R-Russiabros? What happens next?

R-Russiabros? What happens next?

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will berniecels commit mass suicide after the convention?

I won the bet that they were going to block Barnie once again lel. It was a safe one I gotta say.

do you guys really think berniefags expected him to win? you're retarded, of course they knew there wasn't a chance he'd make it through the primaries. the democratic party wouldn't allow it.

They’re going to burn Milwaukee to the ground

No. The Left is only growing more powerful thanks to the DNC's incompetence. Those freaks were supposed to contain the left.

In the final days of the soviet union life expectency started to fall and suicide rates, alcohol and drug related deaths started to increase.

Is that happening in the Usa?

bernie bros on suicide watch

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No, but there will be dire consequences. Many like me are fed up with the system. I cannot imagine living in a country that thinks healthcare isn't a basic human right. Honestly, I can promise there will be consequences should Drumpfgh win in 2020. I am sick of the status quo of do-nothing policies that only aim to help the 1%.

Are you going to shot up a school?

Well they have a massive drug problem.

I hope you're right

>Many like me are fed up with the system. I cannot imagine living in a country that thinks healthcare isn't a basic human right. Honestly, I can promise there will be consequences should Drumpfgh win in 2020. I am sick of the status quo of do-nothing policies that only aim to help the 1%.

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>Damn, we're based.

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4 years ago they just went and vote for trump
this time they just gonna do the same
the only one who gonna commit suicide is the DNC
in their mind it is better to burn the DNC to the ground than this horseshit, and i agree with them

>I cannot imagine living in a country that thinks healthcare isn't a basic human right
You don’t have to because you’re already living in one, and if you don’t like it you can move to the UK and die on a waiting list, faggot.

just get a job you lazy bum

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this second rate aoc was supposed to defeat the democratic incumbent in texas but she lost after supreme leader pelosi campaigned there for the incumbent
like which consequences?

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>she lost after supreme leader pelosi campaigned there for the incumbent
Pelosi is ancient and probably has 20 different types of cancer. She's old news. The neoliberal DNC is dying, just like the USSR was during the post-Stalin period.

>tfw you remember your bernie phase

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>like which consequences?
not him but i predict democrats will never win a presidency for at least the next decade
centrists don't really give a fuck if it is republican or democrat being president, pretty much shit stay the same beside some minor bullshit

aoc is shit tier so i cant imagine how bad she must be

It's not over fellas
We can win this
Give Bernie your energy for his Spirit Bomb!

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Life expectancy has fallen here for like the past 3 years, not even memeing, it’s fallen (especially among whitoids) despite stable economic growth

t. has never seen Biden speak
The guy is straight up senile. It's actually kind of alarming that the centrists want him to be president.

>v-votes are still being counted in c-california bros!!!
>he can still w-win

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>ayylium doesn't know how many states there are in America

what states are left? biden won most of the red states isn't that surprising, but this will go to brokered convention and you can already see other delegates pledged to biden
the DNC is pulling another hillary and pray it will work this time, what a bunch of retards

>the DNC is actually going to rally around a man with early onset dementia

zoom zoom

Bernie will concede before then

>what states are left?
american education

Only way I'd support Biden over Sanders is if he chooses Yang as his vice and then dies in office.
t. American in Dutchland

It’s wonderful. Politics finally has some entertainment value to it. Shame it’ll simmer away after the election though.

Every time Biden has appeared on stage, his numbers have tanked. Bernie meanwhile is sharp as a knife. The DNC will have to pull some powerful ratfuckery to cover for him when they go head to head.

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NY, FL, WA, OH to name a few

oh ive heard him speak and im not a fan, but he is still better than a literal jew with shitty policies

Or maybe berniebros are incapable of even considering that their “revolution” is nowhere near as widespread as they believe, so when most mainline moderate democrats go for Biden it comes as a shock.

*dies of an overdose*

centrists dont give a fuck, it's literally in their name to stay with the status quo
it's down to which way they like to lean to virtue signaling


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And then moderate democrat will lose another presidency and then wonder why that happened
Anybody think biden can beat trump is a fucking retard imo, trump will bumfuck him on stage



>if you don’t pick team red or team blue you are a pandering bandwagoner

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no..no...that cant be it. their twitter, reddit, etc tranny echochambers is surely gonna convert the other voters any time now

Every single poll for years has shown that every issue on Bernie's platform, especially universal healthcare, is supported across the board by a majority of Americans. Exit polls all point to low-information voters voting Biden based on the last minute endorsements of Bloomberg, Buttigieg, and Klobuchar. Bernie doing so well despite every name in the media and the establishment being against him is an incredible feat whether you like it or not, and he'll only do better once the debates show just how out to lunch Biden really is.

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Trump will win no matter who he’s running against

the same polls that said there was no way trump would win?

The majority who support socialist bullshit seem like the real low-information voters

>US suicide rate at its highest since the end of the second world war:

>Tens of thousands of Americans die each year from opioid overdoses:

>If the Economy’s “Strong” — Why Are 40% of Americans Struggling to Afford Food?

>A decade after the recession, 40% of U.S. families still struggling

>Most Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, survey shows

>U.S. poverty statistics ignore millions of struggling Americans

>USA has regressed to developing status:

>Half of Americans are effectively poor:

>Most Americans Are Living Paycheck to Paycheck, Survey Shows:

>The US Economy Is Reaching A Dead End

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I don't think you understand how polls work. You seem to have confused them with predictions, possibly because you are mentally retarded.


Trump won due to turnout and voter suppression. Do you really think Biden can counter Trump's base? Seriously who the fuck cares about Biden?

supporting universal healthcare does not necessarily mean supporting bernies pants on head retarded plan for it. most of his plans are good at a glance of the title, but if you actually research them and compare them to systems in other countries that work you would know it is retarded

>Trump won due to voter suppression

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I'd have thought by now that you'd realize no one actually cares about the issues or policy. Otherwise, you progressive subhumans would line up behind Warren, not the idiot communist stuck in the 60s whose answer to every question is "le working class revolution" instead of an actual plan.

PS: Bernies is a completely unlikable personality (which is probably why zoomers and millennials feel identified with him) while Biden is the funny old white guy

>he hasn't seen the official GOP documents on the subject

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possibly the most soylent fueled post ive ever seen on 4channel

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