Ay yo why are wypipo like this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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based paolo, my ancestor :)

holy autism

>Paolo Sizzi
Italian or Argentinian?

genuinely not sure if based or cringe

Ligurians actually look like this tho


>"I can't help looking pleased with my craniofacial features; in this luminous face, the great-Lombard ethnic history relives, made of harmonious fusion between the Ligurian Atlantic-Mediterranean element and the Nordic element brought by the Celts, with a hunt of Germanism.

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Italian, he's a crazy guy only famous on chans.
A local Varg.

"Il Sizzi" is the italian varg, but not racist and he actually has a University degree in Anthropology, so he studied his field not just larp.
A special kind of autistic but a good one.

He is the Great Lombard, King of Italiae, Lord of the Romans and the Ostrogoths, Defender of the Peninsula against the Allogeneics, Divi Filius of Janus.

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he looks like Joseph Goebbels

is he a brazilain?

he looks incredibly retarded, is it the eyes?

looks like a younger version of jordan peterson when he cried

can someone translate for me please?

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I'm very pleased that my studying of spanish has allowed me to understand this



he's talking about the melanin receptor theory

It is literally the post of OP

I'm going to translate some tweets from now on

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The most based man in the country and a shining example of autismo polentone.

my shitty internet wouldn't load full pic so i couldnt see sorry, thank you

wtf literally all of europe's kingdoms and subsequent countries were founded by germanic tribes?

>The Ostrogothic era ended in 568 when the peninsula was overwhelmed by a new Germanic group, the Lombards. As latecomers to the west, the Lombards had had little contact with Roman culture, but they had already converted to Arian Christianity. Led by their elected king Alboin, the Lombards had little difficulty in destroying the feuding Ostrogothic generals who in any case had already been crushed by the brief reconquest of southern and central Italy by Byzantine soldiers sent out by their new emperor Justinian. But Alboin died unexpectedly in 572 -- his wife had him assassinated as he forced her, as a macabre joke, to drink wine from a cup made of her father's hollowed-out skull -- after which the Lombards' tribal leaders simply refused to elect another king. Instead, they divided themselves into approximately 30 separate principalities, the most important of them being Milan in the north, Spoleto in the centre, and Benevento in the south. Italy would not be a united country again until 1870.

>make us dream of Vladimir
What did he mean by this?


I giggled

this is only getting more BASED

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>wtf literally all of europe's kingdoms and subsequent countries were founded by germanic tribes?
That's why it's called "Dark Age" user

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He hates the US so much that he prefer Putin

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But they mostly tried to save the region and preserved its institutions amidst decay and war.

Romans were stupid enough to let in tens of thousands of foreigners armed to the teeth inside their borders.

>But they mostly tried to save the region and preserved its institutions amidst decay and war
...that germs created.
Of course after a conquest you want to preserve what can still function.

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>"Il Sizzi" is the italian varg, but not racist
wait varg is racist? I thought he was a genuine nativist that unironically wanted every race to have their own recognized homelands, while also occasionally making fun of southern Europeans

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i dont know. why are black people like this?

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He isn't? Oh ok then.

>went out of their way to make him blacker too

woah... based

he's racist as fuck dude he wants everyone to have their own recognized homeland so brownie doesn't come to sweden

Il Sizzi always have an answer.
He described all the races on twitter and on his site

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his nose looks like it couldn't take a punch without breaking

Based Varg

thats most noses

don't be racist. it had already decayed and was defended by germanic men from other germanics. roman shitskins squabbled while germanic bvlls did their best to preserve the heritage the shitskins had ruined.


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ive read the histories, you are just a prejudiced we wuzzer.

he said he'd do nothing to help a southern european, but would help someone if they were blond/blue eyed, seems kinda racist

Don't judge a whole branch of human society based solely on the spurtings of a lone nutter.

Is he the autist I triggered by saying that he's not German?

No, he is not a germanic larper but a European one

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Man, you must be an historian or something

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my king :)

so it was actually the Lombard's fault that Italians weren't unified until Garibaldi came?

Cute boiii~~

don't post on Yas Forums sizzi

absolutely based
brownies are disgusting and evil

>le 55% face

What's with the pictures of black men?

funny looking guy

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