sucking on chocolate edish
Other urls found in this thread:
you post more race bait than the average poltard mate
just because everything triggers you, doesn't make everything "race bait" You retard
yeah brown people and that
brown/black girls are hotter than white girls, love a bit of dark skin me
every op you make is about race, fuck off clogwog
Reckon having brown kids would cure my racism
ah yes, chant alan snackbar, that'll really elicit sympathy
none of them like white boys anyway
somoebody call you racist while you were at Greggs?
he really does
shut the fuck up you annoying retard
they love white men though
pathetic nignog speak
Black skin disgusts me, even when I wasn't racist it still did, black hands look weird, the palm being lighter than the back of the hand makes it look like they have an illness.
grim post
lol are you white?
sure it is retard
where were you when my op was a wide hipped white woman or when I was spamming white camel toes? you muttoids are always race obsessed
>uhh cultural appropriation
fuck off
What's all this then
yeah, they love to leech their wallets when they are old.
so lonely
so alone
lmao this butthurt blakkboi
Toilet paper truck that caught on fire.
not arguing about that. i am just saying that it is strange that the hooligan culture is associated with soccer, not some other tougher sport like rugby. i don't care what the players do on the pitch, if they are kissing or diving. i am just thinking that those hooligans wouldn't probably approve that type of behavior among themselves as they see themselves as tough lads and are probably pretty homophobic.
sad sad sad cunt
get a life
not sure about that one
why don't they just stay in turkey?
heard brown birds have thicker, smellier fanny mucous. put me right off the whole idea of exotic fanny.
Brown/black girls don't really do anything for me. She's clearly very attractive objectively speaking, and I could PROBABLY cum if I had sex with her, but I'd still go for an average white slag over her any day.
Wonder if it's hard-wired in the DNA to be more attracted to your own race, or if I'm culturally conditioned or something like that.
Got a Chinese missus. How do I capitalise on footfag desire for Asian feet?
must be a right ugly mong then lmao
black girls are easy as fuck
Doesn't bear thinking about
black women have purple pussy
>white woman
>white camel toes
you literally cannot stop thinking about race and american identity politics
the internet has fried your pea brain
*kills ALL the non-white people*
yeah problem solved, thank me later
done a poo again, I promised I would stop doing a poo but it hasn't worked, I've given in to temptation, I've done a poo again
football is a working class sport
rugby union is a tarq sport
>spam an entire thread with peng white girls
>post 1 brown girl
sure thing you triggered snowflake
football is a working class sport because it's very easy to understand.
cause he is an afghan in the netherlads. he is very insecure.
Imagine how weird it must have been when they suddenly became a worldwide sensation because some random dickhead on Yas Forums combined them with an anime girl spinning a leek
make a manyvids or onlyfans account and record yourself slapping your dick on her feet
Err... offer to massage her feet?
your defence is that actually you've sat there and spammed other stuff
fucking loser
sad cunt
I have to clarify because apparently race is all you think about
instead of seeing a sexy pic, you see your seething mutt face and lash out
you faggot said you were gone? what brought you back? why are you so obsessed with race?
Have you ever had a job?
desperate 40 year old single mothers sure. actually attractive young black women go exclusively for black men. just like young white women who grow up around significant amounts of blacks.
nah you're just a racist nazi
I don't need a defense for you being triggered and crying over a single webm and then pretending that's all I post
go tell your mum a big scary man made you cry by posting a webm of a sexy lady
blah blah blacks whites blah
can we talk about something else please
nobody wants to marry a poor farmer's daughter
mental how we allow terrorists to build bases in our own countries yet if you speak out about it you get arrested
do refugees usually work?
get a job
I see a fair few attractive black girls with white bfs
Float like a butterfly, go through them like a laxative pill
have you, you black french cunt?
Would you like me to bang on about trannies for a few hours?
why are you so racist? why does it matter if he is black or white?
Can only imagine the nest of nazi vipers this got posted from
lmao you can’t be white, that or you are an ugly cunt
Any white guy who’s a shagger knows that non-whites are easy game
It's essentially free money for having fun right? I don't have to show her face or mine?
dying of the ol' 'rona 'us right now de lads
no that's even worse please don't
genuinely puzzling how clogwog still posts here despite being universally hated.
at least us yankoids have each other
They can't legally, but he's an immigrant I think.
Answer my question cloggy
>says the triggered incel NEET living with his mum
*puts on macy grey voice*
there's a few around, upper middle class black girls who grew up in 95% white places. if you're talking about the average black girl from london, brum, manchester etc than no.
contracted pokerus
pretty sure we had that discussion earlier
We're fucking up big time with this corana virus shit. You wouldn't think we would have all that much trouble with it, being an island and all.
So... black trannies.
Lads, how are you doing?
Tell me something interesting that you have found out this week.
why do you compare us to him? we are cool and respectful and brits love us. it is just banter.
just how sheltered are you mate?
>when he sees a peng woman of any shade other than his own
normoids partying in the kitchen
my brain is a disco ball
Coronavirus isn't real, it's a scam by toilet paper companies to sell more toilet paper.
brother has kid with a black girl
in a thread full of degenerate freaks you somehow manage to be the most pathetic of all. incredible. kill yourself.
just don't know where you're getting this from
yeah but unless you make quite good videos nobody will buy them. I don't know how footfags like it done, maybe you need to go some market research, conduct some interviews and surveys
funny how every single flag shits on you, faggot, but you only have mutts in your folder so you can't even reply properly lmao
cry more homo
Mental how I can name more English towns than Yank states.
black women also will pursue men they’re interested in so it’s loads easier than white women
lost my virginity to a mixed girl
Uncle user, why do you hate me?
based Biden voting kween
>funny how every single flag shits on you
talking about your own country being hated world wide irl?
I hate those female party screams, the yank ones especially.
seaside has bought a stereo
this general is a mixed bag
Maybe true for poor blacks born into black social groups i.e. shit areas of London. but not at all true for middle class/smart black girls. Shagged quite a few and had one wanting to be in a relationship.
me? black and proud
That’s not hard
Everything that isn’t Woomaboomanunga in Australia is named after a likely English town
nooo not the based flyberino
This. Dating white guys is dating up for them.
t. guy who dated a black girl for 3 years
Wish Tulsi was winning the yank election, would be nice to have someone as peng as her on telly every day.
Wait, this doesn't feel right, I'm supposed to be racist.
name 51
>he thinks working class young black girls from multicultural areas pay any attention to white (or paki) boys.
you are just wrong frankly
thats mad based
fingers smell of cheese
oh you post in /brit/? name all 313 UK cities
Mugged off again lmao
>but not at all true for middle class/smart black girls
that's like 5% of black girls.
I can only name like 20 yank states.
the chinese are welding apartment doors shut to trap the occupants
not just the flu is it
Economic impact is going to be fucking massive
kind of is though
do you live in Shropshire or something lol?
refuse to believe that anyone who lives in a multicultural city like manchester would think black/brown girls have no interest in white boys
ah yes, beating up newborn babies
Simple truth watchfags like to deny is that the only non-garish way of owning an expensive watch is through inheritance. Anything else is new money wog behavior. If your timepiece wasn’t at least owned by your father, it’s trash
I could go on...
Provide one news source for this, not just out-of-context .webms.
absolute tune
*Wish Tulsi were
Hypothetical. Subjunctive mood
which would you rather be?
a doctor living in america
an engineer living in france
only known one black girl and she wasn't properly black, more lightskinned. had a kid young with a paki and got sacked for stealing from work. shacked up with some black cuck after. She was very fit before she had the kid though. slim but big round arse, big tits and a nice face. still wank to the thought of her squatting on my cock.
it’s a joke lighten up you neek
love football
hate racism
simple as
Ate a whole soft shell crab in a bao bun earlier, didn't feel right but tasted nice
My dad never owned a watch. He reckoned they caused cancer.
grew up in birmingham
Yeah maybe, but they're the only ones you'd ever come across in a social setting or want to date anyway.
not a fan of this hand
hope you got corona
Don't care didn't ask
love racism
hate football
simple as
kinda knew that it was on the cards because on instagram he kept liking black womens pictures. like the big boned negress type
>only known one black girl and she wasn't properly black, more lightskinned. had a kid young with a paki
now that's a rare couple
there was a meme about that, i searched for:
>blowtorch pepe Yas Forums cough corona
but couldn't find it
hmmm right so this is Yas Forums's proof that the virus is killing everyone in china
>not having the webm
>that watch band
>Reddit tab
>the big boned negress type
Ah I get it now, did all the girls go for the black guys in your school? did you try hitting on some of the black qts and fail?
Guess what it’s not because they “don’t like white guys” it’s because you are a beta mong.
nice! very nice pic.
Clogwog never had a job, mad how pathetic some people are on this website.
sick of all the negativity. What about the positive side of coronovirus. lowered carbon emissions for example.
webm doesnt have the most important bit you scrote
football crowds are (were) the last bastion of english working class freedom of speech but the middles class southern freaks are trying to take it away with us
football crowds haven't really been racist since the 80s but i still reserve the right to refer to rival players in a homophobic manner
as a leeds united fan, it is my god's given right to refer to ashley cole as a 'chelsea rent boy'