Soon my country will be the only one left.
How would you each like for me to memorialize your country when it's gone?
Soon my country will be the only one left.
How would you each like for me to memorialize your country when it's gone?
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>How would you each like for me to memorialize your country when it's gone?
Don't, please, if future generations ask just tell them it was american territory.
Tell them we were the ones who created the western world, and also the ones who ended it.
We're fine. Despite being the first country to report cases outside China and our close proximity, new cases are quickly isolated and recoveries are quick.
I dont believe you
any antarcticanons here?
Nobodies dying from a mild flu
thousands of people are dead already
I wonder if it'll spread really bad in the US. Americans don't seem to understand that not taking off your shoes inside the house spreads germs so I'm hopeful.
by preserving Islam
very based. superpower by 2025 desu imo senpai
What's the actual situation like there?
1. Trump eliminated the NSC and DHS global health epidemic teams.
2. CDC’s global health section staff has been reduced by 80%
3. Just this year Trump is proposing another 20% cut to CDC
4. Trump’s ‘Coronavirus Task Force’ hasnt provided updates or new information in weeks. One of its members was on twitter yesterday asking people to provide him a map of the outbreak.
The WH hasnt provided a press briefing in nearly a year.
5. It was reported last week that Trump is ordering staff to not discuss the virus, because such planning may hurt the market and further hurt his reelection chances
6. Trump was on twitter today saying “its all fine” and the CDC is saying “plan for a pandemic”
Most or all of the pandemic collaborative infrastructure, interagency teams, experts who were brought in on past pandemics to facilitate Strategic planning, logistics coordination, response, are gone.
This may be the big one.
And the country may now pay a hefty price for electing this fucking faggot. No worries though, we got a wall being built in the desert with rerouted DHS/Fema/CDC funds and the estate tax theshhold went from $5 mill to $11 mill.
Very few cases due to strict quarantine procedures. So far all new cases were imported.
>The first was an Italian national who visited a private hospital after developing a fever and was later transferred to Chonburi Hospital, while the second was a Thai national who recently returned from Italy. Neither showed any symptoms during the screening process at airports.
>The third confirmed case was a Chinese student who returned from Iran and was awaiting a flight at Suvarnabhumi Airport, while the fourth was a Thai national who also returned from Iran.
I don't want anyone to know this shithole ever existed
The cases/deaths ratio in the US is one of the highest (if not the highest) in the world, which very likely means it's being underreported or they are just not testing enough people.
>Jan 1st
>a few deaths
>Feb 1st
>300 deaths
>Mar 1st
>3000 deaths
>right now
>3400 deaths
Muh nothingburger
Yeah I think they just haven't tested enough people.
Damn I wish I lived in SEA right now.
>4. Trump’s ‘Coronavirus Task Force’ hasnt provided updates or new information in weeks.
Yeah it has. Wtf.
Not saying Trump isn't a retard, but you seem really fired up about Trump for a guy on the other side of the world.
EU isn't testing enough outside of Italy, which inherited their outbreak from Germany. The US death ratio right now is driven by the nursing home hit in Seattle. That said, we aren't testing enough, even now Florida only wants to test people who have severe illness.
>tfw too poor to prep
>tfw too late to find masks and sanitizers
Holy fuck imagine what my extra 3M respirator is gonna sell for a month from now. Bet I can trade for couple months of food.
Just cover your mouth with a paper towel or whatever its fine. Most Asians aren't using N95 they just use whatever the fuck so they people sneezes dont go into their mouth or they dont accidentally put their finger in their mouth.
I bought a pack of 10 N95 at Home Depot way back in February (cost like ~$20) I am saving them for after its already too late.
>That said, we aren't testing enough, even now Florida only wants to test people who have severe illness.
USA testing phase before last few week: "You need to come from China or know a COVID patient to get a test"
Then "W-w-well maybe if you come from Italy or Iran or Korea or China"
Then "W-w-w-well maybe if you are in the hospital and have some kind of mystery pneumonia they cant figure out, then you can get a test"
Then Pence said "just get a doctors note"
And the individual states are flipping out because apparently these tests are labor intensive RT-PCR and every single hypochondriac with a coof is clamoring for one. So Florida just said "nope sorry you still need to be in hospital dying of pneumonia before we give you a test"
Thankfully Florida is hot. Not hot-hot like Thailand but warm like Australia. Everything's fine.
>tfw old NEET virgin with $22 to my name and some ramen and granola bars in a shitty apt building with poor parents in a shit city
i should have killed myself years ago anyway
NEET are gonna make it just make sure you stock up on tendies and keep doing what you've been doing your whole life (staying inside and posting on computer). Labor market will boom after this is over (see black death)
trying to filter viruses with a paper towel is like trying collect rain with a vegetable net
you have no idea how small those things are
You are only trying to stop actual moisture droplets.
If you are afraid of literal virus-tier molecules, even N95 isnt enough to stop them (virus is smaller than N95), but new studies from Singapore show it doesnt stay suspended in the air like Measles does. After a sneeze or coof the moisture droplets hang in the air for a while then fall to the ground with virus inside.
please send me euros
If this true it's kinda reason why it's spread so fast in Western culture. They literally hate and antagonize people wearing mask.
And yet proportionally the US is safer and has had more time with the virus than the Netherlands.
177 for 320 million citizens vs 82 for 17 million citizens.
So what does that say about the Dutch government that's giving it's own unique advice (bullshit) if it's worse than Trump Land?
It spread so fast in Western culture because we have a bad attitude. "It cant happen to us, we are rich and Western and civilized, not like Chinese!" Its like ebola or malaria or any other third worlder disease can't hurt us really. So all the big parties and vacations and plans go on as scheduled, health be damned. Japan I guess is the same.
But yeah there is also an aversion to wearing masks, it looks scary/weird. In Italy in particular there is an aversion to washing hands. They dont want us to use N95 because physicians need those, they are literally working in coof cloud all day and they need that "perfect seal". But I dont know why we can't just put on courtesy masks to stop big coof drops from getting on our mouth/nose and also to prevent us from touching ourselves on the mouth/nose. Can't hurt.
EU (outside Italy) and USA can both be shit. And we are. So is Japan.
Corona virus is USA's revenge for Iran's bombing of our nintendo switch during WWIII (RIP).
It's literally fucking nothing. What a weak pathetic virus.
>only 3000 deaths after 3 months
>meanwhile 100000 died from regular flusame time
i fucking hate reddit and redditors so fucking much. stay there
please don't get my hopes up
Sorry no can do
I can see those attitudes in Yas Forums too. Wonder why it's spread so fast.
Like this guy who say like corona don't kill like flu when it's just bloom for 3 months compared to a thing that exist when best human invention are farming.
Western even have anti-vaccine meme spread around. So the best of luck they can have is the virus themselves weakened and reduce hospitalized and death rate.
>And yet proportionally the US is safer
no it isn't you retard
Youre a pussy and a coward leaf, 0.2% death rate is nothing
Fine but the Netherlands is most shit. They sent 900 students to Northern Italy last weekend and now they want to come back. It's going to be a disaster worse than the Diamond Princess. As says "it can't happen to us" is the prevention strategy and people are coughing everywhere like nothing is happening. China built two new hospitals to care for patients, the Netherlands shut three down because they had patients incubating for days.
Of course it is. They only have about 0.5 cases per million people, the Netherlands has 5 cases per million people. Hubris of the Netherlands is going to be the downfall.
anti-Vaxx attitudes are 100% the attitude of those who have only lived perfectly comfortable lives and have to invent problems like "chemicals bad!!!" to pretend like they are doing something.
It will disappear when they come face to face with death themselves.
and what did you achieve by taking your shoes off outside the house?
Uh you mean 6%, but actually 10%+ when hospitals fill up and can no longer provide care?
They probably last for eternity anyway. Many of them just some kind of NEET or living in sparsely populated areas and share their opinion on the internet. And afraid of someone coming to them with vaccine more than afraid of neighbours that actually have the disease which they don't think it could happen.
Is that as popular as the media makes it seem? I refuse to think any parent would deny their children vaccinations, especially with flu epidemics becoming more frequent. What can be more important than immunizing them against potentially severe illness?
based, redpilled, and high iq
Lol dude, many of them already have children that died of illness and they just oh well and still defend their feeling and opinion more.
Westerner so ill and sick in their mind that their feeling more matter than their childrens.
they wont fuck off and dumb subhuman femoids and hippies fall for their bs on social media
I guess just build a special memorial McDonald's.
Disgusting. I have new found respect for the Turks.
coca cola display
You've been doing good and this whole thing really raised my opinion of Thailand, but if it starts spreading out of control you're going down too.