
*licks tits and tummy* edish

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Other urls found in this thread:


China is based for banning ASMR
I'm hooked to cooming to this stuff
Absolutely degenerate

please get a job, I'm begging you.
imagine spending literally all day online where everyone hates you

yeah and nowhere does that say or imply what you're triggered about

armand van helden - u don't know me
soundtrack to my life haha x ;(

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Jesus christ

pls i beg you, source

what do you mean they banned it? lmaooooooo

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could huff female pheromones all day. deadly addictive scent.

end of civilisation on the way lads, what's your final fanny count?

for me? it's 22

he's usually browsing /gif/ for cuck porn, so probably somewhere there

Bet the chick you in the OP has some serious daddy issues, eh cloggers?

almost certainly a dike
dont get too excited



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no it isn't
stop overreacting lol

you’re always sperging out about something dumb. you just seem in a constant state of seethe.

Zero. The Lord will save me when the rest of you are taken by Satan.

volcels are THE most powerful race in the world

masturbating to lesbians is the most straight way to wank


Want to lick her bob all over her yes India #1 death to p*kistAn


make fun of pajeets all you want, but know that chinks are just as bad

getting fat
not good
more news at 1:00pm

Sheffield best pubs
simple as


based Doug

More than 40

What muscles does this workout target specifically?

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>Suspicious of ASMR and its effects, the Chinese government has decided to ban the phenomenon, ordering the removal of ASMR videos from their biggest video streaming sites, including Youku, Bilibili, and Douyu.

It's softcore porn

Imagine literally having children but still being a slut for virgins on the internet.

End of civilisation
Start of my rape (consensual) spree

I will cum on your rump

that is unbelievably fucking based.

dont care

you're the one always (including now) sperging out

>turkish fella cutting some blokes hair is softcore porn
>fat brown asian man pretending to draw a picture of you is softcore porn
>bloke playing with laser pointers and metal things is softcore porn

imagine the imagining imagine this just imagianing imagination imagine XD!!!!

whats your all time favourite brit post? for me its either the lad who had a mental breakdown and chopped his hair with scissors or lad who lost his money opening his wallet in the wind

demoralised white man cums on his tummy POV

>Suspicious of ASMR and its effects
are they wrong?

chat: hahahahaha yes holy shit so fucking funny hahah

Good morning laddies



No, but to say it's all softcore porn is disingenuous at best.

Reminds me of the time I took DMT with mates and seen the interracial breeding grounds.
It's hard to convey the scale of this thing. It's as if one entire country was designated to be this breeding ground ,
and white women made a pilgrimage there from the world over.

Thousands of waiting room tents on a completely level field, cum storage vats the size of grain silos,
Then the main breeding facilities which hold thousands of the strongest fittest black studs,
With suction tubes attatched to their cocks like the ones attatched to cows utters, draining their balls.

Then after they were drained they would remove the apparatus and head into one of the resting tents.
The cum went up through thousands of tubes into individual transparent holding vats in the ceiling,
coming down in a large circus style big top tent where thousands of women lined up to sit on these bench styled apparatus with individual arse recessed seats which inseminated them,
There were changing room facilities for the women to put their clothes while they got inseminated.

When my mates ask me what my experience was like I had to lie and say I was flying over a forest

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both good gimmicks
for me it was the tesco night mode post

ive been cackling about the second one all evenong

youtube comment section tier post

can never remember anything from these threads honestly

done this many times
how is that demoralised? where else are you supposed to cum when wanking?

>dickhead from college I didn't get along with gets hired at my fave restraunt
>turning the staff against me
>micro aggressions from 2 lasses
>end up punching an escalator after leaving
Do I chimpout or what?

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Attached: hahahhahahha.png (727x402, 54.07K)

kill them all

Leeds bender

can hear my mum doing a big poo

what about when mikey said he sells stuff to people and tells them to keep the money because now they are his "bank"

you’re always sperging out about dumb meaningless shit. never post anything interesting or funny, just like emmet but he doesn’t seethe as much as you.

i need a smoke
and im rummaging for papers


a good candidate

dogs dont understand the word euthanasia the stupid cunt

a good one
can tell the lad that wrote it is funny


>halo ce on the masterchief collection

Either the Mikeynomics thing or sucking a golf ball.

>micro aggressions


Hugo Boss gets a bad reputation for working with the Nazis. I think it's a bit unfair to put the blame squarely on them- Coco Chanel and Louis Vuitton worked with the Nazis too!

everything on r/britishproblems is a FALSIFICATION

>you’re always sperging out
says the incel sperging out at me
lmao, stopped reading

Be happy you don't work in a restaurant?