
mate this edition is proper cute innit yeah edition

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Is that a girl (female) or a girl (male)?

anime is now illegal in australia
please refrain from posting such illegal images in the future
thank you

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Night /brit/

I'd place my mouth opposite to the ball and suck as hard as I could, creating a gust of wind that would carry the ball into the hole

is it legal here? if its illegal i will never post on here again

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What is your MBTI, lads? ISTP here.

LOVE the idea of Australian lawmakers sitting down and watching anime together to decide if it should be legal or not

There hasn't been a single anime I would consider anything better than mediocre released in the past 7 years.

>town called Eromanga in Queensland
>mentioned in Eromnaga Sensei (not a nonce it's on Wikipedia)
>government moves to ban anime
big think

is making yourself hurt and sad the main things that cucks enjoy about being cuckolded? i have to know - i don't want to be a literal cuck. i don't like it, i hate it. i just "like" the intense feelings it causes, the intense feelings of sadness and betrayal and worthlessness.
it really does feel shitty imaging someone you love having sex with someone else and enjoying it more than they enjoyed sex with you and loving them more than they ever loved you. but that's what makes it feel intense and "appealing" in a fucked up way. cuckolding is more psychological and emotional than physical for me, i'm not jealous they get to have sex with her and touch her, i'm upset because they get to receive her love. imaging my ex having casual sex with someone doesn't really bother me, but it bothers me a lot of they have feelings for them.

dont know but senators here are trying to push for a ban on anime with any sexual/romantic themes involving U18s (even just flirting/dating) or incest (regardless of age)
number of people are trying to mock the lead senator (a lithuanian jew) of just wanting an excuse to watch 'lewd' anime in the office

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what about neon genesis evangelion

"Sometimes I'd like to die and climb inside you."

Yes, I know they are afraid of me. I know they are afraid of BLACKPIPO as well.


>Eromanga, QLD has a main attraction
>It's called Eromanga's Knot-A-Saurus Park

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look up star wars plot holes
there's tons of them

Should ban all anime tbdesu. It's literally turning kids into tranners.

hol up! people ACTUALLY watch anime?

I thought it was a meme


Mate! The magic code word. Instant rapport with taxi drivers, builders and garage men.

mia was decent

Who's empire is dust now wang

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I know, big Star Wars nerd. But it's just occured to me across all 15 films and the thousands of books, comics and video games, I can only think of two examples of an ejector seat being used.

>literally calling chinks a virus

awwww poohoo
imagine if there was a widespread european disease. white people in chinkland would be beaten to death and burned

I mean I can't hurt anybody from out here.
Somebody else could, but I couldn't. (personally)

For real though, they are a virus

*coofs on janny*

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Just watched road trip who remembers that film haha

i like my bread like i like my people


>Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden is to tell BBC bosses they need to move beyond a 'narrow urban outlook' to get in touch with its audience in the shires

emotional cuckoldry

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I like my coffee like I like my women. Strong, black and with a lil' bit of sugar.

For me it’s eurotrip

just means more documentaries like 'whats its like to be black in wales'

racist gammon

I feel like no girls actually look like this.

white bread is for poor people

thank god

So fucking sick of that terrible song where the girl on helium just says dance for me over and over.

i've heard africans in general don't like the chinese and like white people. bit weird considering history and that.

Not true, saw a Chinese girl at the supermarket who looked like that (hair and all). Judging from her movements she had some sort of brain damage.

>entire american cities are closing all schools
getting really worried

And I love it

almost as if the bullshit pushed by african americans/zulu invaders in South Africa is based in a fnatasy land

Want to watch this show for the comedy

how long until we start executing the infected

>Want to watch this show for the comedy

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umm sweetie shes literally me

>bought some noise canceling earphones so I won't have to listen to that GARBAGE at work and at the gym
>probably won't arrive until monday
Normies should NOT be allowed to dictate what music is popular. If I have to listen to the fucking dance for me song or Maroon 5 again I'm gonna start wearing earplugs like a true autist.

wasn't really worried about corona until i heard you can get it more than once.

will do a little dance if my uni closes


Shit I need to get me mam a birthday present
no idea what though


choina is definitely doing this already

If they close my fucking uni I still expect an automatic pass for all my units with no delay in graduation semesters.

> A 36-year-old man in the Chinese virus epicentre of Wuhan has died five days after being discharged, said news site SCMP quoting Chinese state media outlet The Paper. The Wuhan health commission said the direct cause of his death was Covid-19.

Now is the real time to worry

>people are "soo" worried but don't have a hazmat suit, gas mask, effective form of self defense, a year+ of food
very irritating


Counselor, do I look destitute to you?

There's a house down the road that blasts it from like 1 to 5 every afternoon.

e jursa fru rite boi

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Would be calling the police multiple times a day if I was you.


don't really mind about dying that much, my life was going to be shit anyway and everyone dies at some point.

Sometimes masturbate to some dirty nudes I took of my ex's arsenal spread open without her knowing when she was passed out drunk, placed next to a recent instagram pic of her
Get a weird perverted degenerate thrill out of it that she never knew I had them
She's also really pretty and glamorous which gives me confusing degrading feelings

if I were you*
Hypothetical. Subjunctive mood.

fuck up zach

saving for a house
refusing to spend extra money on this virus but also hope it hits us bad so the housing bubble with crash
im a young fit neet shut in with a young not-obese workfromhome shut in gf well be find together ordering from coles online as usual and having no further human contact

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Share with de lads

yeah thats your biggest problem in this moment

poopoo peepee

only saw this image for the first time the other day and now i'm seeing it in every other thread under many different filenames
somewhat disconcerting


the virus is airborne, if you're in a basement you're not safe
a milsurp gas mask and filter is like $50. a hazmat suit is $30. not massive investments i dont think

are you new

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Neighbours tried once and the noisy cunts pushed their bins over.

not in a basement*
fucked it

Mental how Europeans have never had the luxury of tasting properly chlorinated chicken

>there's an infectious disease going about
>best order a bunch of shit that comes from unhygienic packing facilities and run around every packed supermarket and hardware store i can find to prep

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no i'm a /brit/ og
i remember fatcam and that

>runny nose
>sore eyes
What's the chance I've gone and gotten corona, lads?

i have been guilty of kicking myself in the teeth

Rate my prep

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love how people are stocking up on toilet paper when you can just use water to clean yourself. fucking retards

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love how people are stocking up on water when theyll have to waste it all on cleaning their arse

jesus christ i used to be cringe in my teens

what changed?

I hate Scandinavians because of their deep seated arrogance that they mask in humility

saw this feral child on the bus earlier who had hairier arms than me

So this is what happened to the fella who posted here about his work colleagues bantering him too much

Taiwan number One.

he looks under 9 years old in those photos

Think America is fucked

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i love how people are stocking up on water when the air will just turn it into vapors

I genuinely want to beat that annoying feral child in mad max 2 to death
would receive so much satisfaction from that

dont know how im going to survive the end times now anime is illegal

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what are they even doing

favourite taiwanese music?

protecting you from the coof

Yeah but who has more cases

oh shit

Serves you right you child-raping, dress-wearing bendernonce.


>lets wait for it to get worse before reacting
>surely america, the greatest nation on earth, wont be hit as hard as china, iran or italy
looking forward to your epidemic

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ffs mikey the retard is here...

Art music