil without giving a fuck about the problems around you.
Now if you are like most people posting here, low/middle class, not very poor, but also without much money to spare. You live like a miserable fuck complaining like most brazilians do on Yas Forums. The worst kind of people.
you ever played pubg
They have dirty ass language and I love it
Smart brazilians pretending that brazil is shit so they keep it to themselves
Have you ever been here?
Don't give a shit about this snow macaco. São Paulo is the safest state of Brazil.
The south is full of leftists and homossexual retards.
>São Paulo
Despite the criminals and the corrupt government? It's great. It's warm, the food is great, lots of sexy women of all colors.
I don't know if I'm naive, optimistic or I'm just not a self-hating cuck.
It's a falseflagging nordestino, only they think denying crime statistics is a good argument/bant.
>dude just take a look at those STATISTICS, my dick gets hard just thinking about it
There he is.
Nice reading comprehension, macaco burro.
Also, cope harder, gay aids-driven snownigger.
nope, but im not a Yas Forums retard
Perfect place for a footfag, I went to Sao Paolo during summer and the amount of women just knocking their flip-flops off and putting their bare feet up on stuff made me diamonds
" What it’s like to live in Brazil?
" Two answers : If you're poor > Really, really bad. Have in mind that : be poor in europe or U.S is a thing, bad but not so much. Now be poor in Brazil is REALLY bad.
If you're rich : Not so bad, cool in some places.
Brazil has the potencial to be the greatest country in the world (no joke), we have basically ALL natural resources. Imagine if Germany were like Brazil in the resources and size, Hitler basically would have won the war.
But why Brazil is poor and a third world country ? Simple anwer > Jews and masons happened.
French people seem to like it here, and in fact I have some Occitan blood myself. Pretty much the only foreigners that I have ever met and that could speak some decent Portuguese were French too. Any take on why that's a thing?
smelly, sweaty and brown and reeks of ass mixed with bananas
Brazilians shower like twice a day lol.
Like living on a BLACKED.com set
Do you think you smell good after shitting in your pants at wallmart?
Spent the last 5 hours pounding a pussy multiple times in my apartment, I am 26 and have a solid starting career in financial services.
Life is good
Portuguese have huge migrations to France and Rhode Island. Actual communities there where bacalhau is cooking non stop.
Hey man can you hook me up? The beer and weed is on me.
How do foreigners find their woman sexy?
Pretty? sure, but they have no ass, their posture is shit and they have these fake cow-tits a lot of the time.
Because it's better than looking like a fucking ape.
I fucked 2 gingers in my life and both had more ass than the average american woman
Must be horrible living in Roraima.
In the heart of São Paulo you can live rather safely, but the economic problems do have an impact on prices and shit.
do Brazilians actually dislike other Brazilians?
Yes, just like Americans dislike Californians or other states we also dislike certain states depending where we live.
Good for you, user, but ass is more of a Brazilian thing, desu. That's assuming they were actually gingers to begin with.
Not my case, but let's face it, if you live in a big city that's the most common type you'll see.
We hate eachother all the time
I always saw Brazil as a super patriotic place where love of Brazil trumped everything and most people were pretty chill, maybe a few bundas here and there
We hate eachother until a gringo comes hating us, then we pile on him/her.
So yeah