
wtf edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Austria-Hungary Admirer
Pick one

Sincerely hope that this is a joke.



why do tw*Tter users use so many adjectives and even titles to describe themselves?
don't they know that humility is wisdom?

This loony tranner changed to become a communist or something. Mental illness all around

Austria Hungary edition

I got another date coming up.
She's on the women's hockey team and could probably beat the shit out of me.
Wish me luck

That nice girl I wanted to hook up with rejected tonight. She was very nice about it because she is a nice person.

She said I was "inspiring", like I'm a disabled person in the special Olympics or something. I understand that was supposed to be nice but fucking hell that is probably the most hurtful thing anyone has ever said to me.

I'm killing myself when I get back to Ireland, no doubt about it. Fuck all this shit.

>She said I was "inspiring"
What do they even mean by this?

I interpret it to mean "look at this hideous Irish bastard. Despite all his obvious flaws he's still out enjoying his life". Something along those lines. I am not taking it as a compliment, that's for sure.

why are there so many non-v4 posters this time?

you are interpreting way to hard. Just not her type, move on find a better one

"Austria Hungary shipper"
This is a weaboo hetalia faggot.

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Incredibly based edition


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Why would she call me "inspiring"? Wtf else is that supposed to mean?

I will move on, that's my only choice besides ruminating on it.

I'm not going to find a better one. Women don't like me, straight up. I am a disgusting and unlovable person. That's the main thing I've learned from Erasmus.

>Why would she call me "inspiring"? Wtf else is that supposed to mean?
She just said a random nice word at you to make the situation (at least in her mind) feel nicer. Don't investigate to hard. It's in the past now and you are free to move on, but I know how you feel - it sucks.


I want a boyfriend

Being an incel takes its toll on you after some time, both mentally and physically. Being blackpilled about the nature of the evil gender is hard work. You must always be on the lookout for some roastwhore trying to fuck you over, and dealing with unappreciative normies who don‘t listen to your warnings is frustrating.

ice age


Good morning I wish I were dead.

I wish women were dead.

Are you girl?

All of them?

You need cock

All of them except for feminists, who will be employed in glory holes.

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Thoughts femvak and nicevak ? :)

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I don't know what's wrong with me but I'm feeling like it's too hot all the time, I'm at class with a t-shirt only and I feel like I'm sweating, while other people are wearing jackets and hoodies.

either corona or you are too fat


Jsem Manolo so I guess it's corona.
If I die now, just know I regret coming here.

I am walking around in t-shirt here while local people are wearing full winter clothes

That's different.
I'm Spanish and French and Ukrainians guys wear more clothing than me.

Ironically I call this model Manolo

Why do you call it Manolo?

because this troop type is called INCELcessor

are all cigany this easily asshurt?

Heckin‘ love incels, simple as.

This threatens the elephant.

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I love how it looks :)
I would maybe try to look for a more saturated purple, but it looks really good like this either way

why are my hungariabros


lol I wish


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On one hand there is no bigger crime than abandoning your own gender and wanting to become part of a group of people who are weak and universally evil. It‘s fucked up on many levels.
On the other hand, trannies are beating femwhores so beautifully at their own game by crying victim all the time. So much that TERFs have become a thing, who openly prove that feminist ideology is highly hypocritical and based on feelings rather than facts.

The simplicity of "vak" makes every Slovak poster memorable
Yas Forumsvak

you mean you are all dumb

Hi, I am an incel.

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Not dumb, just slow

Hi, me too.


I am Dumbvak

The problem is that all Vak posters are not the smartest
You lot even rubbed off on the Irish semi-incel, his IQ has visibly shrunk ever since he went there

Loving women doesn't make "us" dumb

Do hungarian girls really do this

It absolutely does.

"She" is probably some amerigoblin.



I wanted to bully manolo and sloni less once he comes back but they are so vile that its really hard to do.

germany should have won the war. I hate my grandparents.

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*ting ting ting*

Excuse me?

I would like to make an announcement.


Men are 97% of combat fatalities.

Men pay 97% of Alimony

Men make 94% of work suicides.

Men make up 93% of work fatalities.

Men make up 81% of all war deaths.

Men lose custody in 84% of divorces.

80% of all suicides are men.

77% of homicide victims are men.

89% of men will be the victim of at least one violent crime.

Men are over twice as victimised by strangers as women.

Men are 165% more likely to be convicted than women.

Men get 63% longer sentences than women for the same crime.

Court bias against men is at least 6 times bigger than racial bias.

Males are discriminated against in school and University.

Boys face vastly more corporal punishment than girls.

60-80% of the homeless are men.

Women's Cancers receive 15 times more funding than men's

At least 10% of fathers are victims of paternity fraud.

One third of all fathers in the USA have lost custody of children, most are expected to pay for this.

40-70% of domestic violence is against men however less than 1% of domestic violence shelter spaces are for men.

Male fatality rates are vastly higher than women's


Women initiate 70% of all divorces.

55% of married women admit to having cheated in marriage.

Women lie when reporting their income.

Women, on average, prefer a partner 23 cm taller than themselves.

Women are dissatisfied when their partner earns less than they do.

Historically 15 women reproduced for every man.

Thank you.

shut your fucking mouth gook, you will never divide the EVROPEAN man and women.

They are divided already, many men don‘t want to realize this though because it would mean that they wasted tremendous resources chasing after literal monsters.

I identify with nation
Not religion, not "race", not border, not ideology, not class, not looks, not "gender"

Real cringe hours.

Nations are social constructs, so is race.
Gender isn‘t. You identify with something that isn‘t real.

Too long, could you sum it up in one simple sentence?

what the fuck is a nation to you if not a mix of borders, history, and obviously, most importantly blood (which is a lot of like a race)

by the same definition that race is a social construct one should also say the gender is social construct as well.

Sure, death to f*males.

"I am an Incel"
It's a feeling

Wrong. An Ethiopian is genetically closer to an Arab than to a West African. Color of skin means nothing.
Gender on the other hand causes quantifiable genetic and most importantly hormonal differences between people, which dictate brain chemistry and how we function every second of the day.

>most importantly blood
That's the mark of lower nations. Higher, history-making empires were and are multi-ethnic.

>muh blood
you probably aint a pole

the most important thing is the language and the habits

Its pedopole

thats why ukrainians are mongols

now thats based

Consider the following: nations are classes.

>tfw I will never paint this good
it hurts

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>Higher, history-making empires were and are multi-ethnic.
Tried that, didn't like it


well, then you need to ask yourself a question. would a mere feeling justify caring, dying for it? had a nation been a feeling for me and not a reflection of a biological reality I would have had no shame in abandoning it. doesn't even need to be a military context, in a economical context being an internationalist can also be more beneficial.

>Higher, history-making empires were and are multi-ethnic.
and those empires have been mere tools for the rich. just look at the latest one: america. don't give a fuck about living in an empire anyway.

>everyone is a mut!!
big sample genetic tests disagree, europeans are pretty homogeneous. i'm myself an exception at 75% polish, 25% lithuanian.

>Wrong. An Ethiopian is genetically closer to an Arab than to a West African. Color of skin means nothing.

Colors are also a spectrum, "people need to stop using the word yellow, there is not one yellow, did you know that a yellow borders with... " etc. this is a dumb argument to make, suggesting that you haven't really looked into the subject matter.

But I don't want to make it sound like its all about blood, yet its a major component.

Life is all about how you feel
When I do what I feel is correct, I am always happy that I did it

>reflection of a biological reality
Are you retarded or something?

You have to admire the dedication of certain proxy freaks.
Ruining a thread after thread after thread.

you didnt get it

Am I an incel if I hate womyn?

I am glad that my hard work is being noticed, I would like to inform you that I am SAVING this thread though, not ruining it.


Necessary but not sufficient condition

If hell exists, it is the ultimate destination of every female.

Based. We will build a coalition.

What a relief

I think that it is sufficient. Basing inceldom upon virginity is too difficult, as whores are a thing. (Of course all women are whores, but that‘s a different story).

All women are whores except for our mothers

And every incel

FACT: You are an incel only if you can't get laid
I am an incel and I LOVE women

skr skr skr

I don‘t know about yours, but mine definitely is.

Shes a whore or an exception??



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A whore


Because she‘s female, duh.
On a more serious note, I would rather not share such a personal detail.

I'm sorry


Didn't know Incels could be this based

If only I knew how bad my dysphoria got I would have transitioned when I was 13 fuck

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Like this?

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Me grabbing a black pussy.

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how are people this fragile in 2020? I'm against animal cruelty but at the end of the day they are not human and if I own an animal I can do with it as I please, even beat it to death

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This, that‘s why domestic violence against women should not be persecuted legally.

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You're telling me I can end up in jail if I kill a fucking rabbit? Sure, actual torturing should be punished but this is ridiculous.
clown world

Am*ricans don't count

The title says "beat to death" which can be torture.
Killing a rabbit is most probably not illegal for food consumption just like it's not illegal to kill a chick or a cow.

a missed opportunity

Finally dropped after 77 tries.

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Laszlo give me an apartment

Ayy lmao

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imagine just growing your hair long and already passing for a girl why did god curse me

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Gonna send this to Ancient Aliens

Will u marry me?

to late for that buddy

They‘re among us

I would literally snap his neck if he was my son.

Droped again

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I don‘t want to get abducted by aliens, guys :/

I sympathise with people too much, I feel everyone's pain and it destroys me emotionally


This is the scheme I would use if I wanted to have purple on robes and noth armor. Thoughts?

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>poland got it

oh shit

gib link
i want to make green and purple marines

still not fan of the leg colors but that's subjective, otherwise this looks really good honestly

Good, Poland first world

All those troll figurines look like absolute shit

Wonder why they even bother quarantining people at this point anymore, waste of resources

not even if they probed your ass?


Woke up still sad about the nice girl that rejected me so I went to the supermarket to get borovicika at 9am.

I am daytime drunk and feeling better. At least I tried.

I will NEVER give up on trying to pass off my depressive alcoholic Irish genes to the next generation.


>I will NEVER give up

So inspiring ;)

Must be why we're such good friends :)

Its app called "impcat"

Thx for feedback

You should do the final step and join the incel ranks officially. You practically are one already.

>phone only
thanks anyways

Never. Fuck your dubs.

I will go down trying to fuck the nurses in the ICU.

You can try this but its not same


Why would you willingly subject yourself to this torture?

>Nearest Games Workshop Paints
>Nearest Other Paints
that's already pretty amazing desu

It does not work that well. Here is another


Post your chapter :)

>Shrek is a 19 year old movie

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Because getting rejected is just another part of life brah. It's not that big of a deal. Plus when you find a woman you like that accepts you it makes all the rejection worthwhile.

It is ogre.

donkey cum sex penis

> At that time middle-aged and elderly men accounted for 95% of the homeless population,[9]
> Japanese companies believe that married men work better than unmarried ones do because the former feel more obligations and responsibilities toward their families. Hence, not only elderly men, who face ageism and cannot find employment, but unmarried men over 35 years old have difficulties in finding employment. Furthermore, families usually provide more support for women than they do for men.[14]
Need more femtrashnism though.

Enough is enough. Female exploitation of males can‘t go on any longer.

Reminder to check yourself for testicular cancer at least once a month. :)

Speaking of diseases: Corona-chan has split into three strains, including a more dangerous and aggressive one.


It‘s evolving...

measures to calm people

Might start prepping
If humanity dies I'll have all the apartments to myself

What's your favorite /v4/ castle?

king of my castle

>dreamt about cuddling with a guy friend I haven't seen in a while

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I have no idea how to make female friends or how to sustain acquaintance with them, let alone acquiring a gf.

Dungeon, Castle and Rampart.

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Piotr seems like a very nice person :)

just be yourself


who's piotr?

why would you want female friends? just be very friendly with the girl of your choice and make it clear you're interested, if she shoots you down, move on to your next prey, repeat until success

Except the whole argie thing

pretty good choices
Dungeon is king because their ranged creatures aren't made of wet cardboard
also because Ajit is literally me

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I like their units otherwise most OP is Necropolis

We don't really know what happened anyway

imo towns only get OP in very long maps
even Inferno can be a bitch to deal with if you're not playing XL+

Your mom too?

>why would you want female friends?
Female friends might lead to meeting more females. My main problem is that I don't get to know a lot of gals, nor I know where and how.

>he wants to fuck feminists

What if the Russian Janny is actually a Balkan Janny?

>Female friends might lead to meeting more females.
this is just sad to read

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Hmmm, i am confusion

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fuck, i should be a symphonical musician
all the girls are hot
all the guys are lame faggots


>20 corona cases in Iceland


Pls stay safe ;_;

Blessing this thread

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My only hope is Greenland.

Just woke up screaming from one of the worst nightmares I can remember. Funny what sorts of fucked up shit the brain can come up with.

Fucking tech illiterate people

Jesus, I don't give a flying fuck about a glorified chinese tablet labeled as a car radio.

>Redpilled transgirl
You guys have them?
I need one

Poolacks are below insects. How can this retardation still persist in the current year? I think I'd off myself if I was Poolish or lived in Pooland.

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Did you manage to escape the icky girls?

Why are Czechs so based Sloni?

Because Catholicism was forced Habsburgs. So when nationalism kicked in everyone got wet about Hussites and 1620, thus anti-clericalism became a way to express your national identity.

Well, just a guess, I don't know much about Czech history.

Sloni raped me

based youths

>based youths

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im an intellectual

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It's not rape if both of us enjoy it.

Finally admitting your gay.

Can we play some game together later?

I wish I could burn you at the stake.


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Total War Warhammer2 ?

Finally I am done with sightseeing so now I can just focus on hiking far away from local "people" for the rest of my stay
Thanks nicevak I like you too :)
I'm Piotr

world of warcraft?

Dieting sucks so much :(

just stop eating to achieve a sleek feminine figure like me

I'm going to do the fast
really a shame you're not in BA

2 Iranians here were tested positive. Hungary has fallen.


it's over

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I wish there was a virus that only killed dogs.

I wish there was a virus that only killed women.

>you will never be titled Grand Master and get to wear a cool armor
feels bad man

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I wish there was a virus that only killed women who fuck dogs.

>a virus that kills mainly boomers and old people appears
>people act like that's a bad thing

fuck old people

>Being based and redpilled turns you into a shitskin


Yeah lets boomers die so zoomer who are like super smart can rule xD *does the Fortnite dance*

That's pretty specific.


Lets all fast together

Not really when you think about it. Dogs already pass diseases to humans, and some diseases are only transmitted through sex, so a canine STD shouldn't be too strange.

This but unironically.

didn't you say you'll start on 1st already?

What's Malta like?

Boomers dying would free up a lot of apartments, so that's a good thing.

Fuck this shit, life is supposed to be enjoyed, just don't pig out.

I'm not fat :)

Got coffee with broken girl today.
She broke down and told me she ran away from home and has been hooking up with random guys until they kicked her out of their house.
She told me to choke her and leave bruises on her during le sexy times.
When she left I told her I had no intention of ever speaking to her again.


Fasting is also for people who want to be healthy and for pepple who want to gain muscle :)

I will fast for you cepa

it is our moral imperative to fuck feminists, especially lesbians, as the might of the DICK is the only true way to cure them
no words; only rapid dicking

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what things do I need not to faint again?

I've only ever dated a straight girl once. The rest have either been lezbo or bi

it's a small place with very rich history, shaped by many different cultures and its military importance of the past
old, yet well preserved forts, towers and fortifications everywhere, language that's a mix of arabic and latin, beautiful landscapes and coastlines, I really enjoy my stay here so far

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>be lesbian
>date a man
the absolute state of lesbians; are lesbians even trying?

Salt and potassium for longer fasts. How you want to fast?

It's a tranny

I remember this guy from twitter, always was pretty based desu, glad i left the place though.

Try rance games bruh

5-7 days

I met an Azerbaijani guy it was nice seeing the other side of the Nagorno Karabalk conflict.

I know the series but jap jank isn't really my thing Tbh

Hmm I would take it to be sure

I think it was just a "lesbian until graduation" type.
I've also had a girl go lesbian after dating me

tfw no gf


The national team??

how do you cope with that? i don't

>I've also had a girl go lesbian after dating me
bit gay, that

If you promise me that you will love her, I will tell you the secret to women.
It is of great power so I need to know you won't abuse it

I don't
sure thing buddy


I can make female friends but not find women that are interested sexually or romantically in me. Being yourself is legitimately the best way to make female friends.

How you're supposed to find a gf is beyond me though. I assume you just have to be attractive and women will forgive all your flaws.

1. Act like everything she tells you is the most important thing you’ve heard.
Be responsive, and genuinely interested even if you have to act or pretend.

2. Never disagree with her. If she asks if you like her dress say you love it even if you lie.
If you are not a simp you can still voice your own opinions and she will usually agree with you,
but if she has her own opinion never disagree with it.

3. Don’t be afraid to hate other women if you are with her. If her friend is being mean to her, agree and call her friend a bitch.
No one is safe from this rule. Not her mother or even yours.
Don’t play the voice of reason or middleground because that is a beta move.

Follow these rules and the next woman you meet will fall for you and you will love her back with all your heart.

sorry but this is fucking cringe

>2. Never disagree with her. If she asks if you like her dress say you love it even if you lie. If you are not a simp you can still voice your own opinions and she will usually agree with you, but if she has her own opinion never disagree with it

This is beta shit. Women will like and respect you more for challenging them and their beliefs.

not even close

>2. Never disagree with her.
Worst advice in the west, literally b yourself but be respectful but don't be afraid to tease her a bit.

I should make YouTube tutorials on women and socializing for you guys

your target audience wouldn't be receptive since those things require direct commitment and trial and effort to pay off
you will never get a gf because of some youtube video. subhumans in this general that whine about being an incel are too scared to commit, let them drown in their vomit

Nah they're all dykes.
This one is on my university's hockey team.
user is speaking the truth in this post

Grüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüün ist unser Fallschirm
Frooooooooooooooooooooooh das junge Herz
Stählern unsere Waffen
Sind aus Deutschem Erz

do femoids like miku songs?

I know two who does

This is what an*me does to youths

Godspeed bro

>1. Act like everything she tells you is the most important thing you’ve heard.
>2. Never disagree with her
AWFUL advice. Are you baiting?

fem0ids with weeb autism qualify as males therefore if you're dating one you're massively gay

Should I have sex?

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He's genuinely retarded.

I should make cooking tutorials

You're already gay if you like anime.

Go for it. I won't watch them though.

I'd watch czech cooking tutorials

Yes unless it's a very homoerotic anime in which case the two gaynesses cancel each other out, like minuses in maths

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what even is Czech cuisine aside from knedliki
you're the wypipo of slavs

Not true. My female friend is very cute femaley female.

where is the Irish

smuggling potatoes from poland

depends, are you cute fe(male)?

wake me up

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Happy World Obesity Day Sloni ! How will you celebrate it?

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I am now only 97 kg.

which one

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Nobody speaks nazi here.

Stop impersonating me homo, I'm 92kg now.

Girl with red nails like to suck.

Second from the left

I am not gay.

I don't like glitter, maybe the bordeaux trend it up?

How does it feel having a normal sized dick?

Should I inform my mum about my impending doom?

It's very painful when it get tangled up in bicycle chain

/v4/ needs more anime desu.

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Thats still 7kg more than Her...

yet he's the only one with a gf here

Purple one :)