I love eating at American fast food restaurants, it makes me forget that I live in a third world brown shithole

I love eating at American fast food restaurants, it makes me forget that I live in a third world brown shithole.

Attached: ElyK9qB.png (561x473, 174.27K)

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>bragging about eating processed shit
You have the mentality of a third worlder.

very good post. what fast food chains do you have?

nah you call it shit and thats somewhat insecure. it is not gourmet food but it works.

I love braindead american consumerism and the complete and utter shallowness of it all. The feeling of your neural oscillation slowing down and relaxing feels great.

It is called a hyperbole, retard. It is edible but it is still low-tier processed food. Bragging about eating this kind of food and doing so because it is foreign on top of that is nigger-tier behavior, no different than a thug believing himself to be high-class by wearing running shoes and a Manchester United jersey.

Yup, fast foods are a sure sign of being first world.

Attached: fast-food-restaurant-signs-san-juan-puerto-rico-hg2gbe.jpg (1300x822, 180.76K)



>Completely missing the point and thinking I'm bragging.

You have the IQ of a third worlder.

My point was that due to the taste of the food and the aesthetics of the place it feels as if I was in USA (ignoring all the poor kids that live on the street entering the place to ask for money and the horrible language spoken by the wagies).


You are a self hating incel shitskin.

Same, ok maybe not unironically but I got to admit you can delude yourself into thinking France is 95% white when going to a macdonnals, its pretty much all white middle class students in my area

I get depressed after eating fast food so I avoid it

Argentina isn't white?

There is McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's and KFC.

Does Arg Wendy's have the based 4 for 4?

Attached: Four-for-Four.jpg (1080x1080, 534.65K)

Most people are either white or mestizo.

Top Tier:
Popeyes (spicy chicken sandwich)
In N Out

High Tier
Five Guys
Chic Fil A

Mid Tier
Chipotle (you can dislike this if you eat too frequently)

Mid-Low tier
The rest of Popeyes

Low Tier
Panda Express

Shit tier
Burger King
Dairy Queen
Taco Bell
Jimmy Johns

Attached: D-ekj4JVUAAY7zS.jpg (640x781, 89.73K)

>walk into "five guys" that just opened near me after hearing about it a lot online
>cheeseburger is £8.50
>turn 360° and walk out

Where's Culvers, Arby's and White Castle??

Attached: sliders.png (2219x1461, 2.65M)

excluded because that doesn't even look like real food

i've never been to arby's thanks to hope solo

Random on topic pic from Buenos Aires Wendy's

Attached: the bueanos Aires wendys.png (1333x1690, 2.93M)

THIS, WAY to expensive

Attached: 9f56ec63d60322bc864373640086ce34.jpg (2048x707, 149.1K)

>It doesn't matter how white you are, brownensimians will call you non-white no matter how much hard proofs you present, they will cry and cope because you dared to call them out, how dares one of the few real white individials in the country tell the truth on the internet about how un-white the country trully is.

Attached: 20200304_203748.jpg (696x1457, 470.3K)

It's tremendous, also Why no Jack in the box? Most varied fast food menu imo

Attached: jack menu.png (2475x1344, 3.62M)

This board is utterly obsessed with Argentinians Racially

Attached: Southern_Cone_Ethnography.jpg (1086x1504, 949.09K)

I literally haven't had McDonalds in a decade and a half, how do you people stomach it?

Looks comfy to me.

Attached: ESDyYXiWAAA964J.jpeg.jpg (667x900, 75.38K)

Boy howdy,that sure is a big word.I wish my corn syrup addicted brain could handle them there complexities of the English language like you.

Prolly not but there are other promotions although I doubt they are as good as American ones.


On july 4th (it probably has nothing to do with American day of independence, although if it did people here wouldn't know because no one knows about 4th july) burger king in this country does a special stacker burger day where prices on stacker burgers, fries and soda are cut in half (stackers are burgers consisting of 3,4,5 or more patties (you can ask as many as you want) + cheese, bacon and stacker sauce) on those days I buy 3 quintuple burgers with 3 large fries and 3 large sodas and eat to death.

Very representative, we have more asians than aboriginals hurr

>5 or more patties (you can ask as many as you want)

Attached: impressed.gif (500x262, 388.92K)

Come home fat man

Most of them are natives or mestizo (only 20% of the country at most is actually white).

This is literally better than any fast food chain.

Attached: Guerrin-Frente.jpg (800x679, 239.36K)

I'm literally picking random images from a crown in a mall in Buenos Aires

Attached: another random.png (2278x1352, 3.54M)

our prices are double that

Buenos Aires is the whitest city in the country (argie anons will sheete at this but genetic studies dont lie) and thats a mall in a very well off neighborhood, its like me picking "random" images from new england

Looks pretty good for Argie pizza(it always look a little bit off to me, maybe the toppings)

Attached: pizza g.png (2860x1129, 3.56M)

That's galerias pacifico in the center of buenos aires, people there don't represent how the country really is.

dumb luck then I guess, My curiosity about Their Wendy's led me there. What are the latest results of Yas Forums genetic studies regarding Argentinos?

Attached: buenos aries wendys.png (2463x1551, 3.94M)

It was 53% mestizo during the first kirchner presidency so now it should be I dunno 60-70% and mostly young
What do you mean "good for argie pizza" like it wasnt the best in the world? would pay 100 euros to have some right now

Same, I love walking into Burger King and ordering some first world food, makes me feel like I live in a developed country.

What a retarded map kek

is this pic from the 90s?
a burger is easily $9 there now

>What do you mean
I literally live in the pizza capital of the world

Attached: big.jpg (1000x750, 146.13K)

>that palette of random colors with alternating shadows of yellow and green in no particular order
really gave me cancer

your mind is so cucked you think white needs to be the end color.

get a grip.

>all that grease

That's a pie

Why are so many argies here so self hating? Not even Brazilian posters hate themselves this much

no, i am saying it is fucking retarded to not use the rainbow colors since there are exactly 7 groups. and not just that, it uses a bunch of shades of green and yellow and they are not even sorted by color and alternate between yellow and green. extreme autisim. and on top of that you are not even able to understand what i mean so i have to explain twice. sad

>What do you mean "good for argie pizza" like it wasnt the best in the world?

Attached: frankpepe.jpg (1024x680, 203.03K)

>so many
all 3-5 of them?

>I literally live in the pizza capital of the world
That would be New Haven CT.

Attached: margherita-pizza-pepes.jpg (550x365, 51.03K)

chicago pizza best pizza

miss me that faggy "muh real pizza" shit hommie

>No that's a PIE
Why must you tremble in fear at the sight of something so delectable

Attached: more giordano's.png (1364x1705, 2.51M)


Believe me I would devour that thing whole but its still a pie

So, that's a New Haven pizza then huh, is it always well done?

Attached: n haven.png (2385x1430, 3.89M)

and how would you that? They are the only people I see call their own country shitholes consistently. No other Latam poster is this frequent in this self hate

Holy shit do you guys have some meme pizza, Chicago style shit talkers take note

Attached: buenos aires pizza.png (1871x1581, 3.1M)

i don't care really but it could be just one poster and you keep saying "them" like there are hundreds of them. brazilians do that too. and so do burgers. except it is this one poster who always bitches about how he wants to move to europe.

Its so cheap too

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