Do angloids really?

Lunch break duration by country

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>spending up to 3hrs at work doing nothing

Lunch is usually an hour I think

i refuse to believe a swede eats for 3 hours

based meds shitting on bugmen wageslave anglos


Lol, what the fuck are you doing for 3 hours?

They're fucking slaves
I suppose they get home earlier tho?

Don't know about aus but in NZ its 30 minutes for lunch because you get two 15 minute breaks before that (a lot of companies just round that up to one 30 minute break). In Japan you get one break per day of 1 hour.

and if we skip lunch entirely we get to go home even earlier


>wasting three hours of your day in a work-constrictes setting, and not get paid for it.

Give me short breaks so I can get home earlier, where I can actually relax in my wanted environment.


no, we'd just rather finish the job and go home instead

You go home in those 3 hours then come back, it's called split shift, never worked it but it's common and everybody hates it.

No wonder meds are useless lazy parasites. No offence wogs

Wouldn’t you rather have a short lunch and spend the time saved at home?

wtf sweden? i often skip lunch or in just grab some snack while i work or drive around, i much rather want to go home a little early than waste time at work. but i can take 1h+ breaks if i want no one notice anyway

Every job I worked the lunch break was 30 minutes

the only exception was Wal-Mart. On an 8 hour shift you get one hour lunch break as well as two 15 minute breaks

I have 45 but used to have 30. I cam take how ever long I want though.

Where i work we get 1 hour break. 2 hours if you take a double shift

Not even the Greeks or Spaniards are getting paid for a 3 hour break.

Countries with large suceesful business's as opposed to emerging markets who provide negative risk adjusted returns and high unemployment

Bonding with people instead of rubbing your boss's cock

>1-3 hours
lol we aren't some catholic subhumans

do they get paid for those 3 hours? how many hours in the average work day?

My lunch break is 1 hour

t. glazier

My lunch "break" is all day every day its called being a neet

i used to work 12 hour shifts in a hotel and all i got was 30 min

i can take however long i want

An hour is pretty common here

I’d rather get the work day over with sooner than spread it out longer than it has to be

dutch people just eat some sandwiches they made at home
30 min to eat them relaxed

I work for a grocery store and they give you a half hour if its less than 8 hours and an hour if its 8 or more. The lunch break is unpaid but you do get paid fifteen minute breaks, two fifteens for 8 hours and one for less than 8. So if you work for 8 hours its more like you get paid for 7 hours despite it not really being feasible to go home for an hour and if you don't take the break it doesn't matter, they still pay you for 7 hours

I would rather get out of work at 5 than take longer for lunch and not get home until 8

Japan have two 15 minute breaks and 1 hour lunch break. Also the difference from the west is Japanese companies pay for these 15 minute breaks (because these are for "bathroom time") while western companies use these breaks for cutting costs.

same here with the two 15 min breaks

You guys have only 30 minute lunch break and still as poor as Malaysia though...

it sounds awful. you can't really enjoy yourself in just 1-3 hours because you have to keep a constant eye on the clock for when you have to return

sometimes we have to take longer lunches at work because we're hourly and they don't want to pay us OT. taking a 1hour+ lunch is annoying

You have a nice lunch and take a nap.

lol what

when does your typical work day start and stop? me i leave my house 0715 and im back home 1545. that 7,5h paid work 30 unpaid lunch an a 15min drive each way. lots of time to make a good dinner, take a nap and then do something fun the rest of the evening. or just fap and drink beer.

I'm a neet, but my mom works from 8-12 and then from 16-20, I think I'd rather have it that way than all inone go, rushing through lunch.

Siesta culture is shite. Basically this

>3 Hours lunch break
How? Why?
That's a third of your working day.

I think 45min - 1 hour is the ideal.

thats basicly the entire day wasted for only 8 hours of pay and no time to do anything after work

Is there any job not hourly paid in America? Here, there are roughly two kind of employees called "proper employee" and "non-proper employee (part-time job.)" "non-proper" one is the same as American job style, companies pay hourly or maybe per 15 minutes for employees, so they demand more breaks for employees when they don't want to pay. Most of us are "proper employees" though. Companies pay monthly (or sometimes yearly) so if you get more lunch breaks or get home earlier, it's simply lucky for employees.

>take 20/25 min eating break
>only allowed 15

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isn't "salaryman" a japanese term? I think you are talking about salaries versus hourly wages.

Do the 3h lunch include siesta, do they add 3h to their work hours and wonder why their cunt is absolutely shit?

Japan is a highly unproductive country in work hours.
Any job you can finish in 2 hours you stretch it out for 6 or 8 hours, whatever your turn is. Because you're not allowed to finish your work and leave early.

>Needing more than 30 minutes to eat

I know, right. That's what the last one or two periods of the day are for.

This is for schools, isn't it? There's no fucking way an employer would allow three hours of breaks in a work day.

in America we have to basic classifications of employee based on exemption from overtime laws.

>non-exempt: wagies who get paid by the hourly
>exempt: people who get paid a set amount per week/month/year

Just like in Japan, the exempt workers get fucked because they end up working more hours for the same pay. It's not uncommon for places like McDonalds to classify multiple people as the "manager", give them a salary that is still basically minimum wage, and exploit the fuck out of them.

I make more per hour now as a wagie than I did when I was salaried.

Depends on country and job/workplace.
At my job we get (on paper) two 20 minute breaks (paid) but for years it has been two 30 minute breaks because people kept prolonging their breaks bit and it just got stuck and superiors stopped trying to reinforce it.

"Salaryman" is obsolete word, but yes. I wanted to know America has salaryman style job.

holy shit that's disgusting. i would quit if i only had 30 minutes

>unpaid breaks

everything got done so much quicky and better when had a 2 hour lunch break. gave me time to hit up the hood, an hour usually works, but sometimes there were issues, 2 hours to sort things out is perfect.3 hours id be dead tho. holy shit @ cunts with 3 hour breaks

Japanese salaryman also get extra wage (added 25% for overtime working) though. The problem is there are some sneaky employees try to delay finishing work and get more extra wages, but most of the case we finish works before scheduled time.

Japan looks unproductive on paper because our companies pay much more than actual working time for employees. For example, we finished work in 2 hours and got home earlier but we still keep it as 8 hours work on paper (and that company pays 8 hours proper wages).

I feel like most places actually get an hour for lunch. Could be wrong though?

Also, we actually go home earlier because we don't take really long breaks in the middle of the day.

Both systems are ok but I prefer ours honestly.