Say goodnight to the Brits Edition
like for example what's up with this retarded lamba syntax? wtf does C++ even need lambads since it has function pointers? they just cater to hipsters cause "but c# has muh lambdas we want them too". at least they are somewhat readable in C#.
What are the chances of British capitalists following China's socialist example and building two hospitals in ten days...?
whats the difference between a wanklog and a clogwog?
rorke applying to drive a bus
shut the fuck up nerd
>Sounds like a shitty place to work. He's basically saying "I will not support you if a coworker harasses you sexually, gets violent, or insults you because I'm a crusty good ol boy that likes banter because it makes me feel like a man". If I worked there it would be like signing up to be harassed, banter has no fucking place at work, I am there to earn money not riff with friends. Fucking idiot boomer. The solution is to just not work for retards like that, most people are just apathetic/normal and want to just work and go home especially in minimum wage jobs. There are 1-2 people that let power go to their heads or try to micromanage their coworkers but they are just RETARDS and everyone shittalks them soooo who cares?
c++ done my bollocks in at uni
had to switch course because of it
if you dont like dogs you are BROWN or STUPID
it's not fair that hijab qts stick to their own
everytime i visit some euro country on a trip i see loads of muslim men with white gfs
why isn't government intervening and puting quotas
Coughing a bit lads
fuck off to china then if you like it so much
a real sjw wouldnt use the r-slur
hmmst yes I use javascript sir
what is marks job and how does he not become homeless? what makes him different than the alcoholics i see slumped in the street in london?
you don't understand what a lambda is if you think they're doing the same thing as function pointers
oh lord i heard from the attic some sounds
oh satan take me now or release me as a goa'uld from stargate
They're literally containment cells with furnaces to shove people in before they can be recorded as having died of the coronavirus.
growing a beard lads. hope that is ok
enjoyed the fury vs wilder fight
however, I thought it was in poor taste when wilder referred to himself as "the nigger king"
gagging for a vape but im in my pants and the cars in the road
literally only muslims don't like dogs
any footage from inside of those things looks like a prison
wouldn't be surprised if it were another internment camps but adapted for outbreaks
you know what does my nut in c++?
Nice proof
Where do you work if you just want to earn money and not banter with people/make friends? I just want to go to work and then go home not be harassed and humiliated, I already had to leave sixth form and I don't have any qualifications because of it and then I get the same treatment in the warehouse (thought everyone would be robotic and depressed and leave you alone, turns out it was the complete opposite)
you realise Yas Forums is just memes right
protecting myself with megadoses of vitamin c
never fucked an ethnic woman. actually don't think ive fucked any kind of woman come to think of it .
Somewhere in the African desert.
WTF is an "ethnic woman"?
you're right.
the problem is everything will always eventually be taken for granted then cause an awful loss when it's taken away
human resources
ordered some pornhub socks
>"white people have no culture"
The only people who find arses attractive are americanised freaks
learn pointers
lol fucking dickhead
Same, but I'm thinking of going full-shaven as soon as I get a job interview. Just nice to grow it out every once in a while desu
no I mean an actual beard. like a ZZ Top kind of beard. a "roleplaying as Santa Claus next Christmas" kind of beard.
I don't have a vagina and I just want to do physical labour in a service oriented economy and not have to deal with other people
Jews aren't white
Would've suggested janitor but the "harassed and humiliated" part would still be there.
Ruminating on a wank
but why does it have to be ->? that's such an ugly syntax, both symbols are already completely different things.
i know how pointers work
seething goy
literally had six calls from toilberg I've not picked up because I decided not to turn up today loool
bet he's fucking livid the cunt
wouldn't mind if louis ck made a return. miss his stand up
They literally are
he said he wanted to earn money
would anybody like to have my thinkpad x220 for free or do I gotta sell it on eBay for £10
it's a little arrow haha
he wanted to tell you they found a new guy for your position
he should be in prison for rape
>coon races
fuck off no one cares
this sounds like a very depressing way to go about your life. you should just calm down around other people and let go of your inhibitions and then do something better. the longer you stay at a place the easier it becomes in terms of autism
>professorberg saying the Parasite is the greatest movie ever made and anyone that disagrees is a Neo-Nazi
i am not saying they are the same. function pointers are universal enough so fuck lambdas. everything you can do with a lambda, you can do with a function pointer
he was only good on radio
does it work? I'll pay you