You wake up in a Bulgarian village

>You wake up in a Bulgarian village.

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time for some gay sex

I catch the nearest bus from Skopje back to Sofia

ugly. I prefer the dark depressing and grey bulgaria.

>fuck the local village slag
>boil some home made rakija
>get drunk and fight my neighbor
>realize i have zero prospects or hope for the future so I move to Sofia.

bulgarian villages/small cities are giga depressing if we dont count a few ones that have good people running the city

please post kino villages bulgarbro

>bulgarian villages/small cities are giga depressing
This. Most cities are also depressing. It's a shitty affair.

I drink and dance!

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How can this be when it looks so nice

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Why did you post this picture of Skopje?

Tourist spot.
Gypsy ghetto.

He's a bugarophile, therefore he recognizes skopje as a bulgarian village.

is that Koprishtivnica or something like that?

Damn, nigga, you butchered that name.
But no, it doesn't look like Koprivshtitsa.


That's because the retards in the gov't chose an anglo-style romanisation instead of something normal like Koprivštica. Now nobody reads it correctly, Slavs and non-Slavs alike.


Digraphs are gay and uneconomic.

What are you afraid of? Wasting too much e-ink?

I'm not afraid of anything, I'm educating you (for free).

Kosovo village. I think those stone tiles on the roofs are very popular in the Rhodopes.

too sunny and happy.


>Bulgar revolutionaries kill me because I'm a Turk

We're tolerant people, Mehmet.

finally, I've come home

Hi Nina

Bulgaria looks a lot nicer than I expected it to be.

A few years ago I visited a town in Bulgaria called Shumen. We stayed at a terrible soviet-era hotel and overall it was the worst trip I've ever made. It wasn't the town's fault tho, the trip was terribly organized. I wouldn't mind visiting it again by my own.

Ask how i can get to Sofia, hope bulgars help me


Why the fuck would you EVER go to Shumen
Bet you stayed in hotel Madara too, that tall ugly building
t. from Shumen

shumen...more like beshumen lmao
where the fuck is that shithole and imagine not living in sofiq

>going to Shumen of all places

How much would that nice home on the right go for???

It was this one. The first two floors were alright, but the rooms looked like straight out of the 80s and the door of the bedroom where I stayed was broken (anyone could open without a key, it wouldn't even close) and despite the fact that I told the supervisor, they never fixed nor changed me to another room lmao.
I enjoyed Sofia a lot more but only stayed there for a day.

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Looks like heaven to me.

A goat and two chicken.

Shumen is not a tourist city, user. Probably 90% of the rooms in that hotel are empty at any given time.

I know, I didn't really go there to do tourism, I went there as part of a trip organized by an european-wide student organization representing my university.

>hotel madara

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Hotel Shumen. This one is supposed to be pretty good actually, at least as the 2 big hotels in the city go, at least the expensive rooms, usually celebs and shit that come here stay there. We also had our prom there, kek. But yeah, I think it got renovated recently.
It's not, but since it's the closest bigger city to Preslav and Madara, lots of tourists just stay here and go sightseeing with buses the next day. Aside for that, theres really nothing to really see in Shumen, aside for lots of t*Rks and thar ugly, huge statue on the top of the plateu and the parks around

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Stop being quipper and give me a realistic price.

Probably 20-30k Euros if it's in good condition.
But then you're stuck in a no-life village with shit infrastructure and no jobs around.

Could be anything from literally almost free, like 10-25k euros to 400-500k euros, depending on the village and if it's a tourist trap or a dying village in bumfuck nowhere.

Between 20k and 40k euro

I have a Bulgar fren from Şumnu. She says it's practically Turkey...


True, Shumen, Razgrad and Kurdzhali are Turkish exclaves


She (he)

It's not as bad as Razgrad or Targovishte, but yeah, this whole region is full of t*rks.
It doesnt help that all the turk peasants from the ludogorie(deliorman) villages nearby come to work or study here since it's the biggest city around, tho the smarter of them fuck off to Varna since it has nice universities.

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Find a Muslim and kill it. Find a gay and sodomize it until it doesnt enjoy it anymore.

Pretending to be Sweden

I've never met someone who went to visit Shumen, its unknown as destination even locally. Imagine coming from Spain to visit Shumen lmao

If rundown 10k. If in ok condition in non-gypsy villages it could be much more, cant be specified without knowing its location. If it's near coast it will ofc be much more expensive.

I would need to find job as software developer in such a village, it would be impossible.

Kardzhali is actually 70% Bulgarian. The villages around arent.

It looks nice tho

Even most of the bumfuck nowhere villages have Internet access now, you just have to work remotely

But quality of live would be low, what if I have heart attack because I am obese? Local clinic cannot save me life.

find a few dogs to spin to kill time

The local vet could try saving you. If not the villagers will slaughter you and make blood-sausages and store your fat in metal containers. It's tradition.

Yes I see your point

>find a few dogs to spin to kill time
It's hard to find Russians.

Currently there is a movement here in which software developers move together to remote villages and work there. Since they are incels it makes no difference for them if they are in the city or in some bumfuck village, they'd get the same amount of girls anyway. I bet youd blend in.

Rude tho

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Sounds comfy. Finding a bunch of incel bros and buying off a whole village and making a little Smurf village commune.

Don't be a dick

Yeah, as I said, people come here cos of Preslav and Madara and just stay in the city for a while.
It's a comfy small city, but if you are young and dont wanna work some blue collar jobs, you are fucked more or less. Theres some surprisingly huge industry here, like Fikosota, a local company that makes electrical appliances, food, and stuff like soaps/diapers/shampoos and exports them a lot around the world or the biggest glass factory in the Balkans, but as I said, its mostly blue-collar jobs. Also, living here is boring as fuck.

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Maybe but I will can't find employment because in Europe, master degree is free while I am only working to get bachelors. Employer will prefer more qualified candidate.

It probably is comfy. I'd do it, but then again I'm not an incel. Wouldn't mind to be one though.

Doesnt look bad desu. Hows life in Shumen in general, is there tension between you and Turks? Is there anything but Chalga clubs and shit?