/lang/ - Language learning general

>What language(s) are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Ask questions about your target language!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Participate in translation challenges or make your own!
>Make frens!

Read this shit some damn time:
4chanint.fandom.com/wiki/The_Official_Yas Forums_How_to_Learn_A_Foreign_Language_Guide_Wiki

Totally not a virus, but rather, lots of free books on languages!:

Check this pastebin for plenty of language resources as well as some nice image guides:
pastebin.com/ACEmVqua (embed)

Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:

>How do I learn a language? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects?
Read the damn wiki
>Should I learn lang Y so I can learn lang X?
>What is the most useful language?
>What language should I learn?

Old thread Past challenges &

Attached: Josha-JaapStrijkerOct18.6.jpg (750x1000, 199.26K)

Other urls found in this thread:



I have a do or die test on Friday and if I fail I am going to straight walk to my friend from runescapes apartment in Lima Peru. i know no spanish except the sentence “Yo quiero bailar contigo pero sus ojos es el sol de mi corazon.” so i guess i am learning spanish.

sup. i thought everyone was asleep desu
here's a new challenge

She needs a new car.
My cousin has blue nails.
My telephone doesn't work.

I've been waiting for you, where were you? Why didn't you call me?
I was supposed to meet them here today, but their flight was delayed.
He told me the apartment was going to be empty, but when I arrived, Sam was there.

The housing committee is expecting us at 8.00 am. We should take the bus now if we don't want to be late.
I've always wanted to confess this to her, but I've never gathered enough courage to do so, and if I do, she'll despise me.
All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster.

literally just off my memory of high school spanish 6 years ago
>Ella necesito un caro nuevo.
>Mi cousino tengen nailos azuros.
>Mi telefono no trabaja.
i am a genius

Better than the shit PDF ebook I'm reading that has a million typos

Repostan from old thread.

I'm making an attempt at learning Norwegian.
Any recommendes books/material? Is Duolingo any good?

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Here's the correct translation if you're interested and not just memeing
Ella necesita un carro nuevo.
Mi primo/a tiene las uñas azules.
Mi celular no funciona.

Sie braucht ein neues Auto.
Meine Cousine hat blaue Nägel.
Mein Telefon funktioniert nicht.

Ich habe für dich gewartet. Wo warst du? Warum hast du mich nicht angerufen?
Ich sollte sie treffen aber ihrer Flug wurde verzögern

Ŝi bezonas novan aŭton.
Mia kuzo havas bluajn ungojn.
Mia telefono ne funkcias.

Mi vin atendadis. Kie vi estis? Kial ve ne min telefonis?
Mi devus ilin renkonti ĉi tie hodiaŭ, sed ilia flugado prokrastiĝis.
Li mi diris ke la apartamento estos malplena, sed kiam alvenis mi, Sam tie estis.

>She needs a new car.
Ela precisa um carro novo
>My cousin has blue nails.
Minha prima tem unhas azuis
>My telephone doesn't work.
Meu telefone não trabalha
>I've been waiting for you, where were you? Why didn't you call me?
Estive a esperar para ti, onde é que estavas? Porque é que não ligaste-me?
>I was supposed to meet them here today, but their flight was delayed.
Eu fui suposto conhecer-lhes aqui hoje, mas seu voo foi atrasado
>He told me the apartment was going to be empty, but when I arrived, Sam was there.
Ele disse-me que o apartamento estaria vazio, mas quando chegava, Sam esteve lá
>The housing committee is expecting us at 8.00 am. We should take the bus now if we don't want to be late.
O comitê de habitação está a antecipar nos as 8 da manhã, devíamos usar o autocarro se não queremos ficar atrasado
>I've always wanted to confess this to her, but I've never gathered enough courage to do so, and if I do, she'll despise me.
Sempre quis confessar para ela, mas nunca arranjei coragem suficiente para fazer, e se eu fizer, ela vai-me desprezar
>All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster.
Todos marcas registradas e direitos autorais nesta página são possuídos pelo seus próprios grupos, imagens postadas são a responsabilidade da pessoa que as postou (didn't know how to translate "poster" as a single word)
Had to look up a few words again, but it was all stuff I've literally never seen before at least

*confessar isso a ela
Didn't read the sentence in English very well

Elle a besoin d'une nouvelle voiture.
Mon cousin a des ongles bleus.
Mon téléphone ne fonctionne pas.

Je t'ai attendu, oú est-ce que t'as été ? Pourquoi tu ne m'as pas appelé ?
J'ai été censé les rencontrer là, mais leur vol a été retardé.
Il m'a dit que l'appartement a été vide, mais quand j'y suis arrivé, Sam a été là.

Le comité du logement nous attend à huit heures. Nous devrions prendre le bus maintenant si ne voulons pas être en retard.
J'ai toujours voulu lui confesser, mais je n'ai jamais trouvé le courage pour le faire, et si je le fais, elle me méprisera.
Toutes les marques déposées et les droits d'auteur dans cette page sont propriété de ses parties respectives. Les images dont sont téléchargées sont la responsabilité du utilisateur.

why are people in the americas and europe still awake? are you all NEETs?


lmao nigga its 11:00

it's only 1am the night's just getting started

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now again in english. i have no idea what you're trying to convey in this post.

That was the case a few times, but they had wanted to have a conversation completely in english, not realizing or caring that I had sought out to speak to them for the purpose to practicing my speech. It's even harder now because I have less free time than before and the majority of the people in my TL live in a timezone that's so far ahead of my own that finding someone to speak to, even just for ten minutes, feels nearly impossible.

11pm? that's pretty late for me but i have a busy schedule due to full time uni and working on weekends.
not good. i had a similar sleeping pattern not long ago but i fixed it due to uni. one can't operate correctly going to sleep that late

i remember some time ago in german class that my previous teacher showed us a news website entirely in german but it was dedicated to students learning german so it had more simple vocab and grammar in the videos and articles. would anyone know what im talking about? i would like to find it again. i watch some news videos on facebook from the various german new sources ive subscribed to and followed but the anchors and journalists speak very fast and use complicated vocab.

you can only learn langs at night under a full moon

Give me a random language to learn on the side just for fun.

i'm a neet so i don't have a reason to fix my sleep schedule :(

i have german class from 10am mondays and 9am wednesdays. complete opposite for me.

neet life is such a waste of opportunity. i know the world is pretty discouraging and can be difficult to cope with the various levels of stress that come with working/studying, but if you have a goal in mind and want to achieve something, it's worth it. i was a NEET for too long (technically not a neet in the strictest sense since i was always a part time student but it was just an excuse for neetbux) and it affected my mental and physical state in substantial negative ways. you need to treat yourself better, dont rely on the world to do it for you.

i think i found it here nachrichtenleicht.de

it's not very late in the US

i suppose you're west coast then. east coast it's already after 1am

>She needs a new car.
Hon behöver en ny bil.
>My cousin has blue nails.
Min kusin har blåa naglar
>My telephone doesn't work.
Min telefon funkar inte.
>I've been waiting for you, where were you? Why didn't you call me?
Jag har väntat på dig, var var du? Varför ringde du inte mig?
>I was supposed to meet them here today, but their flight was delayed.
Jag skulle träffa dem här idag men sitt flyg var försenades
>He told me the apartment was going to be empty, but when I arrived, Sam was there.
Han berättade för mig att lägenheten skulle bli ledig, men när jag väl kom, Sam var där.
>The housing committee is expecting us at 8.00 am. We should take the bus now if we don't want to be late.
Bostadsförmedlingen förvänter oss kl 8. Vi borde ta bussen nu om vi inte vill bli sena
>I've always wanted to confess this to her, but I've never gathered enough courage to do so, and if I do, she'll despise me.
Jag ville alltid bekänna detta för henne men jag hade inte tillräckligt mod för att göra så och om jag gör så ska hon avsky mig
>All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster.
Alla varumärken och upphovsrätt på den här sidan ägs av de respektiva parter. Bilder uppladdades är brevarens ansvar.

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Unironically just respond in your target language until they give up or ghost you, also what is your target language?
>actually excepting things to get better just because he's trying
Not saying not to try but in this world there are very few happy endings, hopefully you find what you're looking for

if he defines success as becoming some sort of corporate mogul, he'll probably be disappointed, which is why one needs to recalibrate their expectations when it comes to succeeding and being content in this world. it's literally designed to make us fail in most cases, and until we have some sort of revolutionary paradigm shift within western culture, we should just take advantage of it in any way we can to achieve what we want, no matter how small or inconsequential. i have some very simple goals in mind and im going to uni to work towards those goals, which don't involve changing the world or earning a billion dollars.

It's French. I'd even been looking for Québecois people to speak to but I can't find any either.

i know user, ive been a neet for years, time passes you by, my mental and physical health have deteriorated greatly. luckily ive changed my way of thinking recently and im ready to get better. ill start school soon and i hope to get a bit of money by teaching english (on my own). are you the user learning german?

very glad to hear. you have good ideas for the future as well, modest and nothing extravagant, just realistic yet fulfilling. we can all improve if we're intent to do so. yeah im the german learner, majoring in linguistics as well. it's an amazing field of science and ive met some really cool people during my time at uni.

Pls r8

>Elle a besoin d’acheter une nouvelle voiture.
>Ma cousine a ongles bleus.
>Mon téléphone ne marche pas.

>Je t’ai attends, où étiez-tu? Pourquoi tu n’as pas me téléphoné?
>J’étais supposé rencontrer leur ici aujourd’hui, mais leur vol était différé.
>Il m’a dit l’appartement était aller être vide, mais quand j’arrive, Sam était là.

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which english test should i take, /lang/? there's several. TOEFL, EILTS, etc

thank you user. im trying improve by taking baby steps. slow progress is better than no progress at all.
>majoring in linguistics as well. it's an amazing field of science and ive met some really cool people during my time at uni
nice user, must've been a nice change of pace from being a neet

Today I decided I'm going to learn French. I've been very aimless in live lately and decided learning a language might help my motivation to improve myself. I've looked through the resources given and was wondering if people here have any apps they really enjoy and found helpful in their journey. I like the idea of having an app to whip out at work or while lounging at a friend's place to get some quick practice in. I've been using Duolingo today and the 30 minutes I spent on it felt useful, but I'm curious what apps people would suggest from personal experience.

Well there's your problem
Good luck finding a frog willing to help you
The only thing I have any motivation for is learning my tl, I don't even know why, I guess it's just the only thing I've got

Does this sound natural, user?

"Mozart, born on january 27, 1756, in Salzburg Austria, was a musician who was employed by since the age of 5 years old by the archbyshop and the aristocratic elite, having tours all around europe; and worked in his adulthood as a composer, music teacher, and instrumentalist. He died of an unknown illness on december 5 of 1791.
Making a brief summary about his life, during his childhood he was a professional concertist; as a young man, he tried to establish himself as a composer in Paris, France, but failed. After that he went back to Salzburg, and was employed by the archbyshop, and some years later he moved out to the capital of Austria, Vienna, where he met and married Constance Weber, and had 6 children (4 sons and 2 daughters). He died there a few years later."

If it doesn't, would you mind correcting my mistakes?

Ignore that "by" before the since, lol.

I like Memrise because it gives you useful phrases and I find it more fun than Duolingo. Anki is a must to learn vocabulary. Tinycards is kinda cute but it's like a dumbed down version of Anki. those r the only ones i've tried as i'm not big into apps. oh and Google Podcasts for listening practice

>by since
>; and
. He
>december 5 of 1791
December 5th, 1791.
>Weber, and
Weber and

I'm no expert when it comes to english grammar because I'm shit, but I think a lot of what you have there could be simplified. What exactly is this for? Just for fun? A project?

How does his feet smells like....

What* does his feet smell like...

go away creep josha is for cuddles only

Thank youuuuu

I want you to correct it to improve my english. : ) I don't give a shit about the text as itself, it isn't a proyect nor anything, but could you, please, write it changing what you think sounds weird? You or some anglo guy. Preferible you, I like leafs.

I fixed the Spanish language


Attached: download.jpg (213x236, 9.6K)


No anglobros there? :(

Mozart was born on January 27th, 1756, in Salzburg Austria and worked as a musician when he was as young as the age of 5. During his life he was employed by many wealthy aristocrats as well as the Archbishop, touring throughout Europe as a concertist.

As a young man Mozart tried to establish himself as a composer in Paris, France, but failed and soon returned to Salzburg where he began working for the Archbishop. Later he moved to the capital of Austria, Vienna, where he met and married Constance Weber with whom he had 6 children (4 sons and 2 daughters). He died in Vienna of an unknown illness on December 5th, 1791.

Do I think this is 100% correct? Naw. But personally this feels more natural to read or say as a native english speaker. If you're going for a more casual style, I think this way is better. I'd also suggest naming the archbishop by name in the second paragraph.

Thank you UAE user, for doing gods work.

imagine sucking those fingers...

I have to take some English tests in the near future, though I don’t consider it a significant study I thought about improving my English since the chance is there. Which books should I get to make a relative fast review and not so much beginner stuff ? I already read a lot in English but I think I need more grammar.

>Mozart, born in january 27,
Hey I have the same birthday as Mozart

>She needs a new car.
Hon behöver en ny bil.

>My cousin has blue nails.
Min kusin har blå naglar.

>My telephone doesn't work.
Min telefon fungerar inte.

>I've been waiting for you, where were you? Why didn't you call me?
Jag har väntat på dig, vart var du? Varför ringde du inte för mig?

>I was supposed to meet them here today, but their flight was delayed.
Jag skulle träffa de här idag, men deras flyg försenades.

>He told me the apartment was going to be empty, but when I arrived, Sam was there.
Han sa till mig att lägenhuten skulle vara tom, men när jag kom, Sam var där.

wir brauchen in diesem Thread mehr Deutschlernende, um ehrlich zu sein

Why does the "traditional" character 黨 ("party") contain 黑 ("black")? Is it because China is a totalitarian shithole, so political parties are bad?

what do you mean? what's inherently bad about "black"? can you use it in a sense of "dark"? like "these are dark times"

I'm so stupid I don't understand what 见 means so I have to explicitly add 目 to it to make 見

>tfw I really wanna study Chinese characters rn but I promised myself not to start studying any other language until I reach B2 in French

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Elle a besoin d'une voiture nouvelle.
Ma couisine a des ongles bleus.
Mon téléphone ne marche pas.

I feel ya, I'm in the same boat, I want to start Dutch but first I need at least be able to speak French but I can't even pronounce bonjour correctly...

is duolingo fucking with me or is "Elle est ma mère" somehow wrong?

Attached: eh duolingo.png (177x245, 16.23K)

je pense que on a besoin de plus d'anons natifs pour corriger nos phrases. secouant la tête

Of course not, you should be learning how to pass DuoLingo lessons, not focusing on the language

Wir lernen nicht deutch hier, weil wir alle bereits C2 sind.

Attached: ting.jpg (1000x1000, 151K)

Your answer was definitely correct (in fact, "c'est ma mère" is less correct), you should be able to report it so it can get fixed.

tut mir Leid, ich habe dich nicht versteht, da ich nur A2 bin :^)

Sie braucht ein neues Auto
Meine Cousine hat blaue Fingernaegel
Mein Telefon funktioniert nicht.

Ich habe auf dich gewartet, wo warst du? Wieso hast du mich nicht angerufen?
Ich durfte sie hier heute treffen, aber ihre Flug war verspaetert
Er sagte mir, dass das Wohnung wird leer, aber wann bin ich angekommen, Sam war da.

Can someone tell me how bad was it?

I would say "malfruiĝis" for "was delayed", and "flugo" instead of "flugado".
Also "Li mi diris" -> "Li diris al mi".

Other than that it's great

It's grammatically correct but I have never heard anyone say "elle est ma mère" so you could you it's wrong. "C'est ma mère" sounds way better overall

Attached: 1427263418886.png (1000x1000, 59.65K)

>Ich sollte sie treffen aber ihrer Flug wurde verzögern
Ich sollte sie heute hier treffen aber ihrer Flug wurde verzögern

>She needs a new car.
Ella necessita un coche nuevo
>My cousin has blue nails.
mi prima tiene uñas azules
>My telephone doesn't work.
mi telefono no functiona

>I've been waiting for you, where were you? Why didn't you call me?
he estado esperandote, donde estabas? porque no me llamaste?
>I was supposed to meet them here today, but their flight was delayed.
no se, a todos los pendejos de Yas Forums, me la mamas puto
>He told me the apartment was going to be empty, but when I arrived, Sam was there.
me dijo que el appartamento fue vacio, pero cuando llegue, Sam estaba aqui.

como mi pene pendejo

Have you checked the links in the OP?

A lot of characters consist of an element that hints at the reading and an element that hints at the meaning, “black” might be the former here

>She needs a new car.
>My cousin has blue nails.
>My telephone doesn't work.

>party is pronounced "dang"
>black is "hei"
Might be the latter or even neither, lots of traditional chinese characters seem to be arbitrarily made up on the fly, without any considerations for consistency

i found this
>"黨" is the endoactive of 當 (OC *taːŋ, “to be equal of”), literally "that which is equal in rank" (Schuessler, 2007).
endoactive: (grammar) Being or relating to a kind of verb where an action operates in or on the subject, similar to the middle voice.
i don't really understand what an endoactive is after reading that.


>Lei ha bisogno di una nuova auto
>Mia cugina ha unghie blu
>Il mio telefono non funziona

>Ti stavo aspettando. Dove sei stato? Perche non hai chiamato mi?
>Dovevo incontrarli qui oggi ma il loro volo è stato ritardato
>Mi ha detto che l'appartamento era va a essere vacio ma, cuando sono arrivato, Sam è stato qui

>Il comitato abitativo ci aspetta alle otto ore. Dovremmo prendere il autobus ora se non vogliamo essere tarde
>Ho sempre voluto confessare a lei ma mai ho accumulato il coraggio sufficiente farlo e, se lo faccio, mi disprezzerà

>Dovremmo prendere il autobus

>Perche non hai chiamato mi?
Perché non mi hai chiamato?

Easy ones are all good for both of you.

>Varför ringde du inte mig?
Word order issue here.

>[...] men sitt flyg var försenades
Not a place for a reflexive pronoun.

>Han berättade för mig att lägenheten skulle bli ledig, men när jag väl kom, Sam var där.
Interesting intepretation; you thought of it 'would be empty' as 'would become vacant'.
See corrections for all of these below.

>Bostadsförmedlingen förvänter oss kl 8. Vi borde ta bussen nu om vi inte vill bli sena
TIL that this is a thing. Not sure if it's a passable translation however.
Bostadskommittén väntar oss kl. 8. Vi bör ta bussen nu om vi inte vill komma för sent.
Note the change to bör, it's present tense; borde is past.

>Jag ville alltid bekänna detta för henne men jag hade inte tillräckligt mod för att göra så och om jag gör så ska hon avsky mig
Jag har alltid velat bekänna detta för henne men jag har aldrig tagit modet till mig att gör det, och om jag gör det så kommer hon att avsky mig.

>Alla varumärken och upphovsrätt på den här sidan ägs av de respektiva parter. Bilder uppladdades är brevarens ansvar.
Samtliga varumärken och upphovsrätter på den här sidan ägs av sina repsektive parter. Uppladdade bilder är brevarens ansvar.

>Jag har väntat på dig, vart var du? Varför ringde du inte för mig?
Jag har väntat på dig; var var du [någonstans]? Varför ringde du mig inte?
[] = optional but adds to it in my humble, unimportant opinion
If you wanna take a step further away from English, you could do a bit of paraphrasing work.
>Jag har väntat på dig; var har du hållit hus någonstans? Varför har du inte ringt?

>Jag skulle träffa de här idag, men deras flyg försenades.
Jag skulle träffa dem här idag, men deras flyg blev försenat.

>Han sa till mig att lägenhuten skulle vara tom, men när jag kom, Sam var där.
Han sade att lägenheten skulle vara tom, men när jag kom dit så var Sam redan där.

Attached: Strayden Sweya.png (1280x640, 31.41K)

>Mi ha detto che l'appartamento era va a essere vacio ma, cuando sono arrivato, Sam è stato qui
Mi ha detto che l'appartamento doveva essere vuoto, ma quando sono arrivato, c'era Sam all'interno.

>Il comitato abitativo ci aspetta alle otto ore. Dovremmo prendere il autobus ora se non vogliamo essere tarde
Il comitato abitativo* ci aspetta per le otto. Dovremmo prendere l'autobus ora se non vogliamo fare tardi.

>Ho sempre voluto confessare a lei ma mai ho accumulato il coraggio sufficiente farlo e, se lo faccio, mi disprezzerà
Ho sempre voluto (confessarlo a lei)/(confessarglielo**), ma non ho mai avuto abbastanza coraggio per farlo, e se lo faccio, mi disprezzerà

pretty good overall

*I left "housing committee" as you translated it since I'm not exactly sure what it's supposed to be as it seems to refer also to some American political thing.

**just a little heads up that if the subject/object is clear from the context we tend to drop it almost always so if you did not specify "her" it would've been correct nevertheless

>>Mia cugina ha unghie blu
"ha le unghie blu" sounds more natural
>Dovevo incontrarli qui oggi ma il loro volo è stato ritardato
I think "è stato rimandato" would be more common
>Mi ha detto che l'appartamento era va a essere vacio ma, cuando sono arrivato, Sam è stato qui
"che l'appartamento sarebbe stato vuoto"
"Sam era lì" or "c'era Sam"
>Il comitato abitativo ci aspetta alle otto ore. Dovremmo prendere il autobus ora se non vogliamo essere tarde
"alle ore otto", or better just "alle otto"
"se non vogliamo fare tardi"
>Ho sempre voluto confessare a lei ma mai ho accumulato il coraggio sufficiente farlo e, se lo faccio, mi disprezzerà
"Ho sempre voluto confessarmi a lei ma non ho mai accumulato abbastanza coraggio per farlo"

Tack så mycket!

Attached: 1540705934011.gif (352x240, 2.66M)

Thank you both

Could I get an invite to the discord server? My discord tag is faggotinibruh#4706

Between french and german, which one should I learn to have a great trip in switzerland?

any good flash card apps to record vocab words?



>Jag har väntat på dig, var var du? Varför ringde du inte mig?
Only one tiny grammar problem here, which is that "mig" should come before "inte". "Varför ringde du mig inte" is the correct way to write it.

>Han berättade för mig att lägenheten skulle bli ledig, men när jag väl kom, Sam var där.
"Var" should come before "Sam". "När jag väl kom, var Sam där".

>Jag skulle träffa dem här idag men sitt flyg var försenades
Ah, do remember that Swedish verb conjugation between wether you're talking about one person or many. So it's not "sitt flyg" (his/her/it's flight) but "deras flyg" (their flight).

"Försenades" is a version of the verb[!] "delay"."Flyget försenades" means that "the flight was delayed [by something]" which seems a bit odd. The proper translation would be to use the adjective and say "flyget var försenat". Your use of the adverb "var" obviously means that you were already trying to use the adjective, so you were halfway there.

>Bostadsförmedlingen förväntar oss kl 8. Vi borde ta bussen nu om vi inte vill bli sena
Very good, although in Swedish we would don't use the word "förväntar" (expects) but instead the word "väntar" (waits). So, "bostadsförmedlingen väntar oss".

>och om jag gör så ska hon avsky mig
"Ska" in present sense means "shall". You should use the verb in the past tense, "skulle". Only then does it translate as (would). So instead of "så ska hon avsky mig" (so shall she despise me) you should write it as "så skulle hon avsky mig".

parterna (definitive, THE parties)


>Bilder uppladdades
Doesn't work. Write "uppladdade bilder" (uploaded images)
>Jag har väntat på dig; var har du hållit hus någonstans? Varför har du inte ringt?
"Hållit hus" is honestly a pretty unnecessary phrase/saying to learn. The goal here is not to learn very specific phrases in order to impress natives, it's to learn the basic words and how they work gramatically.

I love it, thanks ausbro

Are those corrections or your own answers? I don't really get what was wrong with mine.

Autocurro novo eget
Patruelis mea sunt unguibus caeruleis
Telephonum meum non fungitur

Te expectabam, ubi eras? Quare non vocavisti me?
Rationem habebam quod eis hodie hic occurrerem, at volatus constitutus moratus est(does anyone know a better way to translate the precise feeling of "being supposed to do something"? I mean in this context, where it isn't something that can be really translated as obligation using the passive periphrastic et similia, at best it's a weak obligation)
Mihi dixit aedem vacuum fuisse, sed ubi adveni, Sam aderat

Aediles nos hora tertia expectant. Autocarpento illuc vehamur ne morati adveniamus
Semper ei hoc confiteri volebam, at mihi ullo tempore satis virtutis erat ad id faciendum, etsi facturus, ab ea contemnerer
Potestas stigmarum reproductionisque omnium pertinent ad dominos eorum ipsos. Imagines immo impositae ad impositores.

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Wrong. Avsändare means "sender".
I think the correct translation would be "uppladdaren" (literally "the uploader"). I would just use "användaren" (the user).

Ella necesita un auto nuevo
Mi prima tiene las uñas azules
Mi celular no anda

Te estaba esperando, ¿dónde estabas? ¿Por qué no me llamaste?
Tenía que encontrarme con ellos hoy, pero su vuelo fue cancelado
Me dijo que su departamento iba a estar vacío, pero cuando llegué, Sam estaba.

El comité de vivienda nos espera a las 8 de la mañana. Debemos tomar el autobús ahora si no queremos llegar tarde.

Siempre le quise confesar esto, pero nunca he tenido el coraje como para hacerlo, y si lo hago, me detestará

Todos los derechos de autor y las marcas en esta página son propios de los partidos respectivos. Las imágenes subidas son la responsabilidad del remitente

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My own and I wanna give you more correct (or at least more idiomatic which sounds more natural) answers

My local library no longer has any German, French, Spanish or Italian books
Only English and "immigrant languages" like Russian and Arabic

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>correcting what I already corrected but without fixing the anglocentric translations
Shit bruh, literally why.

>Ah, do remember that Swedish verb conjugation between wether you're talking about one person or many. So it's not "sitt flyg" (his/her/it's flight) but "deras flyg" (their flight).
That's not what it's about here. It's simply so that the reflexive pronoun does not apply in this clause; sin and sitt certainly represents plural which you seem to think it doesn't. For example:
>de missade sitt flyg
>they missed their flight

>The proper translation would be to use the adjective and say "flyget var försenat".
It actually means the flight was delayed at some point but isn't anymore, hence 'blev försenat' in my correction.

Also no, you miss the point. Brevare is the Yas Forums slang for poster, which is why it is used here. The text is literally from the footer of this page. And if you were to not use a meme translation, 'avsändare' would certainly NOT apply in this context at all. You'd need to what this poster pointed out , ie 'uppladdarens ansvar'.

>parterna (definitive, THE parties)
Absolutely not. Again, look at the footer. It clearly says 'sina respektive parter'.

>"Hållit hus" is honestly a pretty unnecessary phrase/saying to learn.
Uh... no?

>The goal here is not to learn very specific phrases in order to impress natives, it's to learn the basic words and how they work gramatically.
The goal is to learn the language, and learning how to translate with paraphrasing is an incredibly important skill, so that you'll avoid direct and unidiomatic translations regardless if they eventually turn out grammatically correct. You want to speak the language in the end which makes idiomatic speech incredibly important.

Attached: footer.png (834x51, 3.09K)

Are you unable to request transfer of books from other libraries in your city?

I didn't know russian immigrate to denmark
also who cares about libraries when internet exists


Russian is an upgrade over French, Spanish, and Italian.

Question about Swedish!

Can you think of any recent changes in the language, that can make easy to distinguish an older speaker vs a young speaker? For example pronouncing ä as e.

ARGHHH chino chan... arghh *sniff* *sniff* sesso chino... SCOPARE CHINO Arghhh Voglio imbustare chino intorno a me e CONTROLLARLA ARGHH LA CHINO... chino CHINO CHAN sesso carino

Chino chan ist tot

imagine thinking that would stop him

That's mainly a dialectal thing, originally. It's not like you won't find pensioners not pronouncing är as [e:]. In fact, it's more common for younger speakers to speak in a more centralized, "de-dialected" way. Är being realized as [e:] seems somewhat characteristic for Central Sweden, around Stockholm and Uppsala, etc, but younger people from there tend to operate with an open and wide phonology, curiously realizing most instances of ⟨ä⟩ and ⟨ö⟩ as [æ] and [œ] respectively, when most other dialects make use of the contrasting qualities [ɛ] [æ] and [ø] [œ].

But yes, the idiomaticity between the youth and elders can be worlds apart. That's a very overarching thing, but a more tangible thing to point to is grammar. Semantic gender agreements seem unheard of among the youth, and younger speakers often employ more anglocentrically formulated clauses in their speech, as well as not shying away from the abhorrent imported English plural suffix -s - and entire words often motivated by the fact that they're unfamiliar with native counterparts. Sometimes I feel like some people are unable to express themselves in Swedish without turning it into a Swenglish pidgin. It's scary really.

Oh shit

Thanks for your answer!

>imported English plural suffix -s
Like video - videos? I recently heard someone complain about this and mention this example, saying it should be "videor", but that sounds very very weird to me.

Would you say there's a change in the sje sound? I've also heard an old woman complain about this, that young people use a "stronger" sound.

j’aime ma femme chino chan elle et moi sommes mariés

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Ich gratuliere !
Aber ist sie trotzdem tot.

>anglocentric translations
Just like you said yourself, "vart var du" is not in any way wrong (it's not very "formal" but whatever).

>She needs a new car.
Ia butuh mobil baru
>My cousin has blue nails.
Sepupuku memiliki kuku biru
>My telephone doesn't work.
Teleponku tidak berfunksi

>I've been waiting for you, where were you? Why didn't you call me?
Aku sudah menunggu untuk kamu, dimana sudah ada kamu? Mengapa kamu tidak panggil aku?
>I was supposed to meet them here today, but their flight was delayed.
Aku harus sudah bertemu mereka di sini hari ini, tapi penerbangan mereka tertunda.
>He told me the apartment was going to be empty, but when I arrived, Sam was there.
Dia katakan aku yang apartemen akan kosong, tapi ketika aku tiba, Sam ada di sana.



>Ich habe für dich gewartet. Wo warst du? Warum hast du mich ncht angerufen?
"Ich habe auf dich gewartet." That's all. The rest is perfect.
>Ich sollte sie heute hier treffen aber ihrer Flug wurde verzögern
"Ich sollte sie heute hier treffen, aber ihr Flug wurde verzögert" It's not Plusquamperfekt, it's Präteritum Passiv (I think).
>Er hat mir gesagt, dass die Wohnung leer sein würde aber als ich angekommen habe, war Sam da.
"aber als ich angekommen bin/war, war Sam da".

>Der Wohnungsausschuss erwartet uns um acht Uhr. Wir sollen gerade eben mit dem Bus fahren, wenn wir nicht spät sein wollen.
Mostly correct, except for the Bus part "Wir sollten den Bus jetzt nehmen..." or depending on context maybe "Wir sollten den nächsten Bus nehmen..." "jetzt gleich" would probably work, too.

Good work!

>Ich durfte sie hier heute treffen, aber ihre Flug war verspaetert
"Ich sollte sie heute hier treffen, aber ihr Flug war verspätet."
>Er sagte mir, dass das Wohnung wird leer, aber wann bin ich gekommen, Sam war da.
"Er sagte mir dass die Wohnung leer sein würde, aber als ich angekommen bin, war Sam da"

Not all that bad, the first four translation were all perfect. Minor errors in the fifth, only the last was a bit over the place. Apart from 'Sam was there' you can almost translate the sentence one by one.

>tfw only the languages I don't learn get corrections on /lang/
the world is a tough place...

which one

The 說文解字 (oldest known Chinese dictionary) gives 黨 the meaning 不鮮 "not bright, not vivid," with 尚 as the pronunciation piece and 黑 as the semantic piece.
That makes it roughly equivalent in meaning to 曭, which it might be the original character for.
By Zhou times it had taken on the meaning of "an administrative unit made up of 500 households," and also "faction" or "form factions."
Japanese Wiktionary rationalizes this shift in meaning by saying:
Deriving from the meaning "dark," it came to mean "allies" or "group" formed in a dark place which outsiders cannot see the motives of.

Does De Ideale Wereld's host have a lisp, or his speech just the logical conclusion of the Dutch retracting their alveolar fricatives?

Yeah your languages word order is messed up but I'll handle it eventually. Haven't tried speaking German in literal months

چينو چان

american sign language

So, if
Them (this one is a stretch)

Thy (replaced by "because")
Thow (also replaced by "because")

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I wanted to learn the Canarian Islander language but found it is almost completely unknown.
This very sad for me so do any of you know of any berber langauges that have resources for them?

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Ask him

No but I like going there, finding a book that looks interesting and reading it. Instead of searching online, waiting days for it to arrive and then read it.

thank you very much.

Also it's a symptom of a greater problem in Denmark: That fewer and fewer people are showing an interest in foreign languages other than English.
50 years ago, the average college educated Dane knew English, German, French and Latin. Now they only know English and A2 German or Spanish.

ah yes chino chan..... mmm yes chino chan I love chino chan yes mm yes ohh chino chan so cute my wife chino chan yes mmm chino chan

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your flag is the opposite of Poland but you're just as degenerate as Poland

I wish I could help you more, my parents speak Shilha natively but I don't

Silbo gomero?

feel ya

HOLY FUCK my theory was partially correct

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Not a language that is just a communication system like Morse code.

It's a shame, but you can always find plenty of books in those languages online for yourself.

Fuck, people have already known about all of this before

Where | Here | There
Whither | Hither | Thither
Whence | Hence | Thence

Attached: images.jpg (229x220, 7.88K)

I'm much more productive studying when i listen to a single song on repeat vs listening through albums

50 years ago people were also better at understanding the other Scandinavian languages

Basque Shall Rise Again

Attached: 800px-Flag_of_the_Basque_Country.svg.png (800x448, 4.5K)

Look at the mans upper lip, he had surgery done on his hazenlip.

Amazing portuguese.

You shouldn't be trying to give anyone advice

"Meu telefone não funciona" is better.
"Estive a esperar por você, onde é que estavas? Por que é que não ligaste-me?" (Portugal) or "Estava te esperando, onde você estava? Por que não me ligou?" (Brazil)
"Eu deveria conhecê-los aqui hoje, mas o voo atrasou" is better
"Ele disse-me que o apartamento estaria vazio, mas quando (eu) cheguei, Sam estava lá" is better
"O comitê de habitação está nos esperando as 8 da manhã. Nós deveríamos pegar o ônus agora se não quisermos nos atrasar" is a way better.
"Sem quis me declarar para ela, mas nunca tive coragem suficiente para tal, e se eu fizer, ela vai me desprezar."
"... são de responsabilidade ..."

Keep studying, bro. Amazing job so far.

>saying it should be "videor", but that sounds very very weird to me.
It is the correct form, though. "Videos" is the genitive case (indicates possession), for example "en videos framgång består i ...".

your answers are fucking terrible dude

Eй нyжнa нoвaя мaшинa
У мoeй двoюpoднoй cёcтpы гoлyбыe нoгти
Moй тeлeфoн нe paбoтaeт

Я тeбя ждaл, гдe ты былa? Пoчeмy нe звoнилa мнe?
Я дoлжeн был вcтpeтитьcя c ними здecь ceгoдня, нo их peйc oпoздaл.
Oн мнe cкaзaл, чтo квapтиpa бyдeт бы пycтoй, нo кoгдa я пpишeл, тaм был Cэм.

Жилищный кoмитeт ждeт нac в 0800. Mы дoлжны eхaть нa aвтoбyc ceйчac, чтoбы нe oпoздaть.
Я вceгдa хoтeл пpизнaтьcя eй этo, нo вceгдa cтecнялcя, и ecли я тaк cдeлaю, oнa бyдeт пpeзиpaть мeня.
Bce тpeйтдмapки и кoпиpaйти нa этoм caйтe пpинaдлeжaт их влaдeльцaм. Bce изoбpaжeния зaгpyжeны - пoтpeбнocть пocтepa.

Get the Norwegian pack on Piratebay. Also Pimsleur. Duolingo is good.

It's an interesting pattern.

I know but 95% of the times I’ve heard that word, it’s been videos instead of videor

it's always been in decadence

Obrigado amigos, definitivamente estou a ver progresso, e agradeço a ajuda
Achas que é realístico que vou chegar fluência antes do fim do verão? Quero ser fluente em duas línguas antes de começando com outras

Rise from what?
Most basques don't even care anymore.