>booming econony, respected, poised to dominate Balkans and ME in a peaceful, productive manner, even Turkish media making a breakthrough

>knee-jerk geopolitics, pariah state, dictatorship, invading countries to help Al-Qaeda, migrant warfare

What went wrong?

Attached: Turkey_Flag_-_1_1166x700.jpg (1165x700, 34.13K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>What went wrong?
Your media probably. Since you're parroting it.

1.erdo went old, and his muslim brotherhood allies collapsed one by one
2.the professionally competent people in the pro-Erdo side were the gülenists, when they had a falling out, the purges made sure that anyone with a brain was left out
3.americans no longer support him the way they used to, so no CIA intel

Damn montenegros media is so powerful it can ruin once thriving nations?!

and the one dude that actually knew about economics was alienated

>Turkey 2019 Press Freedom Index ranking: 157/180
ah yes

Speaking of EUbot media:

Attached: EUbot.png (920x94, 13.96K)

who was that

Everything went downhill after 2013. There is no hope for this shithole

Thats nice dear