What do Latin Americans think of all the Protestant missionaries and churches we're importing over to them?

What do Latin Americans think of all the Protestant missionaries and churches we're importing over to them?

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>Most are Pentecostals.

They prepared us to accept ou elites selling our countries to Wall Street

Dogtestantism is a mental illness and sooner than later your heretic sect will be purified by hellfire.
My sister made friends with a dogtestant, haven't spoken to her since 2 years ago. She is no longer my family and she is as good as dead.

I am simply flabbergasted at the idea of people still falling for organized superstition, as I like to refer to the practice of religion, in this era of vast amounts of knowledge and education so readily available. Oh, the struggles of the atheistic mind are truly burdensome.

Pentecostals are probably the dumbest Christians I've ever met

they are pretty common here. Their churches look either like huge concert venues or indistinguishable from average neighborhood houses. There's no middle ground

What if Sister Bella was looking for a host home?

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I'm really glad I live in a country that doesn't give a fuck about religion anymore


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>I am simply flabbergasted at the idea of people still falling for organized superstition, as I like to refer to the practice of religion, in this era of vast amounts of knowledge and education so readily available. Oh, the struggles of the atheistic mind are truly burdensome.

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You'd think it impossible for South America to become worse and yet somehow, they find a way.

The American continent had so much potential, shame it just gets worse and worse.

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u just got baited lmao

We have our own brand of megachurch here.
We copied you, of course. The obsession with Israel and such.

I think they should be beheaded in public.

Protestants are the main source of both the retardation and faggotry of Amerifats

If you aren't Catholic, WTF are you doing

Based China

I'm gnostic.

They're literally ex CIA agents in some instance

whered that come from?


Another tool Americans use to further convince the commoners into accepting American hegemony.

I legit don't get why they send missionaries down there. They're already predominantly Christian, why not just help them build houses, fix their plumbing and build roads instead, you know stuff that they lack?

A lot of American Prots think that Catholics and Christians are different things.
>why not just help them build houses, fix their plumbing and build roads instead, you know stuff that they lack?
Because it's cheaper to biblethump than actually help people.

proteshits sends missionaries to already christian places because they're lazy retards, they'll go on mission trips to fucking germany and ethiopia but wont touch any islamic country.

why do anything when you can pray problem away

Shit is so fucked. You would've thought that would've stopped with the decline of the televangelists since they pumped millions into LA missions during the 70-80s.

>and ethiopia
>soulless protestants are slowly disrupting a unique culture with their milquetoast take on christianity
Legit downer.

Americans should be punished for it's crimes agains't humanity


Anglicanism is the true red pill, the best of both worlds, catholic and protestant, all for the glory of the Albionic race.

>the head of my religion is the literal monarch of an actual fucking state on the other side of the earth i have nothing to do with
no thanks

I'm surprised no american has made a greek translation of the king james version yet.

>Religion literally invented because a king wanted to divorce
There's a special kind of hell to all anglos

I wish the evangelical's would stop, now my neighborhood is full of central american, Pentecostal manlettes who at night cry in the park about Jesus.

religion for anglo saxons only, you were never invited


>Anglicanism is the true red pill
Didn't the most trusted priest of the Queen convert to Catholicism because he couldn't take it anymore?

monumental cope

>I am simply flabbergasted at the idea of people still falling for organized superstition
Central American countries are some of those falling hardest. If you were uneducated, hungry, poor as shit and your neighbors looked like this, I think you'd be willing to believe anyone telling you there is something better.

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>tfw both parents are latino proddies

Easy targets. Poor people seeking a way out of misery.

Here the central American pentacostals often have churches in old stores amd strip malls.

>I think you'd be willing to believe anyone telling you there is something better.
Also helps if the pastor tells them that faith = more material goods.

The televangelist types didn't die out, they just changed their targets. They realized that targeting educated, high IQ white people was a terrible strategy, and that targeting semi-literate brown people yielded 50x the returns. If you look around any American town more than 30 miles from an ocean, there's still at least one megachurch.
Your comment paints a vivid picture.

Please take these assholes back.


Bait, bait, bait

There is one way to Christianity and that is reading through Gospel and Paul’s Epistles slowly and deliberately.

Understanding Salvation through Faith in Jesus as Savior and Redeemer through the Cross is first.

Then works that all come from God come later through sanctification

Rome or the Pope does not come in between myself nor God

Did they build that temple of Solomon recreation that is too wide and too short?

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Some unironically went to Afghanistan during the Talibans reign and managed to get themselves arrested.

They build the temple yes, but I don't know much else.
They're also involved in the drug trade and slavery

Despite the kiddy diddling and huge corruption, the Catholic church has done more for Latin America than anyone else. Honestly I somewhat sympathize with the prot "missionaries" but straight up what people here need is education, not fairy tales.
Amerikkka once again proving to be literal the end game Satan boss for this continent.

The source of all evil
Jesus personally choose Peter to guide his church.
Your pathetic heresies are nothing but Mammon worship

>Your comment paints a vivid picture
It's pretty amusing but WTF at the same time. They also handout pamphlets all the time, play loud (like the dont know how to use a mixing board or what OD is) Christian music in the park with no audience and have sidewalk parades.

Same excepts it's renovated shops next to thrift stores and Burger Kings. Always gaudy and bright, most often than not run by Central Americans.

All a layperson reading the bible is gonna do is turn them into a fedora tipping atheist or a raving semetic lunatic. Priests exist because reading the Bible without a good sense of critical thinking is the path to madness... which has clearly gotten to you.

I don't care how many more rolls of tinfoil I can afford anymore, I believe you, new times new strategies.

>They're also involved in the drug trade and slavery

American evangelicals often don't consider Catholics (or Orthodox) to be real Christians

Yes, smart strategy no? The cartels attract too much attention, but who would persecuted a church with millions of followers?
It would be a full blown civil war if the government tried to do anything against them

agreed, most catholics are too retarded to be trusted to read the bible themselves

Anti-Semitism is a Satanic deception because God clearly still has a purpose for the nation of Israel for the end and it is wrong to lump all Israelis as belonging to the Synagogue of Satan

Yes, the Jewish elites still have been a problem since the days of the Pharisees, but Jews have to still turn to God as what Jesus has been trying to do all along in the Gospels. You will be judged accordingly by the Great White Throne of Judgment if you spread the opposite and hatred toward the Jews instead of turning them towards God.

>Despite the kiddy diddling and huge corruption
Legit how the hell does that even happen? Pedos are everywhere but for some reason, there's just a shit ton of them in the RCC.

>tfw with solid catechesis protestant nonsense is easily countered
>tfw half of latin america's catholic bishops are crypto-communists who don't give a fuck about the church
It's all so tiresome

They believe the same here in Brazil.
Pretty mind blowing that they think anyone since Christ himself up to the XX century wasn't a real christian

There is no covenant or redemption with God first without understanding Jesus’ death and role for sinners.

We are to worship Christ, Our Lord and Savior, directly.

>there's just a shit ton of them in the RCC.
Not in terms of proportion or absolute numbers, the real scandal is that higher ups knew it was happening and either did nothing or actively tried to cover it up. That being said, the Church has gotten a lot better at keeping pedos out of the priesthood, there is a reason all of these cases are from the 60s, 70s, and 80s.

Most people, it's not a sectarian thing. Anglo countries are so shit in general because the people are insane semites because of their practice ofhaving everyone read the Bible.

They started in the same epoch that many catholics were big on charity work and were starting to align with left wing ideologies, including communism

So there is speculation that the "alternative" christian churches that had a sudden rise at that time were being financed by the USA.

Publicity makes it seem bigger than it is. But also a position of power with access to kids is bound to bring in the pedos.

Bible’s message is loud and clear, not something a priest has to interpret

Just like you in """"your""""" country.
The time has come
A fact is a fact
It belongs to them
Let's give it back

>church that can trace itself back to the 1st century and has well-developed reasons for everything they believe and teach
Mary-worshipping bead-counting pagans
>1st primitive holy spirit of fire congregationalist pentecostal gospel chapel (reformed) that was founded 20 years ago by some pastor who reverse-engineered the bible into a religion

the gays snuck in to try be accepted in society where they were maligned for being perverts so they attacked children as gays are wont to do but their crimes were placed on the church and they're worshipped the world over and parade appropriating the symbol of god promising to not floodd the world again as he had last time humanity became horrible and sin was the sole activity of men

You can thank the great satan ameriKKKa for that

This. Jesus Christ, a white man, said that blacks and muslims need to all die and that Israel needs to one day control all of the MENA region.

neolithics were genocided and replaced by celts who were genocided and replaced by anglos were genocided and replaced by vikings were genocided and replaced by normans who genocided and replaced the abos
my entire ancestry is built upon genocide, only the strongest survived, and i'm proud of that

>tfw half of latin america's catholic bishops are crypto-communists who don't give a fuck about the church
lol the church has been "crypto-communist" since its foundation you angloid cuckold.