Do people start balding at the ripe age of 26 in your country?
Do people start balding at the ripe age of 26 in your country?
I started at 22. It has been a very slow process for me. I am mow 33 and almost bold.
stop crying like a little bitch and embrace it
get out of my balding thread homo
Yes. My hair is slowly starting to thin and I am 25. A friend of mine already has a bald spot on top of his head. He is tall as fuck though so you cant usually see it.
My fucking hair started thinning at 22. Now Iām 29 and I just shave it.
pffft, amateurs. I started losing hair at 16
Imagine being insecure as a man because a walking bags of meat with a small brains, long hair on their heads, udders and a bleeding axe wound between their legs tell you that signs of masculinity are bad and that you have to be feminine and stupidly emotional like them. Imagine not being proud of being masculine and manly.
share your balding experience or find another thread, we're BALDING here
I started at 17, but was barely noticeable. By 21 it was so bad I decided to shave it all off. I'm 34 now.
*-a (I should re-read my sentences after changing the numerus of nouns)
>stop crying like a little bitch and embrace it
I still have lots of hair at 29 but I'm noticing thinning on the top and a few hairs falling out when I shower or shuffle my hair.
I'm getting really worried
>not taking fin as soon as you see slight thinning
Spoonfeed me on this. What is fin?
Yes, it just isn't fucking fair. I just want to be normal and have friends but everyone hates me because I'm bald. I wish I were dead. There's no future for us bald men. I am an untermensch. I am a fucking subhuman freak. My life is basically over but I just keep living out of inertia.
Pills that make your hair grow back but also make you infertile.
>tfw started balding in my early 20s but in the last 6 months (i'm 27 now) the thinning has gone into overdrive and now there's barely a hair left on the top of my head. i'm not sure why but it was a gradual receding before that and now it's nearly all gone apart from the sides
Like permanently infertile or just for as long as you use it? Also I imagine this isn't over the counter medixation
just get a hair transplant you retards
Just as long as you use them, but when you stop using them you go bald again.
Shitloads of people with fucked up hairlines straight out of the womb here. Also I'm 25 and have the V shape now. If my hair starts thinning I'm done, it's all I have going for myself and the only thing people ever compliment me on
t. Manlet
>taking an infertility pill that happens to stop balding
Your priorities are seriously fucked if you take that shit
started balding at 17. now I rock the fringe haircut to hide my receding hairline, but in a few years I will have to accept it and shave
My dad was completely bald by that age
I had super thick hair until last summer when it all went to shit almost overnight
My hair is kinda average in thicknes now but I'm afraid my hairline started going back
t. 19
I expected a swede or dutch behind this thread
more like 20 fuck my life
Yes, me
Yes, I've been losing my hair since I was 17
>the chad embrace
reminder that it only works if you have a god tier face, jaw, and body
If your face sucks your fucked anyway. Body is on you and jaw most people arent complete jawlets ans even if, beards exist
I started at 18 but immediately got on fin. Still on it. Only downside is I think I have a harder time keeping a boner unless I'm wanking.
I'm 26 and show no signs of balding. Am I in the clear?
lmao, mine started at 16. I embraced it by my mid-20s. I'm a 33 yo boomer now, complete with sunglasses and a shitty beard.
>unironically chemically castrating yourself slowly.
Might aswell go on hrt now faggot.
No. You will go bald eventually. We all do.
I'm 24 and have hair but I would go cue ball bald in a second if I could be tall.
.t 175cm gnome
it doesnt make you infertile, that's made up garbage and hairlet cope, please google it
T. Castration pill salesmen
I'm 25 and my receding hairline is becoming increasingly noticeable by the day
26? I'm 22 and it's very noticeable
That just means you're of a purer Nordic stock, long term hair retention is a nonwhite trait. Be proud of your baldness
Iām almost completely bald at 25
This. Balding young is a very white experience.
>all these hairlets
Why do white people bald so quickly?
i've started going bald a couple years ago (31 now) and my physician said that it's because i used head&shoulders everyday, and that it was supposed to be obvious
fucking idiot how the hell would i know that
Because we are chads
ive a deep widows peek at 24 years of age no balding on top though, my hairline started receeding when i was 17 i thought i would be bald by now but
Sexual dimorphism
I think we have more dht receptors in our hair follicles
I started at 34
>white men be like 'these DHT-molecules are too spicy'
yeah im 22 and pretty much completely bald
started balding at like 16
>hair is thinning
>hemangioma on my head
>pathetic facial hair that needs to be shaved
>possibly a jawlet
oh and my head is larger than usual
its ok user we still appreciate u
imagine being the guy who finds the cure to baldness
you'd be a literal multi billionaire in no time
I know a guy that did one and all the hair died due to a lack of blood vessels in the area.
Arabs like you go bald pretty early too though
What height would you want to change to?