
wow dude so deep edish

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Other urls found in this thread:


fuck clogwogs edish

oispa jomoni tötterö(t)

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watched that movie for the first time recently
didn't like it. felt like it had odd pacing
bunch of nothing for ages then just when things start to happen it ends
enjoyed the idea of it and it could've been explored further

need 3 names for colonists

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I'll come. What floor you on?


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slam your golf ball down and suck it all around

amazing post from a fellow 'murican


based, and, and redpilled

tonsilbergs feeling inflamed

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It was’t really supposed to be deep

what can you actually do if there is a rat inside your room

how are people in voluntary quarantine supposed to live without an income?

wish to nosh off a bimbo tranner

Also listening to the smiths me

Bit shit. Was looking forward to this and the minions flick.

I tried listening to The Smiths recently, I liked it but I feel like its really cliche. I feel like its something people go through like a phase during sixth form then becomes cliche


scared of this chinkyflu

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Anime? Or cute butts?

What floor of the Mile Castle are you on I'll be about 30 minutes matey is that alright

disagree with this post personally
I didn't even know them during sixth form

shes peng though


would rather have 100 rats in my room than 1 spider


self quarantine seems a bit cucked
if i'm at risk of dying i'd at least like to know i brought some others with me

earning a living through Universal Credit

you reckon?

well it wasnt at the time was it idiot

divided by 365 is 4p per day
you do captcha toil for 4p per day, is it really worth it for all of the time you waste?

dont tell me minionkino is also delayed?

it's going to get huge here simply because people can't pay not only the treatment but the initial testing procedure

yeah lucky lad

So salty.

anyone here in Manchester right now wanna meet up for a drink and possibly a shag later on

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Hope not.

roasting is just banter through an african-american cultural filter

don't think you know what 100 rats looks like or you wouldn't say something so foolish

i'll jet off and cough on your nan first chance i get

would rather have 500 snakes and 500 rats in my house than 1 spider

ugly paki cunt

nah I've got work in the morning

which one of us is topping?

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do you have the one of the bernie bro ranting an essay with gigachad next to him going 'hey it's the obama guy'
I found it funny but forgot to save it

could you please do us the courtesy of using a trip

I’m thinking with some editing this panther I drew could be a pretty cool logo yeah? Smooth it out a bit and properly saturate the green eye

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>Some frenchman filled his entire house plumbing system with orbeez then started flushing the toilet and running the tap and ruined his entire city’s sewage system

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Sertraline sorted my life out. Love it lads

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>Life lies a slow suicide
>Orthodox dreams and symbolic myths
>From feudal serf to spender
>This wonderful world of purchase power

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No, no you won't. Don't be silly.

>what about the LGBT vote?!
wtf lol

You’ll experience diminishing returns soon

t. knower

I found the inability to cum fairly irritating after a while

eating some gouda from lidl
tastes VERY good
like the salt crystals in it

You ever wonder how all the shite that gets flushed down the toilet affects the water supply? Shite, chemicals, drugs, fucking everything goes down there and its somehow all supposed to be filtered out

>the race realism timeline for berniebros

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I'll be on top cos I'm a big guy

it's making me rabidly horny, gone up to a 100mg dose and I'm off the fucking rails

post more cameltoes
lets see some puffy

fuck, up the dose? its already diminishing. I asked my GP to up my dose and she said she didn't want me getting hyper



legal weed and prison reform isn't enough to outweigh nigger tribalism

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yeah I'm more horny too. really want to up my dose GP wont let me ROOOOOOOO. might see another one and put on my cutesy posh southern accent that usually works on doctors

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I think it's funny that the left over there are just as obsessed with it as the right
and it's evident when minorities don't do what they want them to

Marmite is the true king

thank you

I only drink bottled water for this reason
Have to be up on my oral hygeine though because no flouride

No reason to up it if it's working, in fact your GP will probably drop it after a period of stability.

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Had to pay 20p to take a shit in a public toilet because I had a sudden surge of diarrhoea but the toilet was in an absolutely disgusting state with shit all over the seat and I had used up my last 20p getting access to the toilet so I couldn't choose another one. Ended up covering the seat with a blanket of bogroll but I've still probably contracted herpes.

dunno she doesn't really do it for me

saw some empty shelves on my last venture to wal-shart. I reckon it will die down within a week or two though

dont have a desk chair just using a grim wooden chair

there is a 2nd hand furniture shop run by rastas near me which seems dodgy as fuck like all the furniture is displayed on the pavement.

theyve got a desk chair which feels alright for 20 quid. should i buy it? how do i clean it?

must be curry night LOL (diarrhoea)

terrible taste

>20p to use a public toilet
what a rort, public toilets should be just that! public


not even fussed about toilet roll

just buying some high calorie durable foods like crackers

look at those low IQ dunces in the background in close proximity without the proper face mask
honestly all I can do is chuckle at their foolishness..

I'm just skipping the starter in restaurants.

different strokes for different folks

alri russel howard

Or at least I might if things get bad.

would you shag greta thunberg?

this tier list is upside down

well public school isn't free is it (btw in britain public school means private school)

how old is she?

always thought that was funny (the latter)

I'll pretty much go along with that, although the best they ever did was the Branston and cheddar limited edition.

Monster munch Roast Beef, Tayto Cheese and Onion not top tier

Nor is beer in public houses.

>cheese & onion
hello underaged

was told uncut gems was decent but it has adam sandler in it and it's after 2003 so that simply can't be true


I'm a virgin, I'd shag anybody

17 at the moment

America will absolutely suffer from this because rightoids think its an every man for himself society


Women hit the wall at 18 on avg

vile runt

cheese and onion is by far the best and salt and vinegar by far the worst. salt and vinegar is inedible.

17 but stuck in a 10 year olds body

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I'd have thought your not having any form of SSP the most dangerous factor in America.

She might be 17 but she looks 13. Neck yourselves if you would.

would you sling one up a lads arse?

no but entering them is free

go back to your communal pod share and eat bugs, fucking low tier human

If she bleeds, she's a woman

can we all agree Walkers Prawn Cocktail is the most stinking?

>no but entering them is free

wonder what it’s like to shoot thick gloopy ropes inside of a woman

plus she's an autism and shagging a mentalist as a neurotypical is slightly dubious


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brb lads stocking up on some toilet paper

if theres grass on the pitch haha

if a pub is doing a private night with an entry fee, it temporarily ceases to be a pub

______ smells of skips

It's fine - just ask JF Gariepy


grass on the wicket let's play cricket(sex)

fucking hate your rightoids

1. Trump eliminated the NSC and DHS global health epidemic teams.

2. CDC’s global health section staff has been reduced by 80%

3. Just this year Trump is proposing another 20% cut to CDC

4. Trump’s ‘Coronavirus Task Force’ hasnt provided updates or new information in weeks. One of its members was on twitter yesterday asking people to provide him a map of the outbreak.
The WH hasnt provided a press briefing in nearly a year.

5. It was reported last week that Trump is ordering staff to not discuss the virus, because such planning may hurt the market and further hurt his reelection chances

6. Trump was on twitter today saying “its all fine” and the CDC is saying “plan for a pandemic”

Most or all of the pandemic collaborative infrastructure, interagency teams, experts who were brought in on past pandemics to facilitate Strategic planning, logistics coordination, response, are gone.

This may be the big one.

And the country may now pay a hefty price for electing this fucking faggot. No worries though, we got a wall being built in the desert with rerouted DHS/Fema/CDC funds and the estate tax theshhold went from $5 mill to $11 mill.

>boohoo tap water bad
Ever heard of a liver and kidneys?


Druggie mong

embarrassed that I know who this is and know exactly what you're talking about

youre onto something

Never had a drink of water in me life

so sleepy
so tired

don't know what third world cesspools people are living in where they can't drink the tapwater
fussiness that's what it is

Only drink semen and vag juice

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I drink beer
you drink cock


yeah but he's BASED and BTFO's the libs every day

Trump's gonna shoot coronavirus


just figured out who the zodiac killer is but cba telling anyone

what sort of places do you buy your furniture from, lads?

Honestly coronavirus is going to wipe us all out

If I were a superhero I'd call myself Bisexual Lightning

Most black people where I work are actually sound desu.

Most insufferable demographic where I work by a mile is middle aged white women.

true but i drink beer as well

libcuck BULLDOZED with FACTS

>middle aged white women.
the worst work experience I've ever had was when my manager was a middle aged white woman

>sees /brit/

I am not inviting these animals to my candlelight suppers.

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>Most insufferable demographic where I work by a mile is middle aged white women.
ah yes, mumsnet

2nd bottle of wine now lads

feel like blanking the gf for a day

>Australia's chief medical officer Dr Brendan Murphy told parliament this week: "We are trying to reassure people that removing all of the lavatory paper from the shelves of supermarkets probably isn't a proportionate or sensible thing to do at this time."

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feel like blacking the gf for a day

not just where you work m8

haha yeah mate hate when a woman is all "my menopause" it's way more annoying than when gangs of black youths stab strangers on the street to steal their wallets

The only awful black people that exist are blacks here (not really Africans but mutts with mostly black ancestry) and blacks that buy into that culture
Africans are fine. Nice people. it's the mongrels that exhibit all that terrible behavior that so-called racists hate

Not to say all middle aged white women where I am are all bad, one in particular is really lovely, but the people I've had negative experiences with have mostly been middle aged white women.

Boconcept is pretty good.

I didnt give you permission to save this

Piss off shill

Tbh a lot of the black people where I work are University Educated and some are middle aged. Be like calling the white people chavs.

go to uni in the NE and everyone is solid and sound
do not want to go back to the south everyone is a sour rude cunt you say hello and they call the police on you

It’s true mate no joke everyone panic bought all the bog rolls up ahaha
(As well as non perishable foods but that as funny a headline)

Table 104 the mile castle bellend if you're here

I don't know what is wrong with them. One is 39 and the other early forties, so not too old, but they just come across like bitter miserable people.

CivNats get the rope first

Piss off shit

for me, its the dog and parrot

t. literal billionaire

>they just come across like bitter miserable people.
Surprised they're not on /brit/

/brit/ is offset by all the happy shaggers

yeah no we had it on the news its just a funny quote i reckon

Even the Africans in my uni were niggers deep down. All you had to do was give the slightest little push and their true nature would show itself.

John Lewis, Habitat, Made, Maison du Monde, Futon

for me it's when I go out with the workmates for some drinks and one of the middle aged women brings their daughter out with them and all of the men (apart from gay steve) visibly salivate at the beautiful perky 19 year old

could kill any inbred poorthener with my bare hands

you cant buy furniture you mong it only comes with a gaff

Just got back from Ita*AAA CHOO*

Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit lad.


asmr makes my balls tingle

Remember when Karen's shut down the NHS by clicking a wannacry email link

shortness of breath


and really fucking tired

should i see doctorberg

haas pss pssp kss kllk ka pss pss

not feeling too well lads

no, self-isolate (which you probably do anyway virgin)

Nah, that's self-isolation material right there.


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Cant wait for a civil war tbqh

what if i want to spread it around and cause chaos

First gen (legal) immigrants are usually humble and hard working, second gen onwards, not wanting to assimilate into "white" culture, disassociate by adopting "urban" accents and mannerisms.

blow your nose into tissues and slingshot them at every boomer in sight

that's based and pozpilled

Board is supposed to be for over 18s lad.

accomplish something on your own instead of demanding others do it for you, fucking ingrate

>talk to a South Asian woman
>she's got daddy issues and is deeply submissive with a kink for being forced into embarrassing sexual situations
why is this so common?

lick lots of keyboards in toil

feeling a bit chesty but no fever.

seems like im coughing to bring up post nasal drip mucus rather than a lung thing

rrrooo-*cough cough cough*
not feeling too good lads :(

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Yeah when they adopt the yank culture they become irreparable. hate to see it

Will have a look through these. Used Made before to buy a table, but they didn't have anything I am looking for right now.

I bet this was funny in your head.

what do they actually treat you with? Just oxygen

finna cop some oxygen tanks and a mask

>why is this so common?
Because that your fetish and it's you that's imagining the scenario.


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How are they so based??


They literally singlehandedly made Brexit a reality

father has informed me that he will be kicking me out of the house if i catch the chink virus during my commute to or from toil

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It is common you stupid mick

*licks you*

can tell you're a virgin if you find a submissive paki to be a mere figment of imagination lol

Doesn't sound like covid then. Are you hot?

The litmus test for whiteness is whether or not you like black licorice simple as

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Id stomp your head in you rightist parasitie

Table 104 the mile castle simple as

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>they treat you with isabella rossellini
sign me up mommy

yeah if you like it you're not white, simple as

licorice is fucking disgusting

A common subject of fantasy among the sexually inexperienced, yes.

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they're grooming victims

utterly grim

i dont care about the democratic primaries, nor any other aspect of yank politics

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I like the salt stuff, not the sweet stuff.

same but I like the memes

abhorrent little harlot

would love to spatter her tummy with ropes of sperm

I'm a paki and I love it

mboko the gay nigerian virgin made this post


Yes, yes she did.

>capital letters
>full stops
dont care what redditors think nerd hahah

implying i wouldn’t pay my share of taxes anyway. we already get taxed 40% for trumps inane policies and half goes to the military budget even though they are still extremely incompetent


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10 days til I unironically move to Africa


would you do that to my sister?

Two examples of blacks intentionally changing to differ themselves from the white norm, is John boyega and Idris Elba. Watch their earlier interviews and they both have standard London accents, not talking "roadman" as they are both well educated 2nd gen migrants, in 2019-20 they have acquired talk like "RAHHH BOSSMAN DIS TING IS PENG", it's painfully obvious how false it is.

brexit britain

So fuck off then, pleboid.


Mendy is black as night

Nke'mbe Mgbunyu

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france is the best foreign flag on /brit/
there are several posters and they're all good lads apart from the priscilla poster
no attention seeking autism, they understand british culture well and just have a good banter with the lads

this is so fucking good. my dad would often have a bit stashed a way and give me some now and then, very nostalgic for me

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I was once a Webb poster but I can now honestly say im a bit depressed

Ooga Booga *Click click* *Whistle*

You just posted cringe

ok im letting cat out again, 9.30 then
want to kiss andy samberg

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seething you outed yourself as a 'dittor

I cannot take "roadman" seriously. It sounds like a made up job you would read about in a children's book

based romanian

Lads 104 the Mile castle this nobhead is yet to show


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>there are several posters

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New job

'ford storming up the table in my FM save lads

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The blacks at my work are alright as well, until they start interacting with other blacks, then their real selves come out. They start talking black London and act cunty. You can tell the niceness is just a cover.

>a bit depressed

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Never been.


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Nah i reckon its just a lurgy with a mild cough attached when the mucus irritates my thrat


delivery man is messing me about, need him out of business

left school in 2013 and still regularly have dreams about it

Not white
Honorary white

I live near a cemetery
used to have a few goths hanging out there 15 years ago
now it's a graveyard

Okay, this one is cute

left school in 2009


An oldie but goodie.

oiii lowe it

Your motivation to play FM will be killed when you realise that football is an opinion-based sport, and as soon as you start determining players by direct quantifiable methods the whole point of talent spotting goes out the window.

When I go home to Yorkshire my accent triples in thickness and all the old lingo comes out. I'm sure if I was meeting the Queen I'd sound more posh and use a better class of vocabulary. People are chameleons and change to match company. If you don't you're literally a low emotional IQ autist.

Any of you really restless on sertraline
Want to punch a fucking wall sometimes


wahey wahey wahey wahey wahey wahey wahey wahey wahey wahey wahey wahey wahey wahey wahey wahey wahey wahey wahey wahey wahey wahey wahey wahey wahey wahey wahey wahey wahey wahey wahey wahey wahey wahey wahey wahey wahey wahey wahey wahey

I learned a new word in English

(don't know what it really even means haha)

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People change how they act depending on who they interact with

How long have you been taking it?

saw couple blokes carying a coffin on the way into toil
weirdly enough saw them on the way back from toil as well.
thought they must have lost the plot

Yeh I'm familiar with what it is lol. fuck that song is terrible. I just don't understand why they wouldn't use a more intimidating label

is j man still being a pain in the arse?
banned me for saying native americans should be gassed of all things.

same but 2011. have the occasional dream where I'm sitting down to do my leaving exams wondering why I'm doing that when I already have a degree

>6 seconds
absolute state of @637

2007 for me. Didn't do A Levels so left after my GCSEs.

Ironically I'm looking to start a Secondary PGCE in September.


>only one mark video today
end it

I like "sisu" in Finnish. Good word.

me mummy never even did her exams
get on that level nerds


I just want to earn money and win big to be honest

Do you get a repeat or are you on monthly review?

it's a french word. it means insolent. which is also a french word hehe

walked out of school on day one and started my own business

I learnt another one

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i made them have -£999999999 in the game editor lol

I knew insolent was French, not impertinent.

Whos getting the drinks in for table 104 the mile castle like I'm going for a cig so wait 5 mins

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the things we learn on /brit/...

pretty much any word like that is french lad


*chucks piss bottle*

I was being sincere mate
Surely you realise how many shaggers are here
Perhaps it is you who is dim

I was at my French class today after work.

About 1/3 of English is French.

>Surely you realise how many shaggers are here
Indeed. hence the initial comment.

the greatest heist in human history

Annoying bunch