
Attached: Neu-Jugoslawien.png (800x400, 11.45K)

Other urls found in this thread:


*enters the thread*

Attached: wroom.jpg (238x411, 31.89K)

sakam da vi fakam

Why do you do this cringe turkish shit like you're proud there are subhumans living in Austria

Odi slikaj koli na plostad be mufljuz

Attached: middle_finger.jpg (599x540, 32.96K)

sashko for tinder

Attached: 5232536235235.jpg (1440x2560, 806.28K)

Imagine being an unironic iFag

>Apple is Ready to Pay up to $ 500 Million in Compensations for Intentionally Slowing Down the Older iPhones

It shows what a megavirgin u are if you think this photo would do anything on tinder

Glup shiptar odi da nosis fotelji u zgrada za 200 evra hahah

funny how these phones are so popular among selyaks in eastern europe

he is an alpha chad
women want him
men want to be him

cope poorfag droidnigger

what a chad

Attached: 325532432235.jpg (1944x1140, 446.67K)

дoбъp дeн, мpaзя фиpимци

So many balkniggers have moved to austria and switzerland that they think of us as lower than gypsies

The real Chad choice for emigration is now Benelux and Northern Germany

Attached: kreuzberg.jpg (4032x3024, 1.1M)

tiho gypi

I always say I am Italian abroad.
Helps my name sounds Italian.

Hungarian PM said 130k refugees already have crossed into Greece. It's completely over. Half of them are probably in Germany fucking some prime white pussy right now.


your thoughts?

t. Mario Balotelovski

t. No money for iPhone

top lel efendi

Уштe мaлцe ќe мoжaм дa глacaм зa BMPO пaк

404 not found

They must evaporate when they enter Greece then because no one has seen them

ќe имa cмeeњe кoгa ќe ce вpaтaт нa влacт

Уфф eдвaј чeкaм ceљaцитe дa ce вpaтaт y cтpyмицa a гpaѓaнитe дa ce вpaтaт oд бyдимпeштa дa нe eмпaнципиpaт

Attached: grujo iphone 7 plus.jpg (696x392, 34.1K)

јa caмo caкaм дa имa cмeeњe
eднocтaвни жeлби имaм

Why are Bulgarians so much superior to everyone else in the world?

Attached: v.jpg (928x960, 105.86K)

We need description and name etc..

why do wypipo do this?


You can laugh about Boyko but besides guaranteeing salary growths of over 10% a year and the lowest taxes in Europe, within one week he met with Erdogan guaranteeing that Turks keep their arrangements for our borders and an almost 90% cheaper gas price from Gazprom, giving an edge to the economy. Yes he doesnt look like an intellectual but he gets the job done. Not to mention that within 2 months more people and politicians, even from his own coalition, have been fined or arrested for corruption than in the previous 30 years of democracy all together.

this alpha turk guy needs a russian blonde girl

He opened this great highway in Bulgaria

Attached: boko.jpg (714x960, 172.38K)

name- sashko janev
Political analyst and trained secret operations agent.
I have Putin's number on speed dial


Imagine being flushed down the toilet for corruption by a guy suspected for money laundering in Spain lmao

Ill get to it soon, I think of adding something memey about the earthquakes and HAARP but I cant write coherent sentences unless im talking about memes or shitposting

how long does it take you to make a fucking profile already retard

Im busy atm nigga

do it now
i'm entitled bro

Scythian Genes

кyp кe нaпpaвaт aкo ce вpaтaт

Imagine Gruyo comes back to rule us with his new Magyar wife

>new Magyar wife
are you memeing or did this happen?

>and then I told them "allah akbar let me in white man"
>but they said "shit on you shitskin"

Attached: 25522228-8073047-image-a-75_1583318031148.jpg (962x722, 148.3K)


imagine the smell


we should sell turks some assault rifles so they would give it to refugees
battle of greece

post proofs

I was reading about a girl who started a charity for abuse vctims after her dad killed her mom and her last name looked recognizable, and she's a macedonian diaspora in ohio lmao.

fucking diaspora subhumans

I'm 6'3" and blond, if you ever stood next to me people would think I stepped on dogshit.

Attached: 1stWorldBorder2.png (960x517, 748.58K)

her mom probably deserved it

first I was like..

Attached: 25521800-8073047-image-a-72_1583317309747.jpg (962x543, 211.16K)

do you have a cute sister?

but then...

Attached: 25520400-8073047-image-a-31_1583316002391.jpg (962x536, 128.81K)

why is anime homo-posting completely absent on /balk/


>I'm 6'3"
me too
>and blond
lmao, slavic ancestry much?

I can see at least one girl in that crowd

native from Thessaloniki
no bumpy nose, or round small face, or low cheeckbones. What do you have next?

Attached: JamesBerfield.png (475x497, 52.36K)

That's not the same guy, look at the pants. The upper one is wearing green pants

>challenges got severely shittier out of nowhere but then the timer also increased
what did horoshima mean by that

>native from Thessaloniki
so you are a slav then?

who cares

Attached: 1499289199587s.jpg (250x250, 7.14K)

I told you I don't have any of the skull morphology of a Slav, what do you have next? Hit me monkey!

Attached: 1503137038001.png (501x427, 75.6K)

>i am from Solun
>i am not an assimilated macedonian

Attached: 1582393943731.png (1849x694, 1.24M)

you realize that "slavic ancestry" doesn't mean that you're 100% slavic right
and you realize that a slavogreco mutt can have a whole host of traits from each side of the tree
basically you're as greek as any macedonian

Nice building designed by a Serbian architect

Attached: tour_img-2928606-146.jpg (797x532, 47.61K)

why does kelly post bears?

he's not even blond, he has brown hair but in shitskinstan it's considered blonde if it's not black

autism most likely


Attached: Screenshot_20200229-221026_Chrome.jpg (821x1332, 842.29K)

Motherfuckers are you retarded?
>inb4 someone posts the iq graph of the Balkans

Attached: 1551488176842.png (1095x730, 1.77M)

what is it with tits man
i swear to god a nice pair just makes my doodle spin circles

that's not an argument my greco-slavic brother

i just wanna know why do you post bears all the time

But we're not arguing here. You thought there for a second that I valued the opinion of an eastern European enough to argue with him?
hahahah I mean, give a fucking a break hehe

I find them hilarious.

Attached: 1502212928001.png (500x500, 15.9K)

lmao okay mate
keep coping

I will, inside the walls of the first world.

Attached: 1504721144001.jpg (720x762, 177.33K)

those walls don't mean much when they're keeping the darkies in rather than out mate


Attached: w.jpg (522x531, 117.8K)

Attached: ajvar na granica.png (1828x1752, 1.69M)

Well seems I can only make tinder acc if I connect my number or facebook, random email wont do.
I'm abandoning the project

make a facebook then

i'll take the hijabi

built for ___

Attached: 235235235.jpg (640x800, 78.66K)

cum dumping

big bulgarian cock

my cock

all wrong
the correct answer was BBC

my congolese friend's cock

i literally said it

also what did zoki mean by this lads

Attached: 235432562352365.png (810x597, 271.53K)

дocтa гo дpкaш нa мaкeдoнки co цpнчyги кyкчинo

Looks like a dumb ape. And she looks horrendous without make up, I've encountered her today again. Shit tier fatso 3/10

ne sum zoki ja bratan

>built for ___
studying na ekonomski


>XpoZed has got a dildo
Why are BulGAYrians so gay?? Is it because they lost their TVRKIC roots and became Hellenised??

Attached: XpoZed dildo.png (351x164, 19.9K)


Attached: thumb_910x0_333.jpg (910x606, 45.26K)

i will kill all gays

Attached: Pepe ter.png (640x604, 237.36K)

This guy is such an ugly nigger, is she dating him only cause he's a nigger? Wait I know the answer lmao

You're too white for balk, mate

Attached: 1530498078501.jpg (459x639, 44.19K)

Nice try, Leukopoulos. If I went to Greece, people would mistake me for a Syrian refugee.

Attached: my hand.jpg (3264x1836, 1.1M)

her instagram page is full of her dancing to nigger music of course she is dating him because hes a nigger

Man I'm jealous I don't get to fuck that ass

Xpozed is the tranny, yes

niggers fuck white women while white boys stay incels

Are you stalking her at sofian gyms?


Attached: cat.jpg (960x938, 64.62K)

just imagine this plot

>Tito dies in 1980
>Yugoslavia doesn't collapse but adopts capitalism and democracy
>asks Japan for financial help for transition
>Japan doesn't send money but sends =(^_^)= aNiMe Kosovars don't go to war but watch Ginga Senpuu Braiger instead
>everyone's happy

One NATO bombing wasn't enough

just because she looks good on instagram doesn't mean she looks good IRL trust me i've fallen for this trick

photoshop and makeup really fucking lie it's not even funny


Pooland must be destroyed.

Attached: 1583336704491.jpg (960x1250, 298.84K)

why are you so baka-baka, Laszlo-chan?

>The Shlomo success ratings

But they're the saviours of Europe, r-right?? That's a good thing obv...

Attached: Leh Avrupa.jpg (1024x652, 126.45K)

>doesn't post for years
>still lives rent free in many people
based af

Attached: being_cool.png (500x280, 101.66K)

this board is anti-muslim
where do i report this

I am a Chad. AMA

Attached: 1583336164222.jpg (688x1037, 118.87K)

shit, I can't seem to find more dead shitskins, anyone has any info?

Attached: Untitled.png (442x480, 213.16K)

whos dumber christians or muslims? at this point I can't really tell

Napi emlékeztető.

Attached: Fyrombey.png (720x452, 127.69K)

How does /balk/ stand on Hungarian girls?

Attached: E421BC30-6E36-46F5-83C5-3D5B87480942.png (1024x786, 1.18M)

Ugly goblinas.


I want to stand on their heads while wearing hobnailed boots


What did Hungarian angels do to you?

Hello Krasnobey. How have you been??

Attached: Third Rome.png (600x300, 316)

>be a Christard
>worship a severed, mummified hand
Why are they like this?

Attached: maxresdefault (1).jpg (1280x720, 154.46K)

Holy shit all young blonde 18-25 hot thots use tinder here, saw only 1 black and she was hot af.

Only some old hags get in the way

What are you doing in Sweden, Fyromgay?

How the fuck does Krasnobey manage to somehow be even a bigger incel than Sloncho

You on the left

Attached: D3E95446-49CC-44DB-B002-0F23F63B6907.jpg (640x576, 62.8K)

az sum bulgarin

No, not really. You don't have to worship severed hands of "saints" to have a healthy relationship.

BLACKing nordic women

you are the biggest proof

No, come on, post actual proofs.

novak djokovic is very religious and atheist comes even close to his achievements and iq

>and atheist
and no atheist*

how am I an incel for not appreciating a random photo featuring whores I will never have sex with or even meet in real life? they even could have been dead by now


not me I'm home in skopje it's raining and i'll committ suicide tonight haha by sleeping lmao


Fucking finally. It's time to get rid of boomers.

I’m willing to bet that sloni is actually grujo shitposting from his mansion in hungary and uses those pictures of the chubby kid to validate his LARP
Like, he even speaks slavic languages and gives us some half assed story about being born in serbia and shit, what are the fucking chances?
Remember that you are actually talking to the former macedonian pm when responding to the Hungarian flag, this guy really has too much time on his hands

by laughing and avoiding the topic religious people won

Cope harder.
Don't blow my cover, bruh.

цoпe дeбeл

No, bitch is just there by chance.

Its him cause it's his discord. Nothing to do with rent free.

Northern Germany is boring as fuck, if I was to move back to Germany I would go to Bayern.
Everything near the Alps is beautiful.


Just send your aids-ridden whores of wives to Greece; they will turn into prostitution, which is their natural profession and we will die from aids.
Faster than hoping some niggers with crappy kalashnikovs will beat an army.

why do so many inner skopshit old people are
bulgarians are based, go suck kosovar cock if you don't like it


How could I miss the latest post from sashko’s racist instagram blog?

because wow classic drained my life
i am better now.

it's only mad alboos

Has Sashko even 1 like from Mijalkov?

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Attached: Capture.png (643x87, 5.59K)


Attached: Capture.png (279x120, 6.8K)

We all know it wasn’t the cia that poisoned that cold coffee

Attached: 0BC4B6A7-6FE3-4479-895E-B5A521A15E80.jpg (720x720, 130.77K)

Yes.. you were addicted to that game....
Have you quit playing it??
If so, well done my friend...

Attached: Ruseli.png (2480x3508, 1.79M)

OH NO NO we went overboard macebros he is gonna snap

hey guys I need help making a Bulgarian thread, here are some ideas:

Did you hear that Bulgaria is poor? Why is Bulgaria not poppin? Bulgarians are gypsies you know that right? Bulgarians are the mutts of Europe. Why are Bulgarians like this? Bulgarians are dying out. Why do Bulgarians live in Mordor? You wake up in a Bulgarian village. Why is Bulgaria in the EU? Why are Bulgarian football fans so racist? Bulgarians are tatars. Can you really call them Bulgarians after getting raped for 500 years? Refugees find Bulgaria repulsive and who doesn't. I wish Bulgarians left my country. Why are Bulgarians so swarthy? From today's march on Sofia, Bulgaria.

no im just gonna play on another server eventually after my character is sold

Attached: 1578782055793.png (789x750, 42.43K)

nice proxy larp retard

Hungary got coronavirus case today LMAO laszlo btfo

Bulgaria actually pops quite a lot compared to S.Korea for example who has 50m people but has just 30 thousands newborns annually

>30 thousands newborns annually
That must be wrong we have 20k

Lol no, this country would be so much better if something reduced the number of boomers.

the way balkans got coronavirus is how everyone should've joined the eu based on development

Hey slonko, wanted to ask you, how do you have the time to read about so many topics? How come you are so educated on so many topics, know multiple languages, have friends and I (at least i think) normal social life, and are doing well in uni? Where the hell do you have the time for all of those things?

They have the lowest birthrates in the world

>I posted the link you provided to my Macar friend
>>it was 2 iranian students
>>foreigner scum
>>govt is secretive af
>>they made a press conference "answered" 1 question shadily (didnt answer) then left
>>shits about to go down
>>it will kill children too
>>gotta sacrifice to Isten i guess or smth
>>i am pretty prepared
>How prepared are you??
>>ill get more supplies tomorrow
>>got matches/lighters, toiletpaper(lik 30rolls) some other paperrolls, 2weeks to a month worth of rationed food
>>and gasmask with 3 p3 filters
>>+ nbc suit arriving soon, some hand sanitizer (had it from before the whole ordeal) got a bow and some knives
>>but idk i still feel unsafe and unprepared
>>need to lift more
>Damn, I've got nothing...
>>prepare imo
>>you need lots of money now
>>i panicked 2 months ago lol
>I think it's pointless for me because I live in a dormitory
>>may be
>>turkey is handling it better

zsidókönyv (dot-cum) /orbanviktor/videos/187876155837762/

>how do you have the time to read about so many topics?
I don't. I have a few topics that interest me, mainly history, and I'm clueless about everything else, but especially natural sciences.
>normal social life

But to answer your question, I can dedicate a lot of time to reading useless shit because I avoid media consumption of any kind (it's amazing how much time people waste on vidya, TV shows and shit like that), and I've been a friendless loser most of my life so yeah, lots of free time on my hands.

why can't you invest your time into weight lose

I am :-(

good, if all fat people were bullied there would not be any fats

Attached: magyar in 2025.png (901x720, 427.41K)

>especially natural sciences
Did you have shit teachers? Mine were abysmal, my friends also had shit teachers, it seems to be a trend here that nobody knows how to teach physics and especially chem also biology teachers are all massive cunts

Did you hear that Bulgaria is poor? Why is Bulgaria not poppin? Bulgarians are gypsies you know that right? Bulgarians are the mutts of Europe. Why are Bulgarians like this? Bulgarians are dying out. Why do Bulgarians live in Mordor? You wake up in a Bulgarian village. Why is Bulgaria in the EU? Why are Bulgarian football fans so racist? Bulgarians are tatars. Can you really call them Bulgarians after getting raped for 500 years? Refugees find Bulgaria repulsive and who doesn't. I wish Bulgarians left my country. Why are Bulgarians so swarthy? From today's march on Sofia, Bulgaria.

>You wake up in a Bulgarian village.
I picked this one, thread incoming

I don't think it's solely because of my teachers. Some were shit, some were not, but generally natural sciences never interested me. I never feel intrigued when somebody talks about, for example, medicine and how the human body works, or chemical processes, or anything of that sort. I even had decent grades, but I forgot a lot of what I had learned because I never applied that knowledge anywhere, never discussed it and never had any lasting drive to learn more about it. So it sort of just evaporated.

I even had a relatively recent attempt to learn more about biology but it's just very boring to me.

why is history so appealing to you sloni



>you will never be an ottoman soldier raiding magyaristan lands and taking their woman slaves
Whats the point of life


For real? Wow

Why do hospitals hide that there are corona patients there are already a lot of countries with sub 100k population with quite some cases

I don't know, it's just fascinating. You start off with a very vague idea of what things were like during a certain period of time in a certain country/region/whatever, and then you gradually start building a much clearer and more detailed picture. It's a satisfying process. You also find out how many things we actually don't know for certain.


slavs are subhuman

Cause they are not hiding it, you are just a retard. Macedonias corona count still is 1, like over a week ago.

Imagine how many infected diaspora gypsies are all over the country who don't get tested

Corona can't kill gypsies because their life expectancy is like 17 years old

Ikibey what is that game console you're playing?

Attached: ikibey hand.jpg (2448x3264, 1.02M)

I have a switch too

Except Bosnians.

Damn.. he's white.

>turn on autoplay on youtube
>autoplay stops working after few videos
>asks you if you want to continue watching/listening
fuck yes i want you damn retards that's why it's called AUTOplay, so I don't have to manually click on every music video while doing something

Attached: aaaaaa.png (900x900, 572.92K)

Imagine being born in a coastal country and not living by the sea

if autoplay wouldnt stop at some point my pc would never go sleep along with me and waste my electricity

>but besides guaranteeing salary growths of over 10% a year
When it should be 20%. Our growth is insignificant to what we should be doing.
>and the lowest taxes in Europe
No, we don't. Malta, Netherlands, Ireland, etc.
>within one week he met with Erdogan guaranteeing that Turks keep their arrangements for our borders
No shit, he sucks Erdo's dick on the daily basis
>and an almost 90% cheaper gas price from Gazprom
40%. Let's also not forget that he doesn't have any contributions to that. It was the EU that made Russia and Gazprom lower their prices and he is trying to take the credit.
>but he gets the job done
What job? He's been in power for 10 years now and hasn't passed a single significant reform.
>even from his own coalition, have been fined or arrested for corruption than in the previous 30 years of democracy all together.
oh fucking kek

umm what? just turn it off

Your whole post is one big retardation and I wont even bother with it, not even simple facts are double checked.


poor cat