Do they really...?

Do they really...?

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-05-07-50-22-995_com.reddit.frontpage.jpg (720x727, 202.88K)

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I hate white people so much

Got to get those upvotes
Also fuck russia

Perfectly fine until he uploaded it for upboats.

based redditor

I like how he prepared and set a camera to make a quality picture.

Attached: v6KVpc53wn4.jpg (749x750, 68.7K)

why not get some popularity while at it?
I doubt the wife would mind

I fucking hate reddit and white people so much. Absolutely no sense of shame.

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his wife was going to die from some illness and he posted a pic of their last moments on reddit

OP is the same guy spreading her ashes somewhere

>why not get some popularity while at it?
Remind me pls, what is "upvote to dollar" exchanges rate? 1 to 1 or 1 to no fucks?

Is this the same attention whore?

that dog is stressed as fuck

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I like the new awards because now sometimes people give the "wholesome" award and similar to horrific events lmao.

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If I was dying I'd post on Yas Forums.

Yes but it would be you doing the posting. The woman in the pictures is in a coma and then a pile of ash.

me too

he is thinking very hard lmao

Why the fuck would you post something like that?

LMAO look at him suffer
Better get those upboats

yt ppl be like...... you know susan this memory too spicy

Need them easy sympathy votes breh.



Lol imagine posting your dying wife on Yas Forums

I just went to this guys profile, it’s a mess. He has the top 9 posts on the r/widower subreddit and all the posts are like the one in OP.
It seems wrong, but maybe this is just how he copes.

Someone post picture of teen selfie with dead granny


Attached: QxLF7Uix0PI.jpg (897x1200, 256.61K)

They have the internet in Alaska?

nice ash whiteboi. BRAPPPPPP

Attached: Have+you+seen+the+ganges+river+_4ebad26d8121780a2f030fe6ebd7aefd.jpg (736x458, 113.97K)

as a reddit detective. i say yes

based niggertino

Why is white genocide bad?

lol it is

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-03-04 at 8.25.26 PM.png (610x448, 372.28K)

someone post the image of a girl taking a selfie with her dying grandpa hooked up to life support in the background

Where's wife's bf?

Pressing buttun on the camera.

He made a post that only got 3.4k upvotes. Not enough so he posted it again but this time on a subreddit that gets more traffic.

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we have to conserve all species even if they are insectoids.


Is he a sociopath?
I wouldnt even do this if my gfs dying words were "take pictures and make a sad story on reddit" as id still feel it was too disrespectful


fucking heretics

this. wtf

The dog has more shame than this guy and it literally eats shit


I'd post my cock and tell the janny to suck it desu

I agree. I'll start pointing their hypocrisies in public too.
I want these kind of people to suffer

Literally only white people do this.
Why are white Americans like this?


Do amerisharts even have souls?

What the fuck is wrong with redditors?
Everyone who posts on that shithole deserves to burn.

I don't find this picture that offensive.

>Literally only white people do this.

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You're not supposed to dump them in water wtf. Imagine if someone ended up drinking that.