
When are you joining the G7 edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


I hope never.
All in G7 are cucks and FAAGs

Do you sit on your leg(s)?

no that hurts my knees

love ya /cum/

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Yes but I always regret it


No one knows sweden's president

I don't want to jack off

put on shoes/sandals

have to wait 3 days for $2.50 in bolts,


Do you have the nuts to wait?

nah, not really I hope you guys well, but being in that group would mean we have lost everything

wtf is g7?

what do you mean?

Carl Gustaf like the recoilless rifle

feel the bern!

it's some ugly guy but i forgot his name. it has a v i think

group of the global leaders, use to be the G8 but Russia got kicked out

Illuminati countries

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Italians didn't go to school or work because of the virus lol

politics are stupid

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Kinda based

eating takis

are you hispanic?

also just farted and it smells horrific. wonder if there's any correlation


my world just flipped

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this visual has been done before

How are British immigrants perceived in Canada? Like in Australia as whinging poms? Or perhaps like in Spain as ignorant red faced bastards?
t.from a middle class family that doesn't like the heat, so instead of the land down under we're moving to the great white north

me on the left

feels so unnatural to play with my hands close together, feels piano was made for people with narrow shoulders

y-you too

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we get it you're a chad with musical sensitivity wow so unique

what is musical sensitivity


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I don't know

Why are there so many fags and trannies?


no one but the weakest chinned motherfucker would ever confuse that guy for a "chad"
are you jealous because you can't play any instruments?

>swedish president browses /cum/
holy fugg

It's 2020

Don't think you'll have much trouble here as far as cultural attitudes go

they're beyond salty, but besides that, the flavor is good. the chips have better texture than american corn chips

why would I be jealous that someone is trying to learn something I'm not even interested in?
Are you jealous that I'm not jealous of him?

chicken afraid to learn a musican instrument

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What's your biggest fear, /cum/?

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How can I grow a beard without getting acne.I try and I wash it ,but end up shaving after getting a few pimples.

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i use a monitor arm to hover my monitor over by bed do every time i'm on my bed i sit cross-legged

I wanna die really fast and I don't want to suffer, Dr. Gato.

I wanna live really fast and I don't want to suffer, Dr. Pussy.

Depends where you’re from. NORF people seem to get the Spain treatment, and souf get Australia

dying alone

I wish horkers were real

Failing to start a family

Fear is just an extension of anxiety, it only exists in your perception of the future. It's not real.

having no gf

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Do you suffer from any chronic illnesses
Get a skateboard and hit the park jimmy
Anyone in particular you want by your side?

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not getting (you)s

This one is on the house, but just this once

try helium

I'm aln alcoholic and I like to have sex with prostitues. I wish I could stop these vices.

Anyone pls?

where do you meet the prostitutes?

Kidney stones

skateboard? this site is 18+ only pal.
you should recommend a motorcycle.

how long does it get before you shave it? if it gets long enough you could try oiling it

I sit like this

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I thought Henry Kissinger was dead...

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Not living

Have you had any serious relationships before
Are you scared right now?
Exposure therapy it is then
So you're afraid of dying because of your sins in this lifetime?

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I go to stripclubs, invite them a drink, we make out and then I take them out to the nearest motel. Last week I rented 2 for the price of 1

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>I thought Henry Kissinger was dead...

>So you're afraid of dying because of your sins in this lifetime?
LebAnon gets it.

just confess lol, say a couple hail marys and you're good to go. isn't that how it works?

Is the bench too close?


Do you check up regularly with your doctor?
Baby steps user. We wouldn't want you to be disappointed or the speed high to kill that fast. First sugary cereals, followed by skateboards
Religious reasons? Do you find living for eternity a better outcome?

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The death of my race.

positioning is probably awful, I'm playing on a keyboard on a table (way higher than piano would be) and using a desk chair

i keep tangling my hair it feels so good

>Hail, Nienor, daughter of Húrin. We meet again ere the end.

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Yeah I get my doctor to jerk me off every few months

I mean in the sense of not experiencing enough of what life offers. Death is fine as long as I feel like I have truly lived


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A florida police man arrested a six year old kid for crying guess what race the kid was

>Anyone in particular you want by your side?
Just a cute, loving wife, that's all I need

Made a serious Quebecer laugh by saying "Ah Canada, the Great White North, or as you say in Quebecanese, El Grande Nord"


I've developed a strong cough. Is this the end?

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well, at least their sound matches the band name.

Would a religious institution help you in overcoming and/or controlling your urges?
That'd great user, but how does that help with the kidney stones? I'd say you should see a different doctor
Any experience that's currently within your abilities that you're not having?

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garbage band

We out here

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Did you know Ice Cube's nick name was his sister's idea because of literal ice cubes in the fridge? he liked it and took the name.
It has nothing to do with the rough life on the streets of compton

Give it time.

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At least make sure your wrists are somewhat level.

they're probably not where they should be but my arms are raised enough that I have a small arc in my wrists when playing

any good memes?

i thought it was because ice is cold = cool and ll cool j and vanilla ice and other "cool" names were taken

cats, mostly

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How often do you coom?

once or twice a day

I don't like the hypocrisy of the church.

Depends on the mood

i call this one "fluffy cow," hahaha

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i try to every day to relieve stress

Probably could get more involved in the community and make some connections

once or twice a week

once this week

What a cutie
Cows seem like good hearted animals, if I had more self control I would quit beef

1-3 times a week.

That nigga is not really a badass he doesn't even have tattoos

what's cooler than being cool?

I wish we would replace beef with ostrich meat. Fuck ostriches

ink doesn't shine on black skin for some reason

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I don't, I wear a cage

I demand a sandwich!

Haven't in like 5 days?

we've all seen pinky unsheathed you perfidious swede.

being uncool

I tried to become a NEET but my state has absolute dogshit welfare for people without jobs unless I literally have become homeless. Getting a job is basically the only real way to get non-dogshit welfare

Good, NEETs are pathetic leeches

Would you consider working as a volunteer for a charity?
That's a good start. Are there any events coming up that you'd like to take a part in?

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i got a turtle head poking out bros


I hate Amerikkkan culture but no where in the world offers better money/guarantees of liberties, so I guess I'm stuck here

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>Have you had any serious relationships before
Yes, a number of them, but just as often they've fallen apart in time

i gotta poop

hes prairie dogging

How often do you poop, /cum/?

once this week

There's not really events around here. Was thinking of volunteering for animal shelter though.

what's wrong with you

Don't know, always been that way


Daily or so

every other day

You're got a better start than most people on here. Give it some time, and stay in touch with people
That's the spirit

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sometimes once everyday, other times i might get backed up

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Meanwhile i'm a NEET

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>you can kill tank drivers with just a pistol and then take their tank

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christmas tree flag


>I did it again

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Anyone want to find a gf for me?

Normally it's like once, maybe twice a day.
But this week I have been shitting 4 times a day because I am incredibly sick

and that ain't no malarkey

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ho about this one?
she doesn't talk and doen't know where she comes from

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thought that was moot from the thumbnail

My younger (underage) brother bought the Commie manifesto after last night's results.
I swear to fucking Christ I am gonna beat the shit out of him if he goes from Commie-Lite (Bernie Sanders retard) to Full Commie

Introduce racial consciousness and make him become nazbol.


Bolshevism is a Jewish invention, I'd rather make him a Nationalist instead of an oxymoronic ideology


ha ha :)

Based zoomer

Ew, I just replied to a civic nationalist....


It’ll happen organically eventually, best not to force it

betting a lot of that's happening organically over on bernie's subleddits

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just support your local NHL franchise, or CFL if you end up in Saskatchewan, and don’t say gay shit like lorry or aluminium and you’ll be golden


I hate nigs but at the same time I hate commies.
Who do I like in this situation

Do canadians say a-loo-min-um or are they special queen cocksucking faggots who say al-U-mini-um


I unironically and unconciously say ah-loo-mini-um.

We should say aluminium too for consistency and because it sounds better


Is it true that there are flyover Americans who have never eaten fish?

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I was under the impression that it was called "aluminium" everywhere except the US

>I don't drink out of aluminium cans because metals get in your blood and brain and fuck you up. I drink my soda out of glass bottles with cane sugar exclusively.

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You do know freshwater fish exist, right?

It is pretty crazy that the Russian hackers spent like $100,000 to steal the election from Hillary but Bloomberg spent 500 million and couldn’t even win the primary

Canadians and Americans speak North American English. Biggest difference is the spelling, although you guys pronounce some words like “niche” all fucked up

Maybe in some areas with real recluses. Unlikely though. I've seen fish offered in Michigan and the Rocky Mountain states.


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I just ate Salmon for Lent

>You do know [...], right?

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>tfw you progress
finally getting to the point where I know ill be able to play this song well one day. time for food now

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Cornpop?? yeah a real mean gangbanger nibba, but don't worry Uncle Joe blasted that pony solider back to HELL

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wish my cunt had girls like this

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what, "neesh" vs. "nitch"?

I'm sure there's plenty of trannies in Canada.

Major butthurt going on in the esperanto thread


Wish my country had girls like this.

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I didn't even know there was a thread. Can you IMAGINE putting in time and effort to learn a useless constructed language?

no way! in michigan!?

It's easy. I'm a language nerd.

The first time I heard “nitch” I was playing GTA V and didn’t know what was going on but made sense of it from context and just thought the voice actor made a mistake lol

Are you sure? He's a whore

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Does that dude know what he’s kissing

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Cute guy

another joker movie is going to be filmed with jhonny depp as the society clown, he'll fit in it since he can use the stress cause by wife's abuse

convince him to become a left wing terrorist and tip the fbi to get rid of him

filipe also has a scorpion tattoo, and in those circles we all know what that means...


freshwater fish are lame
(except honorable mention to trout)

We do?

duh, look how sickly he is. quintessential fag

At least post the pic

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What are some good sites like strider.online/query where I can do autosomal DNA STR analysis?

carp more like crap

>what are walleye
>wtf is a northern pike

I downloaded Tinder and Grindr because I'm a lonely bi slut and there are literally no fucking girls in my area that aren't catfishers, but I immediately got a response from 5 people (which aren't bots).
What the fuck is it with chicks not knowing how the fuck to use tinder in country towns

mmmmm mud

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I ain't using the internet for you, it's your computer use the service that's being provided to you

catfish are pretty great
also, freshwater eel if you count that as fish

actively considering travelling to canada just for legal weed

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i said walleye and pike tho, look

Our legal weed is overpriced trash. People just order online from illegal sites that pretend to be legal.

Wait I'm a retard.
I forgot to mention the 5 (legit) responses I got were on Grindr

muskie, walleye, sturgeon, bass are all fun to fish for
catfish can be fun too
carp is invasive, it's destroying our freshwater systems

WTF doesn't the Netherlands and some other places have it? Are you a real Swede?

Is weed tourism a thing? Just go to the park and ask a swarthy guy for some weed lol

thank God legal weed is sparing us your trash

Evens I go back to phoneposting and pay attention to my needy cat, odds I stay on desktop and try to ignore him

spain and some other countries including the netherlands have decriminalized it, sweden not included

post kot

pay him all the attention he wants, you'll miss him when he's gone

>ask waiter for butter
>he brings margarine
fuck this shithole

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Go pet him.

This is very reassuring. I was thinking on making an account if I can get my self-confidence in order

I'd go over the border into christiania if it wasnt post 2016 desu

There's some good deals on those sites though. I don't smoke anymore, but I checked it out and saw ounces for 100 CAD

Waiter refused to make eye contact with me again after taking my order.

>100 cad
>for a few ounces
and this is the supposedly "cheap" illegal shit?

go give attention to your cat you dummy

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You aren't supposed to make eye contact with servants.

in canada the government stuff is shit anyway so you get to buy it black market from a guy who looks like ricky from the trailer park boys

If you were gonna travel across the world for fucking weed, it's way better to go to a weed legal state in the USA. Our weed is better cause they're all private businesses so they have to compete against the other shops (so if you sell shit weed people won't go there).

Also they're growing so much fucking weed that there's a huge over surplus and prices are cheap, least out west.

what did they mean by this

Multiple listings of single ounces in that price range. The weed in the pictures didn't look too bad either.

I've been that guy.
t. former social anxiety waiter

just realized that 1 ounce is, like, 28 gram. Why cant y'all just switch over to metric completely
what state would you recommend?

I think he was gay and too intimidated to look at me. He only looked at the other people I was with for the rest of the time.

>ignoring your cat to shitpost in /cum/

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>autist sits in my section alone
>see him browsing Yas Forums
>keeps trying to look me directly in the eyes
wtf bros

>Why cant y'all just switch over to metric completely
The usual reason, fucking boomers.

shoulda grabbed him by the prostate that'd get his attn

I didn't need to see this

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hey, its me

he wants to fuck

post a kot desu

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>what state would you recommend?
Washington, Oregon, Colorado, Vegas, or maybe cali

I’m canadian and the legal weed is fine. It’s more consistent than dealers in my experience at least in eastern provinces. The prices could be better but at least you’re not getting shake and it’s dry weighted not like niggers that give you soaking wet 3.1g of pk and pass it off as three fives

My husbando.

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why would him being gay make him intimidated by you? are you extremely handsome?

go back

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>are you extremely handsome?
Isn't everyone here?

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No, just me.

I'm decently handsome and tall. too bad i'm autism


*takes a mild version of meth*

bf's at his mates
i mean they're all straight but smoke weed and stuff and i do too but im not allowed in the house

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I'm Swedish.

How dare you

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>visiting oregon for weed
>visiting oregon
what did you mean by this

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I consider Italians and Greeks to be white europeans, however they are shitholes.

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Oregon is a top tier climate for growing weed, not sure that matters anymore with all the indoor grows.

Outside of Portland, Oregon is a great state to visit. Very pretty if you're into outdoorsy stuff


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outdoor cat huh

>outdoorsy stuff
both Washington and California have it beat there too

>4gb texture pack for skyrim
That's bigger than some games lol

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thats one hell of a kot

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