Racism? Never. However, I am a nationalist. I don't care if you're black, white, yellow, or purple...

>Racism? Never. However, I am a nationalist. I don't care if you're black, white, yellow, or purple. As long as you assimilate and adapt to this land and its values then there's room for you here.

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You just advocated for genocide and a human rights abuse.

>As long as you assimilate and adapt to this land and its values then there's room for you here.
good thing humans have very little genetic diversity and can also adapt to any number of environments regardless of genetic makeup


Can I speak spanish in public tho? Por favor señor?

> I treat you good as long as you do no harm to anyone (except my enemies)

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>Nationalism? Never.
>However, I am a Catholic. I dont care about your land, culture or color but you should submit to the Supreme Pontiff, His Holiness Papa Francesco.

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Holy mother of all the things I hold sacred, this is so based I'm speechless

makes sense in america but i feel if you are going to be a nationalist in europe you should base it around ethnicity. british/dutch/french "values" are just whatever the people in charge say they are.

Makes no sense in America. What are American values?

Assimilation is just racism by another name, except you make allowances for the "good blacks" and "good Mexicans".

Meh. I'll always feel closer to any other European than sandniggers or other apes with French citizenship.

> French
French nationality was literally based on being born in France, since they had like 300 cultural groups

>he feels more in common with white lithuanians than french speaking Africans from his own neighborhood
socially isolated freak detected

cringed so hard I almost chocked

God bless!

>denying biology means you're a freak

No, godless cunt shithead.
You're a fucking putrid waste of existence.

The ONLY uniting American 'value' that cuts across our deeply varied society is 'I want money'. Thats barely a value at all but whatever

National values are only ever used by those in control because they only ever attempt to get lower class people to act outside their own self interest

Go back to Yas Forums, macaco

>Racism? Never. We are all God's people and we should live in harmony. The so called countries are a threat to our harmony by dividing and ultimately making us fight each other. There should be no borders, this is what God wanted from us.

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That's cool, but have you ever heard of the tower of bable?

Not really. I go to uni and I have friends there, who mostly think like me, so it's fine.

Imagine having such a warped American mind that you not only think you should be allowed to move anywhere whenever but the people that already lived there should also be the ones that adapt to you. Absolutely mind boggling

Thought experiment:
>a wizard magically moves everyone in Sweden to Madagascar, and everyone in Madagascar to Sweden.

Will the land area currently known as Sweden continue to be swedish???

God's punishment upon us for being to greedy thus by learning our lesson we should never do that again and reunite
One people, one race, one language. God's people, God's race, God's language

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I agree, but I'm still a nationalist. My country? Earth

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I think you should probably go read the story again, especially the part where God gives everyone a different language so they can't be together

I don't think you know what nationalism is

It’s easy to say that when you’re literally the most repulsive race in the world. Not so easy when you’re the ones that would have to become one with the r*m*nians



Babel's punishment was trying to be like god, not because they refused to slaughter each other lol

Culturally the Lithuanian is much more similar to that French guy than Africans in France.

To an extend, God gave us the Earth to be our home, so ultimately we should take good care of our home thus making us all nationalists
That's why I said we should reunite, we learned our lesson and what happened then, should never happen again.

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yeah i guess france was a bit of a poor example because they had the french revolution which was very civic nationalist. but still, for most european countries, i feel like ethno-nationalism makes more sense. i'm not a nationalist myself though, i'm apathy gang.

Trying to have melting pots is what will make the peoples slaughter each other. Ethnostates is how you prevent race war.

>Racism? Yes.

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I got Holocausted too hard to assimilate and not have an in-group preference.
In fact, your desire for me to assimilate is textbook fascism, you ooze white privilege.
Also, your government that my rabbi pays agrees with me.
Good thing you refuse to collectivize racially or killing off the 1 ethnic group that truly rivals my people wouldn't be so easy.

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Dude, open any history book.
Ethnostates always lead to violence.

It isn't true because Africans and French are certainly human which can't be said about l*thuanian traitorous vipers

Unironically based.
Makes sense, plus it'll give the wignats the ethnostate they've been clamoring for and might stop their complaining.

>Racism? Yes, absolutely. I am a racist. I don't care if you're assimilated or adapted to this land and its values. As long as you're black, yellow or purple there's no room for you here.

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the multicultural states of usa, britain and france are more violent than the defacto ethnostate of japan

This but unironically.

> Of course I don't believe in borders

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You might wanna look up what nationalism is

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>Racism? Never. However, I am a nationalist. I don't care if you're black, white, yellow, or purple. As long as you assimilate and adapt to this land and its values then there's room for you here.

isn't this what we already have?


>non-whites don't collectivize racially

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States lead to violence.

humans are violent by nature. what do you think happened to the other homo species?

>by nature
there's no such thing anymore, humanity can be totally reconstructed

Based retard

Expecting immigrants to assimilate is not genocide you globalist fuckwit. If they want to retain their previous culture they can stay in their previous country.

how would you stop people practicing their culture? curtail religious freedom? police squads arresting people cooking ethnic food?

that's only if regular people are too slothful bully them for being wogs

if they do something against the law they go to jail.
sexual emergencies don't exist.
nobody has to make affordances to you in order to meet your religious tenets.

>Islamophobe? Yes. The current values of Islam go directly against Western Ideals and it is the biggest reason for the stagnation of the arab world and terrorism. A world with a reformed Islamic fait that promotes innovation and gets rid of backward traditions while still sticking to its true roots would solve most of the world's problem.

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that already largely happens except in rare cases.

All those useless questions and fake problems (that add up to the perpetual problems societies have to face) that could be resolved solely by expelling the foreign elements instead of negating natural ingroup advantage phenomenons.

The most ironic part might be that the anti-racists think they're the smarter ones in the story.

these people arent breaking any laws your fucking faggot

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>go out and preach to the gentiles

Attempting to install a governing body inside of another governing body is an act of rebellion against the state.
There is zero tolerance for any competition against the government's monopoly on force in any sensible nation.

no it's not

Yes it is, muhammad.
Am I allowed to throw you in my personal dungeon for the high crime of walking on my lawn?