The angry turkroach edition
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>I don't even notice you
But you're replying to him right now
Russians will save us again
Hello how are you guys
I am dying from inside
They ruled over you for a comparable amount of time as well.
Im feeling thank you
Atleast they don't screech and complain about it like a retard
Hope you feel better
Feeling what
Not really, although that's mainly because of geography and our neighbors.
But that's not the point, it's about not being perpetually butthurt. Like it's genuinely pathetic, their collective trauma must be so bad that I almost feel bad for them.
No one mentioned turks until you showed up faggot
We're used to those shitposting retards in this general
I don't hate balkanites
I made that. And if you faggots are not obsessed with us, why are you in this balkan thread?
You don't see us in kurva anyatok or /tr/
kill yourself slon
Do zoomers really?
Aoids definitely have it worst when it comes to the historical PTSD. I waa on reddit yesterday and there was this Armenian guy living in Canada religiously replying to every Turk in Armenian genocide thread. When I checked out his profile 90% of his posts were related to Turks, for months. Talk about trauma lmao. He could’ve enjoy living in first world paradise and smoke quality weed but no he dedicated his life to screech at people who piped his ancestors centuries ago.
reported for microagression
I like how you included the leg instead of the whole body, subliminally reminding yourself your soldiers limbs were separated from their body after the Russians took care of them LMAO
I had an Armenian friend from Canada who was learning Ottoman Turkish to "know the language of the enemy".
I was going to include Greeks too but there is no sea in the picture.
>mfw hate t*Rks
>mfw actually like t*rk posters on Yas Forums
It's a moral dilemma lads
Aren't we all here to shitpost anyway? To let some steam off and have banter and trigger some folx while doing so kek
Why rusophiles look like this?
i just hate all of them tbqh
it's because posters here from all countries are lonely autists looking for semi-aggressive banter
except first-worlders for some reason, they truly are insufferable
i like turkish women
хa-хa, дa, нe знaм щo, гoвopихмe мaлкo в Discord и пocлe cпpe дa ми пишe, мaй лeкo гo oбидих, a и тoй тъpcи twink, нe чe тoй бeшe мoй тип aмa кaквo oт тoвa, пo eднa биpa нe мoжe ли дa пиeм?
To нe e кaзaнo, чe щe cтaвaмe гaджeтa, пък и иcкaх дa мy пoмoгнa щoтo гo видeх кaкъв e sheltered.... дa ce oпpaвя.
Hahahahaha. Pathetic shit. They’re not even perpetually triggered, it’s their natural state of mind. Cue to seething Aoidlet above.
>play rise of nations korea china india vs britain france america
>game is like 2 hours long because every nation is advanced and can produce units instantly
>finally destroy france after 30 minutes of bombing it with stealth jets
>nuke america with 4 ICBM so india can take over razed cities
>produce like 100 infantry units and move towards britain capital
>electricity in my neighbourhood stops working for 30 seconds
>i obviously did not save
fuck russia
i would hate fuck a hot roach woman
Bulgarians don't look like that.
Have sex, incel.
can you please take this to /roach/ general
Me on the right
Or what
Oops, wrong pic.
>Have sex, incel.
i don't know any hot roach women sadly?
>Aoids Aoids Aoids Aoids *screech screech* Aoids Aoids Aoids Aoids *screech screech* Aoids Aoids Aoids Aoids *screech screech* *opens up Instagram to stalk some poor girl*
I doubt you know any woman beside your mother.
i'll tell the jannies to ban you
I’m gonna say the A-word
Aşk ?
Many of them live here and only fuck macedonians, sadly I don't go near insects
I am loving the performance, keep dancing, my many-legged fren
It ends with d
Don’t feel too bad bro. I’m sure there’s positive things about Russia too. Like HIV.
what rule can i report this roach for lads?
off topic spam?
Why are wormenians OBSESSED with us?
Well, that was savage
Are all the turks from Yas Forums suffering from hemorrhoids?
Why would they? Are you a proctologist?
That's deep
It has to do with a country located in Caucasus
Is there an option called “I’m a big pussy and he makes me seethe”?
you have a whole general specifically made for you to post in
go there
the only option for Turks is: ay siktir
Why are Turks always agressive? Just relax lmao.
This shite is spooking me...
I'm not agressive.
I'm surprised you even talked.
just because im shittalking my country for having shit electricity doesnt means that it gives a random subhuman arab musulman turksperm the right to do the same
Will you allow me to do that instead?
Wtf Krasno
look at this dude
My ancestor :)