Europeans, how is World War 1 taught in your education system, both in grade school and uni...

Europeans, how is World War 1 taught in your education system, both in grade school and uni? Which aspects are emphasized or ignored? How much emphasis is placed on the conflict/era overall?

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Germany btfod the russians but lost on the western front.

Just a general teaching of basic events.
>How it started
>Key battles (Loos, Somme, Ypres etc.)
>The use of certain weapons (artillery, gas, machine gun, flamethrower etc.)
My school also went to Ypres and Vimy Ridge for a few days. I remember some Belgian bastard insulting me for speaking English.

Maybe one time during your whole school time for a few weeks. (compared to like 4 times WW2 (read: holohaux), 6 months each time)
60% on the political situation around it, 20% "the trenches were hell on earth", 10% treaty of Versailles, 10% the aftermath (revolutions, Freikorps etc.)

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>60% on the political situation around it
How can that make up 60% of the course? Is it just talking about how evil muh kaiser was?

Honestly I don't remember. These days they probably tell the kids that muhammads saved France and then they move on to the history of some african kingdom.

I don't remember, but it was quite short. Mostly talked about key dates and facts and I remember it being a little dry, everything was just statistics and dates.



Some information why war has started
Gallipolli and Atatürk
Southern front
For some reason Env*r Pasha and his incompetence is not much disscussed
Allied rape
Than goes on to war against w*sToids

Ottomans aren't mentioned, it's very focused on France vs. Germany.

The education system varies a lot by state, though.

Don't blame us that your WW1 history is so shallow.


The Netherlands was neutral.

Belgians tried to flee into our country, but luckily the Germans had put up a deadly electric fence and armed guards.
The British and Americans blocked our ports and harassed our ships.
The Germans and French were busy in some trench wars with newly invented tanks, machine guns and chemical weapons.

WW1 wasn't really a big deal here. If you touched these fancy fences you'd die.

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The Netherlands were pretty nice. Giving Wilhelm amnesty.
We wanted to give Nicholas amnesty, but the King wasn't allowed to give the order because Socialism was arousing to British working class people around the time of the revolution.

The guards would also shoot on all refugees.

Dang that's a shame, was really interested in the French perspective.

Not a lot. We don't get taught much about anything that isn't WW2 (not the actual war but life on the homefront and the holocaust) or the cold war. The only things we studied were
>Industrial revolution (2-4 months)
>Early viking era (1 month)
>Florence Nightingale (2 weeks)
>1066/Early Norman conquest (1 month)
>Tudors with name dropping the War of the Roses (3 months)
>Thomas Beckett (1 day)
>WW1 (3 months)
As for the contents of WW1 studies it entirely revolved around the cause and experience of trench warfare (life in trenches, weapons and an incredibly simplified explanation of tactics)

Just a lot about how all the treaties before worked, how the Kaiser fucked up with Allies etc.
Also the escalation untill the war finally started.
The Kaiser is not even seen as a really bad guy, more stupid than bad or evil.

After WW1 we also feared a socialist / communist revolution. That's why we banned guns after WW1. And gave all people the right to vote, instead of just the rich and educated. Before that we had "No representation without taxation". The exact opposite of the USA.

>more stupid than bad or evil
there is no name pointing in my course, in fact we were told how good Imperial Germany was as a new advancing nation. The war is seen as more as a mistake then a genuine conflict with good and bad sides.

Why because 30% of our course isnt dedicated to self-hate

We got taught about the political clusterfuck that led to the war, some shit on how much trench warfare sucked and then onto Russian revolution and especially Finnish civil war.

One thing I can tell you is that we weren't taught about the 1870 war

">muh trianon"

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This is the first time I heard that there was a war in Europe in 1870.

did nothing wrong to be honest
the Austro Hapsburg story is a pretty sad one to be honest.

As he should anglonigger.

It was a greater loss than 1940 and for us it is one of the root causes of WW1 but for some reason I never heard about it in school

It was a pretty good war, tbqh.

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it's not talked about very much, sweden played no role in it. there's some points on the alliances, on the western front where were nothing really happened except things being horrible with trenchwarfare and the invention of new weapons etc.
it's generally seen in the context of how ww2 played out, ex. ww1 was the first time tanks, u-boats and planes were used on such a large scale, were the versailles-treaty led to the rise of hitler and the communist revolution to soviet russia. ww2 has a much more important role in school: where hitler + holocaust + war in equal parts.

I don't remember much but my assigned history book had this picture.

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You weren't. Most people def do.

Nah it's taught as 'that other weird war' over here. WW2 and it's outcome are multiple chapters while WW1 is a few pages

Clemenceau was so assblasted about it almost 50 years later that it's believed to have shaped his insistence on harshly punishing the Germans.

for you
I doubt it. I asked a bunch of people and they never heard of it at all. And monuments for it are rare.

I could not imagine a more real depiction of hell than the battlefields of WW1.
My great grandfather was in the Royal Machine Gun Corps, I hope the poor fucker left the war unscathed, I never met the man.

From the Supreme Headquarters 12:00 hours, November 4, 1918

The war against Austria-Hungary, which the Italian Army, inferior in number and equipment, began on 24 May 1915 under the leadership of His Majesty and supreme leader the King and conducted with unwavering faith and tenacious bravery without rest for 41 months, is won.

The gigantic battle, which opened on the 24th of last October and in which fifty-one Italian divisions, three British, two French, one Czechoslovak and a US regiment joined against seventy-three Austrian divisions, is over.

The lightning-fast and most audacious advance of the XXIX Army Corps on Trento, blocking the retreat of the enemy armies from Trentino, as they were overwhelmed from the west by the troops of the VII army and from the east by those of the I, VI, and the IV armies, led to the utter collapse of the enemy's front. From the Brenta to the Torre, the fleeing enemy is pushed ever further back by the irresistible onslaught of the XII, VIII, X Armies and of the cavalry divisions.

In the plains, His Royal Highness the Duke of Aosta is advancing at the head of his undefeated III Army, eager to return to the previously successfully conquered positions, which they had never lost.

The Austro-Hungarian Army is vanquished: it suffered terrible losses in the dogged resistance of the early days, and during the pursuit it lost an enormous quantity of materials of every kind as well as almost all its stockpiles and supply depots. The Austro-Hungarian Army has so far left about 300,000 prisoners of war in our hands along with multiple entire officer corps and at least 5,000 pieces of artillery.

The remnants of what was one of the world's most powerful armies are returning in hopelessness and chaos up the valleys from which they had descended with boastful confidence.

Chief of Staff of the Army, General Diaz

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>frontier battle/race to the sea
>marne, sommes, verdun
>chemin des dames, mutiny
>usa, armistice

for the east
>tannenberg, brest-litovsk

my life on the right

Any Russians want to chime in? Eastern front was a huge part of the early-mid war, and Russia played an immense role in that front.

>Europeans, how is World War 1 taught in your education system, both in grade school and uni?
In general pretty well. There is a focus on the Italian front for obvious reasons
>Which aspects are emphasized
How shitty it was for the average soldier and trench warfare in general
I feel like not enough space is left for the geopolitical climate that led to the war and for its consequences on Europe in the long term
>How much emphasis is placed on the conflict/era overall?
More on the conflict than on the era in general, although la belle epoque is studied as well

Submarines were worse.
You're in the freezing cold at all times with frost building on the inside, or by the engines where air tempt is like 130F and you can hardly breathe. Cant waste water showering since the still making potable is saved for drinking, you had to snorkel like every 8 hours by the norwegian sea in in the north atlantic, which is extreme 12-20ft seas at all times it seems so your entire world is constantly warping and shifting from the 30 degree rolls and pitch while you try to charge batteries. Machinery and valves everywhere even in your rack(which you share, another person sleeps there when you're not) and the combat is no adrenaline where you are hardly an actor, only the captain and officer of the deck do anything while you just wait for death from a depth charge or an enemy torpedo, manning battlestations for 12 hours after getting off watch which means you wont sleep for 3 days or more.
At least in a WWI trench you had soil and sky, sunset and sunrise, fresh air above 14% oxygen that didn't stink like diesel and amine, and in a skirmish or actual combat you had control of yourself.

The North atlantic is a submarine graveyard from all the german and british boats that got sunk.

Gf is Russian. She literally refuses to believe they actually lost WW1.

There was a first world war? I've only heard about WW2.

Basically same as , but also with how the life in the trenches was and also the fact that we did a lot of money with it

Technically, if we are to assume the Bolsheviks """allied""" with the Germans, they didn't.

didn't spain take part in the war against Austro Hungary but their army was so badly equipped it gave up?

Do you mean WW1?
We didn't participate

Oh no I'm thinking about the Portugese.
They "fought" the Germans for like a week in Angola.
The African campaign is actually really interesting, the Germans stationed in the German colonies fought guerrilla warfare against the British for years and years.

They had pretty dashing uniforms too.

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We were a neutral nation, so it is barely mentioned. A teacher I had emphasized how Spain (specifically Catalonia) became a prolific weapon's dealer at the time and then suffered a market crash after the end of the war.

They already do. The Senegal forces supposedly saved Paris in 1914

Very little, but we didn't participate
We mostly get taught about in the framework of WWII

The political situation, key battles and treaties of course, which they get more in depth if history is your extended subject. A lot of emphasis gets put on Polish troops fighting on both fronts

Oh and when they talk about colonial troops they forget to mention that they were led by French officers and NCOs

I know. They like to stress that you guys were evil and made them walk barefoot

Also, fun fact, during the liberation parade in 1944, only white frenchmen participated.

For WW1 it was mostly about how the war started and how being a soldier there sucked. Also how the war was pointless and they were mostly sitting in trenches with neither side winning much ground. We went to a museum in Ypres too.

When we got taught about WW2 it was a lot more about the politics of the time.