Im mexican and I do not care about the opinion of non mexicans

Im mexican and I do not care about the opinion of non mexicans.

Do you like mexicans? I do not care find some other county/peoples to obsess over.

Do you hate mexicans? Idc care either. Watching you seethe is entetaining.

Attached: Mexico-min.jpg (800x800, 41.03K)

You can not care from the other side of the border panchito

Be nice to your cousin Pablito, Juanito.

You are not Mexican, chicano. Show birth cert or fuck off

People who live in mexico have less reason to care about opinion of outsiders

t. cuck who cares about opinion of anglo and insults his fellow mexicans living in america

off yourself

He a Meximutt and there is nothing you do or say to change it.

Im mexican

my cousin :)

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Traitors like you deserved to be killed.


It's crazy because I never met a single spic irl yet I hate them instinctively, this is just how insufferable and disgusting they are

You will never be accepted no matter how much you hate on your own kind cuck subhuman

You're retarded and easily influenced then.

Retarded because I hate trash people?
Influenced by whom? If not their own acts?

Based, keep on seething sandnigger.
All outsiders are retarded and do not understand what its to be mexican, we should not care about their opinions

Let the hate comsume you sandnigger

Kys Cletus
Prove it

>Kys Cletus
Im mexican tho
>Prove it
How do you want me to prove it?

I'm Mexican and I do care about the opinion of non-Mexicans. I care about the negative stereotypes/criticism that they promote, learn from them and try to better myself. Of course some people offer no insight at all and their opinions can safely be disregarded.


Post pic of birth cert or INE with timestamp

Based pls obsess over brazil instead


>Post pic of birth cert or INE with timestamp
Im not posting personal info here


All self haters are not mexican. Your opinion is irrelevant.

Imagine making a thread about a topic you claim to not care about, explaining how much you don't give a fuck to people you claim not to give a fuck about tee-hee

The paleomongoloid is strong in Mexicans

You are the only one who suffers from hating mexicans. Hate destroys your soul and it feeds mine

ok Mamadou

I feed of hate.

Bump. I want more people to seethe at my existence

fuck off gringo

Hating yourself gets rid of your mexicam status. You are not mexican.

what part of spain is Mexico in?

It does not matter if he is black, arab, white, chinese, paki or korean his opinion is irrelevant because he is not mexican. You should say ok non mexican


Stay mad, faggots. At the end of the day any hate you harbor will amount to nothing more than impotence and inaction.

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This lol

Ok chicanx
Based self-hating actual Mexican

The one who hates is the one who loses

Well you don't know, maybe if there's enough hate some interesting things might happen :^)

Locally at first, then at a larger scale.

Blur it, idiot

>non mexican thinks he can decide who is mexican and who is not

>He took the cuatrochan too seriously

You are an impotent incel

As if it wasn't 10x worse irl lol

>It's crazy because I never met a single spic irl yet I hate them instinctively, this is just how insufferable and disgusting they are

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You wish, ugly spicoid

I don’t hate Mexico. People there were the friendliest I’ve ever met.

lol he MAD!

Dont make me call you sand N word again

Non mexicans are not human


>Muh worldwide white solidarity and united global race war fantasy
The fact some of you delusional outcasts actually believe this is in anyway possible, let alone within the realm of reality, will never not make it a top tier meme.

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Yep he is the nafri

Based AF.

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You are not mexican. I do not care about your opinion. Continue too seethe so I can feed of your anger

Whatever, you're not concerned anyway, keep projecting your fantasies

You cared enough to reply, Spic and span.

post IFE pendejo

Our world is ruled by capital. No one will do anything unless it brings them profit

>>keep projecting your fantasies
>n-no you
Based Retard

I reply because I want to see another one of your rants. Your anger entertains me

Half of twitter are spics, pretty much all bernie bros are latinos, they surely are the most obnoxious demographic in the USA

CHIs absolutley seething

>implying you apes can understand anything I say
It's funny to see you try though

They just seem so mediocre yet very loud it's crazy

Yes im seething alot

What are you talking you even talking about, Schizo?