Why do so many young humans hate Japan?

Japanese here. I want to know why humans hate Japan now, I thought we were bros.

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Everyone here loves Japan. All the youth want to migrate to either Japan and Korea

You poisoned entire generations with your cuckime, even the Nagasaki and Hiroshima are tame compared to the twisted future you placed on the young and unweary.

Before you ask yes I love Japan

Very based chakiranon

People act out in anger when they are jealous, and in this case, the object of their envy is cute Japanese girls who refuse to be their girlfriends.

Everyone likes Japan, you're just confused by asshurt Koreans and radical feminists, nobody likes those assholes.

Case in point just look at this week, can't you see how pitiful and pathetic it is? This is what your cartoons made.

Cause you make 20 threads about "do you love japan?"by day, if you weren't so attentionwhore you'd be better

I don't watch anime or touch Japanese video games though.

Wtf are you talking about. Everyone but chinks/gooks loves Japan.

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yep he's jealous as fuck

It's true, I won't deny it. I love Japan.

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The only reason people hate Japan here are the extreme weaboos who glorify Japan to the extend that it's annoying.
You precieve it as hate, but its origin is too much love.

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But i love Japan.

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This. I don’t know one Burger here that dislikes Japan. There used to be proto-boomers that hated Japan because of WW2, but they’re all dead now.

Japan has literally indoctrinated the West with anime and vidya. If Japan went to war again. I imagine they would recruit countless weebs as kamikaze pilots

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I dislike the culture of hiding your emotions and of unreasonable societal pressure, but hate is a strong word

japanese food is too salty

Japan still hasn't apologized for their war crimes.

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Japs eat raw fish and that's nasty as fuck

mostly anglos. Yas Forums and english based sites are full of anglo cocksukers/ameriboos. anglos hate us, cause simply now we do much better than them. they cant make anything interesting and new, so are trying to force us to not have influence on their entertainment industry by nitpicking our culture, propagating/fabricating "the dark sides of japan" "how japan is an anti-progressive regressive far right hellhole", and censoring/banning our contents.

anglo driven sites are certainly uncomfortable for normal japanese and even damage your mental health unless you have knowledge of identity politics/modern white sjwism and are very good at triggering them. they dont listen to you, you cant have any "healthy" discussion with them,. all you can do is troll them at most. its not constructive at all for japanese.

however, afaik at least Yas Forums and Yas Forums still have many of those who side with japan and you can still make a point. stop browsing this anglo cock sucking board and shit sites like reddit. normie contents like normie anime/weeb/videogame videos on youtube are unironically much more friendly to japanese nowadays.

i just hate japanese posters here, they are so desperate for validation and so insecure. it makes me feel that japanese people are that way in real-life especially with all you stupid 外国人の反応! bollocks, to the point where websites like all-nationz literally translate int threads everyday

shut the fuck up subhuman weeb sexpat

more like interpret in a quite biased way

Yeah, its very biased. They always take whatever slightly pro japan thing they can find and make it the subject. They try to do whatever they can to make Japan look good

absolutely revolting post private DeShaun

>Insects migrating to insect land off season>
Nothing surprising pahad-dur

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Japan is a bro. Always has been for me, I love videogames, a good handful of anime are essential watching for any who loves tv and film, and the noisey avant garden music from japan since the 80s to the 2010s is top tier.

you're a disgrace to your ancestors you incel freak.

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A more apt word for describing him would be "weebcuck"

Not much difference 2bh.

im japanese. these are no doubt facts. your just fuck your culture up with your progressive garbage. you accuse our contents/culture of being anti-progressive and are trying to stop us having influence on your culture, but we arent really doing anything against you. if our contents are getting more and more popular in the west, whereas getting tons of criticisms from your progressives/liberals, its just a peoples choice. not like we are propagating something in the west. btw im liberal .

Why are you doing thus to me

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>you accuse our contents/culture of being anti-progressive
Very few people think this, stop basing your opinions on how we think off some shitty BBC article or video which got translated/went viral in japan. As soon as something anti-japan is wrote the Japanese internet flips out. Very very few people care about sjw shit in real life here, nor do they criticize anime. Garunteed you watched some shitty bbc video where some women criticizes anime being for peados or something, then believe thats what normal brits actually think

No stfu, you’re a faggot David-kun larping as a Jap that is obsessed with Korea. Keep spamming those Japanese flag tho retard.

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Very based private Sanchez

yeah, as i said, people irl just choose what they want. they seem to be choosing our media over progressive leaning western woke media.
although, the very few people are the problem though. cause they are in high positions like that UN hug who actually fabricated a statistic about japan and called us out for "being pedos". it was all false, they were literal liars, but its shocking that even the UN tries so hard to make us look evil without fact-based evidences, and has such bigotry, at least for us.

she isnt anglo but these types of journos/pundits have increased especially in american media as japanese media has influence. they have power to censor our media and indoctrinate people into believing japan is a regressive shithole that threatens the western values. redditors and twatter mobs actually swallow it. its true that thus, japanese cant have any good experience on the anglo internet, because the internet is full of such anti japan vocal minorities and none of american news outlets writes positive articles about our culture except for conservative leaning ones now.

>5. In Okinawa prefecture, if girls have to run away from home because of family breakdown they have no way to earn money but prostitution.
>No evidence was presented to support this claim.[14]

I love Japan!

based, i hope some day u kill and kick the american bases from Japan

they do?
i think they're alright.
also, i kind of envy that the modern japanese keep talking JAPANESE for the most time despite their losses.
however, that's something i can say of most european and some asian countries too so, it checks out.

What? The only people on this website constantly hating on Japan are Koreans and Chinese.

I love your country, culture, and your media. Please don't group me in with all burgers if I had a choice I'd be born in your beautiful and safe country user


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i wasnt talking about each individual. just about the current climate of the american internet. it actually makes me very uncomfortable and confrontational, and definitely most japanese. its sad all of your liberal leaning sites/platforms one-sidedly assume japanese are problematic and ignorant subhumans who should be educated by americans and are getting more and more offensive to us. i cant talk with them anymore and will never. seems its too late and wont end. i dont think things will get better. i miss the old days. shit like this didnt even exist in the 00s.

i have to manage to go back to a normie realm. i happened to watch some anime/manga haul video by an american tuber yesterday. it was boring but felt healthy. they at least dont yell at us. dont try to push anything puritanical.

I hear japanese people have been xenophobic since closing themselves off that one time. Hiding true feelings doesn't help either. Japan seems cool for what they make in the entertainment industry though. I don't know how you guys do it unlike the rest of the world.

use to like it when i was young becuse it delivered most of my joy during childhood, but now everyone loves it and obsesses over it (see social media) so i decided i dont want to rejoice on it anymore.
i dont want to associate with weebs.
also japan doesnt awknowledge portugal existance despite history.

do you love japan spam threads and english teacher Expats got really annoying too

'ate japão

Zitto animale

lmfao Based Poojeet.

you're not going to fool anyone Pvt Goméz

i don't like this climate either. i just want comfy times.

people here don’t hate japan you weirdo

I just want the world to be like your country where you RESPECT one another and aren't afraid to do anything others might consider "strange" because it's what you enjoy and it's your culture

you don't understand japan at all it's all about conforming and avoidance

why do you care what sjws think? trust me they hate white people way more than you.