Which one, Yas Forums?

Which one, Yas Forums?

Attached: Races.jpg (1653x755, 68.11K)

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Rightmost one, any other choice is by fact inferior

All save for the chink

The indian girl is literally the only normal looking one. The rest look like aliens

I see no castiza...

black girl


I'd go for the cntral european

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I will not be exiled for stating the truth.

the one with the dik

What the fuck is wrong with these "people"?

Are these computer generated images?

I thought she was a latina


black girl

Because this western website not hispanic website

The MENA and white ones. The others look deformed.

I only like turks, central asians, iranians and hispanics

the indian

the black girl is the most attractive of the four but they're all cute except for the asian, and the indian probably has an incredibly boring personality


Let me put a baby in each of them and end racism forever

based sven

>0n wants to fuck a man

Black girl

What is the white woman looking at?

>No mestiza
>No castiza
>No SEA girl
>No polynesian
I guess I'll just kill myself.

>the black girl is the most attractive

This but the opposite.

This pathetic country named Korea came up with nothing original. They just follow the path that Japan paved and claim uriginal later like a scammer.
Korea is nothing but a bootleg Japan, deal with it, you pathetic scammer.

Attached: gook_plagiarism.png (605x1863, 2.13M)

I Feel Coke JAPAN

I Feel Coke KOREAN rip-off

indian and chink

pajeeta is best

right and its not even close
the white woman is so far superior to those other monkeys that this question isnt even worth asking

induct all of them into my harem, I dont care what race you are if I can fuck it ill add it.

It's incredible how much more beautiful the white girl is than the rest

3 and 4 are the only choices for intelligent beings


In all honesty: 3 > 1 > 2 > 4

Indian girl is the cutest.

they're all very attractive

damn imagine being so pretty that all you do is record yourself and stare at yourself in the mirror all day lmao

left two in the oven

You will not be putting anyone in the oven gypsy.

Indian > Black > White > Asian

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I cant get over how disgusting that korean ""sushi"" looks

I really would love a desi gf.

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I'll put you in a cage with one emu.

Why not all of them?

4312 is the patrician answer.

4 because I like men

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I would only fuck #2

Black girl looks ugly
I'm not into Asian
White girl looks like a man with down syndrome.

Black > Pajeet > Wh*te > Asian

are you white?

Your guide to getting a qt Indian :
1. Be anything except an Indian.
2. Know good to average Hindi, it gets her and her family wet.
3. have a good relationship with her parents

No I'm Mexican. Figured it would be, somewhat, easy because of me being brown as well. But alas.

1- black
2- indian/latina
3- white
4- asian

At least you aren't Indian so you have like 90% success rate. Just a tad bit of work and you'll be slaying them.


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imagine the smell (of her bagina)

t. Apus Vangapandus