spread em
Hey Brit Boy
Other urls found in this thread:
post your reynhards, guize
maximum overchad
why are SEA men such CHADS?
gigachod's influence
post the twitter post
The Anglo twink fear the INDO CHAD
look at him standing before a town that he's about to rape. What an absolute GigaChad
DId he raped only cute twinks or the madman didn't forgiven anyone?
On my way to /brit/ meating cute bois
there's only cute twinks in britain.
does he look like he cares? if he lays his eyes on you he is coming for your ass and there is no stopping it
I like ya and i want ya, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. The choice is yours
NOOOO, please Reynhard NOOOOO!
God damn it, I unironically consider this guy incredibly cute.
Why the fuck couldn't he have raped in the US
lol the Indonesian power strut
He only raped people while sleeping because he'd have been severely beaten otherwise
Gays should be locked up
you enjoyed it, admit it
Redpill me about this pls.
He raped at least 195 straight men by waiting for them to come out of nightclubs drunk then offering to let them stay at his flat or to hang out there while they waited for a taxi. Then he gave them GHB and raped them while recording it and bragging about it on WhatsApp
I'd have killed him
Fuck why do I kinda want to see these videos.
He raped over 200 men in Manchester
Reynhard Sinaga
>this ASEAN BVLL is so powerful *nglo "men" have to team up to beat one single Singaporean bvll in fear of more of them getting molested
t. has SEAmen in his ass
>*nglo sissy making up lies because he's too scared to reveal he enjoyed the BIC
Not a single British boi was safe. He finally got overpowered by a professional rugby player.
>In June 2017, his last victim, an 18-year old, regained consciousness during the rape, fought off his attacker, and reported the incident to the police.[9] Sinaga was badly beaten and was taken to hospital, while police initially arrested his victim on suspicion of grievous bodily harm
>police initially arrested his victim on suspicion of grievous bodily harm
Based indochad making things up
>“I remember the day the police contacted me. It is a day I will never forget because it changed my life forever,” said one victim.
>“I was very anxious giving evidence. It was very traumatic for me because I knew I had to face up to the reality of what had happened,” one man said.
>“I also know I was going to get asked questions that would make the night a reality – and that would haunt me.”
>“It is clear that each of them has suffered greatly as a result of discovering what you had done to them. Some have their careers and academic studies seriously, adversely affected,” the judge said.
>His victims have become “seriously depressed”, finding it impossible to tell their families or close friends what they had been through – one of them has thought about killing himself.
>“I have never been in such a bad place in my life and I didn’t know how to get out of it,” the man said.
>“I was diagnosed with severe depression and put on anti-depressants, and I (have) also started counselling.”
>"(Sinaga) has taken a part of me that I will never get back. He deserves the largest sentence possible.”
Night club going niggers deserved it.
based incel.
yt pipo be like this brown dick too spicy for me richard
Between this faggot and this thread (), what the fuck is up with SEAsian betas raping dudes?
is it true that there were no counts of him penetrating them?
>has taken a part of me that I will never get back
talking like a true woman lmao
I mean. Given how cute British white guys are, I can't bring myself to blame him...
raping men is the chaddest men can be
Raping men is beta
What was his motive?
Was it really this many people? No fucking way would I ever go home with some random dude no matter how sloshed I am, how many people are low iq enough to do that, were they all immigrants or some shit?
Drugging someone is beta as fuck
>indonesians rape british men
>pakis rape british girls
is any british safe from these perverse deviants?
>tfw he's /fa/ af
Gott strafe England for being sexpats in SEA.
>how many people are low iq enough to do that
Well it was Manchester, so...
Is that the scenery where CIA guy escort Dr Pavel?
Damn I just looked it up
>59% white British
Oh dear
Why do Anglo men love getting dominated by middget Indonesian CHAD so much?
British "men" are made for Indochad dick.
I thought The Guardian articles were supposed to be short wtf
Is that supposed to be from Blood Meridian?
No dutch victim?
The guy's list of crimes is just that long since he is the worst rapist in our history. Died last year when bunch of guys strangled and shanked him to death.
post boicunt anglo
Excellent /lit/erary taste
fucking lmaoing at him!