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just piss on your hands. it's sterile

i have an open door policy of hugging any pom I meet, really give em a squeeze near the cheeks.

seeing that horrific visage has ruined my evening

developed a piss fetish this way


this but i cough directly in their mouth while having coronavirus

dont wash my hands after pooing. have yet to get ill from it.

dont worry senpai

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What the fuck is it doing

if i see 1 more coronavirus post i'll go doopin mental

who is this qt

goes for pikeys too

really show how welcome you all are here by purposefully making you all uncomfortable every step of the way.

some mates are cottoning on and it's fantastic

so lonely
so alone

Does anybody else piss on their own ballsac to clean it?

Pengdon has fallen


who was in the wrong here

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just got called a pommy cunt in coles

no but I do a halfway backwards roll and piss on my own face every morning

undeicded as to whether i should listen to guardian football weekly extra or the indy football podcast on my way home


>casual racism just really isn't a thing in British society, only for a few cringe extremists.

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getting corona tested later today de lads

most viruses infecting humans come from animals and it's only so frequent because we breed animals on an industrial scale for meat.

yet another reason to go vegan

imagine the smellé

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how do they do that then?
also, what if you get tested today but then get infected tomorrow?

Gonna be jokes once it hits the thousands lmao

all me

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* flinches*
-graph! waheyyyy
*slaps 's drink out of his hand*

would rather go extinct than vegan

t. ron swanson aka reddit incarnate

I heard it’s great for youthful looks

want my life to go back to normal
everyone is freaking out and my normal weekly shop is over

the singular french poster is here

what about the HIV?

I do the ol' foreskin balloon whenever I'm taking the darkies to the pool

don’t know, doc told me to head over to the hospital and they’ll take care of it
called her because i had some symptoms not just randomly, don’t like wasting my country’s precious resources on nothing

state of that grimogen


idk possibly I just do it for the sexual thrill

An impressive cock indeed sir! Bravo!


came from meat markets in countries with crap regulation

blacks shagging monkeys then their wives then


ah yes, the ol' meat market
or as I've taken to calling it, Tinder

i bite all my nails except my thumb nails so i can open cans of lager with them


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i could batter this fella

Well chaps?

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ok, going vegan won't make it go away
i know what would and it's not veggies for every meal

didn't know they had hospitals in france
thought that was just a british thing

tell me this job wouldn't be immensely comfy

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Can’t go vegan, would hurt my gains too much

number 1 for me, 9 when im horny

hate this fashion

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5. can't get the ol' 'skin back further


>Guido can’t sit by and watch such a callous act go unpunished, so he has begun conversations with lawyers to explore a private prosecution. Stay tuned…

then the wives whoring themselves with lads from médecins sans frontières and the likes

So an archivist? hope you enjoy repetitive tasks

last row second one down
I am a cutfag

nigging a sucker

>shaped by you
yeah it fucking would be, they were a size 8 when they bought them lmao

From this definition of happiness it follows that its constituent
parts are:-good birth, plenty of friends, good friends, wealth, good
children, plenty of children, a happy old age, also such bodily excellences
as health, beauty, strength, large stature, athletic powers, together
with fame, honour, good luck, and virtue. A man cannot fail to be
completely independent if he possesses these internal and these external
goods; for besides these there are no others to have. (Goods of the
soul and of the body are internal. Good birth, friends, money, and
honour are external.) Further, we think that he should possess resources
and luck, in order to make his life really secure. As we have already
ascertained what happiness in general is, so now let us try to ascertain
what of these parts of it is.

erect or soft?

a 2nd holocaust ?

Or as me, an academic would say, Zoonotic

pissing on my shin to clean de wounds, lads

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reckon I would shag all 3 of them if I was drunk enough

a hivocaust



sounds a bit kafkaesque

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15 but uncut

nice cocky lad
does it get much bigger when hard or are you just a shower rather than a grower?

*surreptitiously turns on ITV1*

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gonna piss on ol boris's mouth to sterilise the bullshit

denim doesnt work that way
I should know after the amount of jeans i have ripped due to my chunky thighs

No. You aren't. Don't be silly.

there's a girl at my work who's tall, dark hair, pretty face and all that and you could tell girls would be jealous, like looks good in a dress on Instagram and that but her arse in jeans man, it's just not the one
looks like when you bring home a helium balloon from a party and you find it 3 days later down the back of the sofa

getting up in 3 hours, better sleep


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Meat eaters who haven’t eaten a vegetable since 2007 love to ask where you get your protein from

don't know what this word means but might start substituting it for other political terms i also do not understand to sound smart

>Girlfriend just accepted a job today
>Earns OVER DOUBLE what I do

It's ogre for me

tried to put on a brave face for mum but I'm slowly succumbing to fear

Next tuesday. Just you wait. Paddyfanny.

Just pissed on my dick lollll

have only ever had my hair cut by women

congrats lad you're now a trophy husband

>girls at toil talking about statues with small penises
>I perk up and look in their direction briefly
>they notice and walk over to me
>"user what do you think?"
>explain how they're not meant to be erect penises and how having erect penises on statues everywhere might be seen as a bit crude
>they all start giggling and walk away

oh no
they think I have a small willy now

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she's gonna take you apron fitting haha

in awe of bears

does anyone else find that they're smarter/more focused when they haven't slept?


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Didn’t you ever FUCK THEM RIGHT IN THE PUSSY hahahahahahaha

what is so awesome about bears to you


bit of an emperor's new clothes word isn't it?

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>girls at toil talking about statues with small penises
>I perk up

ah so i'm just a freak then
still, it makes for a good life hack, albeit an idiosyncratic one

How the fuck can I keep up with a 26 year old on 78k.

Fucked it.

look how far away his the end of his hand is from the centre... it's over bros.


my post of the day, this
you're fucking spot on man, bears are mental
love a bear, me

I see the homework club meeting is in full swing.

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wonder what it's like to have a job
or earn money at all for that matter

should've just talked about how greeks valued small willys like we do big ones no-

oh wait

what she do

theyre gigantic and fear inspiring

Had to do these basic maths questions during this interview and I got some wrong haha

given that you're the kind of pathetic mug who has to humblebrag to internet strangers, I don't reckon you can

you do know simply be is literally marketed at plus size women right? just like jacamo is for really tall/fat guys


the one I went to for most of my life was a lesbian

in a way yes but i suffer in other qualities and feel like absolute shit by the end of the day

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would shag that absolutely munting arse

Is it too late now to say sorrrrryyyy

Reckon the chinky virus will see me off, got asthma and I smoke, doubt my lungs will cope


Is TGI fridays nice lads? I’m thinking about pissing on my dick lol

no the total opposite in fact
I feel stupid and slow if I'm tired

that's the weird thing though, I'm not fat

so am I, are you in awe of me

kek you've done the silly cunt up like a kipper there

Don't worry you won't go alone. It'll wipe about 500k~1m from our population.

she's on the phone to janny ready to give the signal

Need a hammer taken to my testicles.

the chinky virus can pull me off for all i care

finally some good news

keen eye, cackling

looooooooool oh my days

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