I got coronavirus AMA

>be me
>go skiing in italy
>corona-chan in lombardy province right next to where i'm at
>skiing is good
>go back home
>feel sick
>temperature, strong coofing, headache
>doctor does test.
>week goes on
>symptoms are weaker but still there
>family stays isolated at home for precaution
>videogames all day
>get call
>doctor talks about my test
>it came back positive

Ask me anything

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Other urls found in this thread:


Are you going to travel some more and willingly infect other people?

rip :(
it was nice to know you tintin

nice proofs

top kek

me and my family aren't allowed outside of my house.

how am i gonna send you a call?

will city provide you food deliveries

did you enjoy your time skiing?

Do you have to live in isolation now? I hope you can stay at home. You don't want to live for 2 weeks in a hospital

no, they just fucking let them die

no i have my grandparents buy food and drop it in front of the door for us

That's pretty based, fuck corona lepers.


Is there some police or so at your house to keep you in?
Could you get something from the state if you had nobody to bring you stuff?

you are lucky you didnt get pneumonia version

Prove it.

You should take an international vacation again

Do you speak German?
Your grandfather speak French?

I think I did
>come back by train from switzerland, train connection in Milano
>get massive fever as soon as I get home
>think it's a heavy flu
>go to the hospital
>turns out it's pneumonia
>get given antibiotics and ordered to just stay home for a couple weeks
>feel extremely better now (2 weeks have passed)
>no one even thought of testing me
maybe doctors know better than me but idk what's going on or what happened

How's health considering the circumstances? Feel like a normal flu? Are you getting better?

Who goes to ski in Italy?

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White people

Has the coronavirus caused any issues for your penis?

How long are you quarantined for?

Fed cuts interest rates, tries to stop market crash

Italy to close all schools and universities

US doctors "plead" to get tests

All masks are now confiscated in France

8% of the Iranian parliament already infected

Israeli "recovered" case tests positive again

Survives up to 9 days on different materials

23 year old football player dies in Iran

Xuzhou first case reinfected weeks after "recovery"

14% of "recovered" in Guangdong test positive again


10 times deadlier than flu

Over half of China under lockdown, 80% of GDP, 90% of exports

China cremates observed and suspected patients immediately

Infection could reach 60% of world population

Japan confirms China doesn't count suspected in death toll

H1N1 had 14,000 confirmed deaths, yet WHO estimates 284,000

► Detected: 94,362 ► Died: 3,221

>Department of Defense Internal Discussion on Severity of Coronavirus




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What the fuck, that's animal tier

Come here con de belge, we need some cleansing.

Circumcision is the best preventative measure for the virus

Try to ski in Belgium.

i am in isolation but not in a hospital. we just aren't allowed out of the house. they won't bring you your own food so they told us about some gay delivered food we'd have to buy. we found another solution be careful or i might coof on you

no and no. there is literally nothing done

>Belgium highest point is

I’m skiing in the French alps this week
Completely unrelated to the corona virus but I wanted you guys to know
The snow is absolutely amazing and I’m having a blast

What happen if you escape the quarantine ?

>doctor does test.
wtf they actually test people in belgium??

lucky you

I go skiing at least three times a week in the winter :) I take the bus in the morning and in half an hour to 45 minutes i can reach loads of ski resorts. Feels good living in Austria

Have lots of fun, user

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so when you gonna turn?

Thank you, friends!

I could do the same when I was living in Grenoble, it was awesome
Do you own your own equipment or do you have to rent it every time?

seems like it. you got lucky because those antibiotics literally had no use

they actually worked instead, so I guess it wasn't corona after all
the moment I started taking them, the fever went away, so did the headache and most of the cough

I've got my own equipment. It's cheaper over time.
Have fun skiing

Nice, I will have to invest eventually

Alpes are pretty much the most popular skiing destination. Italy has to be one of the most visited cunts for skiing

i'm getting better but it's definitely worse than a normal flu.

i am not in a too bad condition because i have a good immune system i guess.

Someone from a noncountry get's the virus, haha.

>antibiotics against a virus
If your doctors know their job it wasn't a flu user.

Definitely do. You also dont have to get used to new equipment every year
About 10 million visit Italy to go skiing every year

Attached: most_visited_skiing.jpg (960x684, 73.73K)

did you even read my post, user?
>turns out it was pneumonia

Wow, didn’t know austria was such a popular skiing destination

>the coronavirus caused any issues for your penis?
hard to get hard but i always have that when i have temperature
i'd rather do that than infect him. he's much older and i and my grandma has some respiratory issues. coronavirus could potentially be fatal to her

>wouldn't be able to live in a nation without mountains
>they're so soothing
i agree belgium sucks
>Alpes are pretty much the most popular skiing
ever heard of italian alps?

Yeah we are. I'm literally always a minority when i'm skiing lol. Germans, Czechs, Swiss, Dutch, Belgians, etc. all flock to Austria for skiing. I even often see french number plates

I'm not worried about corona myself or my sister or my nephews.

I'm worried my mother gettting it since she's 65 and my uncle who is 85.

They will die before I'm 40 but I want them to see me being someone in life before they die.

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Do you want his grandma to be infected?

>ever heard of italian alps?
Did you guise misread or something? That's literally what I'm talking about.

I was agreeing with you? I literally backed you up???


>>family stays isolated at home for precaution
>>videogames all day
sounds like paradise

I can relate

Unironically is it comfy? I've heard mixed stories of it either feeling like a minor cold or feeling like death is knocking on the door.

Keep us posted Belgiumanon, this is very interesting, and ask the doctor to email you the test result so we can see proofs for fun.

Wish you all the best, hope you don't become sterile or have life long lasting lunge tissue damage and other such things happening to people in China.

Also; Go visit the local Mosque if you get the chance, tell them you'd like to convert or some shit. It'll spread among the man kissing mussies like wildfire in dry hay.

i'll give proof asap but idk when i'll get teh paper.
one thing i have is the paper stating i did do a test.
>hope you don't become sterile
fuck, i didn't even know this was a thing.
>Go visit the local Mosque
can't i'm not allowed out of my house. how could i explain leaving anyway to my parents?

the sickness in itself is worse than a normal flu but i didn't get the pneumonia.
it's not really comfy but i get to stay home so there's a tradeoff


bro how long ago were you infected?

>How to explain you want to leave the house
Tell them you're on a holy mission to purge Belgium of the Saracen invaders, with the blessing of Covid19.on your side.

>Fuck, I didn't know this was a thing
The MSM doesn't write anything useful on the virus, making the Corona General on Yas Forums an uironically great source. Or just check out the pastebin linked to by the mutt here

it literally is a "normal" flu. whats the difference. just a different strain.

bro it is nothing like a "normal" flu. the virus is first of it's kind, we haven't seen anything like this infect humans before

first symptoms appeared sunday on my way back home

i'll read it all. i'm aware of the Yas Forums thread too

>mutt education

Were you there for a week?

I hope you get well user.

>Just a flu bro
Dude, it's got genetic code copy/pasted from Ebola and AIDS. That doesn't "just happen", this virus has been touched by human hands, and is way more severe than a normal flu.

>be me peepeepoopoo
>go to Italy
>catch meme flu
>Italy bad
Fuck off, stop larping

"What is the sarms outbreak of 2001" it's just a different stronger strain, it'll die down like everything does; just take a look at the impact this had on the world economy, and the little virus wouldn't cause the us central bank to start injecting hundreds billions into their own banks outta nowhere.

You'll catch it eventually lmao

Not true, even if you have a virus there could also be a bacteria infection.
Let doctors do their job they know more than you.

They are both true, meaning that for most it's just a minor flu.
For a few unlucky ones it's a severe pneumonia.

bro i might be biased because of lurking pol too much lately, but the information that I've gotten to is that this thing is completely novel, hence the name ncov. The genome is 96% similar, you can find that in the news, but the way it attacks human cells is new. Hell, humans share 98% of genome with monkeys, are we the same thing as them though?

if I get coronad I'll go to norf Europe and cough at you

Deal, come to Trondheim if you catch it, I'll pass it on to the local Mosque and Synagogue

Think of it logically, many people will get infected but the likelyhood of this being the happening of the century is very low, what you SHOULD be worried is the lockdowns that are happening, tell me what do you think happens when 80% of chinese factories get turned off for months on end, industrial equipment required in the rest of the world starts lacking and then we get problems in the EU and US, there probably won't another lock down akin to china's outside asia but fucking south korea, if we get a lockdown akin to china's there or in a few other countries vital to the world market we might have something far far worse than 2008 upon us.

That sucks

Look all i'm saying is the united state's central bank doesn't start pumping hundreds of billions outta nowhere, that's the attitude of a bank trying to stop a crisis, china put some 400 billion into their own banks too, but china always did to keep up their economic ghost growth.

I wish I would get a visit from coronachan


if the doctor gave him antibiotics either he didn't have coronavirus but something else or they mistook coronavirus for a bacterial pneumonia

Not really.

yes bro it is a crisis, and the reason for it is that this virus is an absolute mess

if you have some time read up the stuff that is being posted on pol, if not heres a little pill that you can take:


>far worse than 2008
So its just same to die from corona or survive

nigger impersonating me

did your legs hurt very badly?
any trouble breathing?

Would you able to blog post anonymous updates on how you're doing somewhere?

So have you got any media guys at your door or sending emails

Nah, its kinda getting all over the place now.

yes but where
no but i'm considering contacting one for ez bucks
except cough no other breathing issues

Today I woke up with the roof of my mouth being swollen, should I press F to pay respect to myself?

What kind of medication did he give you to alleviate the symptoms?

blogger.com or wordpress.com ? I believe thousands would be interested in how it is progressing.

it sounds like he's already recovering

maybe you got something but i didn't get that so idk if it is a symptom.

>aunt is a doctor
>a 15yo got diagnosed with corona on her ward
RIP me and my entire family

Really? Wheres the source on this? Big if true

it's still empty for now

bro that's a good blog name

I believe some basic stuff like your age, the approximate time of when you were infected and how you're feeling right now would suffice for the first post

mind if I link it on chan when there's something there?

>mind if I link it on chan when there's something there?
feel free to share it.
i don't promise it'll be crazy active tho

You should sign off every one of your blog updates with a gif of a fat arse black girl twerking

Mind traveling to Israel/Burgerland?

based, what resort?

Just tell your parents to stay the fuck away from her.

I believe you could make a few bucks on it if it picks up popularity and you post regularly.

In any way I do feel for you man and I hope you'll be able to recover fully!

I will be definitely checking if there are updates daily

>today on ''things that never happened''

Pay reparations to the Congo pls



doubt the airport will let me through


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At the very least post attractive ones.

based doomer alarmist

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based, i was close to booking a week in cervinia but then i broke my ankle in january

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thanks appreciated

make a party for argentinian tourists an cough on their faces

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Nice anime pic

>Terrified of an epidemic on the other side of the world
An official pandemic now :^)


White people don't bathe and don't wash their ass that's why they get the plague.

i mean the cold's a pandemic too

but 200 times less deadly and is not a novel virus where there is absolutely no herd immunity.

People who cant afford to come here

unless you're over 70 or have an immune system like tissue paper it's nothing. literally just doomer clicks for sensationalist media.

Lol corona is much worse

>have college today
>campus is full of Chinese visa students
>an Iranian Corona-chan victim was found in a nearby mall
Should I just skip?

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>unless you're over 70 or have an immune system like tissue paper it's nothing.
I thought you burgers at least distrusted your retarded media. There are 38 year old athletes and general young people in critical condition in italy.
It has been confirmed that it has the ability of "gain of function"
>what is "gain of function"?
"Gain of function" is improving the ability of a pathogen to cause disease. Making a vrius more deadly and infectious. Not only that, but Antibody-dependant enhancement as well, the first time won't be bad, but each consecutive one will be more severe and once you recover, you are not immune, you are able to get reinfected.
This thing is actually serious.

stay strong user and got luck for you and your family!

after an intense physical stress, your immune system goes bing bing wahoo for a few hours
the 38 years old runner got infected the day after he ran a marathon, so it struck him twice as hard


I've developed a nasty cough but I can't afford health insurance so I'm not going to the doctor lol.

I'd gild you if i wasn't broke my good gentlexir *tips fedora respectfully in your direction*

have anyone in our age group actually died yet?

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a 23 year old died in iran iirc.

Yes. Some 23 year old sportsball player.

youngest death was a 29yo chink doctor, but he was exposed to it everyday since he even postponed his wedding to go fight the disease
he got turboinfected

they are for secondary infection

try harder to not be a shit person
more likely to succeed than hoping they don't die before you get off your ass
better they die seeing you try

Are you sterile now?

I am very scared of the corona virus....it sucks and EU/USA response seems so limp!

That was a myth it was some other 23 year old with same name

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bro your news are from literally two months ago

People aged 20-30 in good condition also die. Most get terrible complications, breathing is impaired for the rest of your life, antibody dependent enhancement, cytokine storms and organ failure upon reinfection. And this is based on chinese confirmed cases, patients that were receiving anti-viral HIV grade drugs, like Tamiflu. Can't find good enough medical report of cases that haven't been hospitalised, all might as well be dead and not included in the official body count that they're reporting.


what did the other person work with? maybe it was just a nurse who died in a similar way to that doctor
I haven't read any cases of young healthy men getting infected and also dying from it

Go if absolutely mandatory, but don't touch anything, wait for someone else to enter the door and keep at least 1m from anyone. Keep your senses peeled for coofers. Personally I'd say to consider leaving in the middle of it if it's looking hopeless. Anyway, leave asap and skip everything else.

Surely they'll make the call any day now to temporarily close literal breeding grounds for this shit, such as fucking international campuses.

Tamiflu has zero effect unless you get it in the first 2 days (normal flu).

Most of your info honestly sounds wrong or based on reports you half remember from SARS I.


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I'm in the countryside far away so I don't care about Corona. I'm gonna dress up and play video games ^_^

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Dont know, there were rumors about a 23 year old famous soccer player being killed but then it came out "nope just someone of same age and name".

Give it a few weeks for more European cases to get severe and we'll see. Ages 10-19 had a death rate of 0.2 in China, which means teenagers definitely die though we don't know any specific people and they may have all been diabetic or whatever.

>breathing is impaired for the rest of your life
Bro, I believe this crisis is massively underreported as well, but this just has to be a hyperbole.

>go skiing in italy
You an idiot.

outbreak started during my trip how was i supposed to know?

27-Feb: 23 year old football player dies in Iran

25-Feb: 25 year old nurse dies in Iran
Good read about it's origins:
Affect's the nervous system:

He's overreacting there, but he posted a professional looking article with similar info hereI read it and can confirm it's interesting, even if it's from Yas Forums.

they're both from Iran, they probably didn't even treat their symptoms

>23 year old football player dies in Iran
Later shown to be fake:

>Affect's the nervous system:
This is based off a complication seen in a tiny minority of SARS patients. Similarly your earlier assertion about "antibody dependent enhancement" is based off a failed SARS vaccine which made things worse, "organ failure upon reinfection" and "most get terrible complications" appears to be based off your ass.

Willing to believe this New England scholar over the gypsy that posts Yas Forums shite desu

Ummm no. For all groups the standard flu is only 0.1% mortality. The cold your beed something like full blown AIDs to die from.

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based and reasonpilled

I really got into it and lurked Yas Forums for hours for the last few days.

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What region/cities did you visit, exactly?
>anime picture
>post is retarded
Every time
The typical measure is you get arrested and escorted to a place where you'll stay isolated

>hey senpai I'm going on vacation to Wuhan for Lunar New Year
This is what you sound like.

The Netherlands just sent off 900 students to go skiing in Italy. Dey be idiot too.

why would anyone believe anything written on your pic?
>Yas Forums
oh right

bro whitepill me please, I want off this ride

I seriously started to believe the world is going to end, even got a military grade full face mask and filters

step 1: stop going to Yas Forums
step 2: stop caring
everyone dies, eventually
if everything poltards turned out to be true, would you rather spend your last days having a good time or being paranoid?

>what's mers
>what's sars

that's a nice way to look at it, but what if the measures that I take actually mean I don't get infected?

>>Most papers reported that the 2019-nCoV is only 88 percent related to the closest bat coronavirus, only 79 percent to SARS, and just 50 percent to MERS. Professor Roujian Lu from the China Key Laboratory of Biosafety, National Institute for Viral Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and his co-authors commented in a Jan. 30 paper in Lancet that “recombination is probably not the reason for emergence of this virus.”
A Jan. 27 2020, study by 5 Greek scientists analyzed the genetic relationships of 2019-nCoV and found that “the new coronavirus provides a new lineage for almost half of its genome, with no close genetic relationships to other viruses within the subgenus of sarbecovirus,” and has an unusual middle segment never seen before in any coronavirus. All this indicates that 2019-nCoV is a brand new type of coronavirus. The study’s authors rejected the original hypothesis that 2019-nCoV originated from random natural mutations between different coronaviruses. (Paraskevis et al 2020 BioRxiv)

based suicidal and desensitized firstworldbro


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it's way too early to make assumptions. if things go south as much as needing a military grade mask to survive, I'm fairly sure society will collapse, and chances are being dead would've been better than being alive in that situation
not that anything I said will happen anyway, hell, for all we know it might die out in a couple months since from what I gathered it's very susceptible to high temperature
I'm not suicidal nor desensitized, I'm just trying to make him understand that panicking at this stage is beyond useless
myself, I'm quite convinced we'll defeat this, just we have defeated everything else in our history

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when I consider that the infectious but asymptomatic period is 14 days, I am scared shitless of even getting out of the house, anyone might have it and not even know

there is just one recorded case in poland
if you get it, you will be quarantined, your symptoms treated and in a couple weeks you'll be fine, unless you have some kind of immune deficiency
have you?

>I'm quite convinced we'll defeat this, just we have defeated everything else in our history
If the virus was an actual world ending one, we'd have eaten shit long ago. The first world is currently being even less competent than china when it comes to containing this virus. Either that or they just want to kill off the boomer parasites already.

I think you're just one of those people more susceptible to conspiracy theories. It's a shame but part of what you conclude is true and part isn't. You might be safer but the world wont end and if you overreact with precautions you might put yourself at greater risk. This outbreak might die down but it could come back for round two next winter, nobody knows.

To survive a few months in isolation all you need is care products and grains, then chill and do your admin/banking/work online. You can ditch the conspiracy stuff.

bro that sounds almost too good to be true
I don't know anymore, you don't quarantine 70 million people for nothing

Wuhan is still a dead town

>Don't panic! Don't panic! DONT PANIC!!! Aaaahhhhh stop panicking!!!

you quarantine them because you don't want the virus to spread cause less spreading = less chances it mutates, and if you're developing a cure/vaccine for it the last thing you want is that it mutates


Why aren't we quarantining more people in Europe then?

Wuhan was locked down on 23rd of January, when less than 1000 cases have been reported. First big outbreak found 2 weeks prior to that.

We're past that stage in europe already and the government is not giving a shit

>Why aren't we quarantining more people in Europe then?
because the hospital capacity of the places were we had the outbreak is far less than that of wuhan, as in we don't stockpile patients in waiting rooms
you don't want the whole sanitary system to collapse, so you only quarantine them at the hospital if the patient really needs to
otherwise, as in OP's case, you quarantine them home
hospitals can only accomodate so many people

>I believe everything I read online about Corona virus because it is all factually checked and written without any bias

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Europe has a different attitude. The Dutch attitude is to be chill and level headed about this stuff. They said it wasn't a big deal and you're not infectious unless you came from Italy and have a fever + cough. So now it might go from 0-100 in less than a week. Three hospitals have already shut down or shut down wards. Still no enforced emergency policies, infected people are told to avoid others when going to the supermarket lmao.

It's just different attitudes but the same virus.

Why are there hardly any reports of people recovering from the virus?

>coworker that lives in Milan coughed on me as a joke while sick
>get immediately ill
It's very rare for me to get the flu and it usually goes away after 2 days, but this time it got me 5 days to get well again. I also had a bad dry couch, which quite literally never happened to my my whole life. This was at the beginning of February though, so either the virus has been here for that long or I am just paranoid

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it's fucking nothing.jpg

Never should have come here f*restiero

>has coronavirus
>isnt escaping quarantine to go cough and spit on as many people as possible

What a virgin lmao