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Cant be any worse than the current ones

tool for virtue signalling

came to post this lol

>mfw he opens up the French borders all the way because he wants an Asian waifu and ends up getting nothing but more Muslims and monkeys

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Why do fags and lefties use ill people for their propaganda? its disgusting

>Inb4 he actually implements solid politics

I hate the French.

Royal phenotype

>Emmanuel Macromosome

Politicians are retards anyway...
Also it's probably fake, downies are under guardianship and not independant.

If it's true, then why there isn't more polish politicians in good countries?

Mon dieu...

What the fuck is wrong with French people?

Attached: french people.png (750x542, 146.7K)

True, give it a chance.

this, they already act like they are mentally retarded so may as well use actual retards, this way you'll know if they fuck up it's because they can't do any better and not because they are a bunch of malicious stealing fucks

>sueing employer for boredom
Absolutely BASED

Who is more powerful, French man or Florida man?

Business as usual.

Colombian Man

Attached: colombian people.png (518x545, 327.56K)

Imagine dying from a coconut lmfao

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i dont think youre in position to call anybody ill

"down syndrome" people are just spawn of some demon. Its why they all share the same phenotype. Its the one of their demonic father.


When I lived in Polynesia it was my phobia, I avoided every coconut tree if possible.

They already had down politicians though

>Finns are never successful peopl-

Is it a boy or a girl?

Looks finnish, doesn't she ?

You never know in English but it looks like a girl.

Based finish diaspora

what are her main pota- I mean policies?

it's a woman
also this post makes no sense

>The average IQ of a young adult with Down syndrome is 50, equivalent to the mental ability of an 8- or 9-year-old child
10 year olds are literally more suitable lmao

Looks like Boney was right again.

Attached: Napoleon-Bonaparte-Politics1[1].jpg (300x250, 36.41K)

Based Italian

In the land of ____ the retarded one is king.

He was not even Genoan.

No he was Corsican

She looks like Haaland, holy shit.

This is more accurate but unfortunately the Republic is one and indivisible, he's French.

So this is what French elite looks like

Attached: 14116729852570.jpg (418x604, 72.59K)

>the Republic is one and indivisible

Attached: 1524511796163.jpg (250x250, 11.09K)

Corsica is ethnolinguistically and geographically Italian. Political claims can't change that.

>Political claims
It was a gift, no one wanted it.

And what were you gifted? A political claim.

>retards literally getting better jobs than I do
Why am I rotting away here, I can do things I'm smart!

Same fuck em

The politician we deserve

Jesus Christ. I've worked with downies before, and I've always enjoyed their simple playful nature and kind-heartedness. I firmly believe they should be treated with dignity and respect. However the idea that they can be politicians is a complete and utter nonsense, and makes a mockery of the whole political process.

>makes a mockery of the whole political process
Exactly, it's a message.

Top zozzle

Just like Britanny is ethnolinguistically and geographically celtic. Your point? France was always a nation-state, never an ethnostate.

we had literally kid sultans


Attached: download.jpg (288x175, 9.92K)

Salute to France. No sarcasm. France sticks to the democracy. You are based.

We need a first autistic guy in Congress.

this guy is in our parliament

Attached: C05FBFA3-FA90-4234-8AC0-F74058857241.jpg (960x545, 156.19K)

Someone has to represent the interest of disabled people. So it's not weird he is the member of the parliament.

As long as he's cognitively sound, there's no reason why he shouldn't be in parliament.

French Man, also known by his real name Ivre Virgule