Why the fuck it's spreading so fast

why the fuck it's spreading so fast

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Because the chinese are legally obliged to swarm the whole world several times a year, otherwise tour guides would starve

china cancelled tour groups almost all the way back in january, retard
it's italy's and iran's fault

Dumbass the Virus can spread before symptoms start to show, China acted way too late

>tfw almost all of our cases are from people returning from Iran

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how did it even got to Iran
do they have some chinese community?

employers dont allow sick people to have paid time off.

God hates Iran and gave them a suitable punishment

here is the real answer

it's not "spreading fast" people just don't know that they have it and don't get tested, the incubation period, ie, having it and spreading it without symptoms, is very long
probably longer than 2 weeks as stated before

they say it was from chinese workers in qom but they don't really know exactly

vs the incubation for the flu 1-4 days

Just in Yas Forums you have Western that say it's just "exactly like a flu", insult people that wear a medical mask so when you cough it's spread as far as possible, believe in their immune system so just let it be and spread to everyone as long as possible even it's hospitalized 40% peoples and already kill more than 10% of confirmed infected peoples in Italy.
Yes the Chinese spread it first, but even the Chinese themselves not spread that fast until some Western start to have it.

And I not even talk about the anti-vaccine meme, it's never gonna end. I can feel despair already.

4% I mean. It's likely jump up to more 10% anyway. Only some hundred recovered. More people gonna die when medical equipment ran out.

Why the fuck do you have so many Iranians and why are they traveling home all the time? Thought they had learned with that airplane.

Because they are fairly well off, still have family in the country, and didn't realize it was the apocalypse

mask doesn't prevent spread since you don't have it on all the time, it's only useful in blocking out flying spittle, which doesn't cause infection that much in actuality, no one goes around with their mouths open collecting spit
just imagine a person's daily life, between waking up and leaving the house there is already contact from hands and that is enough, mask is a psychological defense so you think you are doing something when in actuality it's already pointless the moment you think about it using a mask

if there is anything that you can do to minimize chance of contact is to reduce going out and meeting people and always wash hands when you do, and wash everything you ingest twice

Nah, if EVERYONE wears masks and there is social shunning of those who don't it is good, because it prevents those who ARE sick from spreading the virus as much.

THAT is what masks are for, not to protect you from people but to protect people from you.

fucking this. their belief is simply unscientific. i was telling them to wear a mask here but nobody listened to it. they were even mocking me. i dont care what they try to do anymore.

That why i say wearing mask help because it's significantly reduce the spread range of "already infected peoples", not immunity to it if you read it clearly.
And does European not washing their hands at all? When I was young they literally the exporter of Cleanliness and Hygiene from what i learn.

Chinese are relatively influential and present there, yes

viruses are not spread that much by flying spittle, it is from touching, it only works like as you said if you have it on ALL the time, ie, when sleeping, say a person with the virus wears the mask, but he takes it off when he gets home, when he leaves the house it is very likely on his clothes and his hands

mask gives a false sense of security letting the wearer do things he would otherwise not do due to caution, don't let the mask mask your caution because that is the only real defense

If Vietnam was literally North Korea shithole I not gonna feel despair, but I just fucking go to some non tourist place and see like a hundred of yellow haired peoples. It's just... Fuck.
Even the Chinese not spread this fast to foreigners, and the reason it's spike up because of their government coverage and Chinese New Years.

I actually got used to wearing a mask in vietnam about 2 weeks ago, then I came back and kept wearing it and people stared and pointed so I eventually stopped because I don't like being glared at.

I think people kind of deserve what they are going to get at this point.
It statistically reduces spread if used widely over the population.

Most people here wash their hands. But Europe as a whole is pointless to stereotype in almost anything.

>It statistically reduces spread if used widely over the population.
people interact with each other less, that is the true cause, not masks, which produces that effect

italians socialize more outside, that is the true cause

I already told you.
>Significantly reduce the spread range of "already infected peoples", not immunity to it.
Which simply means wearing the mask don't make you never catch the virus but it's does help to reduce the chance you get it, or other peoples get it. Maybe it's slower the day you have it, but it's does help.
Virus spread and people catch it? Kinda normal, but people spread and catch it super fast? It's not fucking good. Hospital gonna gets overrun and panic peoples run everywhere for hospital and spread it even further.
And our Asian wearing a mask and use hand sanitizer at same time. Not wearing mask alone.

no as i said it doesn't because it gives you the false sense of security, thinking you will be saver than if you didn't have it which is false

>we're all going to die because of fat americans

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blame globalisation

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Peoples wearing mask less now, but probably because they out of money while there's no Corona report in the country anymore. But i can feel reinfected case gonna happen from Europe.
The more I grow up the Disneyland in Europe grow grim everyday, when I was young I think about have money to make a small trip to see London and Paris with white peoples and local white culture in it. No chance now. Not like i hate minority but those minority become majority.
It's still better than nothing, I trust peoples that cough on their mask than peoples that believe on their own immunity which have zero security at all and walking out like naked to virus.

all 5 cases in Mexico are from people who visited Italy

masks gives people a reason to go out which defeats any positive the mask can have

especially for those that have it and don't know if they have it, they will spread it just by being out, touching various objects no matter how much cough they do into the mask

say if a place ran out of masks and most people just choose to stay home, that place will have less sick than some place that have 100% of the people wearing masks and go out as normal

>it's italy's and iran's fault
Yea, sure retarded spic. Believe the media who're moving the fault from them to us so they can continue to make profit with them in the future.

More than 20.000 chineses returned in Italy after their New Years Eve and not a single one of them was tested ''because was racist''.

And EVERY other european country is underreporting cases.
Or do you really believe that the massive ''winter flu'' epidemic in Germay, the ''worst in the last 50 years'', it's coincidentally happening?

>let's test only people who come from italian infected area and not randomily in the population
>they're positive

About the masks: westerners value their own personal freedom more than the average asian. As the mask only helps you prevent from infecting others, and does not protect you from being infected by others, people see using mask as a limiting of their freedom to walk around casually.

About the antivaxxers, yes they are irrational idiots, but traditional chinese medicine is just as irrational and idiotic. Humans are idiots everywhere.

but why

If you like classic major Western European cities you are indeed too late, Vietanon. Countryside is still available some places, though.

>italians socialize more outside
You wrote as a meme but this is the truth, man.
We're even making fun of our ''zero patient'' sociality online in these weeks. Basically that 38 years old guy did two marathons, 4 soccer matches, went to at least 4 clubs and two ''aperitivi''. In less than two weeks.

Because we're the only honest country reporting all the cases, with Japan and South Korea.
ALL other Union states, Germany first, are underreporting their cases and have the agenda to move the fault toward us.

It's not gonna be problem if people also know that they can get infected from licking their hand from touching stuff.
I don't know what your government do or what Western government do when talking about Corona. But this Gov spams my phone mail every day how the Corona spread (include from licking hand when touching stuff and airdrop), what help (include that mask not complete help but does decrease it).
The only way that you're right is because people so limited to their information how the corona work. Which kinda not the case for me. I know how the virus spread, anyway to limit its spread, reduce the chance I get infected.
Do I wear a mask and go out complete believe I never gonna get the virus? No, all peoples in my location know you can get the virus from licking your hand or get a coofing at your face.
You're right if most peoples don't know how virus work, I'm right if most peoples know how virus, simple arguement.

Well the countryside kinda nice, something I learn in Yas Forums that you should visit the countryside if you plan a visit. European countryside always looks the best.

pls the masks are not sealed on the face, they really don't do anything

if you don't have a rubber one that seals it in it's the same as not wearing anything

Kill every Italian to prevent spread

I've been licking doorknobs recently

I already told you lol
>Reduce the spread range of "already infected people"
When you have the corona and fucking coof, it's like you shot a gun. Wearing a mask when cough is like wearing a muzzle. Can you still spread it? Yes. Does it's decrease the range and power you spread it? Yes.
It's that simple. I barely preach you should slower the rate it's infected peoples so the hospital can take care of it.

It's divine punishment for all the faggotry and overpopulation. Every time some homo calls himself nonbinary an italian coofs.


viral transmission range has to do with how far they travel not how far they can cough

Never should have come here taco

and the 3 confirmed cases here are people returning from italy

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Because it's scientificality proven most masks do not work.
You need the highest protecting ones, and they only make you not spread it by coughing.

Most people wear a mask that doesn't even protect against that.

>only helps
you are still underrating this virus like that. my point was consistently just that. one french poster however was saying "fuck the norm. im gonna wear a mask outside". personally think he made a logical choice. people die suddenly and unexpectedly especially in an emergency/dangerous situation like this.

>anti-vaccine meme
Every country has retards, please don’t judge us too harshly by our worst genetic dead ends

Brah, I literally talking about how far the virus can travel if the host coof what else you thinking...
And those Corona airdrop that sticking in the mask instead of flying around help a lot too, not total immunity but lower the spread rate. You see how long Dew stays in the air when playing with grass or tree before already right?
Just image all those droplet of Dew are virus carriers that flying around instead of sticking to something.

>arguing with retards
Wasting your time
t. microbiologist

that only goes for the virus. im talking about the effects of the other causes that might help/worse the infection. mask is cheap shit as you said. but the point isnt to prevent the actual virus.

Glowniggers exported it there in hopes to destabilize the country 100%

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At the least these people gonna die out. But in the end, I blame because they're just too paranoid about media and think the media want to harm them through vaccine. The media maybe bad, but they're not that bad.
He seems reasonable at least. Not like he chimp out or conspiracy, just denying.

long incubation

the zero patient in Italy is undetectable because of that