Conscription thread

Please share your experiences.

Welcome: both Korea, Israel, Singapore, Greece, Turkey, Finland, Switzerland, etc
Not welcome: any country without enforced conscription

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conscription was pretty cool and I pity anyone who hasn't been through that experience.

nothing based about having six months of your life stolen because you were born with a penis and peeling carrots and potatoes the entire time there
though nowadays you can pay a hefty sum instead to avoid being conscripted, that's what the richfags are doing

I hated it

would not recommend/10
Richfags can avoid it while rural people and those without a high school diploma are forced serve for longer than a year.

I plan on doing it voluntarily just for the lulz. Might get to guard the greek border if stuff gets messy.

was surprisingly fun

thx for service

it was fun to ride a tank

real man

gay soyboy

I'm eligible for a Taiwanese passport but I'd need to do conscription in Taiwan. Should I go for it? I can't read Chinese so I'll probably be bullied or something if I go

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>why yes my nation maintains a small professional volunteer army during peacetime, how could you tell

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Mostly good times
Sometimed during a combat excercise in a forest when it was either buttfucking cold or pouring down, that sucked pretty bad.

was fun. No hard feelings.
Except for the leadership part. That sucked.

I was too fat
so I got let off :P

You were evaluated after the first 2 months and the best could choose what kind job they would be assigned to. So I picked the 6 months over the reserve officer training which would have taken a year
In pic shit after a week of not shitting in the forest

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Accepting conscription is possibly the most cucked thing it is possible to do

Wish we still had conscription.

>I picked the 6 months over the reserve officer
that would be retarded in turkey
reserve officers are working 8am-5pm so they live in their own rented house + 2.5 *minimum wage
while the other option you had to live with people in dorm and no salary at all

In finland you get like 5€ a day in the first 6months and after that 8 to 11€ a day.
So If you get out of military in 6months you would make +6 500€ on neetbux and if you stayed in military you would have only made loss with all the pizza eating and beer drinking

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Didn't really like it

One of the new government's plans is to bring conscription back (they said it would be gradual, whatever that means), but I'm not sure where they're going to find the money since the regular army isn't very well off either

it was k
most wont do anything smart with their 8 months anyway

It's cringe that the government has the power to force you into the army, but I personally enjoyed the experience a lot.

i did army cadets in school which is basically the same thing

What the fuck? In Israel we get 12₪ (around $3 USD) per day only if we're the highest private rank. Good god, must be nice to be born in a developed country.

It was fun and the repetition courses were even better. Only downside was that I'm 190cm and they put me in a tank

5 euro a day is tradition but shouldnt you get more? We got the 5 francs a day too plus 61 francs a day if you're a student or unemployed while people with jobs kept getting most of their wage

61 is for soldiers,the lowest tier lieutenent make probably around 5k a month

Maybe they get more nowadays, highly doubt it. The best get stipends which do not amount to much but it is better than nothing

Combat engineer.
Lost my virginity on base, became a chain smoker, put on 30 kg of fat in my last year of service.
Blew stuff up and drove alot, no combat. didnt get to shoot at anything other than on the range.
P. Good, i wish we had a professional military, a military career in israel is pretty shitty even though i wanted to stay in for a bit longer.

>Maybe they get more nowadays
They do, couple of cents from 2020 onwards

>5,15 1-165 days
>8,60 166–255
>12,00 256–347

are you a manlet?
t. 174 cm manlet bmp-3 gunner

>In finland you get like 5€ a day in the first 6months and after that 8 to 11€ a day.
seems like doesnt worth
but don't you get more comfy due the hierarchy?
for example I was reserve officer and only had to obey a few officers in whole regiment, so I was pretty much relaxed. (I had to do my own tasks of course)

I was artillery (calculator), and hitting targets in military exercises were awesome

>lost my virginity on base
top or bottom?

oh shit... wow.

thank you for your service

Artillery is p. Awesome, although i know alot of people get their ears and backs fucked from it.

I got fucked in the ass before i enlisted though, i was talking about grills

Served for two months and then got a medical exemption due to my anxiety. I've been regretting it since.

It's plenty comfy as a regular soldier, officers aren't allowed to punish anyone so it's like being on kindergarten with no discipline

Got exempted because of tinnitus

>alot of people get their ears and backs fucked from it
since I was calculator that was not an issue because I was watching the fires from a few hundreds meters

>officers aren't allowed to punish anyone
that wouldn't work here, discipline and hierarchy is literally first thing that comes to mind when some one mentions military

how do your officers deal with retardos tho?

We have 18 month conscprit for non-graduates, 12 month for bachelors and masters and no conscrpit for PhDs

what is the chances of a conscript to engage in real-battle?
here it's a low possibility but used to very common

It's 20% in Azerbaijan thanks to Armenia

>but used to very common
same here during Chechen wars, now it's impossible since the army became more transparent and shitton of NGOs watching them

They can't do anything about them. It's up to the regular staff to punish them

Basically 0% unless you get deployed in Kosovo or some other shithole

Was breddy gud (thanks to my fucked foot). Even got an employment certificate out of it.

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This cannot belong to a human

0%. conscripts to menial labor. the professionals fight

I would go back if could

I avoided it because I hate this country, don't want to die for it and I thought it was a waste of time
joke's on me since I'm a useless NEET and people who served learned discipline and are productive members of society.

>9 months on the border
>carrying landmines, patrolling the borders, catching illegal shitskins, pointing guns at them, and telling shitskins on the other side serving that I don't have any cigarettes for their shitskin ass

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Served from 2008 to 2009 when conscription was still a thing in Germany.
Was like fun summer camp.

Based artillery bro. I had to prepare and load the shells

i did six months in dust2

would literally kms myself if I had to do conscription. forced to waste 2 years of your life for bullshit reasons.

t. expat

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>2 standardized tests that everyone has to take during "boot camp" phase
>"IQ" with math and logic, "psychological" with tons of weird questions
>decide to aim for the lowest possible score so they couldn't keep me there for 12 months
>answer every single one of the IQ wrong and choose the craziest option for every question in the psychological one ("Do you believe that a witch might have cursed you?" "Yes." etc.)
>got the best possible placement in the whole division, motorcycle courier 6 month gig

>Do you believe that a witch might have cursed you