Unable to sleep due to lonelyness edition
No gay shit please
Unable to sleep due to lonelyness edition
No gay shit please
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I will say anything
Bump,can't post though
If you aren't that annoying Swede read some swedish poetry in english or your own tongue
My french accent and pronunciation is merde.
Yeah utter dog shit
Gotta talk faster and not change pace randomly while talking, also use more flemng(?) When pronouncing accented words
who is the "annoying swede"?
What the fuck did you just say lol?
I grasped «fleur» and «je veux mourir maintenant»
Thanks, I will show myself out.
Well you could've posted the text you read at least
è simile per me, non pronuncio vecchi libri facilmente
i'm gonna try to find something easier to read
un altro
here u go user. what u think?
death to the golem of zion freedom to the world
I demand you to love America!
Next time make the thread at 4AM while you’re at it
Eighteen naked cowboys in the showers at Ram Ranch
Big hard throbbing cocks wanting to be sucked
Eighteen naked cowboys wanting to be fucked
Cowboys in the showers at Ram Ranch
On their knees wanting to suck cowboy cocks
Ram Ranch really rocks
[Verse 1]
Hot hard buff cowboys, their cocks throbbing hard
Eighteen more wild cowboys out in the yard
Big bulging cocks ever so hard
[Verse 2]
Orgy in the showers at Ram Ranch
Big hard throbbing cocks ramming cowboy butt
Like a breeding ram wanting to rut
Get singing, Abdul.
Oops made a mistake
i don't want this thread to die so i'll post some autism
Deep thoughts on America
Can someone say:
"Where is the cute Italian girl from South Korea?"
here you go
Alright fine. I’ll let it go as your accent is lovely.
Wait, do you like NYC?
Requesting again Portuguese btw. For fun
Or Spanish idc
Not that homo, but yeah, NY is ass and generally reviled by any Americans with a modicum of good sense.
Alrite lads time to get serious.
"Damn ye! Let Neptune strike ye dead Winslow! Hark! Hark Triton, hark! Bellow, bid our father the Sea King rise from the depths full foul in his fury! Black waves teeming with salt foam to smother this young mouth with pungent slime, to choke ye, engorging your organs til' ye turn blue and bloated with bilge and brine and can scream no more - only when he, crowned in cockle shells with slitherin' tentacle tail and steaming beard take up his fell be-finned arm, his coral-tine trident screeches banshee-like in the tempest and plunges right through yer gullet, bursting ye - a bulging bladder no more, but a blasted bloody film now and nothing for the harpies and the souls of dead sailors to peck and claw and feed upon only to be lapped up and swallowed by the infinite waters of the Dread Emperor himself - forgotten to any man, to any time, forgotten to any god or devil, forgotten even to the sea, for any stuff for part of Winslow, even any scantling of your soul is Winslow no more, but is now itself the sea!"
Whoops, this was meant for you user
Yep! It's different from where I live, it's very bright and lively
>Or Spanish idc
Dos y media en la mañana, el olor se mete en la ventana. Son flores y mil animales que me dicen bienvenido al sur. Yo recuerdo a mi papito, y no me importa estar solito porque me llevan a las tierras donde al fin podré de nuevo respirar adentro y hondo. Alegrías del corazón.
Kek, very passionate, nice
It’s way too urban (in a dystopian way) and cosmopolitan to be enjoyed imo
I guess as a Frenchman from the countryside I could only hate it
Ngl it wasn't great, but definitely don't lose hope
The biggest thing IMO was the vowel sounds, in this case something that could be helpful is watching tv or movies and pausing it every so-often to try and mimic what they were saying.
Thanks m8
Spanish reminds me so much of my school days. I tried but I was never able to get that «R» thing right
what lang am i attempting to speak
I'm so terrible at this lol.
Mexicanos, al grito de guerra
el acero aprestad y el bridón.
Y retiemble en sus centros la Tierra,
al sonoro rugir del cañón.
Y retiemble en sus centros la Tierra,
¡al sonoro rugir del cañón!
Ciña ¡oh Patria! tus sienes de oliva
de la paz el arcángel divino,
que en el cielo tu eterno destino
por el dedo de Dios se escribió.
Mas si osare un extraño enemigo
profanar con su planta tu suelo,
piensa ¡oh Patria querida! que el cielo
un soldado en cada hijo te dio.
LMAO how
I will say anything
Didn’t understand what I read sadly, usually Spanish can be easy to guess, I assume it’s patriotic Mexican poem
Hope that’s not too awful
any advice for my french? i stutter occasionally which just comes from a bit of awkwardness from speaking since i don't get many opportunities to speak out loud
oops forgot link
what's your native dialect?
It's just the national anthem.
Is that you, DoA?
Here I read it too:
Besides a small error in pronouncing "dicen" and what you mentioned, it was pretty good. Here it is in a my accent:
The text was an excerpt of this nice song, by the way:
¿Qué hace un chileno en Noruega?
Ok, pls reply me with the girls vocaroos, I don't want to go throw all of them
Impressive performance and thanks for your review
Comfy music too, 78M views, guess it’s quite popular among Hispanics
Oh well, sorry for butchering your anthem then
Thank you! That's really valuable advice. If I'm speaking to my francophone friends I speak with a very broad Quebecois accent but I have been trying to familiarize myself with how to pronounce things in a more "neutral" way. I find myself trying to speak quickly like I would with Quebecois, but I end up getting tongue-tied when trying anything else.
Anyone able to rate my German pronounciation? I am extremely new to the language pls be gentle
Also if anyone has any requests for my shitty Spanish I will totally do them
Soy inmigrante de segunda generación. Mis padres vinieron aquí en los años ochenta.
it's quite the challenge to read Dante as a native english speaker
Based, thank you. I will definitely slow down when pronouncing things. If it's of any interest to you, the accent spoken in my part of Canada (Manitoba) is actually a little different from Quebecois, but I worked for a short while in Quebec so my accent is all over the place.
It has an interesting uniqueness to it, compared to other Canadian French.
? I have an 'American accent' I'm just brainwashed by movies that include different accents.
lol no
you sound kinda like you're from the south
the second is i Discorsi so it didn't feel nearly as difficult