Why the FUCK do pajeets think this is acceptable?

Why the FUCK do pajeets think this is acceptable?

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Based pajeet

based pajeet the cunny slayer

I don't think he was in cunny mode, pajeets just have strange ways of showing affection sometimes, like guys hold each other's hands and stuff to display their friendship, its apperently a big deal to them.

What a chad.

Creepy as fuck. Should be put on a list to look out for. You can see the disgust on the little girl.

fuck, I'll slay that indian.

Why does cunny have international appeal?

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Wow, he's just being a gentleman. What's the wrong? I hope you sirs realize he is being very kind

not even worth soyquoting this normalfag shit

Nothing wrong with that
Also pedos arent into females, not unless they have no taste

Go check the grill, meat might be a little too roasted now.

Thank god, rape your own gender, pedo faggot

if this was a 6' white guy it'd be "cute"


No it wouldn't, disgusting pedophile incel.

dumb swede nig, it'd be perceived as cute because it'd look playful and the girl wouldn't be freaked out

Oh okay, time to go walking around stroking little girls hair. Great idea

low t westoids cant fathom such act
leave it, just jerk off to blacked white man

are fagjeets the least self-aware people in the world?

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>The look on her face

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Based pajeet.

Patting her head was absolutely creepy. If I were her brother or father I'd have beaten the shit out of him.

i do that often. women love me, moms, dautghters, etc. ive got lots of small girls in my life, cousins and nieces, it omes natural after while. i love my lil girls and not in a creepy way.

But you don't do it to strangers you fucking retard

i honestly dont know what to say
so ill just say basado

based, stay pure user

giving a small girl a bouquet of flowers would be less creepy if he was from a country were men didnt wed small children. from her face she is aware... this guy thinks he has "a chance". skincrawling

of course. hat this dude did was weird. but im just saying there is a away grown men can interract with children, and it comes down to body language

Indians are the worst.

He was in milan
indians usually sells boquet of flowers so it's not unusual to see them gifting roses to childrens

i just don't think indians understand bodyspace

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nah not these days. depends on the person more than body language.

do indians really?

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cuse they pajeet maybe



Hes just doing what all males would do if it werent for social taboos against it

Based disciple of Gandhi, he's just walking in his footsteps and you anti-indian racists aren't cultured enough to understand.


I see nothing wrong with this

This dude was probably just being friendly, but it seems like he has more confidence than the average Western guy.

he fucked her later that day

He gave her a thumb up at the end lol

>poojeet and a white loli within 10 metres of each other

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>This dude was probably just being friendly, but it seems like he has more confidence than the average Western guy.

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Alpha Chad. An angel came to his poo ridden town and he took the opportunity. Based.

small if true

Don't worry, the girl isn't white. She's obviously italian.

what the fuck man

Me when I see a Swede or Finnish. :3

tags: [Ugly Bastard]

*hands you a rose*
*thumbs up*

This girl has a man's proportions look at thos wide soldiers...

Italian hair is nappy and black, not straight and blonde.

he was and it was obvious

that she is, true

i bet his penor was throbbing in his pants

Just a rose seller, had one sing an entire song to me once to try and get me to buy one. Girl is probably some dumb American not aware of the scamming ways of the old world.

anyone else notice how much of a fucking manlet he is?

>nooooooooooo mr ranjoop don't groom me

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