Why does everyone hate brown people? Yeah we're bastards to other brown people but we're too kind with foreigners and other races
Why does everyone hate brown people...
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you are kind to distract me while your brown brothers steal my wallett, if not my life
>Why does everyone hate brown people?
take a break from 4channel
I don't.
But I don't. In fact I love brown women and I think brown men can be bros.
I don't hate brown people, I just hate spica, myself included.
he fucked brown bitch
Yeah gypsies are shit
I can't
If i would walk alone in the streets of mexico city i probably would get robbed, killed or kidnaped
Because it’s natural and sane to hate parasitic beings.
I want to take you out of your mysery 0n
Everybody doesn't.
It's just that those that do tend to be rather loud and obnoxious.
Also, your experiences might be influenced by too much Yas Forums, where racism is a cool and edgy thing to express (mostly by angry kids, of course).
maybe cut Yas Forums out of your life for a while?
I like brown women, I want my children to be brown? I am planning on moving to Mexico to assimilate into Mexicano culture.
Reddif is like that too
Why do you always reply to my posts? Are you aware that I am not this 0n person you keep obsessing over?
It's actually bad propaganda for our country killing and kidnapping foreigners, tourism is important to us so don't worry, may be you could be robbed but only you with your iphone9 on your hands in a lone street
Why don't you hate your african population?
>Why do you always reply to my posts? Are you aware that I am not this 0n person you keep obsessing over?
>imagine caring about the opinion of wh*te people
I hope el mench beheads you stupid mexcrement
Delete this thread retard, you should not care about opinon of cucks
Yes my primos would personally behead you, dont go
There's something severely wrong with your culture...
Kys I bet you hate on chicanos all day
I only hate them in my country.
>Is this fucking clown again
That's it, I'm out.
Thanks for your opinion
Just ignore it?
>>Is this fucking clown again
>That's it, I'm out.
Be welcome pal, i'll invite you a caguama
>Hasn't seen Dane posters
That's fair
Says the euro flag
kys cuck
>Be American
>Save cuckshit on computer
It checks out
>forget about nogs
you must be wiser next to a white
be smarter
whites are silly bags of noncence
remember it
Just let it rant, it's probably some sort of obsession.
>>Be American
>>Save cuckshit on computer
>It checks out
lmfao how many selfdoxx has 0n posted
>There's something severely wrong with your culture...
Perhaps he just wants attention?
Behind all the proxies and stuff.
The congolombian hates it when I quote him
You are a disgrace to the human race
You will never make a good video game you will die poor while I get rich sellimg drugs to gringos
But he's a persistant troll, and you're feeding him right now.
I guess, still pisses me off that all Colombian flags will forever trigger that sperg into posting pics of his buttbudy.
So many of these sorts of threads lately
>I guess, still pisses me off that all Colombian flags will forever trigger that sperg into posting pics of his buttbudy.
They're star-crossed lovers, yet they can never meet, it's a Romeo and Romeo story, only it'll never really start.
A true tragedy.
Reminder that congolombians are inferior to mexicans
By mexicans or by one another contry?
I post mean stuff about brown people on www.4channel.org but am nice to them in real life r8
Goddamn go get help
I once ran over a negro with my lifted chevy cheyenne 4x4 r8
No one does, you just spend too much time on here. Go outside and meet real people, you will realise nobody really cares. Everyone is too busy just trying to get on with their lives and taking care of people who matter to them like friends and family to care.
forgot to post song
I think its the congito who should get help
Nah dude, you're like two peas in a pod.
kys sandnigger, I did not ask for your opinion
>human race
No such thing, you are seperate race from me subhuman
Go outside liberal containment areas to visit racial hellholes. Then you'll realize people care because they are not safe in their daily lives.
Only retards like above give a shit about your skin color
If you wanted more of my posts you could have just said it, there is no need to reply to my old posts you absolute clingy baboon.
You are subhuman and inferior to me, remember that conguito
>they are not safe in their daily lives
Yeah but that has nothing to do with race though. Do you really think if France suddenly expelled everyone who is not fully ethnically French then France would become some utopian country with zero crime? You're delusional.