Why does everybody dislike the germans?

I am an european foreigner living in Germany. So what is in your opinion the most important factor/s that make no one unanimously like the native germans? (The mostly european ones I mean).
Here some of my suggestions, please keep it concerning the BRD, the Federal Republic since the union of east and west:
- Their deep ignorance regarding other societies and their legal-economical-political situation, specially of fellow european countries (despite reading a lot and having regular holidays)
- Their feeling of superiority, which produces high amounts of arrogance and passive-aggresivity
- Their inability to change a course of action when it is obviously not working
- Their saltiness and idiocy when you do not speak the sub-sub-dialekt spoken in the rural parts of the region you happen to live in, yet utterly rejecting their own traditions and values at the same time
- Their autistic, shallow, inaprehensible and meaningless way of socializing with people they do not know since decades ago
- Their surprising indolence regarding the intern politics of their own country resulting after 30 years of bad decissions in one of the most toxic political environments in the whole of Europe

Those are just some observations after living in Germany for some years. Please discuss without mentioning muh natsis. We all know many actual germans are actually quarter mutt but that is not the topic, that belongs in Yas Forums.

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They're nazis.

Apparently the British don't like when Americans we wuz about our non-Anglo ancestry since we're supposed to hate the Germans and French. I'm 75% British (English, Scottish, Irish) and 25% French and German so naturally I must defend Germany by denying the Holocaust and questioning if the Nazis were really the bad guys.

I met a German tourist right here in Florida and when I mentioned I am German (ancestry) he started speaking in German like I know it. Shit made me a little angry.

Stop making scats videos.

tl;dr They're them.

where are you from?

Should have shot him

Nobody likes you, Nigel. People dislike Germans, because they are jealous of them.

That is not all true, plus Germans are not that disliked, come on.


I am a total outsider but it feels like Germany kind of seems like the use the rest of Europe. Why aren't they helping Italy right now? Why do they give money to Greece....and demand it back with interest even imposing austerity?

they hate us cause they aint us

In my opinion Germany is an objectively better country than America in every metric. But I would never say that out loud to anybody.

>They're nazis.

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So you wanted to brag ('connect') and was BTFO'd on the spot?

are you stupid, italian receive more hate, a lot of more hate than germans and Yas Forums, the only time germany is mentionned is either by poland or russia

G*rmans are the descendents of barbarians that hate culture and civilization. They are singlehandedly responsibile for the pitiful state Europe is in today, and they think they're superior for god knows what reason. Fuck G*rms, may they get colonized by T*rks

They smell bad

>tfw no qtpi corona italian that wants to affectionately hug and kiss me

I'm superior to you amerimutt. Bow down for me.

You can't tell the other American is full of shit?

The EU is a german tool to dominate europe, they're the only ones really benefiting from it

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get the fuck out of my country

Honestly I've been here since 2017 and they are pretty ok, only thing I hate is how much they try to act like americans, but i guess thats mostly a globalization issue than a german one

oh and in that time I talked to a german once

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Then kill yourself of fuck of if we are so shitty people in your opinion and you dont appreciate german values. We dont need more leeches who hate this country and just want to milk it for all we got.

If you dont speak the language your ancestry doesnt mean shit. He was friendly for giving you a chance.


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Yeah they are. Alongside mudslimes they're the most hated foreigners in Austria

>Why aren't they helping Italy right now?

How? We cant fix their corona problems. We took millions of refugees of their hands during the height of the refugee crisis. Under eu law they ordinarily would have had to stay in italy.

You cant help build hospitals, send doctors, send aid, test and trace your own cases so you dont end up sending more sick people to Italy? You are a much richer nation than them right? Arent you suppose to be the unofficial leader of EU?

I am southern european. Where I live there are many people of english descent, and they are regarded as low lives, yet somehow lavish with money.

yeah my ass. How often did you hear "I would love to retire in Germany" or "the german people is so friendly and warm!" or "I came to Germany rejecting a green card in the US and a job offer in Australia"? How many times? People come to Germany mostly for financial reasons, not because we like the people living here.
Also, did you even live in Germany?

Germans behave very jewy regarding other europeans. They are not liked for some or all of the reasons I stated in the first post

how many years did you live in Germany?

You cannot kick me out, for there is something called the Schengen Area. You should learn about it. By the time the borders close, I will already have the Bürgerschaft

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You both love and hate us though that is different. Austrians are tsundere. And that is alright.

Literally no. There is absolutely no love towards you people. Your behaviour is digusting and there's nothing to like about you people

Holy based

Everything you said about the germans is 100% true

We do test and trace our own cases. But we need our doctors ourselves. And building a Hospital out of the blue isnt really a good plan. Our strategy is home quarantine anyway. Also Italy is far richer than you seem to think. They arent some barely functional corrupt balkan shithole.

yeah im thinking this is based

Aww aren't you a tsundere

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holy based

>le epic everyone that hates us actually loves us meme

WW1 and WW2

Yes :))

>Literally no. There is absolutely no love towards you people. Your behaviour is digusting and there's nothing to like about you people

Cute. You austrians should be more honest with yourself. We like you too nothing to be embarassed about.

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He asked why they were disliked, not loved.

How many tests has Germany done? At the very least we know the Lombardy outbreak came from Germany

So why is Germany's numbers so low compared to Italy's? Either you aren't testing enough or you legitimately are doing much better at containment than Italy. If the latter, then surely you can spare some doctors and equipment to one of your fellow Euros in need. A temporary field hospital (like was set up in Hubei) would do good to get more mild patients care.

Maybe I am the retard, I just feel bad for Italy right now and it seems like Germany just doesnt care and isnt helping. They are richer than Balkans but they aren't rich.


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Dunno maybe we are hiding cases/not reporting them or are just good at tracking cases down. I mean we have a historic Talent for work like that. And from was shown of places with confirmed cases pretty much everyone voluntarily quarantined themselves it looks abandoned. Also italians are far more sociable and touchy wich helps spreading it. Our collective autism is saving us.

>be german
>arbitrarily decide your race is superior to all others
>go on a genocide crusade and declare war to the rest of the world
>asks later why nobody likes them


Why are you fixated on Germany helping Italy?

Oh really? So someone who does not speak hebrew makes him free of being genetically jewish? What did you take in the Club, Yannik?

A propo I was also in Austria in the winter holidays. I must say the aura, the vibe you get from austrians is very different, much friendlier. When they look at you it is like they are trying to understand you, it is a warm feeling. Germans instead look at you nervously with a third of the brow folded, as if they are thinking of something to accuse you, to correct your behaviour and be able to feel superior about something. It gets tiresome after 4-5 years.

Danke, eigentlich wollte ich wissen was alle andere darüber denken, leider haben sie sich nicht viel geäussert

but see, the germans from 1960 are very different from the germans from 2020

based and blitzkriegpilled

THIS is exactly the kind of thing I am talking about. Even when people tell them straight what the fucking problem is, they start to act like evasive, like acting crazy to avoid acknowledging their weird behaviour

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Because Italy is in danger and it seems like rest of EU is sitting back on their butts. Germany in particular is the unofficial "leader" of EU (I guess Belgium is the official leader but they never feel like it) and if they wanted to they could have every EU nation join hands to help save Italy and get it turned around.

Instead they are focused on shitting on Syrian immigrants in Greece, which seems like stupid priorities.

Its a legitimate question though. We did not declare everyone subhuman. We even tried to get some more of that nordic blood via the Lebensborn organisation in Scandinavia.
Also we said we are sorry.

>Oh really? So someone who does not speak hebrew makes him free of being genetically jewish? What did you take in the Club, Yannik?

Jewish culture is rooted in religion.
German culture rooted in language.
It was the criteria for the german national movement. Not blood, ours is little different than those of our neighbors, its language. Nazi autism is irrelevant to the discussion Germany was already a thing when they sperged out.

>THIS is exactly the kind of thing I am talking about. Even when people tell them straight what the fucking problem is, they start to act like evasive, like acting crazy to avoid acknowledging their weird behaviour
Exactly. Additionally to what you already said germans are incredibly rude, which ties in with their superiority complex and their coldness. They think they're so much better than you that when, for example, at a restaurant ordering food they straight up command you to bring them what they want. They don't say "Could i please", but instead they say "I want" or "Gimme this". And after getting it they also don't say thanks.
But anyways, you've already given an apt summarisation of why people dislike germans

>But anyways, you've already given an apt summarisation of why people dislike germans

Not all people dislike us. You Austrians like us.

Germany has a ton of influence, but the EU has its own budget to act within Europe. For example the 700 million they send to the Greek border jus tnow. Germany is a part of the EE, they contribute to this budget (a lot). So it is more of an EU problem nothing is being done in Italy.

If you ask why Germany doesn't act on its own, you could ask the same for any surrounding country, or for example for China who caused the virus.

jesus, you really have a lot of time on your hands.

In that case Im upset with EU in general, I thought Germany was the unofficial leader of EU and led them when it comes to various projects etc. I have no idea how it works, I just know I dont like what Im seeing right now and its very sad.

>China who caused the virus
China is doing a great job of keeping it contained. EU/USA can learn from them. We are just letting it kill people and throwing up our hands like "welp"

I made a lot of germanyboo threads and they don't get much traction
In general germans seem less chauvinistic than other posters here

What's wrong with you. Germans are based friendly people, fuck off.

>In that case Im upset with EU in general, I thought Germany was the unofficial leader of EU and led them when it comes to various projects etc. I have no idea how it works, I just know I dont like what Im seeing right now and its very sad

None of our politicians want to lead. Our leading role has been forced on us, that is why Initiative is low. Many would rather have the french take the wheel.