/balt/ + /ausnz/

Corona edition

Attached: ee.png (498x533, 255.01K)

Other urls found in this thread:


would my latvian heritage make me welcome in the baltics?

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I wish I did not exist

I would say ''Yes'' but there are some things that would disqualify you and I can't tell them by this pic

only because your post got dubs

okay just realized i can't sing for shit

my ancestor :)
also what things would disqualify me?
thank you Estonia you are my greatest ally

what latvians

what percentage of baltic girls below-25 are virgins?

Black heritage and/or Islam
You asked if you would be welcome - I had to be honest


i have no black or muslim heritage. my DNA test was 100% euro

heres a swedish song

What if you're a black muslim?


He said below not above

what was your latvian ancestors last name cos I also have latvian ancestry

Attached: fam.png (1600x960, 576.95K)


just destroyed everyone in this thread

you sure it wasnt baltic germ?

mine also had a yiddisch/german sounding name but I had no jewish dna which is why I was curious

i don't think tibla is eligible to gatekeep

pros/cons to learning a baltic lang?

can brag about it
absolutely no use to it

i have 30% ashkenazi DNA

tack for your singing
still beats mine


link me your sining
supposedley people have thought they were jews for a long time, so when it showed 0% jewish my uncle said he felt relief lmao

Cool. No objections then.
Laipni lūdzam mājās!
I am not Russian and have no Russian heritage...might have Slav roots on mothers side.

Oh, and we are fine with Russians. Just not with colonists,Communists, Urlas, Tiblas and others like that.

Nu pizdėc daba googlie klaviatūrė turietė Žemaitiu ruoda :Dddd

>I am not Russian and have no Russian heritage...might have Slav roots on mothers side.
>Oh, and we are fine with Russians. Just not with colonists,Communists, Urlas, Tiblas and others like that.

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>might have Slav roots on mothers side.
you effectively are slavic you piece of shit
there's virtually no difference between slavs and balts except half your people werw conquered and made into russians
your mothers were the cocksleeves of russian men for the past 500 years too

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fuck i pulled an australian

Why are you all so fucking CRINGE
How do the shitstains that are the regulars in this general manage to face society every day?

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i don't

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only finns and swedes have refined tastebuds
could really go for one of these right now

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>facing society

past few days my cock has been constantly oozing cum its unstoppable

You dense idiot.
I bet you are a Nigg.
So a possible Croatian great grandfather on mothers side makes me a Russian?

that's every balt though
we're nations of 6 million put together, we never had a chance

shut the fuck up abo

just posted a bait thread on r9k
lets see how it goes
no it's too shit and bög

the fuck is up with abo posters today lmao?

Redditspacing sperg is having a seizure

>Why do cringelords do this? Pathetic spineless wimps like these should unironically be exterminated.
>Russians killed millions of roaches and krauts to free you and fought amerimutts for 50 years all for you
>Instead, you choose to be another butthurt belt sweatshop tier country, giving your workforce and anything else of value to germany while trying to be "more european" by licking the balls of some servile balding cvckolds in brussels that larps as superior and loathes you, but its all good because he gives you 20% more salary than in your homecountry if you wageslave at mr hans's mcdonalds for 10h a day.
>You are literally filth balt subhumans

Attached: k0IGUXx.jpg (785x731, 100.76K)

Being a handsome dark gentleman from say ethiopia would 100% be better than being a slav in denial.
You think russia started out with such huge numbers?
>averagely very tall and handsome (hunter gatherer ancestry)
>aware of their tribe
>submissive and servile
>completely in denial

great post, personally I long for the return of glorious Russian rule and the eradication of Estonian as a language and ethnic group just like all my fellow true Estonians
t. Urmas

>Russians good, they killed nazis

Truth is, both nazis and r*ssians are shite

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will there ever be a more based post than this?

No, I'm just based like that

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highly doubt anything like this has ever happened in real life

cringe balts i mean sharts

just look at some Australians in this thread - they act in exact manner.
Suspicious, isn't it!?

Says the drainer tripfag

Attached: 1549126487818.png (659x618, 914.44K)

+1 HIV-infection have been deposited into your account.

Can Lithuanians corroborate this statement?

Attached: 1559448219434.png (1834x82, 10.66K)

Mentally ill poster. Don't mind him.

Only like the last panel
The sequence of
>Estonian being rude to Russian
>Russian bowing out
>Estonian playing it off as a joke
>Russian going home and ranting about the Soviet Union
Is what is unlikely to me

the glow in the darks run the game

Does this sound more Estonian or Finnish?

Cia nigger glow-in-the-dark poster, Don't mind him.

I'm just saying if you're eastern european and your number allegiance isn't to putin or to moscow then i'm sorry to say but you're brainwashed by american propaganda

Is this what actual schizophrenia is like?

is the swede still here?

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Sounds cool.
I ''feel'' the passion
I think I understand a word or two

Me or him?

and what of it?

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like what?
can you guess what the song is about?


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in general it doesn't really seem like either but the way they sing reminds me of estonian regivärss

And I'm going to run you over

you may try

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>*gets hit by a train*

Does it mention a certain ''race'' of people?
Does it mention one fella who's name rimes with Bimmler?
I might be completely wrong and embarrassed

you're slavic
you're wrong by default

you're racist
you're wrong by default

*runs toward balts*


*takes a moment to breath and calm down*

Attached: 1484222787252.webm (1280x720, 1.94M)

hey, it's not me who sings songs like that (allegedly)


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new edition

chad gboard multilang > virgin meme language specific

>waiting for a call from my potential future employer
>unknown number rings
>no sound is coming from the phone
>hang up
it's been close to 30 minutes now, and the number hasn't called me back
wonder if i should call it

Was it from a landline?


I would never call back a number I did not know.
Especially if it's ''unknown'' or does not show up.
Check E-mail

they don't have my e-mail, only my phone number from an acquaintance
i'd never do it either, but this time i was supposed to get a call from them today

Confession: I use vaseline but only when no one is watching
No homo

well you are very wrong its about nature and shit and not to ruin nice nature

why are rightoids so cringe?

nils is heckin cute

Not based from Latvia
Stop with homo stuff

wtf fragile faggot
callin somebody cute is not gay

Homo begone!

fuck it, not going to call them
they need me more than i need them

why am i talking with myself? or am i?

Sorry, just 0:06 and 0:09 sounded like...I am embarrassed

why is it okay for baltics to be racist against black fellas but not for mugabe to be racist against discriminatory evil imperializers?

where is the justice?

why is some krokodil addict feel himself entitled to insult his betters for actually doing something other than decomposing?

lmao himlajorden = himmler juden?

Oh God I need a potato

That is what I heard

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It's OK to make racist shitposts on an anonymous Serbo-Guaraní metalworking forum but you don't see us confiscating black farmers' lands and evicting them from the country now do you

*sends potato*

No need to thank me



What Latvian heritage?

Both of those are equivalent yes

himlajorden means ''the heaveanly earth''

Why are you posting in /balt/?

Hey are you that Swede from Haparanda? He was active here around 2016.

No I need real potatos im tierd of eating shitty rice with shitty chicken

Yes, are you the psycho?

because my great grandpa was a baltic bvll impregnating a swedish woman
and drain gang

What was he doing in Sweden?

gravity boys over drain gang

Attached: Flp2mMx.jpg (2048x2048, 428.22K)

Stop being so obsessed with zoomer trash.

>baltic bvll impregnating a swedish woman
Yes sir, this is Based department. Your application has been approved

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fine you caught me, it wasn't Latvia when they were born, it was part of the russian empire

No, I'm not. Haven't seen him post, he either left for good or stopped using that persona.
How are you? Still working in the office?

I wasn't talking about that. I see jew stars by the Latvian flags.

*sends real potatos*
No need to thank me again

I am doing fine, been dealing with life and I am not working at office now I am working as a truckguy, from north down to germany twice a week.

I dont know, he came here after the great war i think, maybe he did something unforgiveable.
thank you based department, can i talk to the ceo of racism?

their birth certificates would say they are just as latvian as your ancestors were :^)

> :^)
Hope it's not a nose joke
I would be disappointed


Where's brazilanon at?

I'll make a note to put you in my 'based' book


Cool, our president sends warm wishes.

>vohcahrooh dont work
How do I fix

make a sacrifice for the devil

probably chrome is blocking access to microphone
1. check if mic is in
2. check the address bar if it does not have the thingy for ''allow access to mic''


I like you...you cool

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do not associate to trannies sorry bladees done

nah its just the r*ddit fandom

Attached: 749a22e8b967eaff05ef149090199719.1000x1000x1.jpg (1000x1000, 59.02K)

at what cost

nah bladees a fuckin tranny and i dont care for its music anymore


Smartest man in Lithuania, right here

me when playing with my asshole


fucking 91 IQ kicking in

sounding swedish but not swedish at the same time

i sound swedish af lmao reminds me of robbaz

give me something to say in lithuanian

šešios žasys su šešiais žasyčiais


google translate won't even tell me how to pronounce it


Terry Wrist
All Quaider

not even I can desu
tongue twisters be like that

Exactly how it is spelled

it says the voice output isn't available for lithuanian, the language is like fucking elvish


holy based


Sounds Latin

I accidentally played this at the same time. From now on this shall be the next call for Jihad.

its seems that my microphone fucks itself ten times in the anus when I record with vocaroo now

kek it sounded so fucking bizarre




what should i record lads


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Dievs, svētī Latviju!
Mūs' dārgo tēviju
Svētī jel Latviju
Ak, svētī jel to!

Kur latvju meitas zied
Kur latvju dēli dzied
Laid mums tur laimē diet
Mūs' Latvijā!

Still waiting for brazilanon

>roommate keeps a bottle of flavored durex lube on a barely hidden spot on his shelf that's still 100% visible from my desk
>takes it every time he goes to visit his gf
I'm fairly certain he's deliberately rubbing his sex-having in my face lads

Attached: 1539737740715.png (1920x800, 751.15K)

rub your dick in his gfs face

or maybe he uses it to lubricate the chock-absorbers on his bike

rub your face in his gfs dick

Hope he is alright

Attached: 1582570874756.jpg (1080x1080, 96.72K)

cum into his lube bottle

not singing Christian shit

Yeah, he seems like a good lad
Wouldn't mind him raising eesti's birthrate

Rukši rukši mājās rukši
Seši rukši saku
Visiem rukšiem draugu rukši
Rukši rukši saku
Balta vista hastala vista
Viena vista saku
Duksi duksi mājās duksi
Raibu purnu saku

Minka nāk minka nāk
Minka vienmēr laikā nāk
Pieglausties māk un dungot sāk
Klusi klusi murr murr murr


fuck off

This but unironically


the famous estonian humour

I liked the part that was repeated
Such laugh

Not you though :^)

The old hobbit cartoon was too based for it's time

I want to play DnD with my friends
How do I get friends?


Have you praised kek today?


He looked pretty white as well, so no racemixing

What's for dinner, lads?
I had fried paprika, tomato and champignons with bread


LIDL frozen pizza

PS: I wouldn't mind LARPing as a pagan though as Pagans were bad ass


are those any good?

Love these. Sometimes I put some extra cheese and bacon on it.

Attached: front_de.24.full.jpg (1085x1095, 318.99K)

evening, chaps


Behold food of the gods

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ew is that cheese

Understatement of the century
Cheese pineapple banana chicken curry

>pineapple banana
nigga what

its popular in sweden and finland with banana and pineapple on pizza

sorry here

pic related. It's 3.50 here. How much in your country?

I didn't even notice banana until you said it's there.
> popular
but does it taste good?

Attached: kebab.jpg (1599x899, 71.27K)

yes it is very based and monkeypilled and tasty
shitalians go blind by the mere sight of such a beauty


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this one's better desu

old sg ecco > new dg ecco

Alright buddy boyos, it's unironically over for me, like no joke it's over. I'm not memeing and the only reason I'm telling you this is because I've been here for 3.5 years and you guys feel like friends to me so you ought to know. I have organ cancer. No cringe sob story. I'm starting chemo next week and even with agressive therapy I'm looking at less than 20% survival rate after 2 years and even then im likely going to be constantly ill and wheelchair bound. It's a clown world out there, one day you're a healthy male in your early 20s and next day your entire body is failing. This is my last post ever on Yas Forums, even if i survive i won't be back. Cherish your life and health, no matter how much of a trash loser you think you are you have no idea what i would give right now to have your life. Peace out niggas

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Godspeed user. I wish all the luck in the world for you.

thanks lad, hoia kõva

same with lean, they have some good new stuff but it wont ever top the old stuff

tegelt ka vää

Godspeed space cowboy, see you in the afterlife.

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wow harsh shit
i wanted to make lighthearted joke but i refrain from it

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bladerman still hasn't drop this
also, post more vocaroos, i'll send you one of me singing bladey then someday

Except we have completely different genetics

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my vocal cords feel raped sorry i've been autistically screaming all day

Sometimes i forget that behind every post here is an actual real person with real problems we know nothing about

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im an alcoholic and love it
simple as

okay some other time then :)

A startling revelation to be sure

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for example i've got this raging boner for over half an hour now

shit be like that

Attached: tenor.gif (160x180, 1.08M)

Drinking Somersby cider atm, then gonna down a bottle of red wine and go to the city
I have work tomorrow

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Easy to call someone a faggot and tell them to kill themselves if the only thing you see is a text box

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Sometimes I feel that people are more real here than they are in the meatspace.

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i've been alcoholic for 5 years now
its ok

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thanks, user.
You're the second person I hear about having cancer today, I learned that my cousin has cancer just a few hours ago, everyone in my family knew except me for reasons relating to me being an idiot. It was a late discovery, and his dad died of cancer too, so we're looking at similar odds. I hope he survives, I really admire him, not to mention he has a small kid.
>inb4 huh is user your cousin
I'm beyond sure you're not him.
It's not much, but I hope you too can make it out OK.

Attached: apu hug.png (746x512, 99.36K)

never heard of banana pizza

I love you bros.

well pineapple at least i know people eat there, maybe banana is only a thing here

I fucking hate minorities. Why isn't it legal yet to stomp their dumb heads or to choke their frail necks?

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be strong, chap

i wish we lived on another earth

No. Stay in youe shithole subhuman

Is that shirtless profile picture in facebook?

Attached: yikes.png (1000x700, 100.75K)

Probably a resident of V*lnius

I never told you /balt/, but even if I shitpost often and call you all faggots, I still love you all dearly. You all are my friends which got me through some dark shit and suicidal thoughts, even if only directed my thoughts into shitposting.
Thank you all. I wish all of you good life. I'd hate to see any of you go.
Everything is gonna be alright Eesti - bro

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He's wearing one, but it's yellow so it blends in well with the background

No one knows what it's like to be a /Balt/

Is he saying that president makes 50000/month and he can't even make 200/month, while lacking any proper education and qualification?

no, he's saying he gets *only* 200 gibs from govmnt. Nog tier.

I love every single one of you little fuckers here. Even the gayposters, the schizo ekrefag and even Mikoto.

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The world was young, the mountains green,
No stain yet on the Moon was seen,
No words were laid on stream or stone
When Durin woke and walked alone.

me too except lainposters

That's a little mean

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>>averagely very tall and handsome (hunter gatherer ancestry)
>>aware of their tribe
Good way to describe an average BALT.

>Oh, and we are fine with Russians.
That's a yikes from me bro

I want to go on a hike soon.

Mikoto käigu vittu türa.

Where? Ežerėlis?

käigu putsi või mingu vittu pigem knao

Just explore the large forests in the north. Just get away from people and civilization. Hopefully, find a comfy place next to a river and cleanse my mind for a bit.

>not singing Christian shit

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Hello Wladislaw

Nice rage face, retard

Hope you turn out well bro

>you're religious therefore u are polish xd
no u

You're religious therefore you're basically polish (tier). No hard feeling since I am in a good mood today, kiddo.

You can do it, lill negga!

I actually really love Poland and Polish people. They have a strong sense of community, maintained their traditions and are patriotic, the exact opposite of the average Lithuanian numale today. Have you seen the absolute state of the males here? Take a walk around Vilnius and you'll see neckbearded soyboys everywhere. Ask them for directions or give them a question and they'll reply in a voice that is totally devoid of any manliness, only femininity. Now, I don't know about other cities ( I hear Kaunas is still based), but the average state of our people is tragic. The state of our kids is also very bad. Those poor confused kids do gay shit like dyeing their hair or are total retards who pose in gay ass photos like pic related. Also it pisses me off whenever I see a Lithuanian on FB use russian characters to write their names like 'Пpocтo Eмилиc'. I have no idea why this is a trend but whenever I see someone who does this I want to punch them in the face

Attached: FB_IMG_1583350530073.jpg (2048x2048, 267.77K)

What a cute boi you posted. Also, your post reeks of underage alt-right fagism lmao. Like "I look nordic as fuck, Prussian german ethnicity) tier

Also Lithuania has a high suicide rate and a very suicidal population. Being a very depressed alcoholic moron who believes his life doesn't have any meaning apparantly doesn't help, but being a staunch and firm believer of Christ would really help to rectify this problem.

Latviabros, skataties jaunāko 100tonnas kultūras ep. Es pat sajutos labāk par sevi

You're right, I am quite young, however I think Hitler is a big dumb faggot who got what waa coming to him and I hate Germans with a burning passion. Also what I said is a worldview which was imposed to me by Yas Forums and further strenghtened by personal experience

Some zoomers are cringe and you don't like it. I get it.

you are estonian, out drink the cancer

Let's play this again

Hope I get Roman Empire

Attached: 1583138874682.png (2200x2832, 1.57M)

Alot of millenials are cringe too, but to a lesser extent compared to zoom zooms

>ay lmao
Only 7 away. Better luck next time

Rolling :-DDD

rollin for latvia

>hunger games
basically Latvia


In what way

those spurdos are fucking ebin :D

really need to post ":D" to /mämmi/ now

>no worm in a dogs bowel
this is garbage

How would you say "A fucking leaf" in your language?

>saying stuff like 'brooo lithuania is le shithole xd whats this? a decent job with a decent wage to live for? nah fuck that lets go clean toilets in UK for a few more sheckels' instead of making lithuania a better place to live in
and much more

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Supistas lapas

My response isnt very 'gramatically correct' but hopefully you get what i mean

based if they're cute
>brooo lithuania is le shithole xd whats this
subjective opinion that some people hold
>a decent job with a decent wage to live for? nah fuck that lets go clean toilets in UK for a few more sheckels' instead of making lithuania a better place to live in
How exactly would they be contributing to improving LT if they stayed here though?

>>brooo lithuania is le shithole xd whats this
>subjective opinion that some people hold
Actually, it's completely objective.

Nothing's going to change in the Baltics until the Soviet boomers die

>'ol horse face chimes in
You're one to talk for being the black sheep of the Baltics

Extreamly high quallity post
subjectively yes

Attached: 1570737702505.jpg (500x500, 51.19K)

millenials too
>based if they're cute
degenerate freak
>subjective opinion that some people hold
and they are retards. they don't think, only listen to other people and adopt that mindset because of others
>How exactly would they be contributing to improving LT if they stayed here though?
yeah, how the fuck could it EVER effect lithuania if 1 million of our population suddenly went abroad to never come back economically and culturally?

why does that clown have jam around his mouth

my last shower was sunday evening

Vote for me in 2030 and I'll fix the mess that Lithuania is

go on a bus and force others to smell you, gain dominance of the bus
but dont challenge the hobos

lithuania won't exist in 2030

i don't think i smell bad
my hair looks disgusting though

>millenials too
Millenials aren't legible for the draft
>degenerate freak
angry zoomer
>and they are retards. they don't think, only listen to other people and adopt that mindset because of others
Most of the population are Lumpens. What the fuck else is new?
>yeah, how the fuck could it EVER effect lithuania if 1 million of our population suddenly went abroad to never come back economically and culturally?
It's better to have less people who are based than more people with less basedlings.

>t. 50% russian population

Go to sleep, it's school day tomorrow. You'll be late for bus.

Der ewige zoomer

Attached: 1581237502964.jpg (513x500, 53.97K)

>Millenials aren't legible for the draft
sad. i think a mandatory military draft like israel or south korea has would do wonders for us and straighten up the softies
>angry zoomer
why the fuck wouldnt i be? have you seen the absolute state the world is in? 8 year old kids who barely have their mind developed have their genitals mutilated to turn into trannies, women aborting 8 month old babies? what's next, mandatory sex changes for newborns?
>Most of the population are Lumpens. What the fuck else is new?
it is our duty to turn them from sheep into wolves, from vegetables into fruits. if we dont do that what would be the difference between a mindless 16th century peasant and a subconscious 21th century work hedonist work drone?
>It's better to have less people who are based than more people with less basedlings
maybe, but WE should be the ones to make them based
>Go to sleep, it's school day tomorrow. You'll be late for bus.
good advice

100% pure baltic ancestry bro

Attached: 1518887158614.jpg (1440x810, 173.59K)

>sad. i think a mandatory military draft like israel or south korea has would do wonders for us and straighten up the softies
If you don't plan on volunteering the second you turn 18 you have no room to speak.
>8 year old kids who barely have their mind developed have their genitals mutilated to turn into trannies
should be illegal
women aborting 8-month-old babies?
Context? Also nothing new. In the dark ages, people would sometimes outright murder babies who were not the gender they expected.
>mandatory sex changes for newborns?
Literally who is proposing this?
>it is our duty to turn them from sheep into wolves, from vegetables into fruits. if we dont do that what would be the difference between a mindless 16th century peasant and a subconscious 21th century work hedonist work drone
>he thinks it's possible to un-normify normies LMAO!!!!
>maybe, but WE should be the ones to make them based
You're not gonna do shit lmao.