What would it happen if your friends found out you had casual sex with a 15 year old in your cunt?

What would it happen if your friends found out you had casual sex with a 15 year old in your cunt?

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They would call the police but I would turn myself in first


Sexual majority is 15 here so I guess if the girl is okay with it you don't risk much

They would ask me why I couldnt wait a year until shes of age and call me a pedo

I don't have any friends so I'd be fine

Then they'd beat me up

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Nothing as consent age here is 14

They would call me based

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>14 year old 11 months and 30 days
illegal and punishable by torture
>couple of hours later
absolutely legal have fun bro

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They wouldn't give a shit.


I'm not asking about the law, more what would your friends do

She's 15?
I would fuck her badly

t.30 years old

fucking teens for fun is common here

people would find it very creepy and call you a pedo

animetrannies don't have friends

Probably would get castrated.

What if she was born in February?

Given my specific circumstances they would finally recognise me as a man and would probably become the conversation theme for the rest of the day.

With a 15yo boy or a girl?

They would ask for pictures.

they'd judge me, but also be jealous

>your friends
my what?

>Don't get caught bro

congratulate me and ask me how i did it while being very careful their wives are not within earshot



fuck firstoids


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They would disapprove but wouldn't do anything to get me in trouble.

that's illegal and some guys got 38 years each for having sex with a girl with that age

"Cuidado pra não engravidar a novinha."

I don't have friends. But I'm twice her age, so it would be pretty creepy.

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call me weirdo and maybe make a few jokes but forget about it in a week
so no one would care really

wat this webm from

Depends on how old I was back then

I'm guessing Skins

Skins S6E07

thanks yurobros

probably kill me on sight for cheating on my gf

They would either
1. Call me a god
2. Call the police on me
Since child protection laws are strict here.
Or both could happen at the same time.

I would bone a child tho.


too late, I just called the cops

It doesn't matter. 365 days are considered as 1 year.

Considering the shit I got for fucking an "adult" zoomer, I would probably be ostracized

They would look at me like I'm a creep.

Probably look at me in a weird way and secretly envy me, nothing besides that because it's 100% legal in Poland.

i don't have friends so no worries

prolly "the boys" from back home would praise me, while people over at uni would absolutely denounce and socially outcast me. Maybe a few of the uni homies would pat me in the back aand say well done behind closed doors.

but thats all an out of touch brain exercise since I would never do it. Don't get me wrong, i get the appeal of fucking a supple, tender, soft 15yo. But they're, mentally, basicallly children at that age. Fuck, even 20yo college girls are so fucking annoying and immature. I know we're not talking about having a relationship, but there's more to fucking than just the act itself in real life (maybe not in the fantasies of all the basement dwelling wankers in this website), there's the courtship, and the before and after, and going through that with someone who you have a hard time having a conversation with (not from a sociall skills perspective, but from an "am i enjoying this superficial bullshit conversation" perspective) just does not seem to be worth it, wich is reinforced by the fact she probably isnt sexually experienced and i will have so teaching/trailblazing to do. Also, less of a chance she will take it up the ass or be into all the bdsm shit i'm into.

That girl looks like she's 24

and, finally, the main argument, which i forgot:


there's a social power dynamic which absolutely puts young girls in a position of much less power than any older man, even if he is like, 20. He will be more experienced on sex, relationships, and life. and it puts him in a position to take advantage/manipulate/godknowswhat.
if 15yos want to fuck, they can start fucking other 15yo airheads, grow up, learn about life, and then later, fuck all the sugardaddies they want, oncethey are fully developed adults, if older men is their thing.

tldr: if you're older than 19 and still going for teens, you're a fucking lowlife who prolly can't pull age-adequate pussy/ass/dick and makes a (sexual) living out of tricking dumb kids. kys, underdeveloped betacuck

Dude I still wouldn't do her but this is a huge amount of cope you are writing here.

please, leaf friend, do elaborate.

I don't have friends ;_;

But that's all.

i had hundreds of matches with hot danish girls on yubo once lmao

pathetic, thinking that girls aren't mature enough or wouldn't understand. Its always when they reach a certain age magic number then you suddenly accept it, I'll enjoy my tight teen pussies.

>lmao good shit user
>let me have some pics/videos user
>don’t get caught
Variations of that pretty much

nothing, even if she was 8 nothing would happen, because i have no friends

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Yeah but it's not well seen except among the elites, and even they are starting to change.