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amerikkkans created the coronavirus

First, there were the Military Olympics in October in Wuhan (18 – 27 October 2019), where about 200 American soldiers participated; the first cases of 2019-nCoV fever were discovered about two weeks later – two weeks is the average gestation period from infection to outbreak.

Second, there was Event 201, on October 18, 2019, at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, in Baltimore, Maryland, sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum (WEF – the corporatocracy representing Big Weapons, Big Pharma and Big Money), and the John Hopkins Institute. The theme was simulating a High-Level Pandemic Exercise – and yes, the simulation produced 65 million deaths. Just a couple of weeks before the first COVID-19 victims were identified. Curiously, in their defense the sponsors of Event 201, now say,
“We are not now predicting that the nCoV-2019 (which was also used as the name of the simulation) outbreak will kill 65 million people. Although our tabletop exercise included a mock novel coronavirus, the inputs we used for modeling the potential impact of that fictional virus are not similar to nCoV-2019.”

And third – the timing, hitting China right on their most important Holiday, the Lunar New Year, when people are traveling, uniting with family and friends, when there are usually huge festivities with lots of people – an event of celebrating happiness – all cut short by the outbreak that put Wuhan and portions of Hubei Province, and a total of about 50 million Chinese in quarantine; and more – no shopping, no exchange of presents, no celebrations – a huge economic loss.

t. Dutch rape baby

truly despicable. how the "people" over there claim christianity as the basic of their "value" is utterly disgusting.

Gas the kikes
Race war now

History repeats itself

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>it's your fault chinks eat bat shit soup

you're not even product of rape, simply products of willfully brainwashed idiots, hellbent on making everyone as messed up and confused as you are.
america is nihilism made nation.

At least I'm not a Dutch rape baby.

Based americhads

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>waaaaaaaaaa, you've been COMMERCIALLY colonized therefore there must be LOTS of racemixing over there despite its IMPOSSIBLE to provide logical connection between them.
stop consuming jewish media.

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>jewish media
I don't see how Jews are involved, pretty sure it was the Dutch who raped all of you.

What are you talking about?
You've mastered seggregation to a degree that would make 1970's South Africa pale with envy.

there is nothing wrong with race mixing

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impossible to have normal conversation with porn-induced brain damaged americans.
blah blah blah racemixing blah blah blah

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>coping this hard
lmao Dutch rape babies on suicide watch.


Pretty sure that's Malaysia

segregation is natural

The USA have always been a country made by immigrants, it literally got built by whites and blacks. Race-mixing is only natural, if you want to live only surrounded by whites, go in Eastern Europe.

>only surrounded by whites
> go in Eastern Europe.

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but not here, unless you want to be around gypsies

the truth remains, whites are authentic to europe because they are evolved naturally in tune with and reflecting european nature.
what american nature these disgusting excuse of ungodly spawns reflect?

Only if you're primitive and afraid of that which is (slightly) different... for example, the people living on the neighboring street or the next town. That's all it takes for the less evolved to feel bias.

Quit filling the archives with spam you nigger.


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molded naturally by indonesian nature, can you imagine that dude living in europeand fucking white women? that's how vile american existence is.

>can you imagine that dude living in europeand fucking white women?
No because white women are not attracted to your kind

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as it should be, and as it should with black men either but you mongrels just can't stop scheming to make them racemix to make everyone as miserable as you are.

Keep projecting freak

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Well i can't blame that NBA guy

But I fully admit I want to racemix.

Welcome to the "No, U" thread, where the ugliest biases are thrown around, much like chimps fling faeces. Enjoy the bottommost rung of human nature: the racists.

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But black men are taller, stronger,faster and manlier than SEAs

holy shit he still obsessed to project that mentally ill pedo on me.
why did you even clicking that that thread idiot? did your computer gave notification everytime someone mention bbc or image of children simply attracts you?

I prefer any chan over reddit because when i put my opinion on Yas Forums i dont know what response ill get but if i were to post anything on reddit i could tell you exactly what they would respond with because its a shitty limpdick echo chamber


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Grug not like Reddit tribe

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doesn't mean they have to be racemixed with everyone else, which are americans so obsessed to see.
africans belong in africa, asians belong in asia, europeans belong in europe, new world mongrels belong in junk covered mass graves.
simple as.

>americans so obsessed to see.
Yes blame everything on americans

Grug no like any tribe but Grug tribe!
Grug always say same thing!

your very existence is a mistake.

You realize Americans are victims too, right?


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just like the orcs, they are victim that hellbent to spread their misery toward everyone else.

Mental how mad this chink can get if you post literally anything as an american

>just like the orcs, they are victim that hellbent to spread their misery toward everyone else.

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Sea are abo momgoloid mongrels

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Good post

imagine being pedo and cuck, wonder what happened in your life that makes you possess such rotten brain?

samefagging mentally ill subhuman

chinks are mentally ill by nature.

Yes, they tell us this 24/7.
How they're all victims of society, how they all blame the world around them but never take personal responsibility.

expected nothing less.

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So you are posting from two devices? nice

so are mutts.

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can reach that level of american cuckpost creativity with my homogenous ancestry.


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>My beautiful homogenous ancestry :) im so glad im not a mutt.

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you know posting these based and redpilled dudes simply prove how fucked up you average countrymen are right?
turns out the amount of racemixing were minimal outside american brain.