/ghettolife/ general

/ghettolife/ general.
Do you live in the neglected, bad part of town where everyone isn't even sure if they are eating dinner tonight? You live on the wrong side of the tracks? Is your entire country barely scrapping by? Post here.

how's your day going so far? west side chicago, (austin) reporting in.

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this nigga lives in fallout 4

I live in a very small village
Pretty neglected but no crime

kind of true. my job is cleaning out abandoned crackhouses for the banks. im first on scene to explore the squatter buildings and places covered in mold because the copper pipes were torn out with the water still on. i find lots of cool shit though. chems, guns, stolen property and weird furniture. since im the only one willing to step foot in these buildings until they are cleaned out, no one even knows what i find. had to report a few crime scenes though. nothing too crazy, just things like blood and weapons covered in blood, huge drug stashes, etc.

dang, small spainish villages seem comfy. this is the most horrowing i can find. are you comfy where you live? is there any work?

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>is there any work?
lol no
it's comfy, but there is no future
and most important, there are no girls

I always wished I had a job where you can work from anywhere like an author, artist or internet business. So many places I can't realistically afford to live no matter how cheap living there might be because there wouldn't be any income available.

i know your pain. not okay coming up a youngman in a place where he cant make money or find romance. in america, there are thousands of towns where you need a nice car just to travel 30 miles away to have any sort of social life or work, these people are often too poor to have that. it creates impovershed alcoholics.

scarborough reporting in

Strangely, we don't have much alcoholism around here. A few years ago a man hanged himself though.
Here population density is higher than in america, so I think we have more opportunities to meet people. If you don't have a car there are (subsidized) buses.
Where I live there are small villages every 5km or so, a couple of relatively big villages, and I'm lucky enough to live at around 60km of three province capitals
There are actually a few opportunities to make money, but apart from some rare exceptions, young people don't even contemplate them.
I know a guy who got an university degree and got some work, but he came back because his father is wealthy as fuck and he will never earn as much money as he does with farming. But apart from meeting a few friends in the bar, he has literally nothing else to do.

I used to live in a ghetto, but not anymore

There is not a single ghetto in my entire country

well that's good, if your village is connected to a few others that opens a lot of doors. a place full of angry, broke lonely young men will generally collapse. do you personally have any work/future opportunities available? farm work is good for the soul, but if your town is a high capacity. but also in the boonies, that can mean doom for you, work is finite. dont pass up any of the good opportunities fren. where i live, at the age i was, if i let the depression take over i wouldnt be anywhere close to where i am today. i got lucky. without my contractor contacts i would be nothing

>the ratio of murders in Scarborough as compared to the rest of Toronto ranged from a low of 8.8% to a high of 32.2%

damn, didnt know canada ever got that high up on the ratios. is scar doing good now? chicago is doing good past year and a half, but this past half a decade was fucking GRIM.

you lived in malmo or something? what are swedish ghettos like? i am aware of some white trash culture there,wearing american sports team cloths with parents who love classic cars and stuff lol. refugee hotspots?

does norway even have a large underclass? feel like everyone would be considered middle class here in u.s. social safety nets in smaller countries is the way to go. idk how'd that work in somehwere the size of north/south america/russia

No, we don't. We do have a regular working class but there is no big class difference in our country. Poor people barely exist here

>do you personally have any work/future opportunities available?
Yeah, but unfortunately it will be far from here, since I happen to be a computer freak
But I have hope to get a remote job some day. That is one of the few nice things that technological advancement may bring for villages.

The Swedish white trash do not commit any crime, it's just the refugees

nothing too terrible in terms of crime other than drug trafficking

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this is not bad for chile. how sheltered are you

it's literally public housing retard

my entire country is a gheto

That's bullshit and you know it
The vast majority of crime in Europe is still commited by the natives, even if certain groups are overrepresented

thats not a ghetto

i think they single handedly keep any drug markets alive. i know here, white trash buy 80% of all drugs. i commit felonies everyday, but im white and just get away with it. but yeah, im assuming refugee areas will probably be where most crime is concentrated, perpetuated by everyone.

shit, i wish i got into computers and tech as a trade. if you somehow pull off making a nice yearly wage and be able to eventually move back to your home village means you pwn'd life. take care of mom, dad and grandma n stuff. where will you have to move to get into a tech job? it can be a mindfuck going from a village to a million+ city.

pretty sure it is, even by poor-side chilean standards.

do you think all poor chilean people live in shacks? that's a low middle class to low class neighborhood, it's a "poblacion" which literally means "ghetto" in chilean slang

>that's a low middle class to low class neighborhood
how is lower middle class a ghetto

To expand a bit further. I can talk about my city in particular. Its the forth or fifth largest and one of the most imoprtant cities in the country. In terms of logistics economy etc. Population about 120 thousand. The city has not had local elections for about 12 years now. Why? Because its one of if not the only major city in the country that has remained multy ethnic (about 60% croat 40% bosniak). Now with the us supporting the bosniaks in bosnia (seperate topic) and with them being a minorty in the city, the city has been blocked from having elections so that the bosniaks arent "oppressed" by losing elections. This had led to the last mayor elected (in 2008 i think) being in a techincal mandate all these years. Therefore no major procjects can happen in the city, becuase of legistetive reasons. Also since pretty much nobody is monitoring the major and the local goverment major corruption is rampant even for our standards. This has also led to crony capitalism and mob tier takeover of the whole city, where certain interest groups use the blockade to make shady deals. Hiring their own companies to do public works, making buildings without permats, on unowned land,etc etc etc
count 1

really interesting. the politics are like the wild west. how are workers right where you live?

As for the city itself. Everyone smokes, chain smokes, and throws buds on the floor. Nobody picks up after their dogs. All the public lawns are yellow malnourished. The public ligting is broken in many places. The telephone and light posts are rusty, when they put up flags on them for certain events and holidays they dont bother taking them down, they stay there for years, rotting away. Everyone parks on the side of the road, and on the pedestrian walkign area. There are tooo many cars and litteraly almost none public or heck any sort of parcking places. There are bullet holes on buldings. The roads are horrible, with mortar shell explosions madly covered by crude mortor. With asfalt from 10 15 years ago. Crude brutalist comy blocks scatter across the city. There are dozens of destroyed buldigns form the war used as trash heaps and places where junkies go to shoot up.
count 2

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In the downtown centre of the city, there is a mall, its pretty much one of the few nice places in town, its pretty big about 4 or 5 stories i think, and has been built in the past few years. However next to it are two huge construction sights that were meant to be a huge parking complex and a huge sports arena, however with the local goverment in blockade, corruption and crony capitalism as well as local mafia taking over everythign, these have been left to rot on the rain and cold for years now, if not even a full decade now i think. With almost no hope of it goign forward. Also in the downtown, there are numerous buildigns that have been destroyed in war time, and "are officialy" being used as tourist places, the "sniper tower" or the glass bank as we locals call it (its a joke because all of the glass on the bulding, it was a bank before the war has been destroyed long ago pic related, yes we are known for having a good sense of humor)/ Now you might think that these are preserved in some way, but they arent. THey are just destroyed buldings left to rot with chinese and american tourists being brought over every once in a while to walk around and take a picture. Its in the centre of the city its a public hazard for Gods sake. Plus its used by drug addicts to shoot up and homeless people sleep there.
count 3

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literally non-existant

damn that's crazy. i know in chicago, the worst neighborshoods are forgotten and they dont bother to patch up the roads or fix anything up, so some poor person finally saves up for a crappy car, go drive on a road they've only previously walked on and hit a massive massive pothole that pops their tire and bends their shit,causing the car to need $1000s in repairs. poor people are forced to stay poor. but at least here half of the city is a utopia with money and luxuries and an escape with good jobs everywhere for people to dig out of their poverty. ive lived in a city of 150k population an hour north of chicago, called rockford, and it is one of those places that are hopeless to its core, the population is absolutely fucked, and if youre born there and dont get out asap, you are doomed to wither away in a garbage filled ditch. imaging a place with politic lockdown and no wealth for anything, it is sad. idk what the neighboring cities and towns are, but if they are no better off i cant think of a way to get away from the soul drain and pain. when i was 14, my fren andneighbor was a 15 year old bosnian kid with his freshly immigrated family,(they did have halo CE tho, we played that shit everyday) they were living in a dump of a neighborhood but seemed truly grateful for where they ended up. it must be real bad over there.

its everywhere.
Some war refugees were moved to the north suburbs and outskirts of town after the war, where they buld there houses. THe problem being that this are is suppose to be the town dump. So with them there and protesting and making blockades every once in a while the town is constantly plagued by heaps of trash, it doesnt help that there arent nearly enough dumpsters to begin with or with the fact that these fucking niggers just throw there trash everywhere and make local junk heaps in every neighborhood. It also doesnt help that the public waste department doesn't bother to do their job since the gov is in a blockade and there are not in risk of losing there jobs that they get from taxpayer gibs. There were cases of mainge, small pox and what not appearing a few years back, especially in the summer when its 40celsius and above here.

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yea its depressing anybody with any brains is moving out and fast of the country in general, funny thing is the city is about a neutral or even slight positive migration flow, since people from even smaller places move in to live here
pic related another ruin in the city, the partisan cemetary, often vandalized by local right wing groups

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So the tourists stay only in the bridge area and don't see the real Mostar ?
Is Sarajevo in the same state of decay ?

i think the majority of people in prison in places like norway and sweden are non-whites or eastern euros.

i dotn know abut sarajevo since i dont have any people from there, and i have never visited, i know that they have problems with packs of dogs roaming the city and problems with the cities water supply often not working and hole neighborhoods going without it corruption too obviously, but i think its better of then mostar since the bosniak politicans only care about sarajevo and pour all the money there, plus its the capital and most bosniaks move there from more rural areas
as for mostar and tourist, i work for a toursit company part time and my boss tells me how the tourists often say they wish they could stay more and see more of mostar and that they are generally left with positive feelings, i really dont know why, however, most tourist only stay a few nights since the city is lacking in any activities or better to say no tourist infrastructure besides a few places has been built
pick related yet another ruin, the ruins of the hotel neretva, well praised in its day

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>you lived in malmo or something?
Nah, Gothenburg, perhaps the nicest ghetto in the city, if it was nicer it would be the shittiest working class area in Sweden desu.
>what are swedish ghettos like?
Much safer than American ones or stuff in other parts of Europe, but it's still pretty rough. Although it's changed over the years, with some ghettos becoming almost exclusively ethnic minorities, when I lived there it was pretty diverse, some swedes, yugos, MENA, finns and persians. Most European ghettos aren't formed around race, but class.
I don't miss the place in the slightest, but I still have a lot of friends from that area, some who still live there to this day.
>i am aware of some white trash culture there,wearing american sports team cloths with parents who love classic cars and stuff lol.
To be honest, our WT stereotypes aren't based on people who live in ghettos here. But yeah that sounds like "raggare" which are our versions of WT.
>refugee hotspots?
I'm sure the area is swarming with refugees at this point, I don't visit it often, but back then most ethnic minorities were immigrants rather than refugees.

however i should note that i live in the relative well of suburbs and so dont have to dael with the city for the most part

well shit, reading all about gothenburg now, what an interesting/important historically. ive heard the name but didnt know it was so large and historic. you really dont visit?

lololol alright im digging this, even some movies called raggare, for some reason this shit is great. swedish rednecks

>well shit, reading all about gothenburg now, what an interesting/important historically.
The front side of Sweden, born and raised, and proud of it too. Although Stockholm's titles are cooler desu, like Venice of the North.
>ive heard the name but didnt know it was so large and historic.
Yes we very much are the third most known city in Sweden probably, after Stockholm and then Malmö for it's problems lol.
>you really dont visit?
I was talking about the ghetto, I still live in the city, so most of the time my friends that live there come to my place instead.

>The front side of Sweden, born and raised, on the fjords is where i spent most of my days, chilling out maxin and relaxing my cool and hanging out in the sauna sometimes after school

ooh okay you moved to a nicer part of the city. if you hang out with friends, they come to the nicer parts? i feel bad fr my friends because i have the hangout spot, but they have to venture into the badlands. they didnt let up for awhile, but after 100 safe travals, they've seem to become safe feeling. they now realise just because ghetto doesnt mean they will get shot on the spot. just dont go pissing off gangbangers basically. and even then, they leave civilians alone

>ooh okay you moved to a nicer part of the city
Yeah, from a ghetto to a working class part of the city, so it's still a rather poor area, although slightly richer than the ghetto, but it's also much safer.
>if you hang out with friends, they come to the nicer parts? i feel bad fr my friends because i have the hangout spot, but they have to venture into the badlands. they didnt let up for awhile, but after 100 safe travals, they've seem to become safe feeling.
It's not really because my place is safer, but mostly because it's closer to the relevant parts of the city, lmao. A lot of ghettos here in Sweden are sort of out of the way, often times on the outskirts of the city, so if we'd like to head out we'd have to travel further.
>but after 100 safe travals, they've seem to become safe feeling. they now realise just because ghetto doesnt mean they will get shot on the spot. just dont go pissing off gangbangers basically. and even then, they leave civilians alone
Agreed, ghettos increase your chances of being mugged or attacked, but it's still a low chance as anywhere, most people think you have a 50% chance of getting robbed if you step foot in a ghetto, which is fucking silly. Most people are just working class, in a shitty place economically and just wanna live their fucking life in peace like the rest of us. Plus, honestly, I'd hang out with someone from a ghetto or working class area over a middle class or rich prick any day of the fucking week.

sounds exciting im a bit jealous


What is considered middle class in Sweden? Is working-class the largest group?

Do whites live alongside blacks in poor areas or is it pretty segregated?

>Agreed, ghettos increase your chances of being mugged or attacked, but it's still a low chance as anywhere, most people think you have a 50% chance of getting robbed if you step foot in a ghetto, which is fucking silly. Most people are just working class, in a shitty place economically and just wanna live their fucking life in peace like the rest of us. Plus, honestly, I'd hang out with someone from a ghetto or working class area over a middle class or rich prick any day of the fucking week.
this big time. worst it gets in general is someone looking the other way to some small drama because they just want to be left the fuck alone. the stats can get ridiculous, but 97% of the people living there are just normal people. amen

>It's not really because my place is safer, but mostly because it's closer to the relevant parts of the city, lmao. A lot of ghettos here in Sweden are sort of out of the way, often times on the outskirts of the city, so if we'd like to head out we'd have to travel further.
that is mostly how it works here, by my plce theres lots of legendary food places and cool pubs, but, usually if we all wanna go out we head off near downtown and in the safe "nightlife areas", which are very well off neighborhoods. the benefit of hanging by my house is we can listen to music and get rowdy woth out worrying about police coming by for noise complaints. ghetto people dont call cops for noise or get bothered by it.

it is, i love the job. im just terrified of the day i come across a body. mentllay i cannot take that. but everthing else is perfect. no bosses or anyone to get mad at you for not doing enough or whatever. just gotta get the place cleared out by a certain date. no rules otherwise.

depends where. usually it is very segregated. chicago has tons of mixed neighborhoods, but yu also have neighborhoods that are like "as soon as you go south of this avenue, the populations drastically changes to one thing", black, polish, mexican, korean, etc, all have their own areas. but still, no matter where you go besides the biggest ghettos or barrios, it'll feel mixed. people go into eachothers neighborhoods for authentic "that ethnic group" foods. so i guess, the residential spots, where the people actually live are segregated, but the major streets have huge mix of everybody walking round.

my room is a ghetto and i barely get out of it

>Do you live in the neglected, bad part of town
I mean yes, by our standards
>where everyone isn't even sure if they are eating dinner tonight?
No, because this is civilization.

... the sandniggers sometimes burn cars because they're mad that the free money isn't enough to live a luzurious lifestyle and just a comfortable one though, but that's about it.

Pic related, it's what the hood looks like here.

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Most people concider themselves middle class here, I'd say, I always thought of myself as "lower middle class" growing up for some fucking reason lmao. Like 90% of the population conciser themselves middle class, while the working class is in reality like 40-50% of the population
>this big time. worst it gets in general is someone looking the other way to some small drama because they just want to be left the fuck alone. the stats can get ridiculous, but 97% of the people living there are just normal people. amen
True, and only like 0,1% of that 3% are the ones you need to watch out for, the rest are just thieves
>that is mostly how it works here, by my plce theres lots of legendary food places and cool pubs, but, usually if we all wanna go out we head off near downtown and in the safe "nightlife areas", which are very well off neighborhoods.
Sounds better than the food we had in my place, which wasn't the best, but a drunk kebab is one of the most fulfilling things in life desu
>the benefit of hanging by my house is we can listen to music and get rowdy woth out worrying about police coming by for noise complaints. ghetto people dont call cops for noise or get bothered by it.
There's a higher tolerance of it in poorer areas here too, but we're still very autistic people who hate others being loud. I once pissed off a neighbour by playing 36 chambers on my stereo (I didn't have any walkman or anything like that) pretty fucking late, he knocked on the door and told me to turn it the fuck down because he was trying to sleep

Why not just move to oak park OP?

Lower cost housing (120k population city
>Banana gang going around stealing banana tree (the whole damn tree) lately
>Including nearby areas there's 3 break in and one mugging last year
>Pensioners go on community patrol at night when there is a crime
>Due to Islam everyone within 40 blocks are considered neighbours and thus subject to neighbour's rights which includes checking on them occasionally, looking after their safety, ensuring that they have food etc so it's impossible to starve unless it's an anti social who locks up inside their house 24/7.
>including it's satellite towns there's around 1-2 murders in the city every year, mostly as a result of cucking related stabbing.
The wildlife is more of a nuisance, in my backyard last I count 3-4 monitor lizards, a cobra/king cobra every few months, 5-8 civet cats, 2 monkeys.

Housing at the lower part is a typical lower cost housing for my state. Along the rivers are the much older villages, some abandoned when the inhabitants move to larger cities and some renovated or extended with bricks instead of wood and metal or tiles for roof instead of palm leaves.

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whre i am noise is very very tolerated. i feel bad for swedish drummer bros who just want to play. when i lived in a smaller tow i go the cops called like 5 time and they gave me an ultimatum, "get another noise complaint, and pa $5000, or just stop making noise". really sucked. glad i moved back to the city where hearing drums is noce compared to most other things. guess scandis can just fuck off to a cave or cabin and hold band practice. kinda crazy you had a neighbor stop you from listening to music without headphones essentially. what an ass

you seriously get COBRAS? how do you get rid of them? just to make sure they leave? call cobra cops? wtf

>guess scandis can just fuck off to a cave or cabin and hold band practice
This pretty much, lol
>kinda crazy you had a neighbor stop you from listening to music without headphones essentially. what an ass
I mean I was playing it pretty loud, and he was a cool guy aside from that, but still, fuck him, 36 chambers is an amazing record and he should've been happy to hear it

I live in Edmonton

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They came from the rice field irrigation canals around the city.
1. The cat brings back their dead bodies. Doesn't always end well my best one killed a dozen before he passed away in a mutual kill but a pair of cats can flank it and lock it in a staring contest long enough.
2. Keep some bamboo spear around the house and smack them dead.
Cobras and assorted poisonous snakes are not that hard to deal with, just on the city outskirts 5-8m long and 100kg+ pythons are normal here.
Firefighters also have an extremely rare dedicated snake fighters among their ranks but it's empty now for my state, dude spent his career jumping into cobra pits saving retarded hikers until one day he met his end.

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shit, i hve to travel pretty far to setup in the woods. e can do it in illinois though, south part of state is nothing but forests honestly. all i can say is, im happy i am in a city of 3 million+ so no gives a single cre abot hearing some Saturday afternoon band practice. this might be one of the biggest differences between small town and big city. small town has no time for boys with artistic desires. quite evil

36 chambers is a classic yeh,. MOVING ON A NIGGA WITH THE SPEED OF A CENTIPEDE. it is just too good fren