Would Bernie be a centrist in your country?

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Lol yes he and that AOC lady.

>that AOC lady.
Would you?

who's the guy right to Trump

Mitch McConnell, Senate majority leader

He'd probably be considered center left in most other countries yes

at the right of* i meant

>most countries
Really? His wealth tax puts him pretty far left, his health care bill is far more ambitious than most European countries. Same with his opposition to trade.
Certainly on issues like health care the American system is skewed to the right, but that's not exactly true on every single issue.

who wouldn't

Steven Miller, he's an advisor to Trump who is anti-immigrant

The fact that Trump is considered anything but centrist at most is the reason I want to put a hole through my head.
When will we get real right wing politicians?

Americans are so fucking stupid. You've literally had nothing but right wingers buttfucking you since Lincoln was assassinated.

Modern politics is tilted to left so much that even Trump is borderline far left.

ok, and that alone makes him super super far-right?

When you put a hole thru your head

No, he would be considered a far right radical.
Here you either support the violent uprising against the wealthy or you're a bourgeoise cuck

People should just get their minds anyway from the fake left/right dichotomy anyway.

Where are the red guards and communards then?

Stephen Miller, he's the groyper in Trump's cabinet

He'd be farther left than Trudeau.

>his health care bill is far more ambitious than most European countries
Not really. What he propose is just basic decency. Right or left, you should support it.

Yeah no, modern politics has shifted to the right, but this isn't just in America (like OP is trying to suggest) its throughout the world.
Don't expect someone who makes 2d political maps to be very knowledgeable in politics. Really trying to define politics on a chart is pretty much a non-starter, but at least have 3 dimensions if you're going to give it a go

When you get real leftist politicians

>Miller was born on August 23, 1985, the second of three children in the Jewish family

wow, a nazi i guess

Based. Even the creator of the term knows that it's outdated
Trudeau is a right wing asshole too

Trudeau is a liberal, a member of a centre right ideology.

>watch this space

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Its not just single payer healthcare, his proposal goes further than most european countries

He's a social democrat in everything but name.

what are you user?

You're mentally ill if you actually believe this. Did an American bite you and infect you?

Are you truly arguing to know if a guy if "centre right" or "social democrat"???

How so?
His policies suggest otherwise.
Claiming to be pro-gay doesn't make you a social democrat

When we throw away nuance we're no better than burgers.

I'm even farther left than most

You're not paying attention to his policies if that's what you think.

Believing in fake oppositions is even stupider.

In colombia, bernie would be considered far left

About wealth tax
> Sanders' tax would only affect people with wealth of over $32 million, and Warren's tax would affect only people with $50 million and over.
Im sure this will affect at least half the people who post on Yas Forums

Colombian politicians at the higher levels get picked by Washington

Pretty much Bernie would be left/far-left in Canada considering he wants to get rid of private medical insurance and cancel student debt. Also his immigration policy is way different, even under Trudeau we're probably one of the strictest countries in the world. He probably will be considered far-left in Europe in 10 years once they start being forced to correct their spending. The idea that he's centre left is absurd and only possible if you include full blown communism as a normal far left position. In which case you'd have to put real fascism on the right putting Donald Trump centre right and STILL directly opposite to Bernie.

He wants to eliminate all private insurance

Bernie is a right wing warmonger

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Burger begone

The only person it will affect will be the Prince of Monaco

They're not the same thing.



They fucking are, quintessentially.

I'm truly astonished to see people arguing over this. I guess you North Americans still passionately believe in parliamentary democracy, lol.

Yeah going from 90% white and having almost no federal government to being 56% and dropping faster every year and screeching autistically about the rights of illegal immigrants (including welfare and state services in Cali and most lefty states) sure is right wing lmao. Not to mention ever increasing affirmative action, including under Trump with his women owned business exclusive tax cuts and women’s business administration.


No, you’re all retarded. Bernie not only wants to spend more money as a percent of GDP than almost ANY country in the OECD (>60%), he wants to go fully renewable (retarded overpriced lefty corporatism), he wants shit like a maximum income, a minimum of 60k/year for teachers, even MORE even more affirmative action and free shit for minorities, and literal complete and total amnesty including full access to his new welfare program for all the illegals. How “center right” is that? Mélanchon isn’t that retarded

well he has my vote, now
>t. accelerationist

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Personally I think it was one of those bargaining chip deal : you snuck something so outrageous in and then you remove it later so people accept the deal you wanted. Not even all other countries who got universal health care get rid of private health insurance, it's just impossible. They probably gonna assassinate him before they even let that happen

I saw an interview with the third party leader in Canada (the Sikh dude). He said Canada doesn't provide dental insurance or paid tuition. So in that sense, Bernie is left of the status quo in Canada. Here in America, merit based immigration policy would be considered right wing. It's exactly what Trump proposed.

>implying war mongering is right wing
Teddy Roosevelt

I'm not surprised you're arguing over this. France exists in its own little bubble when it come to politics.

>Yeah going from 90% white and having almost no federal government to being 56% and dropping faster every year and screeching autistically about the rights of illegal immigrants (including welfare and state services in Cali and most lefty states) sure is right wing lmao
This but unironically

I like the idea of selective deportation
Deport children and elderly, leave the working illegal immigrants

Retarded take

What was incorrect?

I don't know man, everywhere in Europe we are just so used to see coalitions of "centre right" with "social democrats" or even sometimes "far left" or "nationalists" depending on the country.

All of those political parties are only different in small nuances but none of them propose any radical solution. Therefore they can endlessly cooperate in sharing the Chambers' seats while pretending to hate each other.

>Far right

Democrats = war and growth

Republicans = peace and stagnation

At least before Bush.

seriously why do people sucking billionaire cocks so much?
a lot of social issues shit even happening is chiefly because they can't control their greed

How to confuse americans:
Ask them to define conservative, it is probably a list of following - strict immigation, muh 1st and 2nd amendments, muh guns, 'ate gays, praise Jesus and Israel.
Then say you are conservative too but change one of the things to opposite - hatred for Israel, 2nd amendment should not be, gays are fine etc. Watch the confusion as they cant define you now.
Works with liberal too.

Yikes no. FDR oversaw the worst economic recovery in the world for the great depression, largely because of his lefty Keynesian market restrictions (raise wages by preventing people from selling things at low prices LOL). Eisenhower oversaw war, and Coolidge/Harding oversaw the booming 20s. Nixon ended Vietnam. Reagan boomed. Carter stagflated.

They'll just call you a communist

>demsoc is center left
I'm guessing the only kinds of people who believe this are either extremely sheltered leftists or people who have no idea what "democratic socialism" actually means. Socdem would objectively be the center left ideology and that would still be to the left of "progressive" liberals.

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Bernie is just plain left , not far left, and Trump is center right at most imo.

one thing i hate the most about american politic is most of the time people just fucking pointing finger at the president (could be correct or incorrectly), but majority got fuck all ideas about their states and local representatives
presidents only got 4 to 8 years, some of these members of congress often stay for decades minimum. seems like majority of them never being held accountable for anything

Hatred for Israel should be a crime punishable by death

Iceland did

>Bernie voted against the joint resolution to authorize the use of force against Iraq in 1991, calling for economic sanctions and other diplomatic means to address the conflict instead.

>Bernie voted against the Iraq War resolutions in 2002 and 2003, supporting four war-spending bills, in 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2011; and voting against six others.

Bernie's more left than most American politicians.

>strict immigation, muh 1st and 2nd amendments, muh guns, 'ate gays, praise Jesus and Israel.
Not even a little bit.
T. Genuinely conservative American.

>hatred for Israel, 2nd amendment should not be, gays are fine etc.
You're either a left wing nationalist or a liberal desu. Approving of homosexuality is not conservative for western values.
>Inb4 muh Rome
Don't even try me. Roman civilization lasted for over 1000 years and bounced back and forth on the issue depending on what era we are talking about.

>Keynesianism is leftist
Good god, are you american?

At least you're honest, Moishe

This is just because people define conservative using the Republican platform, and liberal using the democratic platform. In reality both parties would probably be considered liberal.
If you ask them to define right wing your answers would probably be more accurate


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