ur cunt
at what height does the mogging stop?
will girls tower over a 176 cm manlet in your cunt?
fucking brutal this world has no mercy
Getting height mogged literally every single day
>Emirati men average 170.5cm and women 158.7cm, which is 11.2cm and 9.1cm more than their 1914 counterparts, respectively, according to a global study released on Tuesday.
Im 170 and height was always an issue but I've gotten used to it and now carry myself like I'm 175 at least
>Im 170
Jesus, I'm sorry.
183 lord of manleta here
15 year old zoomies mogg me on the regular
Plenty of toasties are around my height
Feels bad
190cm manlet here
Always was the tallest in any place or social conversion now zoomies are starting to tower me
being above average doesn't mean you wont get height mogged.
Besides Emiratis only make up 10% of the population. The rest are migrants. Although the migrants are mostly from short asian countries (e.g. Philippines, Bangladesh), there are still many from taller countries from around the world.
Not to mention women cheat by wearing high heels. Imagine a teenage girl being a head taller than you. Brutal
also bonus waifu buff map
be sorry for me too. life is brutal. Earth is gay
I am convinced at this point that the official statistics for average are completely incorrect. European zoomers are absolute giants and not even being 180 will help you anymore.
Or perhaps you're in denial about your own height.
>implying the water isnt full of illuminati chad growth hormones
Eurozoomies are giants, I can attest to that.
194cm, towered over EVERYBODY back in South America, zoomers towerr over me here
I've heard of these height insecurities only on this website desu
t. 175 cm chad
I've been to Spain and that's quite literally bullshit. Anecdotical evidence aside, every single study on height growth trends proves you wrong.
Not even sure. 176 is like standard globally. I'm 178, military measured, most places, India, Middle East, US, I felt above average or average.
It was only in Netherlands or my army unit that I did feel shorter. The Dutch are probably 182-84 on average. The younger ones. The older ones can range from 175-185. There's a definitely like 5-10% in the 195+ range.
I'm not sure how legit your link is but as it turns out Wikipedia gives different measurements. With the UAE having the 2nd highest stature discrepancy between men and women (source is a 2008 study).
The only Spanish guy that I've met and chatted with was a head taller than me. Although he had a short small asian gf kek
The official avrege height in my county is is 185 cm so I'm literally a manlet at 6foot 183cm
I feel like men never truly care about height, We only start caring after we learn of how important this is for women.
How come you guys became so tall while France, Spain, Italy, etc. are mostly average? How did the Balkans become so tall? Nordics and Germans you could say it was better nutrition and diet I guess.
Some scientists say the mountains of the dinarid Alps provided more minerals to the food supply also some say that apparently our ancestors were big into mammoth hunting and the meet gave some sort of nutritional bonus as well I'm I am not really sure bro
it's probably just genetics
different genetics, south and north croatians are as different as south and north france, probably even more, despite being like 20x smaller than france
what are the differences? are there cultural differences too?
176cm here as well.
I honestly don't give a fuck, I still get stared in the eyes by random women that are above 170. Height is obviously a good characteristic to have, but it's not going to define the your life.
nice digits user
ex-yugoslavia as a whole, despite being a small country is more diverse then most places on earth
everything from dialect, religion, political leanings, eye and hair colour, height, etc
i'm 175 and obviously H KV
looks mainly and culture, southerners are usually very tall and dark haired, while northerners are short and blonde(like austrians)
culturally we southerners vary from italian influenced to balkan influenced, but in it's very core is the same
northerners are either german influenced or hungarian influenced, they also look pretty much the same and their core is the same
for example. i am a southern croatian born in northern croatia, despite living here i am literally a head taller than any native person, i don't think i've met a northern croatian taller than me yet and i know plenty of southerners that are towering over me, i am 201cm, also ofc i am dark haired and my face is very unique to west bosnia/dalmatia/montenegro
Fair enough, I only have anecdotal experience to back up my claims
Im 163cm but im a gril so its ok
>be 168 cms short
>date same height girls without problem
>be insecure cuck +180cms lanklet
>feels mogged even by 170cms woman
Some would say I'm coping but as an amateur powerlifter I've always felt confident wherever I walk because I know I can OHP annoying faggots, regardless of their height. Improving your mental and physical health is a great way to come to terms with your shadow and quit with the victim mentality.
This. Getting hung up on shit you have no control over sets you on the path to neglect things you can actually improve about yourself
but I personally couldn't care less.
nice cope small fry
we were just talking about height and your mind immediately went to violence, which shows your insecurity
I'm 1.92m in Portugal
It's like being a human walking around smurf village
All these nigga's lying lmao just because you don't see other manlets as men doesn't mean that they aren't there.
Not violence by itself but displays of strength, which mind you, are a top certificate of power.
Money, charisma and strength are the ways humans display their dominance and assert their place. There is no way around it.
The fact that you felt disturbed and aggravated by a simple statement of facts shows how much of a victim mentality you have and leads to conclude you have no charisma, money or even strength.
Work on yourself, little bud.
try taller nex time
damn judgmental cunts
keep lying to yourself
of course
>but in it's very core is the same
you mean south Croatian culture right?
I've been to Austria and south Germany and I felt average there. They seem to be the mountain manlets of europe. I guess maybe I would feel average in north Croatia too.
Also most regions in the world talk about how every region has a different face and phenotype, but to an outsider, arr rook same. every time.
>tfw 185 cm
that's the perfect height for basically almost every single place on earth
Is there any hope if you're under 180cm?
It's still not enough
>you mean south Croatian culture right?
>Also most regions in the world talk about how every region has a different face and phenotype, but to an outsider, arr rook same. every time.
i guess
Only insecure faggots care about height
I just started uni at uni at 24 and most of the 18 year olds are shorter than me. I'm only 178cm and feel average everywhere else.
I'm a 173 cm muttuguese manlet and I am very insecure about my height
Honestly Same here.
I'm just 180 and I'm literally the top 10% in my uni in terms of height. Why do these incels like to LARP as shortcels still doesn't fit with me.
I've also been to the Netherlands. On average, they're just 5cm taller than me. Other than that, I fit perfectly well in. (again in terms of height)
above 180 is definitely enough
yes. but that's smart
you should be honestly. I'm sorry it had to be this way for you
188cm manlet here
you can only be a manlet if you're below 180. dumb toothpaste
>dumb toothpaste
Never head that one before, that's pretty good haha.
I’m 165cm
168 cm in burgerland is... horrible, to say the least
you will literally get easily laidnhere if you're 6'+ and have nothing else going on, i hate American women
6'2" (my height)
Not in England
I'm 186 and I wear an insole and boots every day. Mog or be mogged :)
toothpastes are cool. I can't lie to myself
post your tits
on a more serious note you still have time to grow if you're below 21
that's not fair manlets are humans too. the mogging needs to stop. have mercy on the poor unlucky men
I'm 22 my arab friend...I'd love to be 175, at least you have a chance
indians taller than romanians and turks?
196 cm here,
when will there be recognition for people that autistic lankets that get anxious when they stand out from being tall. when i was in italy i was so much taller than other people
I stopped growing 6 years ago or so. we're in this boat togther
being a lanket isn't fun
I don't know tbqh. The average indain here is shorter than the average arab. I don't know what's up with the stats and measurements online
you know what's worse than being a tall lanket? being a short lanket
Depends where you are in the country. The south and east are manlet territories, but the north-west will fuck you up mentally if you have issues with being a manlet.
It's bizarre, whenever I go out there seems to be an unnerving amount of women who are taller than me, even without wearing heels. I'm 183.
>indians taller than romanians and turks?
lol no
im turk and 6'2"
most turks don't even reach my head lmao