Today I'm eating one of my favourite dishes. Potatoes, herring and sauerkraut

Today I'm eating one of my favourite dishes. Potatoes, herring and sauerkraut.

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could use some sour cream

UMA DELICI *vomits*

Scandinavian food is honestly worse than British food.

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Where is the gravy and sauerkraut is gross

Where is vodka?

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For me it's a pork sandwich with onions and pickles

who eats potatoes like that, yuck yuck!

There shouldn't be gravy to that dish


Gravy and potato isn't a thing?

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It's true that British food is good but the thing OP posted is good too. I would have had sour cream instead of the sauerkraut

All of that, we have our own versions of up here.
>roast veggies
self evident
>yorkshire pudding
>brown sauce
>baked potatoes
Hasselback potato

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Why is british food always just a bunch of stuff thrown on a slab? Did they never evolve culinarily past hunter gatherer societies? Just eating whatever is in the ole cave that night?

That can be good for another thing, if he was eating meat with the potatoes.

fish is digusting

I can’t stand sauerkraut. Other two are fine, though. I’d throw sour cream on the potatoes.


Swedish people are literally not allowed to buy/sell these

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all meat is gross

are you telling me you dont like jerky?

You need some ryebread under that herring, Finnbro.

i have never had it but it literally looks like poo

its the pinnacle of food and is the way we are meant to eat meat.

Shut up caveman

we r not meant to eat meat we can survive just fine on a vegan diet

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maybe you can

Don't believe everything you hear.
Of course they can buy and sell these, it's tradition, and even a few politically correct (and obviously very bored) idiots can't stop that.

4 deciliters of coffee for dessert

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yeah right how else r u gonna maintain your 400lbs body if ur only eating veggies & healthy food

>he said as he popped his 10th vitamin pill of the day

I'm a healthy weight thanks but my body hurts if I go too long without eating meat


i barely eat and i'm doing just fine desu

>I'm a healthy weight thanks
kek healthy weight for americans is anything between a bmi of 30-40. anything below that is anorexic

shut up fat

Just don't eat too much red meat. Fish and chicken is healthy.

Fish especially is. Argie doesn't know what he's talking about.

a man of class, but im used to sliced beets instead of sauerkraut.

24, thanks for setting the bar so low

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>bmi of 24
maybe you'd be skinny if u were a veggie/vegan

I dont want to be skinny

it seems like most men nowadays dont wanna be skinny. shame cus its the ideal male form

In my booze cabinet

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yeah obviously because you need to eat a hectare of veggies to reach the daily calorie requirements of a grown man.

I know, that would require effort and exercise.
And also not stuffing your gob.

Why not... just eat varied?

Greens are only good to create dishes. They're completely useless unless you're a poor farmer during the middle ages.

>ytppl food

i do exercise, exercising doesn't create skinny men

Potatoes should be early harvest. Otherwise they're too dense for that dish.

But.. but, why not just eat varied?

Stop this retarded fallacy. Just because you disagree with a retarded vegan like the Argentinian doesn't mean you don't eat vegetables.

There's nothing stopping you. I'm just telling you its a waste of money and that you should focus on animal products, especially liver for that vitamin C.


This. I eat vegetables and crops. I just focus on the animal produce.

I always buy some canned herring when I'm at Ikea. It's tasty. Someone said to mix it with sliced pickles and eat it with toast.

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You don't need fibres if you solely eat meat as your body easily can digest it. You can take a dump in peace.

How many people in Finland actually bought this thing?

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kys hedonist meatcuck the day of the rope is soon for you lot

Heh, silly Anons.
I eat varied, yes, meats, greens, starch, fruits etc.
You clearly hear different agendas when I says "why not just eat varied" - one hear me disagree with a "retarded vegan", the other proposes a pure meat diet.
All I said, why not eat a bit of everything? But you can't read me, you only react to the bits that trigger you. This is Yas Forums in a nutshell.

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British food is based, perfect for damp and wet climate. Only numales cry about it looking bad
matjessill is used for this recipe, but I'm sure dillsill works fine

>the other proposes a pure meat diet
but I'm not. I'm just telling you that you can survive on it and that greens are only there for calories, hence my medieval peasant reference.
