WTF I am moving to America

WTF I am moving to America

Attached: 1583373813424.webm (720x1280, 1.36M)

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I hate women

America is the worst place to get girls as a white guy. Latin America, Asia and Africa love BWC waaaaaaaaaaaaay more than annoying american women.

do you think this is attractive?
we have a lot of those here

she would be a terrible actor

Tell me the truth is Priscilla famous in your country?

I love Brazilians too. The one on the right is cute

Attached: 676714E4-DDC2-4DDE-AC49-28D7132329A3.jpg (1920x1080, 335.09K)

>t. 140 cm height

amerikkkans created the coronavirus

First, there were the Military Olympics in October in Wuhan (18 – 27 October 2019), where about 200 American soldiers participated; the first cases of 2019-nCoV fever were discovered about two weeks later – two weeks is the average gestation period from infection to outbreak.

Second, there was Event 201, on October 18, 2019, at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, in Baltimore, Maryland, sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum (WEF – the corporatocracy representing Big Weapons, Big Pharma and Big Money), and the John Hopkins Institute. The theme was simulating a High-Level Pandemic Exercise – and yes, the simulation produced 65 million deaths. Just a couple of weeks before the first COVID-19 victims were identified. Curiously, in their defense the sponsors of Event 201, now say,
“We are not now predicting that the nCoV-2019 (which was also used as the name of the simulation) outbreak will kill 65 million people. Although our tabletop exercise included a mock novel coronavirus, the inputs we used for modeling the potential impact of that fictional virus are not similar to nCoV-2019.”

And third – the timing, hitting China right on their most important Holiday, the Lunar New Year, when people are traveling, uniting with family and friends, when there are usually huge festivities with lots of people – an event of celebrating happiness – all cut short by the outbreak that put Wuhan and portions of Hubei Province, and a total of about 50 million Chinese in quarantine; and more – no shopping, no exchange of presents, no celebrations – a huge economic loss.

Attached: 7899.jpg (584x657, 230.9K)

>amerikkkans created the coronavirus
>First, there were the Military Olympics in October in Wuhan (18 – 27 October 2019), where about 200 American soldiers participated; the first cases of 2019-nCoV fever were discovered about two weeks later – two weeks is the average gestation period from infection to outbreak.
>Second, there was Event 201, on October 18, 2019, at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, in Baltimore, Maryland, sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum (WEF – the corporatocracy representing Big Weapons, Big Pharma and Big Money), and the John Hopkins Institute. The theme was simulating a High-Level Pandemic Exercise – and yes, the simulation produced 65 million deaths. Just a couple of weeks before the first COVID-19 victims were identified. Curiously, in their defense the sponsors of Event 201, now say,
>“We are not now predicting that the nCoV-2019 (which was also used as the name of the simulation) outbreak will kill 65 million people. Although our tabletop exercise included a mock novel coronavirus, the inputs we used for modeling the potential impact of that fictional virus are not similar to nCoV-2019.”
>And third – the timing, hitting China right on their most important Holiday, the Lunar New Year, when people are traveling, uniting with family and friends, when there are usually huge festivities with lots of people – an event of celebrating happiness – all cut short by the outbreak that put Wuhan and portions of Hubei Province, and a total of about 50 million Chinese in quarantine; and more – no shopping, no exchange of presents, no celebrations – a huge economic loss.

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I knew these women were brazilian before reading your caption
If you come here, that's what you should expect basically

I think Im gonna throw up

those "women" are trannies

I need the name of the one on the right if that's true

booking a flight as we speak lads, I'm gonna show her the whitest white boy there ever was

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CIA's gonna freak

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what's a "lightskin"?

good morning

sounds based as fuck
imagine shutting down the economy of a country you don't like and NOBODY can do jack shit about it.

basically means mulatto

Basically a black with lightskin, they are usually mulattoes and can have some white features like green eyes and caucasian face.

Mulato or other white-admixtured negro

Attached: download (1) (3) (1).webm (720x1280, 1.3M)

Does this girl looks puerto rican?

Oh, so it's a way in getting around saying that she doesn't like blacks.

so, is this a meme within tiktok or something?
or is it real?

Do you guys think this girl is cute?
She is to me, maybe because I am a pardo la creatura like her.

Forgot the webm.
It's real.

Attached: download (16) (1).webm (720x1280, 1.86M)

Literally looks like every attentionwhore ever. Never trust these types

she is absolutely hideous. Holy shit.

yes pardas are qts

I'm really not into these tik tok race bait threads because most of the girls are probaly underaged and don't know what they are getting themselves into and yes I do not like this race bait both ways I'm actully consistent with how I feel.

It's only racebait if you get offended

t. Zhang Wu

I think probably the first few that did it were serious and then it became a meme

I am offended not so much at you but at the monkeys itt

4 > 2 > 3 > 1


it's just girls trying to be unique and special. there are white girls doing the same thing on tiktok for black guys.

Did I just wake up in the wrong timeline or what? What the fuck is going on

zoomers developing their own culture because they spend their time shitposting at each other instead of consuming traditional media

Don’t waste your money, we’ve had a travel ban on Muslims for years now

I'm pretty sure the one in the OP was the first one, because it's the most liked and the one that generated the most butthurt by FAR.

>the one that generated the most butthurt by far
That’s just because she’s the most attractive

But even white guys made tik toks complaining that she was being racist.

Ethnic girls lusting white boys are the best. When I saw that vid where a black girl explains why she only date white guys I've never been so hard. Non-white men shouldn't be allowed to have sex and white should be entitled to breeding ethnic women. In fact ethnic men should be sissified and exist just to pleasure white men.

probably just virtue signalling
kids love doing that on social media

Now we are talking.

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Kek what a bunch of faggots. It is truly over

she cute

It's what I've been saying. Americans are completely brainwashed it's crazy. If you like white guys, you are racist, if you do not like black guys, you are also racist. I fucking hate that country.

WTF I am moving to America

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kek they look like goblins compared to australian girls

Post more like these

They are so fucking ugly, and wasn't this in Europe?

what are you on about they literally look like aussie girls

Attached: kek.gif (600x580, 471.59K)

el atrocidad...

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These women are ugly as fuck. How fucking low are your standards?

Corona virus was made by Russia and was released by Russia into China. They even had a leak in their bioweapons lab a few months ago.

>mfw GRU is virus attacking China and trying to blame America for it.
The ultimate merchants

I have to scavenge tik tok for more.

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i feel like the tiktoks with girls saying they like white boys always feel forced and for attention but the ones saying they like blacks feel real.

Only the last one I can see why you would think that. The others are pretty/cute.

>that flag
how's it going ngubu mbombo

not really, she already put dark skins in there too, which are also blacks but with less euro admixture

There are many more but sound is necessary.

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