Why do they pretend that they don't know any English to be purposefully rude and unhelpful?

Why do they pretend that they don't know any English to be purposefully rude and unhelpful?
I remember some basic French from school which I use where possible to be polite but nowhere near good enough to have a conversation
I will ask a question in English, the frog will understand perfectly and is capable of answering in English (even if it is weak broken English, they know enough for me to understand it) but purposefully choose to reply in French knowing full well that I won't be able to understand anything

No other country in Europe is like this, even when they don't speak English well, they'll try their hardest with their limited knowledge to help you but frogs are so insecure that they will go out of their way to spite and you by not using english even if they are perfectly capable

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>Why do they pretend that they don't know any English to be purposefully rude and unhelpful?
do we though?
do we?
why is this a stereotype

They get upset at civilized white people touring their country for a week or two and then fucking off after splurging 2-3 thousand dollars, but THEY ABSOLUTELY LOVE when millions of uneducated and violent Muslims come to France to shit the place the up and commit terrorist acts.

>brit tourist ask for directions
>answer in french
>give him wrong directions

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>Why do they pretend that they don't know any English to be purposefully rude and unhelpful?
Isn't it a bit more rude to just expect the entire world to speak your language?

>French is your second language, this means that you should speak with French tourists in their language.

>Why yes i intimidate frogs by speaking German to them in their own country to make them switch to english out of sheer terror, what gave it away?

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you do though and there's definitely a different mood in france towards english compared to other countries that have an ever lower rate of english but try to communicate with the bits they know
you reply in french on purpose to kind of 'troll' british tourists in a way, a petty kind of point scoring because you are subconsciously seething that english became the lingua franca

>Why do they pretend that they don't know any English to be purposefully rude and unhelpful?
They are still butthurt about English being the lingua franca and not French

90% of French people can't speak English for shit actually

>Isn't it a bit more rude to just expect the entire world to speak your language?
english is just the way of the world and that's how it is
maybe you speak french as a 3rd language but if you visit a country where you don't know the language then you would be using english to communicate with the locals, don't act like it's an anglo arrogance thing you daft cunt

maybe not well but still most french people would know at least a decent level of basic english (a lot more than an english person knows french)

and often that basic level is enough to communicate for the most part

Right, I think Anglos, based on their experiences online overestimate the number of people that can speak English in Europe.

They interact with a few people here that are fairly proficient and they think that's the case for most people, when it really isn't. Most people don't give a shot about English, it was just a subject they begrudgingly had to take in highschool and rarely use it afterwards.


French people barely work 8 hours a week, what makes you think they would bother to go through the effort of learning a second language?

It's not a sterotype it's a fact. It's deeply rooted in your behavioral culture though, the most famous explanation is that you think you'd be laughed at if you make a language mistake (because you french do that between yourselves).

>the most famous explanation is that you think you'd be laughed at if you make a language mistake
I think this may be a part of but it's silly and insecure. I would never laugh at a foreigner for speaking poor broken English, I just wish the French people would try their best to help me with their limited English and 9 times out of 10 they will know enough key words to help me. They know for a fact that I won't understand their French reply, it's just purposefully rude.

'no' and english is still the universal language that people from scandinavia, germany, eastern europe and everywhere else would use english as a common universal language in italy
obviously you don't live in a place with tourists, i've been to many places in italy and the english level is still easily good enough to get by with, even the weak speakers know enough to communicate and there's never any problems in the cities and tourist places

difference is in france, even in the big cities and touristy places that deal with english speakers all the time, they will still go out of their way to be rude and refuse to speak english

fuck tourism and fuck speaking English IRL

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They are lazy and incompetent, we even have a saying here that you should never trust a french handyman

Vas te faire enculer, rosbiff

I don't think they try to be rude on purpose.
If you live with them long enough you'd notice how they always point at each other's mistakes (like no other nation), I don't know why but that's how it is and this results in people becoming insecure and trying to avoid mistakes at all cost.
If you add to that the fact that they have one of the strongest anti-English lobbies in the world then you'd get a total sum of why they are how they are.
If you get lucky enough and end up asking a french who's confident their English is decent enough it's highly unlikely that they wouldn't try to help.

how big is drug tourism in colombia
i want to go there and sample the highest grade of cocaine without getting killed by cartels

they need to get the over it
now the digital era has begun, there is no going back, english will be the world language FOREVER and they need to accept it

Even in fucking universities the average level of English is dogshit


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doesn't matter if the level is dogshit
if i'm trying to ask a french man a question then most of the time his english is still good enough to make me understand the answer, you don't need to be an expert on grammar and a master of the language, just able to say a few key words to make me get the point
but i will never understand the french answer
the only language with a distant chance of defeating english is mandarin
french is finished, you have no chance whatsoever

>civilized white people
>coming from that fllag

I will be dead before it happen

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we don’t and won’t try to please people.
and also we love to say “no”
there’s a short article from BBC, if you want to have a read

hate anglos, simple as, stay in your rainy island fucking cunt, got it ?

except you are here on this board replying to me in perfect english
the pathetic frenchmen that i am talking about would look down on you in disgust because you are conversing with me in english

In the 19th century French was a relevant world language amongst the upper class. They're butthurt that it got overtaken by English

i converse with you in a borken french dialect using german structure language.
american language is the lingua franca, doesn't mean we like anything from the dirty parts of your filthy former empire you scumbag.

the upeer class language is being monolingual tho, whatever what your mother tongue is.

For ecample Russian aristocrats spoke French more than Russian

yes, and nowadays, if you're from the minority of the very rich people, being monolingual whatever your mother tongue is is the norm, becasue most of the peopel are dumber than ever, like you for studying a foreign language at school for so long and not being able to use it now.

Japanese are opposite. They won't speak to you in Japanese once they know you're foreign even if you speak to them in Japanese to begin with.

>haha but look your language is actually made up from parts of my language !
oh no no no this is when the frog gets really pathetic with the cope
are you seriously telling me that the english language is a mixture of the other languages nearby geographically? just like every single language on this planet?? we didn't just invent english based on nothing???

omg i can't believe it!!!!!

well it is, the problem is when we remind you that very fact it makes you seethe somehow, we love our latin roots, you don't seem to like your french ones.

>i'm taking my knowledges of foreign cultures through click bait videos on youtube and point of views of retards hided being pseudonyms.

If you talk to them in English, they will speak French (fair enough in their country). If you speak to them in French they speak English. I found belgians to be much nicer people.

To gatekeep their culture. They're willing to defend their native language thats tied to it, unlike other places.

i'm not seething about it, that is how EVERY language is formed
you are next to us so obviously had a big influence and there are many similarities
but these two big facts remain:
1) English and French are classified as two separate languages
2) French was once the international language but English is now the indisputable #1 world language
it's as simple as that
you can't handle those 2 simple undeniable facts, you are fully seething

For the last time, people genuinely sucks at foreign languages here.

A guy from Netflix got murdered in Colombia while scouting out a location for them to film Narcos.

suck not sucks

I've been to Eastern European countries where they suck too but they at least try
This thread isn't about English ability, it's about French people refusing to do use it and people in other countries with limited English skills trying their best

I do this plenty here you’d be surprised how bad most Québécois people’s English is especially boomers. I just ate anglos simple as that cunt

>1 guy
don't care tbf
and he was probably stepping on their toes searching for the location, I don't want to go out to the wilderness, just visit a Colombian city and experience a high grade of cocaine that is impossible to find in Britain or Europe

In France, even in the big cities and touristy places (even in fucking Paris), people can't speak english. Things have been changing recently and more and more young people do speak it (badly).
The boomers can't speak a single word though.

why would we try our best with filthy anglo scums ? that can't say bonjour excusez moi ?

hmmm there may been some quebec boomers with shit english but i seriously doubt it's even close to comparable to france considered they are literally under anglo rule

You can't try when you don't know a single word or how to make a sentence. People try to help you by speaking french, why are you still mad? Being rude would be by simply ignoring you.

> it's about French people refusing to do use it
yeah from that one trip to Paris 10 years ago
God, the amount of cope from OP is insufferable

It's not a problem, French is better than English anyway.

>and he was probably stepping on their toes searching for the location
He was just walking around in a barrio.
>just visit a Colombian city and experience a high grade of cocaine that is impossible to find in Britain or Europe
That's really not how it works, the Colombian police and government fucking hate narco-tourists like you and if you get caught they will fuck you over. Furthermore the actual cocaine production is either way out in the jungle well hidden, or defended in heavily guarded hidden caches in the cities. That cocaine isn't for the locals, its for being shipped to America where people will pay top dollar for it.

this is what i mean, you're just seething about us
everywhere else they wouldn't care if we are english, just try to help us as best as they can as fellow human beings and i would do the same for any foreign tourist in england
no but the whole point is that they DO know some english 100% and COULD help me if they wanted to but refuse to do so for no reason

i'm not talking about a farmer in the countryside that genuinely doesn't know english, i'm talking about someone in paris or another tourist hotspot that has dealt with english speakers for their whole lives, they know enough but they are being purposefully spiteful and unhelpful towards the englishman

Don't listen to this guy, he has no idea.

If you're in an average night-life location, you can just ask around. You'll probably get shafted moneywise, but you'll get your blow in no time.

>this is what i mean, you're just seething about us
absolutely not, i don't think about you at all, but when you're loud on my field, yes i have to remind you we don't like you, simple as, but aparently this is too deep to reach for you.

Not sure some of my younger cousins borderline cannot speak English. To be fair they are French hicks.

yeah i was never going to listen to a yank flag mate
even if someone tried to rip me off with weakened stuff in colombia it would still be better than british coke

i know i get quite good stuff for britain but it stops off so many times before it reaches this island that even the best stuff isn't that great

Then when you speak French they pretend they cant understand your accent.

I really hope you do go there and get thrown in Colombian jail. Death to all limeys.

you must hide completely your anglo ancestry

is there a better feel than mogging on EOPs
the same thing probably happens in Italy but not out of spite they just genuinely can't speak English lol

I'm not the biggest blowhead, but I do know that the quality of the stuff you can get varies a lot. You're best bet is to befriend a local guy (if you're heading to Medellin, there's tons of ex-anchor babies that speak English) to get the stuff for you.

yeah the same rule applies pretty much everywhere (and i've tried to get coke in many european cities on holiday) you need to befriend a local who will source for you what he normally gets instead of buying from someone that is looking to scam tourists

when i've been to places like amsterdam and loads of people are offering you coke but you know it's all shit, i just ask for testers with no intention of buying

one night in amsterdam, i had a 'tester' key of coke from 10 different dealers in one night for free then told them i didn't want to buy lol