And how many languages do you speak r/int?

And how many languages do you speak r/int?

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anglo chads

I believe you 100%

one of these is not like the others


Like 1.5 maybe

Spain is only 1.5 because of Catalans, Basques and Galicians who count their regional language as another language.

It is true though. I could prove it too

Attached: 1558871823452.png (1200x689, 360.65K)

these retarded maps never include Norway :(

Fluently 2, basic level 5.


Attached: 1572627002680.jpg (903x1014, 152.94K)

Norway aint in the EU you dunce

I speak 4 languages. Norwegian, Swedish, Danish and English

That means 2.

Pretty much

>can speak Swedish and Danish
>cant even understand the guy from the next town over

completing a duolingo course doesn't make you speak half a language, retard

Only 2
Scots and English. But I currently study classical Chinese.


A can unnerstaun a wee bit o scots, mair nor maist fowk.

3, but I'm very rusty on my Latin


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so 1 then?


Yeir screivan is weil pitten.
Pree an leir mair fae buiks.

>English with bad spelling


Bullshit the median number of languages spoken in Denmark is 3.
People say they speak German, but all they're capable of is ordering in German restaurants. This does not constitute to being able to speak a language.

Mememasters :DDDDDDD

Very bad Swedish

Ye knock-beitils is eejits.
Gae awa nou!



Do Scandis really?


non-anglos can such a dick

Yes, we can. Keep in mind that our languages are very similar

Tae meikil brise.

2,2(I know a tiny bit of German)

>danish, danish with spelling errors, danish

Attached: 1580324080356.jpg (258x360, 55.17K)

none according to this map

sorry what I meant was,
Do Scandis really consider Norwegian, Swedish and Danish seprate languages?

I can speak english


Attached: maycosdelude.jpg (640x320, 271.63K)

English, Swedish, Finnish

How is Portugal 1? Pretty much everyone under 40 can speak English

2 fluently


>Do Scandis really consider Norwegian, Swedish and Danish seprate languages?
Only retards do. And as this thread shows there is plenty of them.

Yes, because they are different languages so of course


Danish is most definitely not the same language as Swedish. As for Norwegian and Swedish, you could consider them dialects.

Written Norwegian and Danish is also pretty much identical. Although you should remember that there are actually two different written forms of Norwegian, nynorsk and bokmål. Nynorsk is much more conservative and positively even a conlang based on old west norwegian dialects.


More like Dutch and average English, so tired of seeing CVs in which people claim to speak German AND French based on a few years of high school classes


cucked: the post

What is cucked about it?

Romani Chib


I actually find it amazing how similar scots is to scandinavian.

Bairn = Barn
Scrievid = Skrivet
Leir = Lär (pronounced "lair")
Mair = Mer
Ken = Känna

more languages = less culture

Almost 100% correlation with exception of Holland

It is.
Shetlandic is more similar.

mine and english

And? Swedish is spoken in Finland. They learn it in school.
Wouldn't it be even more cucked to speak English?

I barely speak 1

we get constantly left out too :(

2 fluently.
3 haltingly.
3 passively (I can sort of read them)

He can be a Fenno-swede, which would make it even more based rather than being cucked.

if others can get a half we should get a half at least wtf

i speak one and only one language, the language of love..

Nothing with the word swede in it, is based

OK technically the Swedish government doesn't recognize Norwegian and Dalecarlian as languages but linguists do. I'd say that Dalecarlian is several languages because there's limited and sometimes 0 mutual intelligibility between one town and the next for the most part. For example:

Mes o wermd mjotse ar kattem, so kuäket o ien kafiskwekt ar sig sjuäv min dyö summu. Se dsick o aut min katt-skåle og se sett o sig inni kuvån og kuäged aut gajnum glaser. O add draid för gardine so o belld gem sig dar attonar, so it kattn uld bell sjå enner.

Mäs å wermd miö:ts? a katt?, so kuokäd å jenn kaffiskwett a si siö:v upå? summu gaung. S? d?ick å aut män kattskål?, o so settsäd å si ini kuvåm o så: aut gainum gla:sä. ?? add draið fe: gardínum so å belld gä:m si attumin autå att katt? så: änä.

När hon värmde mjölken åt katten, så kokade hon en kaffeskvätt åt sig själv på samma gång. Sen gick hon ut med kattskålen och sen satte hon sig inne i kammaren och tittade ut genom fönstret. Hon hade dragit för gardinerna så att hon kunde gömma sig där bakom, så att katten inte skulle kunna se henne.

D*nish is not a language at all. I have an easier time understanding Klingon than those disgusting sounds. When it comes to Norwegian, there is Western Norwegian, which is a language, and then there's Eastern Norwegian, which is a dialect of Swedish.

Basic conversation Xhosa

>Swedish government doesn't recognize Norwegian

War it is then


Is thare ony wey to lair braid shetlandic? A want tae airt oot a dictionar but A cannae find ony.

hallo vriend

Mate, I'm fenno-swedish. we are the most well off and richest group of people in this country.

Truthbomb: if you learned a second or third language as a kid because everyone taught you you're not really special.

Join the EU and you'll show up on all the cool maps and charts.

Ching chong hua gong lao XDDDD chinkatron