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don't remember the last time I felt happy, really smiling and excited about life and in the moment. I don't think I really have any friends that enjoy spending their time with me. I neglect and avoid my relationships until everyone gives up on me because it is easier to be a disappointment than to actually inspire others. I'm not proud of anything I have ever done, I'm an overwhelming failure. I'm not even really a failure, because to fail you have to try, and I'm not even doing that. When I try to do something I quit before I even get going out of embarrassment from my ineptitude. I've upset my parents for years, nothing I do is helpful for them and I'm jut a burden on their lives. They would be better off if I was never born. I can't make enough money to go to college and I don't want to just wageslave until I die alone. Nothing about me is special, I'm just another rock in a bucket. When I was kid I dreamed of going to so many places and all the things I wanted to be and to make. Now I just want this nightmare to end. I think I should just kill myself.

Wish I had friends to introduce me to their sisters.

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tfw no gf

tfw no wife

Hello cum, I am in my grandparents bathroom. I don’t know how to be a family person.

are they in their room, and you're waiting to pop out and scare them?

think i'm coming down with that china sickness i've been hearing about

I've had enough.

How do I order a prostitute?

just use a website
i use "skipthegames.com" but there are others.
only contact a woman with a familiar/local phone area code, and don't pay until you meet face to face. If something seems much too good to be true, it probably is, so be safe.

small peepee

No but that could be a good idea

Not hiding, just taking extra long to post and procrastinate trying to act like a human being.

only if you're sure they wrote you into their will

would i look autistic for wearing this

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how do you protect against STDs?

depends how you wear it

Post a 1 dollar bill.

wear a condom, probably don't go down on them or kiss them if you don't already have cold sores/mouth herpes.

who the fuck carries around a $1 bill, you can barely buy a pack of gum for $1

and I don't have any cash because I gave it all to my dealer for DRUGS

why do they do this

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oh, this is the cum general? what happened to the north american general named /cum/ Canada, USA, Mexico? very disturbing


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people who frequent vending machines

do you carry quarters around with you too

arrrrg these be not doubloons
'tis mexican brass

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Fdr is on the dime
Washington is in the quarter
Lincoln is in the penny
Jefferson is in the nickel

probably depressed because bernie was the only semi sensible option

more so after I've washed my car or something

Do these still exist?

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we used to have coins made of silver

they don't make them anymore, but i got a bunch of them as change on a boston subway a few years back

you also used to have New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, California, Texas, and western Colorado
times change boomer

Cause when you buy into all they hype about the world literally fucking ending because of climate change, and orange nazi le drumph bringing fascism, and you keep losing over and over, it really takes a toll on your sanity.

and bernouts aren't the most rational group to begin with so...

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That’s really sad


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idk if they mint that specific one anymore but you can get them at banks if you ask

so did we

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i sleept too much but idc

Sorry to bother you but would you mind helping me with an expression I don't get

>... he'd do a real good job pouring oil on troubled waters....

I don't really get it. Why would you put oil on water? To ignite it? Is it a thread?

Without any context I'm guessing they are implying said person is good at making a problem worse

i forgot these existed

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never heard nor read it. seems fake, is definitely gay.

Oil rises to the top. Make an educated guess

I spent some of these as a kid, also $2 bills.

>t. didn't get it
great job lol

Thank you very much for your help. It's about a corrupt cop, who went to a black majority settlement called "John's Hollow". Pic is the panel it's from

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>Attempt to calm a problematic situation.

Thanks guys. Especially , it still doesn't really make sense to me but I'll try to remember it.

Pouring oil (making something worse) in troubled waters (a situation where things look dire)

Oil is also less dense than water, so if you ignite it, the water will burn.

nvm that means the exact opposite of what i said

Wish I had friends to introduce me to their anime loli sisters too, bud

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>try to remember it
waste of time. it would be lost on 99% of people and you wouldn't look smart for saying it.

I meant their real sisters.

Just burn up your midnight oil pops

in this context, it means he's good at calming people down. I've never heard that expression before though...I know if you put a bit of oil in a pot of boiling pasta it makes the water not overflow though.

thanks, son. i'll try.

That's gay and weird

Thanks again, all of you.

split thread.

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you're welcome.

>corona delays are fucking up our supply chain at work
>looking at switching to domestic suppliers/manufactures for our components


are the natives still blocking trains too

yes, which has also finally made the normies realize that the liberal government is incompetent

everything is coming together nicely

We don't even have to go to work here anymore. If you don't feel well or have seen anyone who assumes he might be infected you're on paid leave. There is no need for a doctor's notice or anything