Post the street where you live

Post the street where you live.

Attached: micasa.jpg (1920x1440, 457.5K)

Other urls found in this thread:,-67.2063077,3a,75y,33.04h,81.32t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sYZLHvhARG-0x7diqHQYyFg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

how about no

it's fun and you get roasted from time to time so it's ok

>Just doxx yourself bro! It'll be fun

yes, the famous hacker Yas Forums is lurking, uuuu he'll get you

holy shit poland, plant some trees or bushes
that looks depressing as fuck

all the trees were killed in ww2, not even one is left

order some from uber eats

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I can't I'm affraid of corona and only swarthy people and ukrainians deliver.

I live in that building

Attached: 13-3-10897966.jpg (1198x674, 123.41K)

are you serious?

won't bother making a screenshot so just click:,-67.2063077,3a,75y,33.04h,81.32t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sYZLHvhARG-0x7diqHQYyFg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

my home is red

hello citycro, hope you don't get corona

Living in the suburbs isolated from civilization is pure depression

Attached: hilly neighborhood tennessee.jpg (1116x659, 157.04K)


83k inhabitants is quite small city

I like my street. It's comfy.

Attached: 1.jpg (694x390, 168.06K)

Must be rough, I wouldnt be able to live outside a city.

looks nice

>I suffer in America

Attached: Screenshot_1.png (1671x857, 3.52M)


I'm literally miles for civilization. American suburbs have the most retarded design in history. Nothing is walkable here.

It looks clean but it also looks commie.

Palestine looks like that?

You have a car for that lol. It looks really peaceful and nice

Attached: {CABD5A61-2E6F-46C3-8AE8-5571866A0DA9}.png (1580x908, 2.25M)

It takes as long to drive as it would for a euro to walk to civilization

>dependent on car to live life

Sheep pooping

Attached: sheepdrnthe.jpg (4000x3000, 1.62M)

are those christmas decorations?



Yeh It's buldings from the 50-60's when were were poor but at least it's well maintained

Why remove them when you're just gonna have to put them up later the same year?

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looks very french

But it's not Christmas, it's just lazy. If you just leave shit around it will turn into a dumpster sooner or later.

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its just LED lights, dude...

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I ate a garlic baguette today so I guess that makes me a honorary frenchman. Where do I sign in for my free laulhere and gf who does anal?

What region is that? Looks way too simialar to one city I saw on google maps

Russia looks comfy in the summer time

Nein! Nein! Ordnung muß sein! That's what my homeroom teacher always said!

shut the fuck up
please, shut the fuck up

your homeroom teacher needs some cock

I bet she got some in her prime time but as she was just a angry, old polish german who wanted to uphold local traditions I bet she could use some geriatric bwc when she schooled us.

Everything in this country anyway looks the same or comes down to 3 kinds of buildings
Town is Ramat Hasharon

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Probably. Our homeroom teacher was Russian and a bit on the bitter side as well.

>dox yourself

Attached: Bez tytułu.jpg (1564x1001, 555.8K)

you just don't want us to see the white paradise you live in


Ah alright, a totally different city. I like how Israel looks, very bright, a lot of sun. The buildings are all similar, here all buildings are different colors and it looks shit.

House and street.

you joker you

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Dammit. Here's the pic.

Attached: Drottninggatan_10_i_Norrköping,_uppfört_efter_Carl_Bergstens_ritningar_1906,_den_4_april_2007,_bild_1.jpg (2472x3296, 3.61M)

Really mate? It's always sunny indeed and we have trees but I find our buildings to be horrible designed compared to almost anywhere in Europe.

Attached: slavic neighborhood.jpg (1600x1200, 190.51K)

I've been waiting for this

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it is actually my street, im not lying

do you listen to mr. kitty and have an anorectic gf?


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I just like how they look, bright bright country with nice high temperatures. I dont like the old looking european architecture, maybe in the west its better. Here its depressing and the weather is shit, its always cold and we have no sun. but on a serious not, loots of muslims ey?

Have the quakes eased up in the west?

(and yes, they're selling dope all day)

Attached: muhomiesmse.jpg (1158x656, 230.73K)

>loots of muslims ey?
Yep. And Somalis, Turks, gypsies and random Slavs living in the area.

pls don't group all slavs together, it's unfair

Sorry. I'm just tired. My neighbor is playing football or something inside his apartment and I just wanna sleep..


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