Why are south americans so much into Varg?

Why are south americans so much into Varg?
I remember that reading the comments on his videos it was filled with brazilians and argentinians... Sometimes even more than burgers and slavs wich are his main audience.

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Borderline white people like white people more than white people like themselves.

They want to be white.
I remember one them got really upset when he shat on Brazil.

>swiss are not european

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>Europe is literally a christian concept
I can never stop laughing at this shit

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I dont think he considers slavs white

Nope same for people in alsace or auvergne both are africans.

a mix of self-hate and 2 digits iq, same for slavs and mutts

Yeah I would assume there's an appeal because they have European ancestry and at the same time Europe is so far away that it seems quite exotic. And I suppose they have first hand experience of a wildly mixed population, so a purely European society seems appealing in some ways to that audience. Plus I think the metal scene is somewhat thriving, or at least was at some point. A lot of bands were pioneering the thrash sound in Brazil in the 80s

Judging by their national football team (which I always do) they all look balkan.

We need a southern European varg the messiah of southern European native paganism

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Why do you care?

Delete this map it has false information.
Varg has tweeted on at least two occasions that Finns are not only European but THE MOST European.

That would be pretty rad if someone unironically worshipped Zeus and Mars and stuff

He is cool and put meds in their place


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Yeah, the closest thing we got is Taleb the Arab and it's quite cringe tb h.

I am an Iberian celt

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Varg is a huge rusboo. He regards baltic nations and specially, belarus, as the contemporary hyperborea.

It depends, Iberian paganism is mostly celtic or pre-celtic

>You are le Hellenic European southerner

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I don't care about the man, but he made 2 great albums (Filosofem and Hvis Lyset Tar Oss).

Tweets (sorry for phonefag am in army)


t. Lionel Gómez al-Müller

Southron, you are not European. Southrons should adopt middle eastern paganism.

Shut up barbarian.

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Middle eastern paganism is way more diverse than european paganism. Unlike european paganism, /mena/ paganism don't have much links amongst themselves. They had monotheists and polytheists in the same region, for example

Butthurt romanians incoming

With this said, you can't just "adopt" middle eastern paganism unless you know for sure where de-facto your ancestors came from (north-africa, levant, middle east, central asia, etc)

All middle eastern tribes are cucked by Jews lmfao

Just as all Christians are cucked by Jewish tribes.

Southron, look at your brown eyes. Look at your dark hair. Look at your swarthy skin. Are those European features? No, those features are common among arabs or latinos. Not among white people.

Non European things do not matter

>the e celebs thinks europe is a social construct
Wew. Its almost as if he was a turboleftist all along

>Non European things do not matter
Some should matter to you at least

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Not sure if my friend was fucking with me be he lived in Greece and told me he met people unironically prayed to Zeus and Poseidon

Swiss people usually look Spaniard/Southern-French, just a small segment looks germanic.

Yes, many glorious hellenes in Hellas worship the Greek gods


He is our savior.

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SeeIs that supposed to prove that you are white, shit eyed mutt :D?

He's a barbarian and a middle eastern.

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All his argument revolves around eye color. You could be an albino nigger he would consider you as a european.

Shit eye detected.
No, the argument is European features.
And of course he doesnt consider mutants white, are you retarded?
Thise of a pure European bloodline do not have the shit eyes of shitskins

You are wrong
It's all about the nipples

If they are pink, you are white

>shit eyes detected
Projection detected. We are talking about the same guy that deepthroats arabs and roaches. that emigrated to said african country to leech of welfare.

This. Pink nipples are the truest white feature

He has never deep throated arabs or Turks

No, it all revolves around the penis, if it's white skinned, you're white

No idea, from what I’ve seen he’s a total retard.

>no varg for every non-christian religion

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Varg says I'm whiter than a Swede with brown eyes because I have blue despite being a terroni nigga with probably up to 10% north african blood, he is a cool dude

Also this

nah, a retard is a retard, what is funny are the new world retards who think he is right


Yeah but i do believe it is a phase. Once theyd grow out of being edgy teenage they would stop adoring this retard.

He doesn't understand genetics and excuses his ignorance by saying that modern science is all a lie and propaganda against white people. He is either completely retarded or very smart because the only thing he does is to repeat all the bullshit arguments and ideas that amerimutts (his main audience and source of income) love and believe in.

>sees no problem with mass nafri immigration. Sees them as white
>praises roaches from saving europe and considers them as white
>m muh my eceleb would never say something i disapprove
The guy is a huge retard and a complete weirdo. He doesnt even abide by his principles.

>He doesn't understand genetics and excuses his ignorance by saying that modern science is all a lie and propaganda against white people.
sounds a lot like 99% of Yas Forums

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His fan meet ups and viewer source is primarily south America and Southern Europe. His fan meet ups are full of swarthy black haired Euros trying to get his approval. We in the states prefer it less on the nose

Yeah, because Yas Forums is 99% edgy teens primarily from america.
When has he ever done a fan meet up?

Do you have pink nipples?

Why is Varg so mean?

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I don't know but I see a lot of people criticizing Italians and Spaniards lately
it seems that brainwashing is a real thing

What does he have against the cornish?

Experiencing nogs in first hand everyday

hello everybody :)
Someone can be my friend?

Give me sources to Varg doing any of those things

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varg is retarded, he doesnt understand genetics


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Monkeys btfo


Didnt do it here

This man is an ethnic European, not a southron...


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Half Argentinian.

>let me deny every proof you posted because i am too deluded to accept that my e celeb is a mass immigrationist
>This man is an ethnic European, not a southron
glad to know that roaches are europeans, by that same rhetoric i guess that blod haired blue eyed niggers are ethnic europeans as well

Your point?

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I'm not south american but I enjoyed watching Varg's videos because it was exciting to finally reach inside one of the minds behind Black Metal.
Needless to say I was a huge edgy when I was a teen, and as I'm writing this wearing a Darkthrone t-shirt I'd say I still enjoy a lot of black metal. Mainly because of bands that are actually into hermetic science and pagan LARPing.
I do agree with a lot of what Varg preaches. All ethnicities have a right to preserve their culture and modern western society is the direct cause of the moral decay of the human race.
Also, if you're into animism, paganism and occultism he is a great introduction source as he generally translates the language nature uses to speak with us; also gives a lot of answers only to the ones who search for them.
Afters years of study I've came to the same conclusion: Abrahamic religions are a cult of self-destruction, globalism and misanthropy. Their creeds teach us to hate ourselves, nature and our enviroment. Also their dogmas and representatives are the direct destructors of a lot of our ancient knowledge left by the indigenous.

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>thanking someone for doimg a good deed is somehow bad

When he was talking with the brazilian the only compliment he came to berbers is that they are no brazilian..
And no, varg is not saying that the majority of turks are European or that every blonde and blue eyed person is a European, he is saying that there are Europeans all over the world.. Are you really so stupid you dont understand it?
That blue eyed blonde white man is clearly not an ethnic turk, he is an ethnic European.

>thanking someone for doimg a good deed is somehow bad
thanking a non white nation for doing something they didnt do seems pretty bad

>When he was talking with the brazilian the only compliment he came to berbers is that they are no brazilian
he makes the points that berbers arent arabs and that so their migration isnt that much of an issue since they are white. but since he is a immigrant himself i guess he doesnt mind having more leeches like him.

> he is saying that there are Europeans all over the world
yeah sure people that have lived in europe for thousands of year and created an entire civilization are less european that some arab because he's got blue eyes

he is a muslim worshipper and a leech are you really so stupid you dont understand it?

>believing to a man with daddy issues

He says that not anyone with european features is european, for example a blue-eyed middle easterner is still a middle easterner. However, he also says that people with some "non-european" features are automatically non-european. How does that make any sense?
> the only compliment he came to berbers is that they are no brazilian
He has said many times that berbers are europeans. But his logic doesn't add up because he then says that Spaniards aren't fully european despite being mostly european with some minimal amount berber blood as well.

Because we are nordic

Since racial notions are much more widespread in the collective mind of people in places like the New World and Asia than they are in contemporary Europe, it's to be expected.
(Also, was that map made by a Bosnian, lmao?)

It has more to do with the fact it's full of working and middle class underage banhammers.

there might be Argentinians reading so I won't reiterate it to avoid hurting their feelings

Nah, they will just cherrypick pictures like you did and feel superior to you because they are delusional enough to think that's how the average argentinian looks like.

>Ghegs are nords

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Show me Varg saying berbers are white.
And a white European is not an arab or tutk just bevause he was born in those areas just like arabs and turks born in Europe are not European. Not even if their amcestors have been there for centuries or millennia.

"Average Argentinians" are indistinguishable from average Spaniards.

what a fucking retarded map, it's amazes me how many people will believe what they want to believe

This.. southrons cant accept that they are shitskins so they try to make varg look stupid by posting this retarded map

No, they're not and you know it. It doesn't even make sense given that argentine has an important genetic contribution from native americans and black africans. But you are the brazilian LARPer who is obssessed with his cousin because she is white looking, so I don't expect you not to be disingenuous.

When did I say that berbers are white according to him? He said that most berbers are/were European but I don't have the screenshot, maybe someone does.
>Not even if their amcestors have been there for centuries or millennia.
By that logic Europeans aren't Europeans either because we are only invaders that have been here for some millenia.

>Hitler wasn't white
Good to know.

>Croats aren't white
>Serbs aren't white
>Muslim (turk) "bosniaks" ARE white
>analbanians and north caucasians are also white

To Varg and I an ethnic European = white.

>By that logic Europeans aren't Europeans either because we are only invaders that have been here for some millenia
Indo-"Europeans" perhaps... But Finns are not indo and germanics are the least indo among the indo.. We are European.

The funny thing is Varg SEETHES when commenters ask if he considers blue-eyed blond Ashkenazi Jews as white.

this. People get so angry when you say this, Meds will never accept the truth or their mixed blood.

Yas Forums should take the STJ pill and become Bronze Age steppe supremacists, i.e. more Indo-European blood = superior

simple as

>To Varg and I an ethnic European = white.
Then, to Varg and you a Berber = white

>But Finns are not indo
Yes, you are mongols (according to Varg as well, maybe see your own post ), therefore not Europeans. And also, original europeans were WHG, who had neither white skin nor blond hair. You are retarded and so is Varg.

>pajeet and russian and anglo are superior to the whitest people on Earth

>turks + balkans
>implying these arabs are turkic

Finns are the most European people in Europe, which should help you realize that being “European” is a pointless meme.

Bebers are not ethnic europeans they are brown and generally have no native european traits...

>Yes, you are mongols (according to Varg as well, maybe see your own post (You) #), therefore not Europeans
Massive cope. We have some mongoloid, but you have a little bit of everything whereas we are pure. That is why you have brown eyes and brown skin while I have blue eyes, golden hair and pale skin.

I am half Armenian with brown hair and brown eyes!

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Yeah this. Finns are actually really pure aryans, although they do have some asian admixture (around 5%).


Northern Europeans have the most Indo-European blood you moron.

You have much more Indo-European blood than northern Indians, despite speaking a Finnic language.

Albanians are white though??

>Finns are actually really pure aryans
Finns are not some shitskinned orjans (slaves) from india but pure ancient north eurasian. Stop associating your subhuman heritage with ours.

My finnic genes gave me superautism, soooooooooooooooo

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>I'm a new world subhuman with the brain and logic of a toddler who thinks every continent is inhabited by an identical united singular people
That's nice hun

>Bebers are not ethnic europeans they are brown and generally have no native european traits...
Your expert ethnologist begs to differ... twitter.com/GandalftheWhi19/status/1221854270552788994
>We have some mongoloid, but you have a little bit of everything
How much is to much to you? Besides, we only have european and some berber (also european) admixture. That looks like a mix of entirely the same thing.
>brown skin
No, but even if I did, that would be more european than white skin because, as I said, original europeans were brown-skinned and brown-haired.

Shut up gypsy you’re definitely not white or human.

Have you met an albanian? We have lots of them here.
They are not white, especially not the "kosovars"


Youre not one to call him gypsy,chink Boy

This Right is reserved for others

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>I remember that reading the comments on his videos it was filled with brazilians and argentinians... Sometimes even more than burgers and slavs wich are his main audience.
mutts and new worlders buy into this garbage? wow sure caught me off-guard.

only dumb people care for what this faggot has to say, its how you Separate the wheat from the chaff.

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I’ll stomp your head you crooked face germ.

Utter and absolute nonsense

>were originally
This means they are not anymore...

You can tell who is a true European by looking at them. Europeans dont have shit hair shitskin or shit eyes. Mutations do not make u into a european. Mutt horrors from the new world are not European. You are in denial if you dont know what I mean.
>original europeans were brown-skinned and brown-haired
Indo niggers

>I’ll stomp your head you crooked face germ.

But you do know that most of us are over 5ft tall?

How would you even reach my head?

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It's funny that the ones who are pushing this the most are the ones who need to validate themselves as European and claim things unrelated to them by any stretch of the imagination. Finns have no ties to the Meds and whatever happened in here . It's so pathetic, and how you desperately do this is even more so

I’m 182cm and could literally kill you with my bare white hands, yes I’m white and don’t have the typical germ crooked face or alien skull. LOL how do you live with yourselves looking at the mirror every time you wake up???? I’ll literally destroy you weak cuck.

why does Varg consider e*stern "europeans" white, let alone human?

>I’m 182cm and could literally kill you with my bare white Hands
You know what
How About we proof our whiteness.
We both post our blond hair, how about it?
186cm btw

>This means they are not anymore...
He probably means that they were up until the arab invasion, precisely the time they came here. Therefore, berbers that came to Iberia were still ethnically European, since the invasion happened so quickly that there is no way they had enough time to mix with other peoples.
>Europeans dont have shit hair shitskin or shit eyes.
Not anymore, but that's because europeans are no longer actual europeans. WHG had brown hair and brown skin, no ammount of fingol coping will change that.
>Mutations do not make u into a european.
That's literally how different groups came into existence. Originally, genes for blue eyes, blond hair and white skin didn't exist, but some mutation happened and it spread. The proof of this is that there are blond abos who had no european admixture whatsoever, how did the genes for that appeared in Australia? A mutation.
>Indo niggers
They were already white.

Sorry, you are delusional and retarded. You are utterly ignorant when it comes to genetics and it shows.